Trumps debt ceiling problem

That is not an apples to apples comparison. You cannot compare 2009 to 2017. You always compare the most recent years.
how is comparing the first three years of both people's term not an apples to apples comparison?

I agree there are difference in who was in Congress, which gave Trump a huge advantage, but first three years of a term is first three years of a term.

What the data shows is that, unlike your claim that the GOP didn't care about spending, they in fact did, compared to a dem president and dem congress.

They had lower deficits.
haha I see you are a Jazz fan...which explains why you are a Obama fan....both failed to deliver...and are stuck bragging about leading in a qtr
No...I'm talking about "Year"...

Did Grifty ever top 3% in a calendar year?
how is comparing the first three years of both people's term not an apples to apples comparison?

I agree there are difference in who was in Congress, which gave Trump a huge advantage, but first three years of a term is first three years of a term.

What the data shows is that, unlike your claim that the GOP didn't care about spending, they in fact did, compared to a dem president and dem congress.

They had lower deficits.

Obama inherited a deficit of 1.4 trillion.

Trump inherited one less than half that amount.
I didn't provide you a description...I literally linked you to the US Dept of Tres, and their they were in bar charts...maybe you have a hard time with bar charts
Post the yearly deficit numbers for the period in question.
And the funding for gender studies in Pakistan. Planned Parenthood. That long border fence in the middle east. The worm reproductive system studies funding.

Apparently Trump lost his veto pen, because he only vetoed 1 spending bill in 4 years. And that was because it didn't spend enough.

You’re absolutely right. We shouldn’t be spending money on any of those things, but, we had a pandemic. If you look at the debt increase for Obama and trump, Obama had years that were similar to trump, with the exception of 2020, when we had the pandemic relief spending.

That is what you all are complaining about. So, perhaps trump should have vetoed the Covid relief bill, so his yearly debt increase would have been more in line with everyone else, right ?
Who is telling you that?

The guy who just got the network that lies?
I follow stories through all the news. You should look up Hunter Biden's laptop and see all the news. The CCP and their funding to a sitting president. i get it, you want to be a chink, it's been your life's journey. Go get em sally!!!
You’re absolutely right. We shouldn’t be spending money on any of those things, but, we had a pandemic. If you look at the debt increase for Obama and trump, Obama had years that were similar to trump, with the exception of 2020, when we had the pandemic relief spending.

That is what you all are complaining about. So, perhaps trump should have vetoed the Covid relief bill, so his yearly debt increase would have been more in line with everyone else, right ?
But Donald Trump never cared about the deficit.
I follow stories through all the news. You should look up Hunter Biden's laptop and see all the news. The CCP and their funding to a sitting president. i get it, you want to be a chink, it's been your life's journey. Go get em sally!!!
Stop lying and provide the source of your prior assertion.
how is comparing the first three years of both people's term not an apples to apples comparison?

Because 8 years had passed, much changed. Obama took office in the middle of a recession that started before he took office and Trump took office in the middle of a record setting period of growth that started before he took office.
What the data shows is that, unlike your claim that the GOP didn't care about spending, they in fact did, compared to a dem president and dem congress.

They had lower deficits.

The deficits went up each year Trump was the POTUS after coming down for 5 of the previous 6 years?

Why did the GOP add to the deficit during what was called the greatest economy in the history of the world?
Because 8 years had passed, much changed. Obama took office in the middle of a recession that started before he took office and Trump took office in the middle of a record setting period of growth that started before he took office.
hahah well as I said, I do agree Trump was lucky to inherit a GOP Congress v a Dem Congress.

but Trump also inherited years of Obama policy....which gave us historic slow growth, while the GOP was able to slow the damage done by his policy and that of the Dem congress he was terrible growth Obama was terrible for economic growth

On Thursday we closed the book on the Obama economic “miracle” — and it’s a miracle we are not in a recession.

Last week the Commerce Department released its third revision for fourth-quarter 2016 gross domestic product. The number came in at a paltry 2.1 percent, meaning that growth during President Obama’s final year in office — the end of an “Error of Hope” — landed with a big thud at just 1.6 percent.
hahah well as I said, I do agree Trump was lucky to inherit a GOP Congress v a Dem Congress.

but Trump also inherited years of Obama policy....which gave us historic slow growth, while the GOP was able to slow the damage done by his policy and that of the Dem congress he was terrible growth Obama was terrible for economic growth

On Thursday we closed the book on the Obama economic “miracle” — and it’s a miracle we are not in a recession.

