trump's debate performance was abysmal

Should he step down?

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Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
Should he drop out of the race after that horrible showing? Sweating, shaking, disheveled, unable to stay on topic or coherently form answers, and did you see the size of his pupils? Gotta wonder what they dosed him with in an attempt to keep him upright and tracking.

For the record I think he should stay in, Re[publicans have nobody on the bench anyway.
Should he drop out of the race after that horrible showing? Sweating, shaking, disheveled, unable to stay on topic or coherently form answers, and did you see the size of his pupils? Gotta wonder what they dosed him with in an attempt to keep him upright and tracking.

For the record I think he should stay in, Re[publicans have nobody on the bench anyway.
Too late. Republicans ride or die with him. No one on that side has the courage to stand up to him.
Were you impressed by Trumps performance last night?
Yes, he handled the 3 on 1 RIGGED debate bushwhack as well as could be expected. We get it, Dem cheaters can't handle a straight up fair debate they have to rig it with Dem shill debate moderators, gotcha leading questions and the rest of the cheating crap they pulled last night.

Dems how does it feel to be known as lying cheating lowlife filth??
Even if they were able to replace him, they wouldn't. No Republican has the courage to stand up to Donald Trump.
Not the way Kamala Harris bitch slapped him and humiliated him last night. :)

Now that's just your well used and wide hack assholes talking.
Yes, he handled the 3 on 1 RIGGED debate bushwhack as well as could be expected. We get it, Dem cheaters can't handle a straight up fair debate they have to rig it with Dem shill debate moderators, gotcha leading questions and the rest of the cheating crap they pulled last night.

Dems how does it feel to be known as lying cheating lowlife filth??

You know, you guys need to stop making excuses for Trump.

Dems had no problem criticizing Biden for his dismal performance during the debate

Trump was humiliated last night mby a woman he calls “Low IQ”.

Time you guys man up and admit that Trump is struggling

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