Trumps debt ceiling problem

This is why I always say Trump is just too liberal for me.

Obama, over $8 trillion in 8 years.
Trump. Over $5 trillion in 4 years. And not once during Trumps term did anyone mention the increased debt ceiling or his suspension of the debt ceiling.
Well a few fiscal conservatives brought it up. And they caught hell for it. Trump himself had the RNC primary Thomas Massie and Justin Amash.
Who is the most fiscally conservative president for whom you have voted?

You either have a link to the Republican house passing his budget proposal, or you are a lying sack of shit.


I said they will let him, just wait and see.

In a few weeks they will cave on the debt ceiling and then tell you sheep they tried but the mean Dems beat them down.

Then next year you, like the good little sheep you are, will vote for the since they "tried".
Again, this has nothing to do with Biden. Obviously, when the dems are in charge, the debt is going to go up. But what die hard republican don't get is that the GOP is NOT the party of fiscal conservatism. They've spent more than democrats and increased the debt ceiling more times than the dems.
Even though they all run fiscal conservative campaigns. They promise fiscal conservatism. And for over 4 decades now have yet to do anything that was actually fiscally conservative.

It's the political light socket that GOP loyalist keep sticking forks into.
Ok, I'll try to ask it differently -

How many die hard Trump supporters are there in America? Do you have a link please.
I said they will let him, just wait and see.

In a few weeks they will cave on the debt ceiling and then tell you sheep they tried but the mean Dems beat them down.

Then next year you, like the good little sheep you are, will vote for the since they "tried".
So you admit you are a lying sack of shit.

If not, let’s see your link to them voting for your Vegetable Messiah’s proposal to run the debt to $51 TRILLION, Simp.

The die hard Trump supporters, who keep complaining about the debt ceiling, need to decide to either support Trump and the debt ceiling. Or simply not support him.
If not raising the debt ceiling now is important to you, why in the world would you want someone like Trump in office with a debt ceiling increase record.

You can't have it both ways on everything. Eventually you're going to have to realize that Trump sucks on monetary policies. And realize just how much monetary policy affects everyone's lives.
You can't just keep supporting those who simply don't care how much they borrow, spend then increase the ceiling so they can borrow more.

Debt Ceiling Under Trump
The debt ceiling increased two times under President Donald Trump, but the Trump administration also tinkered with the budget and the debt ceiling in other ways throughout its four years. When Trump was sworn into office in January 2017, the national debt stood at $19.9 trillion. By November 2020, the debt had increased to over $27 trillion.

Under Trump the debt ceiling increased:

  • by $1.7 trillion to $19.8 trillion (de facto) in March 2017,
  • by $2.2 trillion to $22 trillion in March 2019.
Trump suspended the debt ceiling in August 2019, through July 2021. At the time of the 2020 election, the national debt stood at over $27 trillion, the fastest rate of increase of the national debt of any modern president.
You hold overly-simplified beliefs on national debt and you hold them with excessive confidence. Here's a quick snippet on such things as wars and COVID that can effect debt -

It never happened.
Go figure.

You hold overly-simplified beliefs on national debt and you hold them with excessive confidence. Here's a quick snippet on such things as wars and COVID that can effect debt -

You see, you loyalist are now going to try to justify Trumps spending and debt ceiling increases. That's what loyalist do.
Never mind the gender studies, Planned Parenthood, the $500 billion Platinum Plan, or 60% of the other BS he signed off on.
Your Vegetable Messiah’s budget proposal ran the national debt up to $51 TRILLION over the next ten years.

What kind of moron would vote for that idiot?

What kind of moron actually believes biden is going to spent $51 trillion in 10 years.
I'll tell you. It's the same morons who believed Biden was going to end fossil fuel in the US.

You people will fall for anything. Especially if Trump says it.

Lock her up
Mexico pay for the wall.
Zero out the national debt in 8 years.
Who is the most fiscally conservative president for whom you have voted?

We haven't had a fiscal conservative since I've been voting. They've either been liberals or liberal Republicans.
I didn't vote for Bill Clinton, but he turned out to be more fiscally conservative than the Republicans since Reagan. But even he spent more than he should've.
The only way trump could prevent the debt ceiling from being raised was to shut down the government

And if he did libs would have a field day

Bullsnot. He could've vetoed all that stupid spending long before the debt ceiling even became an issue. In fact, had he vetoed those huge spending bills, the debt ceiling wouldn't have even needed to be increased. FFS, his first spending bill was like $1.4 trillion. And that was with a GOP majority in the House and Senate.
So you admit you are a lying sack of shit.

If not, let’s see your link to them voting for your Vegetable Messiah’s proposal to run the debt to $51 TRILLION, Simp.


Go back to school and get your GED, taking a grammar class along the way.

When someone "will" do something, it means they have not yet done it.

Are you really this uneducated?
Bullsnot. He could've vetoed all that stupid spending long before the debt ceiling even became an issue. In fact, had he vetoed those huge spending bills, the debt ceiling wouldn't have even needed to be increased. FFS, his first spending bill was like $1.4 trillion. And that was with a GOP majority in the House and Senate.
There is no line item veto

For trump it was always take it or leave it
Go back to school and get your GED, taking a grammar class along the way.

When someone "will" do something, it means they have not yet done it.

Are you really this uneducated?

They really are so ignorant that they just can't see how someone could not support Trump, and not be a democrat at the same time.
Go back to school and get your GED, taking a grammar class along the way.

When someone "will" do something, it means they have not yet done it.

Are you really this uneducated?
Your pathetic spin isn’t working.

Bring that link, or admit you are a lying sack of shit.
There is no line item veto

For trump it was always take it or leave it

Who said there was a line item veto it? You veto the entire bill and tell congress to pass a bill without so much BS in it. Then hold a press conference and explain to the American people the details on all the spending you oppose. And make sure to mention which politicians put all that pork into the bill.

Then if congress overrides the bill, it's on them. And for the next few months, hold one press conference after another explaining what's really going on.
But Trump signed all those bills. Same as Biden did.
They don't care about how high the debt goes, or how much they leave us with. They've got plenty of money.
Your pathetic spin isn’t working.

Bring that link, or admit you are a lying sack of shit.

Prove him wrong, or it'll prove you're the lying sack of shit. You can't prove him wrong, because he's not wrong.

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