Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News
If an invading army invaded this country and we seeking to destroy us, would you say sorry we can't fight the take over because it costs too much?

It is battle worth fight regardless of the cost!

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This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Many USMB conservatives are truly this simpleminded and stupid.

of course you're incapable or just too lazy to say how or why it's a false comparison fallacy

but that's you
And here's another example of USMB's stupid, simpleminded right.

AND HERE'S INTELLECTUAL COWARD you blowing yet another chance to prove how intelligent you are, or at least back up the stupid shit you post
We can easily the illegals on government assistance & export them A.S.A.P. This will save us way more than $200 billion.
There are no illegals on public assistance. How many times do you idiots have to have it explained to you that they are not eligible for public assistance?

A 2010 study showed that in 2009, 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program.

It is much higher today. Plus they claim many dependents so they pay no taxes & receive earned income credit (EIC) payments from US tax payers.
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We can easily the illegals on government assistance & export them A.S.A.P. This will save us way more than $200 billion.
There are no illegals on public assistance. How many times do you idiots have to have it explained to you that they are not eligible for public assistance?

there are millions of illegals on public assistance; how many times do you idiots have to have it explained to you that whole households of illegals get public assistance on behalf of the American-born baby?
We can easily the illegals on government assistance & export them A.S.A.P. This will save us way more than $200 billion.
There are no illegals on public assistance. How many times do you idiots have to have it explained to you that they are not eligible for public assistance?

The total Medicaid expense per year comes to $89 billion, for ALL Americans. So, illegals cost way more than $200 billion?

KissMy, I can show you how to get rich on real estate with no money down! Just send me four easy installments of $99.95 plus shipping and handling, and find out how YOU can get rich, working at home for 1 hour per day!
If there were any laws broken by the Bush Administration, trust me...He would have brought charges......

Funny, I thought torture was supposed to be a crime

Fact is, pretzeldents always protect previous pretzeldents. That way they can be sure they won't be prosecuted for their own crimes after they leave.


Water boarding is torture?

I bet you think watching Fox news is a torture and a crime.

Ask the Japanese about that. WE prosecuted them for doing that. It was deemed a war crime.

no it was not you mindless moron. the TALKING POINT you are referring to is a debunked apples and organges comparison

THAT'S WHY you never got that war crimes trial for bush you hoped for

keep trying leftard
deporting them is a one-time expense; illegals cost billions EVERY YEAR and it keeps on adding up

libs are idiots who lie to themselves
Yes i National Review i We Did Execute Japanese for Waterboarding Paul Begala

"But I was not referring to Asano, nor was my source Sen. Kennedy. Instead I was referencing the statement of a different member of the Senate: John McCain. On November 29, 2007, Sen. McCain, while campaigning in St. Petersburg, Florida, said, "Following World War II war crime trials were convened. The Japanese were tried and convicted and hung for war crimes committed against American POWs. Among those charges for which they were convicted was waterboarding."

Sen. McCain was right and the National Review Online is wrong. Politifact, the St. Petersburg Times' truth-testing project (which this week was awarded a Pulitzer Prize), scrutinized Sen. McCain's statement and found it to be true. Here's the money quote from Politifact:"
NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News

If we had a border that actually prevented illegals from getting in, the costs of our various agencies that have to deal with those millions of illegals would evaporate. Not to mention the billions this will save for our hospitals and schools that are overcrowded because of illegals.

The progressives are scared shitless about this. So we know its the right thing to do.

Somebody should mention to Trump that there has been a couple of new inventions. The "shovel', and the "Ladder", which pretty much 'trumps' his wall. Also, they should mention that over 50% of the illegals come over with valid documents, but just overstay their visas.

is a link to much to ask leftard?
We can easily the illegals on government assistance & export them A.S.A.P. This will save us way more than $200 billion.
There are no illegals on public assistance. How many times do you idiots have to have it explained to you that they are not eligible for public assistance?

A 2010 study showed that in 2009, 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program.

