Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

The problem Boss is just like others. You have this attitudes I want, I want, I want just like Paddy mentioned. Then you you and others keep saying I don't care, I don't care. When the fuck of the matter is you YOU don't have any specific how to handle this problem. You don't even understand the logistics. And yet you keep insisting the bullshit from this bullshiter.
Everyone wants to solve this problem. Now if you can tell us the specific how to solve this problem will be glad to shut.
For now, since you don't have any clue what you are talking about. Shut the fuck up.

Well if you go back and read the thread, you'll find that my assertion of what "I want" is presented in response to someone implying I wanted "to kick out brown people." Since that was NOT what I want, I felt strongly compelled to set the record straight. I'm sorry if my setting the record straight offended you in some way. As for now, we live in a free and open society and you do not have the authority to tell me to shut up.

Now... You want specifics...

We're going to build a wall across our southern border.
All logistics have been considered and it can be done.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade.

That's about as specific as we can be.
"We're going to build a wall across our southern border.
All logistics have been considered and it can be done.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade."

Nothing there is specific. What will it cost? How will it benefit us? No logistics have been considered. You just make shit up and post it. It will not solve the problem of illegals since close to 40% entered legally and stayed. And Mexico will not pay for it. We depend on their trade as much as they depend on ours and we currently have a treaty that cannot be abridged. The rest of this hemisphere would not stand for us trying to bully Mexico. Your posts reveal more and more stupidity on your part.
We don't need trade from Mexico. Anything we build in Mexico can be built here, just cost a bit more. We don't sell much shit over there so fuck it, screw em, and charge em. And your 40% entered legally is a bullshit outdated number that doesn't take into consideration how it's happening in the current situation. And if true gives us reason to stop letting them in legally too.
Using a bully opinion is a not a fact or the reality. Manufacturers like me go overseas or to the south because the labor is far far lower compared to US. Why do you think European luxury car mfr. are going to Mexico? Yes they can be built here but it cost more expensive than just a little bit more. We sell a lots of products in Mexico just in case you're not aware.
The problem Boss is just like others. You have this attitudes I want, I want, I want just like Paddy mentioned. Then you you and others keep saying I don't care, I don't care. When the fuck of the matter is you YOU don't have any specific how to handle this problem. You don't even understand the logistics. And yet you keep insisting the bullshit from this bullshiter.
Everyone wants to solve this problem. Now if you can tell us the specific how to solve this problem will be glad to shut.
For now, since you don't have any clue what you are talking about. Shut the fuck up.

Well if you go back and read the thread, you'll find that my assertion of what "I want" is presented in response to someone implying I wanted "to kick out brown people." Since that was NOT what I want, I felt strongly compelled to set the record straight. I'm sorry if my setting the record straight offended you in some way. As for now, we live in a free and open society and you do not have the authority to tell me to shut up.

Now... You want specifics...

We're going to build a wall across our southern border.
All logistics have been considered and it can be done.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade.

That's about as specific as we can be.
"We're going to build a wall across our southern border.
All logistics have been considered and it can be done.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade."

Nothing there is specific. What will it cost? How will it benefit us? No logistics have been considered. You just make shit up and post it. It will not solve the problem of illegals since close to 40% entered legally and stayed. And Mexico will not pay for it. We depend on their trade as much as they depend on ours and we currently have a treaty that cannot be abridged. The rest of this hemisphere would not stand for us trying to bully Mexico. Your posts reveal more and more stupidity on your part.
We don't need trade from Mexico. Anything we build in Mexico can be built here, just cost a bit more. We don't sell much shit over there so fuck it, screw em, and charge em. And your 40% entered legally is a bullshit outdated number that doesn't take into consideration how it's happening in the current situation. And if true gives us reason to stop letting them in legally too.
Using a bully opinion is a not a fact or the reality. Manufacturers like me go overseas or to the south because the labor is far far lower compared to US. Why do you think European luxury car mfr. are going to Mexico? Yes they can be built here but it cost more expensive than just a little bit more. We sell a lots of products in Mexico just in case you're not aware.
Capitalism isn't patriotic. They seem to have a hard time understanding that.
It will cost much more than 200 billion. And it will mean billions in lost taxes and economic activity. All to assuage assholes like you who cannot offer up a rational basis why we should hunt down and remove 11 million folks who are harming no one and do more to benefit us that pricks like you do.

