Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

Dubious numbers at best. But regardless, a wise investment. The U.S. Government always seems to have money for everything. So why not this?

And Trump should go forward with requesting Mexico contribute to the costs. Mexico has played a big part in creating this awful mess. It's time to do the right thing. Time to pick up part of the tab.

That is not going to happen unless you are dreaming.
You have activate marines or national guard walking on the street checking ID.
Then you will raid homes and schools.
This is like the NAZI rounding up the Jews in WW2.

More like the democrat president FDR roundup of the Japanese in WWII.

Trump is not going to kill them psycho

Trump's merely suggesting obeying the law. What's shocking is, so many Americans are actually opposed to that. Trump's got it right. Start upholding the law and demanding Mexico make amends. American Taxpayers have suffered enough.
He is proposing changing the law. He is suggesting that he has some magic ability to make Mexico pay hundreds of millions of dollars to build a wall that is wholly unnecessary. And most Americans want the law to change so that millions of undocumented are allowed to stay and earn the right to permanent, legal residency.

If you believe in the International Justice System, Mexico should be sued and then forced to share the burden. It has consistently intentionally violated U.S. law and sovereignty. It owes the American Taxpayers. Trump is Spot On.
What treaty has Mexico violated? What is your basis for believing there's any cause of action against Mexico?

Mexico has not secured its border. It continues to encourage and allow its Citizens to freely flow into the U.S. And American Taxpayers have had enough. It's time for Mexico to share the enormous costs.
You know it's a real mess when Millions of Americans are angry at a man for merely suggesting obeying the law of the land. Trump just needs to stay strong and persevere. He does have support.
Building a fence is fine. Thinking Mexico's gonna pay for it is a fantasy, and basically that's Trump's platform.
More like the democrat president FDR roundup of the Japanese in WWII.

Trump is not going to kill them psycho

Trump's merely suggesting obeying the law. What's shocking is, so many Americans are actually opposed to that. Trump's got it right. Start upholding the law and demanding Mexico make amends. American Taxpayers have suffered enough.
He is proposing changing the law. He is suggesting that he has some magic ability to make Mexico pay hundreds of millions of dollars to build a wall that is wholly unnecessary. And most Americans want the law to change so that millions of undocumented are allowed to stay and earn the right to permanent, legal residency.

If you believe in the International Justice System, Mexico should be sued and then forced to share the burden. It has consistently intentionally violated U.S. law and sovereignty. It owes the American Taxpayers. Trump is Spot On.
What treaty has Mexico violated? What is your basis for believing there's any cause of action against Mexico?

Mexico has not secured its border. It continues to encourage and allow its Citizens to freely flow into the U.S. And American Taxpayers have had enough. It's time for Mexico to share the enormous costs.
How so, and stamping you're tiny feet is not gonna make it?
You know it's a real mess when Millions of Americans are angry at a man for merely suggesting obeying the law of the land. Trump just needs to stay strong and persevere. He does have support.
Sure. Among uneducated white males with limited intelligence. He is killing it there.
Dubious numbers at best. But regardless, a wise investment. The U.S. Government always seems to have money for everything. So why not this?

And Trump should go forward with requesting Mexico contribute to the costs. Mexico has played a big part in creating this awful mess. It's time to do the right thing. Time to pick up part of the tab.

One you have to prove he is not an American Citizen and then you have a real problem. Foreign people are governed by the Constitution:

The reason for this is because of what the Framers of the Constitution believed. They did not believe that the "Constitution granted rights" but that those rights already existed as part of the natural order of who we are and that it merely "enshrined them" and prevented the government from encroaching on them. You have those rights regardless of what the US government says. The Constitution isn't about the citizens, it's about the government and framing the function of the government. Thus, as a human, you have those rights naturally by merely existing, the Constitution is there to prevent the government from stepping on those inalienable rights.
It is up to the illegals to prove or disprove their right to be here. If not, they are gone. They have the right to be heard.............have the right to a lawyer BUT THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR IT................and will see a judge to voice their case...............If they don't have the documentation............Then Adios Amigos.................