It is much higher today. Plus they claim many dependents so they pay no taxes & receive earned income credit (EIC) payments from US tax payers.[/QUOTE

That is for all immigrants, legal and illegal and counts payments to citizens. That is to houses "headed" by an immigrant. That could be a family with five US citizens and a father who is a legal resident. That has nothing to do with illegal immigrants being eligible for benefits. They are not.
stop making a fool of yourself Googling left-wing propagand and answer a few simple questions

what article of what treaty allowed the Japanese to be put to death?
how many japanese were put to death for ANY type of toruture?
and how come you nutjobs never got that war crimes trial you wanted it the comparison is valid Vandle?
We can easily the illegals on government assistance & export them A.S.A.P. This will save us way more than $200 billion.
There are no illegals on public assistance. How many times do you idiots have to have it explained to you that they are not eligible for public assistance?

A 2010 study showed that in 2009, 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program.

It is much higher today. Plus they claim many dependents so they pay no taxes & receive earned income credit (EIC) payments from US tax payers.[/QUOTE

That is for all immigrants, legal and illegal and counts payments to citizens. That is to houses "headed" by an immigrant. That could be a family with five US citizens and a father who is a legal resident. That has nothing to do with illegal immigrants being eligible for benefits. They are not.

again; yes they are you moron
NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News

If we had a border that actually prevented illegals from getting in, the costs of our various agencies that have to deal with those millions of illegals would evaporate. Not to mention the billions this will save for our hospitals and schools that are overcrowded because of illegals.

The progressives are scared shitless about this. So we know its the right thing to do.

Somebody should mention to Trump that there has been a couple of new inventions. The "shovel', and the "Ladder", which pretty much 'trumps' his wall. Also, they should mention that over 50% of the illegals come over with valid documents, but just overstay their visas.

is a link to much to ask leftard?

i see. So, If you don't agree with the link, the link is bogus.

There's a good lad. Off, and play.....
You gotta love the left, they create a multi billion $$ mess and then bitch that it costs too much to fix it, so let's just continue creating a bigger mess. What complete morons.
Really, considering the unemployed/underemployed law school graduates, and wounded vets who are still capable of working courthouse security, the Donald's plan is not totally devoid of merit.
Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children ...
Center for Immigration Studies
Immigrant households with children used welfare programs at consistently ... Illegal immigrants generally receive benefits on behalf of their U.S.-born children. ... those born to illegal immigrants) are automatically awarded American citizenship ...

illegals get welfare benefits

stop lying to yourself
You gotta love the left, they create a multi billion $$ mess and then bitch that it costs too much to fix it, so let's just continue creating a bigger mess. What complete morons.

I'm sure glad that no illegal aliens came across the border during any republican administration! I am sure that you would find that embarrassing after a statement like you just made!
NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News

If we had a border that actually prevented illegals from getting in, the costs of our various agencies that have to deal with those millions of illegals would evaporate. Not to mention the billions this will save for our hospitals and schools that are overcrowded because of illegals.

The progressives are scared shitless about this. So we know its the right thing to do.

Somebody should mention to Trump that there has been a couple of new inventions. The "shovel', and the "Ladder", which pretty much 'trumps' his wall. Also, they should mention that over 50% of the illegals come over with valid documents, but just overstay their visas.

is a link to much to ask leftard?

i see. So, If you don't agree with the link, the link is bogus.

There's a good lad. Off, and play.....

what is Begala's expertise on international treaties on torture genius?
i mean because you're crying a casually dismissed you and all...........................
You gotta love the left, they create a multi billion $$ mess and then bitch that it costs too much to fix it, so let's just continue creating a bigger mess. What complete morons.

I'm sure glad that no illegal aliens came across the border during any republican administration! I am sure that you would find that embarrassing after a statement like you just made!


another straw man. this idiot is incapable of an intellectually honest debate.. we're trying to fix it

your plan is make the Hispanic ones who snuck in legal in time for future elections
You gotta love the left, they create a multi billion $$ mess and then bitch that it costs too much to fix it, so let's just continue creating a bigger mess. What complete morons.

I'm sure glad that no illegal aliens came across the border during any republican administration! I am sure that you would find that embarrassing after a statement like you just made!

Hey, they're really no better... agreed..... that's why many of us are so fed up with the GOP... they're just Democrat light.

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