Trumps debt ceiling problem

They've already been posted. Many Many times. National debt growth charts, debt ceiling charts, graphs about where the money went and so forth and so on.
I could spend 30 minutes posting all that again, and Trump loyalist will just try to spin it to either make out like it wasn't Trumps fault or make him look like he did the right thing. That's the way it always goes down with Trump loyalist.
Because Trump owns them. Their loyalty dictates they defend Trump at all cost.
The only thing that's going to help Trumpbots is for them to do their own research with an open mind. If that's even possible.
Spending rose at a record low rate under Obama.
yep, as I stated in my first post on this thread...Trump was able to work with Congress and get the debt ceiling raised so we wouldn't default. I certainly hope Xiden is able to do so too...not sure your point

Raising the debt ceiling was something that had to be done because of all the frivolous spending prior to the debt ceiling needing to be raised. There was no reason for the second one. In fact, Trump could've gotten his congress in line and cut out a lot of the frivolous spending so that the debt ceiling never needed to be raised to start with.
Debt ceiling increases don't just fall from the sky. There's a shit ton of spending that goes on prior to that. Trump was just as responsible for the first increase as he was the last, simply because he only vetoed 1 spending bill in his entire 4 years. And that was because that bill didn't spend enough. Trumps own words "It (the bill) doesn't go far enough."
Republican dipshits: “Deficits only matter under Democrats”. They are talking to themselves not to normal people.

They only matter to Republicans when a democrat is in the White House. Or have the majority in one branch.
The dems are just as guilty of the same political BS. By the time Biden's 4 years is up, the dems will be very close to Republican spending levels.
They only matter to Republicans when a democrat is in the White House. Or have the majority in one branch.
The dems are just as guilty of the same political BS. By the time Biden's 4 years is up, the dems will be very close to Republican spending levels.
As measured how?
Spending rose at a record low rate under Obama.

And Trump. And Biden, and W. And Reagan... Are you seeing a pattern yet?

The GOP is on record of spending more than the democrats. In fact, Trumps spending record is more than all other GOP presidents combined. And in just 4 years. It took Obama 8 years to spend more than Trump did.
Which is a stupid fucking thing to do.

Obama took office in the middle of a recession that started before he took office and Trump took office in the middle of a record setting period of growth that started before he took office.
Your opinion doesn’t change the fact you were too stupid to know what he was comparing, Simp.
1. National debt is unsustainable, and both parties are neck deep in responsibility for it.
2. I will always choose Trump over the modern marxist party.

Then you're going to support the GOP biggest spender.

If spending the USD value down the toilet isn't important to you, then fine. Be like the liberals. Support liberal spending policies. In fact, just label yourself a liberal. Because that's exactly what Trump is. A north eastern, lying liberal Republican.
I am embarrassed you are using Wikipedia as a source....I don't even think public school teachers in Baltimore allow it for term papers.

Trump loyalist choose Trump over Americans failing USD. This is incredible.
Just blame everything on the democrats. That's the easy way out.
Then you're going to support the GOP biggest spender.
There are two viable parties in the United States. I will never support the one that leans towards marxism/communism.

Does the insane debt concern me? Yes. It devalues every dollar I've saved.
Sadly, it's gotten past the point of fixing, IMHO.
No politician/party has the integrity to massively cut spending and try to pay down the debt.
The losers of society have discovered they have the voting power to pay themselves from the public treasury.

The dollar is on the verge of losing its status as the world's reserve currency.
Buy gold and other tangible assets if you have the means.
GDP was falling the last three years of Barry’s policies.
Trump inherited a mess

As you can see from the data provided from the Worldbank....GDP dropped drastically from 2015 til Trump was able to take office and turn around the Obama crash..


Here's the data from the World you can see Trump inherited a massive drop in economic growth that was happening during Obama's last year in office (a period)

I do agree with some of your links, from 2020 and 2019...after Trump took office, he was able to turn around what he inherited and the Obama dip was reversed...thankfully....
And Trump. And Biden, and W. And Reagan... Are you seeing a pattern yet?

The GOP is on record of spending more than the democrats. In fact, Trumps spending record is more than all other GOP presidents combined. And in just 4 years. It took Obama 8 years to spend more than Trump did. grew at a historically high rate under Grifty, even pre-covid.

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