To which country. You have no proof they are Mexican either, with no proof they are Mexican the Mexican government won't take them either. So put them all in jail...

So how are you rounding them all up... Are you going to ID everyone walking down the street and no ID you get deported...
That is not going to happen unless you are dreaming.
You have activate marines or national guard walking on the street checking ID.
Then you will raid homes and schools.
This is like the NAZI rounding up the Jews in WW2.

More like the democrat president FDR roundup of the Japanese in WWII.

Trump is not going to kill them psycho

Trump's merely suggesting obeying the law. What's shocking is, so many Americans are actually opposed to that. Trump's got it right. Start upholding the law and demanding Mexico make amends. American Taxpayers have suffered enough.
Most Americans support amnesty and pathway to citizenship to solve this problem decently.
Trampons suggest inhumane.
I highly doubt that Trump has an intention to proceed the deportation according to the rules. He is more likely to push them all into a wagon and make them cross the border. That`s his style. He is notorious for his manners. Or, one of the richest Americans don`t know how to count money.

You don't need manners to put illegals on busses and ship their asses back to Mexico.

Hope that happens. Ship them all out of America.

As for trial. Bullshit. These are not American citizens and are not covered by out Constitution. They broke the law to get into our country and don't deserve anything but a buss ride back across the border.

Have someone check for papers. No papers ship their asses out of the country.
And that is BY FAR, the exact opinion of the VAST majority of Americans.
And yet, dumbass, you can find no poll that shows that any majority of Americans share that opinion.
Why do you need a poll, RETARD, when Trump is SOARING in the polls for this very reason?

You ignorant little pussy.
Soaring? 25% of REPUBLICANS. In a field of 17 candidates. You know who soared like that in 2012? Perry, Santorum, Bachman, Herman Cain.
Trump v. Clinton. Clinton RCP average +12.4.
Clinton Trump
RCP Average 7/20 - 8/13 -- -- 51.0 38.6 Clinton +12.4
FOX News 8/11 - 8/13 1008 47 42 Clinton +5
Quinnipiac 7/23 - 7/28 164 48 36 Clinton+12
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 54 38 Clinton +16
CNN/Opinion Research 7/22 - 7/25 56 40 Clinton +16
PPP (D) 7/20 - 7/21 1087 RV 3.0 50 37 Clinton +13

You were saying about polls?
Do I need to repeat myself, moron?

I m a Hillary Clinton fan. But I hope she bows out with grace Mary Dejevsky Comment is free The Guardian

Hillary Will Not Be The Nominee Worry About Sanders Video RealClearPolitics

Joe Scarborough Anybody Who Follows This For Ten Seconds Knows Hillary Clinton Is Lying Video RealClearPolitics

Judge Napolitano Let s Say Clinton Is Indicted For Conspiracy To Violate Espionage Laws... Video RealClearPolitics
You know it's a real mess when Millions of Americans are angry at a man for merely suggesting obeying the law of the land. Trump just needs to stay strong and persevere. He does have support.
Building a fence is fine. Thinking Mexico's gonna pay for it is a fantasy, and basically that's Trump's platform.

There are ways to 'encourage' Mexico to share in the enormous costs. It can and should happen.
You know it's a real mess when Millions of Americans are angry at a man for merely suggesting obeying the law of the land. Trump just needs to stay strong and persevere. He does have support.
Building a fence is fine. Thinking Mexico's gonna pay for it is a fantasy, and basically that's Trump's platform.

There are ways to 'encourage' Mexico to share in the enormous costs. It can and should happen.
Put up or stfu
Dubious numbers at best. But regardless, a wise investment. The U.S. Government always seems to have money for everything. So why not this?

And Trump should go forward with requesting Mexico contribute to the costs. Mexico has played a big part in creating this awful mess. It's time to do the right thing. Time to pick up part of the tab.

It is up to the illegals to prove or disprove their right to be here. If not, they are gone. They have the right to be heard.............have the right to a lawyer BUT THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR IT................and will see a judge to voice their case...............If they don't have the documentation............Then Adios Amigos.................

To which country. You have no proof they are Mexican either, with no proof they are Mexican the Mexican government won't take them either. So put them all in jail...