I doubt it. Based on the cost of the Israeli wall around the West bank it will be cheap. The cost of that wall is estimated at 3.67 million per mile. For an 1800 million wall, that only comes to less than $8 billion. Open Borders assholes grossly overestimate the cost of any proposed solution because they don't want a solution.

What "lost taxes and economic activity?" Unless you're counting smuggling drugs and illegal aliens, it won't stop an iota of economic activity, and it will vastly reduce the burden on taxpayers of paying for all these new mouths to feed, cloth, house and educate.

The excuses for not building the wall are so pathetic and weak that it's hard to believe anyone is shameless enough to utter them in a public forum.
These taxes, moron:
"The 50-state analysis by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy released on Thursday found that roughly 8.1 million of 11.4 million undocumented immigrants who work paid more than $11.8 billion in state and local taxes in 2012, even while they were living illegally in the country.

Related: Clinton’s Fuzzy Position on Immigration Worries Activists

The group’s analysis estimated that illegal immigrants’ combined nationwide state and local tax contributions would increase by $845 million under full implementation of Obama’s 2012 and 2014 executive actions and by $2.2 billion under comprehensive immigration reform.

Tax contributions from illegal immigrants ranged from less than $3.2 million in Montana with an estimated undocumented population of 6,000 to more than $3.2 billion in California with more than 3.1 million illegal immigrants, according to the study.

“The numbers alone make a compelling case for reform,” said Matthew Gardner, executive director of ITEP. “This analysis shows that undocumented immigrants already are paying billions in taxes to state and local governments, and if they are allowed to work in the country legally, their state and local tax contributions would considerably increase.”

Illegals cost state, local and federal governments $120 billion. I'll take that trade any day of the week. That doesn't even count the cost of unemployed Americans who were displaced by cheap foreign labor.
No, they do not. Those stats, from a right wing anti-immigration group., FAIR, lump together the costs associated with legal immigrants and native born citizens of immigrants as well. And they provide their own "estimates" of the cost of what they conclude to be "fraudulently" obtained benefits.

Most important, there is another option to the ridiculous idea to deport them all. If the immigration reform agreed to by Democrats and Republicans before Obama were elected were put into effect, the economic benefits would be huge.

Recent studies demonstrate that the higher earnings of legalized workers yield more tax revenue, more consumer buying power, and more jobs

