Trumps debt ceiling problem

Not at all. Your supercilious and natural arrogance simply mislead you. :itsok:

No big deal.

Nope, you are just a rube.

Mark my words, right before the shit would hit the fan if the debt ceiling is not raised just enough Repubs will join the Dems and pass the bill. It will be Repubs from safe districts that are not worried about reelection.

Then next year during the election the Repubs will be like "well, we tired, it was not our fault" and you will be like "they sure as hell did" and you will blindly vote for them yet again.

Rinse and repeat.
Nope, you are just a rube.

Mark my words, right before the shit would hit the fan if the debt ceiling is not raised just enough Repubs will join the Dems and pass the bill. It will be Repubs from safe districts that are not worried about reelection.

Then next year during the election the Repubs will be like "well, we tired, it was not our fault" and you will be like "they sure as hell did" and you will blindly vote for them yet again.

Rinse and repeat.
You are such a plodding imbecile. Mark your words? Lol. Why? You’re incapable of independent thinking.
So in this way Trump was no different than any President who came before him nor is the current President. In this like with so many things political the left is no different than the right when it’s their guy doing it it’s all good.
Who Is President of The United States?

Who's running for the presidency of the United States? Atm, Two liberals. One with a democrat badge and one with a Republican badge.

Who just threatened the Republians vy declaring if tbe GOP place any artenpys to lower the deficit in their spending bill, he will veto it.

(What do Biden and Democrats have against lowering the deficit - paying off some of the $34 Trillion in spending they are partly responsible for?)

Who just declared anything but a clean spending bil giving Biden and Democrats what they want, any attempt to reduce spending or pay down tbe deficit, would be a 'threat to national security' and would cause 'economic disaster"?

This clesrly shows Biden and Democrats want to kerp their foot down in the sprnding gas pedsl and are against any attempt to get spending under contol, reduce the budget, or pay down the deficit.

Tell me again, WHO is the current President?
Again, this thread ain't about Biden and his spending. There's 1000 of those already.

All you're doing is dodging Trumps help in making things worse.

BTW, if Trump had been more fiscally conservative, he'd probably still be POTUS.
You are such a plodding imbecile. Mark your words? Lol. Why? You’re incapable of independent thinking.

Gator hasn't forgot the other times that the GOP increased the debt ceiling. Die hard Republicans can't remembers passed Biden's last omnibus.
So in this way Trump was no different than any President who came before him nor is the current President. In this like with so many things political the left is no different than the right when it’s their guy doing it it’s all good.

This is why I always say Trump is just too liberal for me.

Obama, over $8 trillion in 8 years.
Trump. Over $5 trillion in 4 years. And not once during Trumps term did anyone mention the increased debt ceiling or his suspension of the debt ceiling.
Well a few fiscal conservatives brought it up. And they caught hell for it. Trump himself had the RNC primary Thomas Massie and Justin Amash.
You are such a plodding imbecile. Mark your words? Lol. Why? You’re incapable of independent thinking.

This from the drone that will loyally vote for his beloved Repubs next year after they do not cut spending.

I wish you had the intellect to see the irony of your post.
This is why I always say Trump is just too liberal for me.

Obama, over $8 trillion in 8 years.
Trump. Over $5 trillion in 4 years. And not once during Trumps term did anyone mention the increased debt ceiling or his suspension of the debt ceiling.
Well a few fiscal conservatives brought it up. And they caught hell for it. Trump himself had the RNC primary Thomas Massie and Justin Amash.
They all talk about it when running for office none will do anything after elected not Republicans or Democrats history has proven this.
The die hard Trump supporters, who keep complaining about the debt ceiling, need to decide to either support Trump and the debt ceiling. Or simply not support him.
If not raising the debt ceiling now is important to you, why in the world would you want someone like Trump in office with a debt ceiling increase record.

You can't have it both ways on everything. Eventually you're going to have to realize that Trump sucks on monetary policies. And realize just how much monetary policy affects everyone's lives.
You can't just keep supporting those who simply don't care how much they borrow, spend then increase the ceiling so they can borrow more.

Debt Ceiling Under Trump
The debt ceiling increased two times under President Donald Trump, but the Trump administration also tinkered with the budget and the debt ceiling in other ways throughout its four years. When Trump was sworn into office in January 2017, the national debt stood at $19.9 trillion. By November 2020, the debt had increased to over $27 trillion.

Under Trump the debt ceiling increased:

  • by $1.7 trillion to $19.8 trillion (de facto) in March 2017,
  • by $2.2 trillion to $22 trillion in March 2019.
Trump suspended the debt ceiling in August 2019, through July 2021. At the time of the 2020 election, the national debt stood at over $27 trillion, the fastest rate of increase of the national debt of any modern president.
Your Vegetable Messiah’s budget proposal ran the national debt up to $51 TRILLION over the next ten years.

What kind of moron would vote for that idiot?
This from the drone that will loyally vote for his beloved Repubs next year after they do not cut spending.

I wish you had the intellect to see the irony of your post.
Your Vegetable Messiah wants to run the debt to $51 TRILLION, Simp.
Departments, led by appointees of the President, submit their the extent that they conform to to declared fiscal policies of the administration they are either trimmed, or increased.

The WH then submits its budget proposal to congress.

Presidents can't escape responsibility for the fiscal consequences of their policies.

That Supply Side Hucksters spend more, achieving worse results, is not an's the inevitable denouement of the scam.
False, the tragic events caused by Obama Bidrn WH funding what they KNEW WERE military biological weapons labs (even said so on the NIH web site)
Caused the above normal over spending.
I guess it got expensive trying to overthrow Trump and set up the globe for what amounts to the dumbest plan since the Bud Light advertising campaign.
Again, this thread ain't about Biden and his spending. There's 1000 of those already.
All you're doing is dodging Trumps help in making things worse

Its a false argument created by Trump-haters. I will leave you all to it.
Oh well, let's just put all the focus on Biden, and forget about Trump right? Just sweep all of Trumps spending under the rug so no one can see it, right?
Out of sight, out of mind.

Elect Trump again and he promises again to do the same thing he did the first time.
Spend like a drunken democrat.
Brag about things that aren't worth bragging about (the china trade agreement that didn't even help the trade deficit)

Oh yeah, he promises to not be so liberal with our money next time. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

FYI, democrats spending is one reason I don't vote for democrats. If Trump is going to allow that same level of spending, why TF would I support him? Just because he's a Republican? LMAO..
Republicans have spent more money and raised the debt ceiling more times since the 60's than the democrats have. And the dems still spend more money than I agree with. Trillions more.
It was Joe Biteme that got rid of all of President Trumps energy independence, closing the border and chasing business back to china when Joe signed that executive order. I guess your head was way up your ass when that happened....
False, the tragic events caused by Obama Bidrn WH funding what they KNEW WERE military biological weapons labs (even said so on the NIH web site)
Caused the above normal over spending.
I guess it got expensive trying to overthrow Trump and set up the globe for what amounts to the dumbest plan since the Bud Light advertising campaign.
That's a bunch of garbage.
It was Joe Biteme that got rid of all of President Trumps energy independence, closing the border and chasing business back to china when Joe signed that executive order. I guess your head was way up your ass when that happened....
It never happened.

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