So how are you rounding them all up... Are you going to ID everyone walking down the street and no ID you get deported...
That is not going to happen unless you are dreaming.
You have activate marines or national guard walking on the street checking ID.
Then you will raid homes and schools.
This is like the NAZI rounding up the Jews in WW2.

More like the democrat president FDR roundup of the Japanese in WWII.

Trump is not going to kill them psycho

Trump's merely suggesting obeying the law. What's shocking is, so many Americans are actually opposed to that. Trump's got it right. Start upholding the law and demanding Mexico make amends. American Taxpayers have suffered enough.
Most Americans support amnesty and pathway to citizenship to solve this problem decently.
Trampons suggest inhumane.

It's the law. Always has been. Trump's merely suggesting the U.S. Government begin obeying it. Gee, how shocking. How dare he. :cuckoo:
You know it's a real mess when Millions of Americans are angry at a man for merely suggesting obeying the law of the land. Trump just needs to stay strong and persevere. He does have support.
Sure. Among uneducated white males with limited intelligence. He is killing it there.

Yes we know, demanding your Government obey the law is an appalling foreign concept to you. Very Un-American.
rYou don't need manners to put illegals on busses and ship their asses back to Mexico.

Hope that happens. Ship them all out of America.

As for trial. Bullshit. These are not American citizens and are not covered by out Constitution. They broke the law to get into our country and don't deserve anything but a buss ride back across the border.

Have someone check for papers. No papers ship their asses out of the country.
And that is BY FAR, the exact opinion of the VAST majority of Americans.
And yet, dumbass, you can find no poll that shows that any majority of Americans share that opinion.
Why do you need a poll, RETARD, when Trump is SOARING in the polls for this very reason?

You ignorant little pussy.
Soaring? 25% of REPUBLICANS. In a field of 17 candidates. You know who soared like that in 2012? Perry, Santorum, Bachman, Herman Cain.
Trump v. Clinton. Clinton RCP average +12.4.
Clinton Trump
RCP Average 7/20 - 8/13 -- -- 51.0 38.6 Clinton +12.4
FOX News 8/11 - 8/13 1008 47 42 Clinton +5
Quinnipiac 7/23 - 7/28 164 48 36 Clinton+12
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 54 38 Clinton +16
CNN/Opinion Research 7/22 - 7/25 56 40 Clinton +16
PPP (D) 7/20 - 7/21 1087 RV 3.0 50 37 Clinton +13

You were saying about polls?
Do I need to repeat myself, moron?

I m a Hillary Clinton fan. But I hope she bows out with grace Mary Dejevsky Comment is free The Guardian

Hillary Will Not Be The Nominee Worry About Sanders Video RealClearPolitics
So, the same polls that show Trump at 25 % means he is soaring but the fact that they show Hillary up by 12 over him are bogus? You do realize that these are the same fucking polls you are relying on, dumbass?
You know it's a real mess when Millions of Americans are angry at a man for merely suggesting obeying the law of the land. Trump just needs to stay strong and persevere. He does have support.
Building a fence is fine. Thinking Mexico's gonna pay for it is a fantasy, and basically that's Trump's platform.

There are ways to 'encourage' Mexico to share in the enormous costs. It can and should happen.
And those ways are?
You know it's a real mess when Millions of Americans are angry at a man for merely suggesting obeying the law of the land. Trump just needs to stay strong and persevere. He does have support.
Sure. Among uneducated white males with limited intelligence. He is killing it there.

Yes we know, demanding your Government obey the law is an appalling foreign concept to you. Very Un-American.
Our government does obey the law. In fact, you dumb fuck, they enforce the law.
And that is BY FAR, the exact opinion of the VAST majority of Americans.
And yet, dumbass, you can find no poll that shows that any majority of Americans share that opinion.
Why do you need a poll, RETARD, when Trump is SOARING in the polls for this very reason?