  • Raúl Hinojosa-Ojeda, founding director of the North American Integration and Development Center at the University of California, Los Angeles, estimates that in just the first three years following legalization, the “higher earning power of newly legalized workers translates into an increase in net personal income of $30 to $36 billion, which would generate $4.5 to $5.4 billion in additional net tax revenue. Moreover, an increase in personal income of this scale would generate consumer spending sufficient to support 750,000 to 900,000 jobs.”
    • In general, the study found that “removing the uncertainty of unauthorized status allows legalized immigrants to earn higher wages and move into higher-paying occupations, and also encourages them to invest more in their own education, open bank accounts, buy homes, and start businesses.”
  • Raúl Hinojosa-Ojeda also estimates the fiscal benefits of legalization for eight states.
    • Arizona: The wages of unauthorized workers would increase by $1.8 billion, generating an additional $540 million in tax revenue and creating 39,000 new jobs.
    • California: The wages of unauthorized workers would increase by $26.9 billion, generating an additional $5.3 billion in tax revenue and creating 633,000 new jobs.
    • Colorado: The wages of unauthorized workers would increase by $924 million, generating an additional $297 million in tax revenue and creating 20,000 new jobs.
    • Florida: The wages of unauthorized workers would increase by $3.8 billion, generating an additional $1.13 billion in tax revenue and creating 97,000 new jobs.
    • Nevada: The wages of unauthorized workers would increase by $970 million, generating an additional $249 million in tax revenue and creating 23,000 new jobs.
    • New Mexico: The wages of unauthorized workers would increase by $312 million, generating an additional $90 million in tax revenue and creating 8,000 new jobs.
    • Texas: The wages of unauthorized workers would increase by $9.7 billion, generating an additional $4.1 billion in new tax revenue and creating 193,000 new jobs.
    • Virginia: The wages of unauthorized workers would increase by $1.2 billion, generating an additional $371 million in tax revenue and creating 27,000 new jobs.
  • A study by Manuel Pastor and his colleagues at the Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration at the University of Southern California found that California’s unauthorized Latino population lost out on $2.2 billion in wages each year because of their lack of legal status.
    • Were they to earn this additional $2.2 billion, the “rise in income would spur direct consumption spending by about $1.75 billion dollars per year, which would ripple throughout the state economy, generating an additional $1.5 billion in indirect local spending. Such an increase in direct and indirect consumer spending of about $3.25 billion would generate over 25,000 additional jobs in the state.”
    • Moreover, “if unauthorized Latino workers were granted legal status, the state government would benefit from a gross increase of $310 million in income taxes and the federal government would gain $1.4 billion in paid income taxes each year.”
  • In another study, Manuel Pastor and Justin Scoggins estimate that, if the 8.5 million Lawful Permanent Residents (LPRs) in the United States who are eligible to naturalize did so, their earnings over the next decade would rise somewhere between $21 billion and $45 billion.
    • These additional earnings and the spending they generate would amount to an increase in Gross Domestic Product of somewhere between $37 billion and $52 billion.
  • A report from the American Action Forum, authored by former CBO director Douglas Holtz-Eakin, estimates that immigration reform would “raise GDP per capita by over $1,500 and reduce the cumulative federal deficit by over $2.5 trillion” over 10 years.
    • These benefits accrue because “immigration reform can raise population growth, labor force growth, and thus growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In addition, immigrants have displayed entrepreneurial rates above that of the native born population.”
  • A study by the Center for American Progress and Partnership for a New American Economy estimated the economic benefits of passing the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, which would create a pathway to legal status for the estimated 2.1 million eligible unauthorized immigrants who were brought to this country as children.
    • The study found that “through a combination of improved educational attainment and higher paid jobs available to authorized immigrants, the passage of the DREAM Act would result directly in $148 billion in increased earnings for beneficiaries of the passage of the proposed law. This direct effect would result in an induced effect of an additional $181 billion of economic activity. We conservatively estimate the combined economic benefits of the DREAM Act would be approximately $329 billion over the next 20 years, leading to 1.4 million new jobs and at least an additional $10.2 billion in tax revenue.”
Actually, the constant flow of illegals has driven wages down in several border states costing states billions in lost revenue......not to mention the costs of taking care of all of these people who have no money and no means of transportation. The costs are staggering.

Once the illegals discover that they have to follow the same rules as the rest of us....they'll want to go back to being illegals.

$100 billion dollars to deport all of those people?

We spend damn near that much every year taking care of them.

The Concerned American: The Fifth Circuit, Amnesty for Illegals, and Another Feckless, Arrogant, Obama Lickspittle
We have a Commerce Clause; why are we losing money on Commerce at our borders?

Is Mr. Trump exaggerating about knowing how to make a profit. We have a Commerce Clause and an official Mint to work with.

What "miracles" would Mr. Trump work in the private sector, if his "privy treasury" was our public treasury.
You disgust me because you are too fucking stupid to be a citizen. We were talking about your idiotic claims about the constitution. It is possible to pass a law to remove all aliens. It will simply cost too much. And it will not only cost money, it will reduces taxes they pay and economic activity they create. All to remove people who do no harm.

My only claim was that the Constitution says nothing about soil or you having any rights by being on it. That claim will stand until it is disproved. If you want to switch subjects or call me names, that is fine too... it doesn't disprove my claim in the least.

I've never said "pass a law to remove all aliens" and I'm not sure that would be possible anyway. We passed a law back in the 1830s to "remove all Indians" but we never removed them all... some remained. We removed a lot of them, it's known today as "the trail of tears" and oh by the way... The SCOTUS ruled it unconstitutional and President Jackson did it anyway.

