Trumps debt ceiling problem

The die hard Trump supporters, who keep complaining about the debt ceiling, need to decide to either support Trump and the debt ceiling. Or simply not support him.
If not raising the debt ceiling now is important to you, why in the world would you want someone like Trump in office with a debt ceiling increase record.

You can't have it both ways on everything. Eventually you're going to have to realize that Trump sucks on monetary policies. And realize just how much monetary policy affects everyone's lives.
You can't just keep supporting those who simply don't care how much they borrow, spend then increase the ceiling so they can borrow more.

Debt Ceiling Under Trump
The debt ceiling increased two times under President Donald Trump, but the Trump administration also tinkered with the budget and the debt ceiling in other ways throughout its four years. When Trump was sworn into office in January 2017, the national debt stood at $19.9 trillion. By November 2020, the debt had increased to over $27 trillion.

Under Trump the debt ceiling increased:

  • by $1.7 trillion to $19.8 trillion (de facto) in March 2017,
  • by $2.2 trillion to $22 trillion in March 2019.
Trump suspended the debt ceiling in August 2019, through July 2021. At the time of the 2020 election, the national debt stood at over $27 trillion, the fastest rate of increase of the national debt of any modern president.
How many die hard Trump supporters are there in America? Do you have a link please.

Don't worry, debt has been tumbling under Biden, hasn't it?
You are being either disingenuous or just naive about gov't spending.
Trump did not have the Purse strings, I think Pelosi did? Our spending occured over a number of disasters, from Fires partly due to California Dems mismanagenent, hurricanes and Tornadoes and floods, andcthen worst of all Covid spending and need to compensate those forced to lock down.
So context is everything, your post needs a retracted statement or prove yourself knowingly & willingly deceiving with misinformation.View attachment 779594
Post the first step of the Federal Budget Process..
Trump slashed taxes on the wealthy
Zzz. Leftwhiner is, eternally, a one note symPHONY.
The Republican Congress had no problem raising the debt limit to support it
How many Dims opposed raising the debt ceiling.

I’m any event, being as leftarded as you are, you identify the wrong problem and the wrong solution.

We don’t need to increase taxes. We need to simply cut spending.

I could easily lob off over 170+ Billion dollars in unneeded federal spending. Terminate the Department of Education.
Zzz. Leftwhiner is, eternally, a one note symPHONY.

How many Dims opposed raising the debt ceiling.

I’m any event, being as leftarded as you are, you identify the wrong problem and the wrong solution.

We don’t need to increase taxes. We need to simply cut spending.

I could easily lob off over 170+ Billion dollars in unneeded federal spending. Terminate the Department of Education.
Given that you've consistently voted for candidates who spend MORE, why do you persist in yapping about spending?
Given that you've consistently voted for candidates who spend MORE, why do you persist in yapping about spending?
I was replying to your obvious pattern of fixating on the wrong “solution.” Federal deficits and debts are out of control.

Your knee-JERK Reaction is to demand more taxation. :cuckoo:

It never dawns on you libtards that the better option is to cut spending.
The GOP held both the House and the Senate for Trump's first two years.
Yes correct, and the big spending spree occured during Hurricane Michael and Covid, Gavin Newsome asked for money too for the wild fires, do you blame him for the deficit? Where's the post about if he becomes president?
What was the growth rate of the debt under Trump?
I'm British, so I was asking how many die hard Trump supporters are in America, and is there a statistical link.

Also, I'm sure the opposition are passionate in reducing Trump's national debt, so what level has Biden brought this down to?
How many die hard Trump supporters are there in America? Do you have a link please.

Don't worry, debt has been tumbling under Biden, hasn't it?

Again, this has nothing to do with Biden. Obviously, when the dems are in charge, the debt is going to go up. But what die hard republican don't get is that the GOP is NOT the party of fiscal conservatism. They've spent more than democrats and increased the debt ceiling more times than the dems.
Even though they all run fiscal conservative campaigns. They promise fiscal conservatism. And for over 4 decades now have yet to do anything that was actually fiscally conservative.

It's the political light socket that GOP loyalist keep sticking forks into.
Post the first step of the Federal Budget Process..
Feds create budget suggestion requests & submits them to the WH OMB
2nd step OMB submits to Pres
3rd step Pres submits to congress who has the purse strings.

Where president matters to budget is through policies he not congress causes spending or cuts that either helps revenue growth or causes more debt.
Yes correct, and the big spending spree occured during Hurricane Michael and Covid, Gavin Newsome asked for money too for the wild fires, do you blame him for the deficit? Where's the post about if he becomes president?

There is always an excuse, this is why we are 32T in the whole.
How many Dims opposed raising the debt ceiling.

Democrats recognize the debt ceiling is a fiscal obligation of the United States

Republicans use it as a tool to attack spending every time a Democrat is President. When a Republican is President, they Rubber Stamp raising the debt
There is always an excuse, this is why we are 32T in the whole.
What should be disturbing the MSM and voters like you, is the fact much of the spending is done to maintain power by schtipping allies and party state leaders while also throwing tax dollars to programs and relief funds that kick back money to their own campaigns and party allies, thus stealing tax dollars from the people to remain in power and plundering us more forfeiting our childrens future for sake of their pleasures in the now.
Democrats recognize the debt ceiling is a fiscal obligation of the United States

Republicans use it as a tool to attack spending every time a Democrat is President. When a Republican is President, they Rubber Stamp raising the debt
Not true, wasn't it Kasich that saved your a** es by coming up with that Budget when you guys had full power?
What should be disturbing the MSM and voters like you, is the fact much of the spending is done to maintain power by schtipping allies and party state leaders while also throwing tax dollars to programs and relief funds that kick back money to their own campaigns and party allies, thus stealing tax dollars from the people to remain in power and plundering us more forfeiting our childrens future for sake of their pleasures in the now.

Voters like me? You mean those of us that vote almost straight 3rd party and refuse to worship the duopoly like you all?
He was the previous president. So we're not talking about ancient history here, bub. And he's running to be the next president.
It's very common to judge a politician by his record, in order to make a decision on whether or not to support him in the next election. Trump has proven himself to be the liberal you claim Biden is. (at least on this spending & debt ceiling issue).
But does anyone hold Trump accountable? Only us fiscal conservatives. Definitely not Trumps loyalist.
We actually care that he increased the debt ceiling twice. Then suspended it.
We actually want the borrowing and spending levels reduced, as you Trump supporters are wanting now that a democrat is in office.

Why TF would you even consider Trump for potus after that?

His campaign slogan should be "Trump first." Not America first. Because y'all are putting Trump ahead of America.
After all the changes Joe made out of spite for Trump it may as well been 20 years ago... because we are right back in the Obama Biden nightmare....
Democrats recognize the debt ceiling is a fiscal obligation of the United States

Bullshit. Democraps use it only as a bludgeon. They don’t actually care about the debt, the deficit or the debt “ceiling.” It is just a stage prop for that insidious group.
Republicans use it as a tool to attack spending every time a Democrat is President. When a Republican is President, they Rubber Stamp raising the debt
False. But, it is nevertheless true that the GOP is effectively a non-entity when it comes to controlling spending.
Bullshit. Democraps use it only as a bludgeon. They don’t actually care about the debt, the deficit or the debt “ceiling.” It is just a stage prop for that insidious group.

100% true.

Also 100% true of the Republicans.

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