You ignorant little pussy.
Soaring? 25% of REPUBLICANS. In a field of 17 candidates. You know who soared like that in 2012? Perry, Santorum, Bachman, Herman Cain.
Trump v. Clinton. Clinton RCP average +12.4.
Clinton Trump
RCP Average 7/20 - 8/13 -- -- 51.0 38.6 Clinton +12.4
FOX News 8/11 - 8/13 1008 47 42 Clinton +5
Quinnipiac 7/23 - 7/28 164 48 36 Clinton+12
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 54 38 Clinton +16
CNN/Opinion Research 7/22 - 7/25 56 40 Clinton +16
PPP (D) 7/20 - 7/21 1087 RV 3.0 50 37 Clinton +13

You were saying about polls?
Do I need to repeat myself, moron?

I m a Hillary Clinton fan. But I hope she bows out with grace Mary Dejevsky Comment is free The Guardian

Hillary Will Not Be The Nominee Worry About Sanders Video RealClearPolitics
So, the same polls that show Trump at 25 % means he is soaring but the fact that they show Hillary up by 12 over him are bogus? You do realize that these are the same fucking polls you are relying on, dumbass?
You have completely IGNORED my point, which is TYPICAL of you little bubble headed progtards.

Get a clue, you pathetic little twit.

After reading all the rants I have seen here, I am convinced that if one were to give a copy of the US Constitution to one of these nuts, without identifying it, and asking them what they thought about it, they would universally reject it, and call it a communistic/totalitarian document that had no place in American law (except, of course, the 2nd amend ment).

Meantime, even Trump wants to do away with citizenship for people born in this country, which is guaranteed by the Constitution.

Vandal, I believe you're 110% correct about that. Those nuts have no idea what is actually in the constitution. They've never read it all the way through and either didn't go to class or didn't pay attention in class when they were supposed to read and learn about it in High School US History class.

trump's idea of of denying those born here in America citizenship violates the 14th amendment. The only way he can accomplish what he's proposing is to repeal the 14th Amendment. I don't think he and his followers knows how to amend the constitution. It's a long process and it takes a super majority in the House of Reps, the Senate and then a super majority of the states must vote to pass it.

It's not going to happen and anyone who actually thinks that trump has a good idea is more stupid and crazy than trump.
And yet, dumbass, you can find no poll that shows that any majority of Americans share that opinion.
Why do you need a poll, RETARD, when Trump is SOARING in the polls for this very reason?

You ignorant little pussy.
Soaring? 25% of REPUBLICANS. In a field of 17 candidates. You know who soared like that in 2012? Perry, Santorum, Bachman, Herman Cain.
Trump v. Clinton. Clinton RCP average +12.4.
Clinton Trump
RCP Average 7/20 - 8/13 -- -- 51.0 38.6 Clinton +12.4
FOX News 8/11 - 8/13 1008 47 42 Clinton +5
Quinnipiac 7/23 - 7/28 164 48 36 Clinton+12
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 54 38 Clinton +16
CNN/Opinion Research 7/22 - 7/25 56 40 Clinton +16
PPP (D) 7/20 - 7/21 1087 RV 3.0 50 37 Clinton +13

You were saying about polls?
Do I need to repeat myself, moron?

I m a Hillary Clinton fan. But I hope she bows out with grace Mary Dejevsky Comment is free The Guardian

Hillary Will Not Be The Nominee Worry About Sanders Video RealClearPolitics
So, the same polls that show Trump at 25 % means he is soaring but the fact that they show Hillary up by 12 over him are bogus? You do realize that these are the same fucking polls you are relying on, dumbass?
You have completely IGNORED my point, which is TYPICAL of you little bubble headed progtards.

Get a clue, you pathetic little twit.
Your point is that a poll show Trump "soaring" with one out of four Republicans supporting him but when one out of every two Americans support Hillary, you ignore that.
And yet, dumbass, you can find no poll that shows that any majority of Americans share that opinion.
Why do you need a poll, RETARD, when Trump is SOARING in the polls for this very reason?