But here, that's "extremist rhetoric" from either side... we're not going to pass any such law today. We ARE going to build a wall and secure the border. The cost is not an issue because Mexico will pay for it. At the same time, while we are constructing this wall, we are going to deport captured illegals who have broken other laws. We will keep doing this even after the wall is built. Once we have a wall and have stopped virtually all illegal border crossings, we can have a reasonable conversation about what we can do with the remaining law-abiding illegals who are here. That conversation is not going to happen until the wall is finished.
No one ever said it did. The term "soil" was a reference to the English Common law legal principle that formed the basis for the term "natural born citizen". It meant a person born in the country, i.e on its soil. Or, did you think it meant that those born by c-section were not citizens?

No sir... the poster Vanindashade said "the Constitution applies to everyone on American soil." I responded to that a few pages ago... The Constitution says no such thing. I then presented 3 examples of people who are on American soil, who do not have full Constitutional rights. Furthermore, an American on a ship in the ocean has the same Constitutional rights as they do on the soil of America. There is nothing in the Constitution about soil.... NOW you are trying to pretend a different argument was made... aww... how cute... but grown ups don't do this.

Now.... Let's both say it together... The Constitution doesn't say anything about soil.

We are not going to build a wall. Will never happen because it would be a profound waste of money. And the notion that Mexico will pay anything is incredibly stupid. Why would they?

If Trump is elected you can sit back and watch it happen. We WILL build a wall.

Your opinion on what is a waste is not relevant.

Mexico will pay for it because they don't have a choice. Without our trade dollars, they starve to death.

"We're going to build a wall across our southern border.
All logistics have been considered and it can be done.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade."

Nothing there is specific. What will it cost? How will it benefit us? No logistics have been considered. You just make shit up and post it. It will not solve the problem of illegals since close to 40% entered legally and stayed. And Mexico will not pay for it. We depend on their trade as much as they depend on ours and we currently have a treaty that cannot be abridged. The rest of this hemisphere would not stand for us trying to bully Mexico. Your posts reveal more and more stupidity on your part.

Nothing there is specific.
What do you need made more specific?
What will it cost?
It will cost Americans nothing, Mexico is going to pay for it.
How will it benefit us?
By stopping the influx of illegal border crossings.
No logistics have been considered.
Well.. Yes... Yes, they have been considered.

It will not solve the problem of illegals...
It will solve the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
And Mexico will not pay for it.
Yes they will... 100% guaranteed, it isn't even questionable.
We depend on their trade as much as they depend on ours and we currently have a treaty that cannot be abridged.
False and false. We currently have a $15 billion trade deficit with Mexico. Tariffs are not prohibited by NAFTA. In fact, most of what we export to Mexico has tariffs applied.
The rest of this hemisphere would not stand for us trying to bully Mexico.
LMAOoo.. Oh yeah? Well what in the hell would they do about it? That's right...NADDA!
The problem Boss is just like others. You have this attitudes I want, I want, I want just like Paddy mentioned. Then you you and others keep saying I don't care, I don't care. When the fuck of the matter is you YOU don't have any specific how to handle this problem. You don't even understand the logistics. And yet you keep insisting the bullshit from this bullshiter.
Everyone wants to solve this problem. Now if you can tell us the specific how to solve this problem will be glad to shut.
For now, since you don't have any clue what you are talking about. Shut the fuck up.

Well if you go back and read the thread, you'll find that my assertion of what "I want" is presented in response to someone implying I wanted "to kick out brown people." Since that was NOT what I want, I felt strongly compelled to set the record straight. I'm sorry if my setting the record straight offended you in some way. As for now, we live in a free and open society and you do not have the authority to tell me to shut up.

Now... You want specifics...

We're going to build a wall across our southern border.
All logistics have been considered and it can be done.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade.

That's about as specific as we can be.
What kind of specific is that? It's like telling me. I'm going to stop the rain with a bucket. If you don't know just say so.
What made you think a wall will solve the problem?
You mentioned only WALL. I think the topic of this thread is about illegals. How about illegals that are here?

