Trumps debt ceiling problem

Does the insane debt concern me? Yes. It devalues every dollar I've saved.
Sadly, it's gotten past the point of fixing, IMHO.
No politician/party has the integrity to massively cut spending and try to pay down the debt.
I take our national debt seriously too. It would help, though, if more people realized there are two factors involved in our staggering national debt. Spending, for sure, is one of them. The other factor is taxes. Political parties are afraid to mention increasing taxes. So, the parties won't cut spending and won't raise taxes. It should be obvious by now that our parties are doing something wrong. It's up to us to fix that.
there is nothing fiscally responsible about failing to pay our bills, killing American jobs, and crashing the global economy
Speaker McCarthy has thrown a grenade that has threatened the US economy and the global's time to put the pin back in that grenade

that's how grenade's work, right?
Only thise of us living in reality care about facts.

That leaves you out, Simp. :dance:
I gave you a link to the quarterly data.

Remember, the challenge is to find an instance where the average for any four consecutive quarters exceeds 3..
I gave you a link to the quarterly data.

Remember, the challenge is to find an instance where the average for any four consecutive quarters exceeds 3..
I take our national debt seriously too. It would help, though, if more people realized there are two factors involved in our staggering national debt. Spending, for sure, is one of them. The other factor is taxes. Political parties are afraid to mention increasing taxes. So, the parties won't cut spending and won't raise taxes. It should be obvious by now that our parties are doing something wrong. It's up to us to fix that.
I’m of the opinion that the people are overtaxed already (at least those who are actually paying into the system). I don’t have the numbers in front of me, but am pretty sure the government revenues have increased every year. The overspending just continues unabated.
That’s not a revenue problem, it’s an overspending problem.
I’m of the opinion that the people are overtaxed already (at least those who are actually paying into the system). I don’t have the numbers in front of me, but am pretty sure the government revenues have increased every year. The overspending just continues unabated.
That’s not a revenue problem, it’s an overspending problem.
A lot of people feel that way. Personally, I believe what is most important is not so much how high our taxes are, but how equitably they are distributed. If Americans ever regain control of our lawmaking branches, they will be able to actually exert some influence over our spending and tax laws. Americans don't have much sense in common right now, but they aren't stupid. Most of us know our taxes must cover our expenses, including paying down the national debt. Our political parties are too tied up in perpetual gridlock to be able to pass any sensible laws about spending and taxes.
I’m of the opinion that the people are overtaxed already (at least those who are actually paying into the system). I don’t have the numbers in front of me, but am pretty sure the government revenues have increased every year. The overspending just continues unabated.
That’s not a revenue problem, it’s an overspending problem.
Have you ever cast a vote for a president under whom deficits FELL?
Most of us know our taxes must cover our expenses, including paying down the national debt.
Agreed, but I’d prefer adjusting our expenses to be less than our current revenues. We spend an awful lot on things that aren’t specifically mentioned in the Constitution as the purview of the federal government. The loose interpretation of promoting the general welfare has resulted in a lot of questionable spending. However, I understand that no one wants to cut only the things they support, so I think a spending cut should be across the board, with no programs spared.

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