Trumps deal was not what you think.

Trump's deal was a disaster...

Where was the
  • Monitoring for the deal
  • Safe Passage to US Citizens, Foreigners, US Friendlies...
  • Processing of US Friendlies

Trump's admin didn't want US Friendlies and Steve Miller is proud he got US to accept so little of them..

Why won't Trump Supporters won this...

I am ready to accept Biden didn't prioritise and fix this mess quick enough for the withdrawal deadline...
While US accepted 650 people from Afghanistan in the whole of 2020, Biden & Co got 120,000 out in a month..
Biden had since January 21st 2021 to start the evacuation process, so let be clear Biden could have and should have planned better than they did!

Many of you are pointing you crooked little fingers at everyone but Biden because you know if you truly looked at the failure you would be pissed off!

Let me be clear on February 1st of this year Biden administration should have been flying people out at non-stop to locations that include Hawaii, Guam and GITMO so that we could process those people while keeping them in a secure location until the vetting had been done and none of this was done and why?

Simple, to exploit the situation for political gain for the simple minded fools that want to excuse Biden and his administration for their actual failure!

Had all this happened under Trump you and the left would be screaming “ Trump failed “ which he would have but what has transpired under Biden watch is inexcusable and shouldn’t be treated as if he did his best so let blame someone else!

Biden failed on this and for all those still blaming Donald John Trump, well yes his deal sucked but Biden is the President that fumbled the rescue of those that needed to get out!
Joe Potatohead cancelled every deal that Trump made.

If it was a bad deal then why didn't Potatohead change it like he changed everything else?

Why did Potatohead fuck everything up?
I know, too bad Biden couldn't get those Taliban return those 5000 prisoners to prison.
I am concerned about the number of American Hostages the Taliban is holding.

President Biden needs to work to get them out, especially as his liberal pals are opposing the private efforts of brave Americans like Erik Prince and Dr. Glenn Beck to rescue them.

The media needs to really report on the Hostage Crisis as well, and keep America informed as to the number of days like they did during the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979-1981,
I am concerned about the number of American Hostages the Taliban is holding.

President Biden needs to work to get them out, especially as his liberal pals are opposing the private efforts of brave Americans like Erik Prince and Dr. Glenn Beck to rescue them.

The media needs to really report on the Hostage Crisis as well, and keep America informed as to the number of days like they did during the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979-1981,
Can’t because it could cause the GOP to win, so the media will not keep up with it…
The orange, retard did not.
Trump did release over 5000 Taliban prisoners from Afghan prisons and released the Taliban leader from a Pakistan prison.
Okay. We can conclude Don is just as bad as Joe, but you still love Joe and hate Don. WTF?
I know, too bad Biden couldn't get those Taliban return those 5000 prisoners to prison.
Why should the Taliban do that, when they work with Al Qaeda and sheltered Bin Laden ???

As a matter of fact, even Milley has stated that we will have more problems with terrorism from there now...

The only difference between 2001 and now is the fact that, thanks to the Traitor-in-Chief, if we have to go back now, our troops will face one of the best armed militaries in the region!!!
Why should their lack of action be the problem of the government? Who are they and why should we care?
YOU don't have to care. Your ilk rarely does. Biden's shitstorm of an administration has his numbers in nothing less than "freefall". Misdirection, lies, attempts to dodge, none of it is going to work because if there is ONE situation that Left and Right can still agree on today, it's the time-honored tradition that tells people we send around the world that no matter bad things get, no one gets left behind.

This situation is UNPRECEDENTED. I'm sure your hopes are up that as usual, time will cause people to forget. The problem with that in this situation is that there are a huge number of these Americans in NGOs, contract labor pools to keep the military bases running, missionaries... you name it. Just a couple of weeks before this collapse occurred, Biden was reassuring everyone who'd listen that the situation would remain stable for the foreseeable future.