I really don't understand this continual clamoring for "specifics" when it has been presented about as specifically as it can be at this point. Do you need to know how many bags of concrete will be used? How much re-bar will be needed? Will it be a Corps of Engineers project or will we do contract bids? Well.. no one has all that laid out and settled yet but it's not a big deal. Nothing here is unprecedented or impossible. Walls have been built before... Great Walls!

What makes me think a wall would solve the problem? Well... Hmmm... maybe because walls are difficult to get over? And hey... if the wall is not too hard to get over, we can also plant some land mines... that's an option. What makes your retarded ass think a wall wouldn't stop illegal aliens from crossing our southern border?

I've already addressed illegals already here... When they break a law here, we fucking deport them like we're supposed to be doing. AFTER we have a wall built, we can look at what to do with the law-abiding illegals still here. We're not going to just give them a free amnesty pass... they will probably have to pay a fine and apply for citizenship. BUT... we're not even going to have that conversation until the wall is built. It's pointless.
You disgust me because you are too fucking stupid to be a citizen. We were talking about your idiotic claims about the constitution. It is possible to pass a law to remove all aliens. It will simply cost too much. And it will not only cost money, it will reduces taxes they pay and economic activity they create. All to remove people who do no harm.

My only claim was that the Constitution says nothing about soil or you having any rights by being on it. That claim will stand until it is disproved. If you want to switch subjects or call me names, that is fine too... it doesn't disprove my claim in the least.

I've never said "pass a law to remove all aliens" and I'm not sure that would be possible anyway. We passed a law back in the 1830s to "remove all Indians" but we never removed them all... some remained. We removed a lot of them, it's known today as "the trail of tears" and oh by the way... The SCOTUS ruled it unconstitutional and President Jackson did it anyway.

But here, that's "extremist rhetoric" from either side... we're not going to pass any such law today. We ARE going to build a wall and secure the border. The cost is not an issue because Mexico will pay for it. At the same time, while we are constructing this wall, we are going to deport captured illegals who have broken other laws. We will keep doing this even after the wall is built. Once we have a wall and have stopped virtually all illegal border crossings, we can have a reasonable conversation about what we can do with the remaining law-abiding illegals who are here. That conversation is not going to happen until the wall is finished.
No one ever said it did. The term "soil" was a reference to the English Common law legal principle that formed the basis for the term "natural born citizen". It meant a person born in the country, i.e on its soil. Or, did you think it meant that those born by c-section were not citizens?

No sir... the poster Vanindashade said "the Constitution applies to everyone on American soil." I responded to that a few pages ago... The Constitution says no such thing. I then presented 3 examples of people who are on American soil, who do not have full Constitutional rights. Furthermore, an American on a ship in the ocean has the same Constitutional rights as they do on the soil of America. There is nothing in the Constitution about soil.... NOW you are trying to pretend a different argument was made... aww... how cute... but grown ups don't do this.

Now.... Let's both say it together... The Constitution doesn't say anything about soil.

We are not going to build a wall. Will never happen because it would be a profound waste of money. And the notion that Mexico will pay anything is incredibly stupid. Why would they?

If Trump is elected you can sit back and watch it happen. We WILL build a wall.

Your opinion on what is a waste is not relevant.

Mexico will pay for it because they don't have a choice. Without our trade dollars, they starve to death.

"We're going to build a wall across our southern border.
All logistics have been considered and it can be done.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade."

Nothing there is specific. What will it cost? How will it benefit us? No logistics have been considered. You just make shit up and post it. It will not solve the problem of illegals since close to 40% entered legally and stayed. And Mexico will not pay for it. We depend on their trade as much as they depend on ours and we currently have a treaty that cannot be abridged. The rest of this hemisphere would not stand for us trying to bully Mexico. Your posts reveal more and more stupidity on your part.

Nothing there is specific.
What do you need made more specific?
What will it cost?
It will cost Americans nothing, Mexico is going to pay for it.
How will it benefit us?
By stopping the influx of illegal border crossings.
No logistics have been considered.
Well.. Yes... Yes, they have been considered.