You ignorant little pussy.
Soaring? 25% of REPUBLICANS. In a field of 17 candidates. You know who soared like that in 2012? Perry, Santorum, Bachman, Herman Cain.
Trump v. Clinton. Clinton RCP average +12.4.
Clinton Trump
RCP Average 7/20 - 8/13 -- -- 51.0 38.6 Clinton +12.4
FOX News 8/11 - 8/13 1008 47 42 Clinton +5
Quinnipiac 7/23 - 7/28 164 48 36 Clinton+12
McClatchy/Marist 7/22 - 7/28 54 38 Clinton +16
CNN/Opinion Research 7/22 - 7/25 56 40 Clinton +16
PPP (D) 7/20 - 7/21 1087 RV 3.0 50 37 Clinton +13

You were saying about polls?
Do I need to repeat myself, moron?

I m a Hillary Clinton fan. But I hope she bows out with grace Mary Dejevsky Comment is free The Guardian

Hillary Will Not Be The Nominee Worry About Sanders Video RealClearPolitics
So, the same polls that show Trump at 25 % means he is soaring but the fact that they show Hillary up by 12 over him are bogus? You do realize that these are the same fucking polls you are relying on, dumbass?
You have completely IGNORED my point, which is TYPICAL of you little bubble headed progtards.

Get a clue, you pathetic little twit.
The 25% who support him in the Republican primary is about the same number who think we can and should deport 11 million aliens and their 2 to 3 million Citizen children. Again, your demo: Uneducated white males of limited intelligence.
You know it's a real mess when Millions of Americans are angry at a man for merely suggesting obeying the law of the land. Trump just needs to stay strong and persevere. He does have support.
Building a fence is fine. Thinking Mexico's gonna pay for it is a fantasy, and basically that's Trump's platform.

There are ways to 'encourage' Mexico to share in the enormous costs. It can and should happen.
And those ways are?

The situation could be remedied by way of litigation. Cutting Taxpayer-funded aid could be another. But there are other ways.

Mexico has played a big role in creating this awful mess. It's only fair it begin to share in the enormous costs. They owe that to American Taxpayers.
Dubious numbers at best. But regardless, a wise investment. The U.S. Government always seems to have money for everything. So why not this?

And Trump should go forward with requesting Mexico contribute to the costs. Mexico has played a big part in creating this awful mess. It's time to do the right thing. Time to pick up part of the tab.

To which country. You have no proof they are Mexican either, with no proof they are Mexican the Mexican government won't take them either. So put them all in jail...

So how are you rounding them all up... Are you going to ID everyone walking down the street and no ID you get deported...
That is not going to happen unless you are dreaming.
You have activate marines or national guard walking on the street checking ID.
Then you will raid homes and schools.
This is like the NAZI rounding up the Jews in WW2.

More like the democrat president FDR roundup of the Japanese in WWII.

Trump is not going to kill them psycho

Trump's merely suggesting obeying the law. What's shocking is, so many Americans are actually opposed to that. Trump's got it right. Start upholding the law and demanding Mexico make amends. American Taxpayers have suffered enough.
He is proposing changing the law. He is suggesting that he has some magic ability to make Mexico pay hundreds of millions of dollars to build a wall that is wholly unnecessary. And most Americans want the law to change so that millions of undocumented are allowed to stay and earn the right to permanent, legal residency.


the same moronic straw man the Left uses every day./
even if a majority wanted a path to citizenship for the ones that SNUCK IN; many still want a wall built to keep future illegals from getting in.
You should not be posting when you are sleepy that way you can make sense of yourself.
One of the main reason we supported pathway to citizenship is they can get out from hiding and START PAYING TAXES.
Reghtards with common sense support this idea and some of the GOPs candidates.
You know it's a real mess when Millions of Americans are angry at a man for merely suggesting obeying the law of the land. Trump just needs to stay strong and persevere. He does have support.
Building a fence is fine. Thinking Mexico's gonna pay for it is a fantasy, and basically that's Trump's platform.

There are ways to 'encourage' Mexico to share in the enormous costs. It can and should happen.
And those ways are?

The situation could be remedied by way of litigation. Cutting Taxpayer-funded aid could be another. But there are other ways.

Mexico has played a big role in creating this awful mess. It's only fair it begin to share in the enormous costs. They owe that to American Taxpayers.
Litigation? With whom? In what Court? On what basis? Admit you have no freaking clue what you are talking about .

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