Last week the Commerce Department released its third revision for fourth-quarter 2016 gross domestic product. The number came in at a paltry 2.1 percent, meaning that growth during President Obama’s final year in office — the end of an “Error of Hope” — landed with a big thud at just 1.6 percent.
That statement is not only false, it's ironic.

That math only works if you "credit" Obama with Q1, 2009...if you don't he comes in at just under 2.1.

Furthermore, it is right at Grifty's final GDP number.

Which is only marginally lower than the average of all GOP administrations since 1989.
That statement is not only false, it's ironic.

That math only works if you "credit" Obama with Q1, 2009...if you don't he comes in at just under 2.1.

Furthermore, it is right at Grifty's final GDP number.

Which is only marginally lower than the average of all GOP administrations since 1989.
take it up with the data...
You’re absolutely right. We shouldn’t be spending money on any of those things, but, we had a pandemic. If you look at the debt increase for Obama and trump, Obama had years that were similar to trump, with the exception of 2020, when we had the pandemic relief spending.

That is what you all are complaining about. So, perhaps trump should have vetoed the Covid relief bill, so his yearly debt increase would have been more in line with everyone else, right ?

Trump first spending bill, during a GOP house and Senate majority, was off the chain. $1.4 trillion. Years before the pandemic. Than another one before the pandemic.
Then he gave a gazillion to big pharma for that warp speed BS. And amongst all that covid money was lies, corruption and fraud that went into the trillions. He that money just went to citizens who made less than $150,000 per year and the local medical professionals (who were actually helping patients) the spending for those checks would've about 1/4 of what it was.

But that's the difference between a spend freak and a fiscal conservative.
The house passes some monstrous spending bill, and the president (if he's a fiscal conservative) get's his team together and they go through the bill, X out all the frivolous spending, veto the bill and get congress to cut out the frivolous parts.
By the time Covid came around, the House and Senate should've known that all spending bills with frivolous spending would be vetoed. But Trump, like Biden and Obama, was a spend freak. It wasn't his money. He didn't care about sticking us with the tab for things like gender studies.
Since before Reagan (but mostly Reagan), the liberal Republicans have been stiffing us with the bill, every single time. And it got old a long time ago.

You can excuse Trumps spending all you want. But the inflation increases we seen during Biden's first 1.5 years was a direct result in Trump spending and bad monetary policies. There's no two ways about it. Because it takes about 1.5 years for any new presidents monetary policies to start showing up in the economy.
Trump first spending bill, during a GOP house and Senate majority, was off the chain. $1.4 trillion. Years before the pandemic. Than another one before the pandemic.
Then he gave a gazillion to big pharma for that warp speed BS. And amongst all that covid money was lies, corruption and fraud that went into the trillions. He that money just went to citizens who made less than $150,000 per year and the local medical professionals (who were actually helping patients) the spending for those checks would've about 1/4 of what it was.

But that's the difference between a spend freak and a fiscal conservative.
The house passes some monstrous spending bill, and the president (if he's a fiscal conservative) get's his team together and they go through the bill, X out all the frivolous spending, veto the bill and get congress to cut out the frivolous parts.
By the time Covid came around, the House and Senate should've known that all spending bills with frivolous spending would be vetoed. But Trump, like Biden and Obama, was a spend freak. It wasn't his money. He didn't care about sticking us with the tab for things like gender studies.
Since before Reagan (but mostly Reagan), the liberal Republicans have been stiffing us with the bill, every single time. And it got old a long time ago.

You can excuse Trumps spending all you want. But the inflation increases we seen during Biden's first 1.5 years was a direct result in Trump spending and bad monetary policies. There's no two ways about it. Because it takes about 1.5 years for any new presidents monetary policies to start showing up in the economy.
Post the annual rates of spending growth for each...
Right on cue...

Those are "Calendar Years", moron.

A "year" is 12 consecutive months, or 4 consecutive quarters.

Time doesn't give a shit about how YOU divide it.

BEA reports GDP on a QUARTERLY basis. Any 4 consecutive quarters constitute a "year".

Real Gross Domestic Product

Do you need help with the math?
Your link doesn’t back up your lies, Simp.

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