It will not solve the problem of illegals...
It will solve the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
And Mexico will not pay for it.
Yes they will... 100% guaranteed, it isn't even questionable.
We depend on their trade as much as they depend on ours and we currently have a treaty that cannot be abridged.
False and false. We currently have a $15 billion trade deficit with Mexico. Tariffs are not prohibited by NAFTA. In fact, most of what we export to Mexico has tariffs applied.
The rest of this hemisphere would not stand for us trying to bully Mexico.
LMAOoo.. Oh yeah? Well what in the hell would they do about it? That's right...NADDA!
Sorry, Boss, I don't have the time to give your ignorant ass another beat down.
We WILL build a wall.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade."
Tell us, do you believe in Trade Agreements? Do you believe in Property Rights?

I believe we are going to build a wall and secure our southern border. I believe Mexico will pay for it. No, I actually believe NAFTA cost Americans millions of jobs and was a terrible move. Property rights? WTF? Where do you come up with that?
We WILL build a wall.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade."
Tell us, do you believe in Trade Agreements? Do you believe in Property Rights?

I believe we are going to build a wall and secure our southern border. I believe Mexico will pay for it. No, I actually believe NAFTA cost Americans millions of jobs and was a terrible move. Property rights? WTF? Where do you come up with that?
You don't own the border. Much of it is private land, that's not for sale at any price. Have any issues taking it from the rightful owners?
WATCH: Border Landowners Feel Shortchanged By Government Land Seizures

And I gather you don't support treaties or trade agreements then...
You disgust me because you are too fucking stupid to be a citizen. We were talking about your idiotic claims about the constitution. It is possible to pass a law to remove all aliens. It will simply cost too much. And it will not only cost money, it will reduces taxes they pay and economic activity they create. All to remove people who do no harm.

My only claim was that the Constitution says nothing about soil or you having any rights by being on it. That claim will stand until it is disproved. If you want to switch subjects or call me names, that is fine too... it doesn't disprove my claim in the least.

I've never said "pass a law to remove all aliens" and I'm not sure that would be possible anyway. We passed a law back in the 1830s to "remove all Indians" but we never removed them all... some remained. We removed a lot of them, it's known today as "the trail of tears" and oh by the way... The SCOTUS ruled it unconstitutional and President Jackson did it anyway.

But here, that's "extremist rhetoric" from either side... we're not going to pass any such law today. We ARE going to build a wall and secure the border. The cost is not an issue because Mexico will pay for it. At the same time, while we are constructing this wall, we are going to deport captured illegals who have broken other laws. We will keep doing this even after the wall is built. Once we have a wall and have stopped virtually all illegal border crossings, we can have a reasonable conversation about what we can do with the remaining law-abiding illegals who are here. That conversation is not going to happen until the wall is finished.
No one ever said it did. The term "soil" was a reference to the English Common law legal principle that formed the basis for the term "natural born citizen". It meant a person born in the country, i.e on its soil. Or, did you think it meant that those born by c-section were not citizens?

No sir... the poster Vanindashade said "the Constitution applies to everyone on American soil." I responded to that a few pages ago... The Constitution says no such thing. I then presented 3 examples of people who are on American soil, who do not have full Constitutional rights. Furthermore, an American on a ship in the ocean has the same Constitutional rights as they do on the soil of America. There is nothing in the Constitution about soil.... NOW you are trying to pretend a different argument was made... aww... how cute... but grown ups don't do this.

Now.... Let's both say it together... The Constitution doesn't say anything about soil.

We are not going to build a wall. Will never happen because it would be a profound waste of money. And the notion that Mexico will pay anything is incredibly stupid. Why would they?

If Trump is elected you can sit back and watch it happen. We WILL build a wall.

Your opinion on what is a waste is not relevant.

Mexico will pay for it because they don't have a choice. Without our trade dollars, they starve to death.

"We're going to build a wall across our southern border.
All logistics have been considered and it can be done.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade."