NOW, as the Taliban consolidate power and settle in to govern, they'll have names, addresses, the whole smash so that they can evaluate which Americans are worth more in "ransom". Don't bother to start squealing that it won't happen. It WILL, and in the days leading up to our hair-on-fire dash out of the country, Joe set the stage for an ongoing, ever-escalating train wreck. That wreck may well include videos dropping like the one they did on Daniel Pearl. God forbid it comes to that but IF it does, this nation is going to come completely unglued against this corrupt, illegitimate regime in DC. There won't be anywhere to run or hide.

Finally, and worst of ALL... IT DIDN'T HAVE TO HAPPEN, and Americans KNOW THIS.
Here's some others opinions
Hey butt fucker. Trump's deal had conditions that could never be met for a long ass time. We always would have had that main air base and not waste 20 yrs

My God what you son of a bitches did with a fraud election

Edit.WOW. I just looked back at the comments son. You've been skull fuked bad
The shit show was the incompetent, treasonist, Trump regime.
That's it... you keep the dream alive. If we begin to see hostages being executed or put on trial, Biden's future is done. Despite the best efforts to obfuscate facts, there is simply no way to deflect THIS crime.
Joe Potatohead cancelled every deal that Trump made.

If it was a bad deal then why didn't Potatohead change it like he changed everything else?

Why did Potatohead fuck everything up?
Who is Potatohead... Is that Trump? Should be a bit more respectful..
Who is Potatohead... Is that Trump? Should be a bit more respectful..
Seeing he wrote Joe, well you know what he meant while trying to make all this about Trump!

Biden failed miserably but hey at least you and the fringe left can keep the failure of Biden Covid response off the main news cycle and other stuff like that evictions, people losing that extra money and so on because if you really looked at how Pelosi, Schumer and Biden have ran this country since they fully took over, well they really suck!
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Why do you think it takes "balls" to abandon thousands of Americans in central Asia merely based upon an arbitrary deadline?

Trump announced in March of 2020 we were going to leave. Why didn't people leave?
YOU don't have to care. Your ilk rarely does. Biden's shitstorm of an administration has his numbers in nothing less than "freefall". Misdirection, lies, attempts to dodge, none of it is going to work because if there is ONE situation that Left and Right can still agree on today, it's the time-honored tradition that tells people we send around the world that no matter bad things get, no one gets left behind.

This situation is UNPRECEDENTED. I'm sure your hopes are up that as usual, time will cause people to forget. The problem with that in this situation is that there are a huge number of these Americans in NGOs, contract labor pools to keep the military bases running, missionaries... you name it. Just a couple of weeks before this collapse occurred, Biden was reassuring everyone who'd listen that the situation would remain stable for the foreseeable future.

NOW, as the Taliban consolidate power and settle in to govern, they'll have names, addresses, the whole smash so that they can evaluate which Americans are worth more in "ransom". Don't bother to start squealing that it won't happen. It WILL, and in the days leading up to our hair-on-fire dash out of the country, Joe set the stage for an ongoing, ever-escalating train wreck. That wreck may well include videos dropping like the one they did on Daniel Pearl. God forbid it comes to that but IF it does, this nation is going to come completely unglued against this corrupt, illegitimate regime in DC. There won't be anywhere to run or hide.

Finally, and worst of ALL... IT DIDN'T HAVE TO HAPPEN, and Americans KNOW THIS.
I've been saying all along that I don't give two shits about a bunch of war profiteers and all the other shady characters who were over there to squeeze a profit out of Afghanistan. If that's who is still over there I think they have made a bad decision that they need to figure out how to live with. I can think of no other reason for anyone having chosen to stay.
I know, too bad Biden couldn't get those Taliban return those 5000 prisoners to prison.
Hey dick sucker. Trump in good faith exchanged 1000 Afghanis for 5000 goat fuckers

Looks like a poor choice now doesn't it you idiot

All for a 911 photo op. Do you realize that you creep?

Now the 911 families told Biden to come nowhere near them. He'll have to scurry to the Pentagon for any ceremony

The dead voters must be turning in their graves

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