Nothing there is specific. What will it cost? How will it benefit us? No logistics have been considered. You just make shit up and post it. It will not solve the problem of illegals since close to 40% entered legally and stayed. And Mexico will not pay for it. We depend on their trade as much as they depend on ours and we currently have a treaty that cannot be abridged. The rest of this hemisphere would not stand for us trying to bully Mexico. Your posts reveal more and more stupidity on your part.

Nothing there is specific.
What do you need made more specific?
What will it cost?
It will cost Americans nothing, Mexico is going to pay for it.
How will it benefit us?
By stopping the influx of illegal border crossings.
No logistics have been considered.
Well.. Yes... Yes, they have been considered.

It will not solve the problem of illegals...
It will solve the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
And Mexico will not pay for it.
Yes they will... 100% guaranteed, it isn't even questionable.
We depend on their trade as much as they depend on ours and we currently have a treaty that cannot be abridged.
False and false. We currently have a $15 billion trade deficit with Mexico. Tariffs are not prohibited by NAFTA. In fact, most of what we export to Mexico has tariffs applied.
The rest of this hemisphere would not stand for us trying to bully Mexico.
LMAOoo.. Oh yeah? Well what in the hell would they do about it? That's right...NADDA!
Sorry, Boss, I don't have the time to give your ignorant ass another beat down.

Oh, I totally understand... you weren't getting very far anyway... It's best you run away like the little coward you are. You might actually be a little smarter than I gave you credit for!
We WILL build a wall.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade."
Tell us, do you believe in Trade Agreements? Do you believe in Property Rights?

I believe we are going to build a wall and secure our southern border. I believe Mexico will pay for it. No, I actually believe NAFTA cost Americans millions of jobs and was a terrible move. Property rights? WTF? Where do you come up with that?
How much profit is there in it for us?

I can't wait for Mr. Trump's version of the Great Walls of America.

The amusement park sector already has some metrics to beat:

The Secrets Behind Disney's $2.2 Billion Theme Park Profits
We WILL build a wall.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade."
Tell us, do you believe in Trade Agreements? Do you believe in Property Rights?

I believe we are going to build a wall and secure our southern border. I believe Mexico will pay for it. No, I actually believe NAFTA cost Americans millions of jobs and was a terrible move. Property rights? WTF? Where do you come up with that?
You don't own the border. Much of it is private land, that's not for sale at any price. Have any issues taking it from the rightful owners?
WATCH: Border Landowners Feel Shortchanged By Government Land Seizures

And I gather you don't support treaties or trade agreements then...

Wow... guess you never heard of eminent domain? :dunno:
We WILL build a wall.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade."
Tell us, do you believe in Trade Agreements? Do you believe in Property Rights?

I believe we are going to build a wall and secure our southern border. I believe Mexico will pay for it. No, I actually believe NAFTA cost Americans millions of jobs and was a terrible move. Property rights? WTF? Where do you come up with that?
You don't own the border. Much of it is private land, that's not for sale at any price. Have any issues taking it from the rightful owners?
WATCH: Border Landowners Feel Shortchanged By Government Land Seizures

And I gather you don't support treaties or trade agreements then...

Wow... guess you never heard of eminent domain? :dunno:
I see, so you don't respect property rights either. As expected...
We WILL build a wall.
This solves the problem of illegals crossing our southern border.
The wall will be paid for by Mexico who depend on US trade."
Tell us, do you believe in Trade Agreements? Do you believe in Property Rights?

I believe we are going to build a wall and secure our southern border. I believe Mexico will pay for it. No, I actually believe NAFTA cost Americans millions of jobs and was a terrible move. Property rights? WTF? Where do you come up with that?
You don't own the border. Much of it is private land, that's not for sale at any price. Have any issues taking it from the rightful owners?
WATCH: Border Landowners Feel Shortchanged By Government Land Seizures

And I gather you don't support treaties or trade agreements then...

Wow... guess you never heard of eminent domain? :dunno:
yes; an public policy constitutes an public use.
How much profit is there in it for us?

Who has suggested anything regarding profit? This isn't a business venture.

You folks are literally cracking up before our very eyes... it's amazing! :ack-1:
Only a Social plan and no Capital plan? Doesn't that imply we need an avowed socialist and not an alleged capitalist to fill that position.

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