Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

US-Mexico trade BTW, a bit over half a trillion, a year.
Largely favoring Mexico..........
Most of our trade south for stuff like auto parts to build and assemble for sale in the United States.......
It would be their main loss and not ours.

It would pressure them to help secure the dang border.
US-Mexico trade BTW, a bit over half a trillion, a year.
Largely favoring Mexico..........
Most of our trade south for stuff like auto parts to build and assemble for sale in the United States.......
It would be their main loss and not ours.

It would pressure them to help secure the dang border.
You are the one with a border issue, not them.
NAFTA is a Treaty.
To get rid of the Treaty it would have to go through the process to revoke it.......................
To stay in the Constitutional legal bounds......................

This is a ruse.. NAFTA doesn't prohibit tariffs. Building a wall and forcing Mexico to pay for it through tariffs is not in violation of any aspect regarding NAFTA. Our trade agreements do not prevent us from securing our borders. This is actually a national security issue, and even IF it violated NAFTA, the Commander in Chief can act unilaterally to uphold his Constitutional obligations to protect the citizenry. He doesn't even have to go through Congress to do this, although he probably would.
Has to go to the NAFTA courts for the increased tariffs.....................via the Treaty................We can be fined for violating it under the Treaty as we are now under COOL STANDARDS........................

The rest can be done as I stated.
I live about 35 miles from the border, and cross it regularly. I find it more than a little amusing that anyone would think that a fence would stop someone who has already made up his mind to walk for at least 3 days across a desert full of cactus and rattlesnakes, with little or no water and food, in scorching heat, with no shade, guide, or even a pair of boots. In AZ, we find about 200 bodies per year of those that fail to make it. It is beyond absurd. Besides that, few actually walk from the border to Phoenix. They are usually driven through the border in a truck or van and dropped off on the other side, to fend for themselves against the elements. Then, of course there is the other half of them who come over on visa's and simply don't go back. Down in Nogales, a bus fell through the pavement of a street, because it caused a tunnel under the border to collapse. The fact that China built the world's largest wall, which failed, over 1,000 years ago does not discourage Trump or his fans either.

The whole thing is just a continuation of the movement to keep the (Irish), (blacks), (Italians), (Chinese), (Jews), (Muslims), (Latinos) out.

Is there any other nation that provides taxpayer benefits to those immigrants who have extended their stay or violated their immigration laws? Yet, how many are able to do so without building a fence? We are living in a time where terrorists are looking for a way to infiltrate and hide within the United States with the predetermined notion of killing its citizens, however enforcement is not an option to many. The United States government is not a world charity organization for all who desire to sneak across our borders, we are a nation that lives and is governed by laws... it's time we start acting like one.

Well, that settles it, then. It is against the law to profile Latinos and pull them over and demand proof of citizenship, without probable cause that they committed a crime. If you don't believe me, ask Sheriff Joe. That being the case, Trump obviously has no plan on how to deport any of them that are not engaged in criminal activity.

If illegals are suspected to work at a specific sight or through an employer, government agents have every right under their authority of upholding "the law", to go in and investigate the same as officers that enforce our drug laws. We don't offer them asylum like sanctuary cities and give excuses to ignore the law

The open borders assholes think that's acting like the Gestapo.

Can you believe these morons? Perhaps we shouldn't arrest drug dealers and throw them in prison because that would separate them from their children!
No moron. Read your post if that will make any sense to you.
All I mean all when someone commit a felony will be arrested and put to jail. You are talking illegals that are drug dealers and killers.
We are talking about 40 millions of people that you are going eliminate.
US-Mexico trade BTW, a bit over half a trillion, a year.
Largely favoring Mexico..........
Most of our trade south for stuff like auto parts to build and assemble for sale in the United States.......
It would be their main loss and not ours.

It would pressure them to help secure the dang border.
You are the one with a border issue, not them.
They would be the ones with an economic issue not us if we hit them with high tariffs and pulled our funding and aid to them...........
pawn to knights four bitch.
To save our country 200 Billion seems cheap even at twice the cost.
Lets put it in perspective..... The War in Iraq cost over $818 Billion and the War in Afghanistan cost over $710 Billion. So Trumps plan would be money better spent that on either of the two wars mentioned.
Cost of National Security
Well, that is not what your beer buddies here are telling to the internet. Fuck Mexican govt. we don't need them. We only do very small business in Mexico etc. etc. we can built then cheaper.
You want to alternate the existing trade agreement because it's no to your advantage? Let me make it simpler. We Americans need specific how to get this done. Not just blanked saying I will renegotiate.

I can't speak for beer drinking buddies of the poster you are addressing but I've not said "fuck mexico we don't need them." I certainly haven't claimed we could build things cheaper... that is insane... we can't. Not unless you want to eliminate labor unions and the minimum wage... THEN we might be able to build things cheaper. We can't compete with the cost of labor anywhere, that is what has happened to all our decent-paying jobs.

Now... We have a problem with "free trade" because it's not fair to us right now... we can't compete because we're not on a level field. It's not because "free trade" is bad... it's not bad as long as it's fair.... when it's unfair, it's very bad. So why is it unfair? Because we've had our trade agreements negotiated by idiots, political hacks or "nice guys and gals" instead of 'killers' in negotiation. So we now have a collection of "deals" that have been made, which screw us. And... someone comes along and says the way we have to fix this is to renegotiate our deals... and you think that is "crazy talk!"

So what do you propose we do? I mean... I guess we can elect Hillary who is bought and paid for by lobbyists and corporatists who are making a fortune off our trade deals? Ignore the problem some more and pretend it's all the fault of those "evil rich people" and we need to tax them more and put more socialist burden on capitalism... is that your plan?
US-Mexico trade BTW, a bit over half a trillion, a year.
Largely favoring Mexico..........
Most of our trade south for stuff like auto parts to build and assemble for sale in the United States.......
It would be their main loss and not ours.

It would pressure them to help secure the dang border.
You are the one with a border issue, not them.
They would be the ones with an economic issue not us if we hit them with high tariffs and pulled our funding and aid to them...........
pawn to knights four bitch.
How lucky for them then, that you can't hit them with tariffs.
US-Mexico trade BTW, a bit over half a trillion, a year.
Largely favoring Mexico..........
Most of our trade south for stuff like auto parts to build and assemble for sale in the United States.......
It would be their main loss and not ours.

It would pressure them to help secure the dang border.
You are the one with a border issue, not them.
They would be the ones with an economic issue not us if we hit them with high tariffs and pulled our funding and aid to them...........
pawn to knights four bitch.
How lucky for them then, that you can't hit them with tariffs.
Well we could just do it via other means the way your side does it all the time.................pen and a phone...........your product violates the EPA regulations..........
With 90000 pages of regulations you guys love we could tie it up in court for years while we refuse entry of products from their country and PLAY BY YOUR RULES.......................

Or just ignore it and say fuck it and do it............and piss everyone off..........................It's what you guys do all the time..........maybe it's time for a dose of your own medicine.
Bripat From your post #1012.
Thousands of illegals deported each year is correct. However most or all are illegals caught crossing the borders. We are talking 11 millions or more that you are trying to eliminate.
All kids born in this country are US citizens. Maybe you are not aware that all kids born in this country are us citizens.

Sorry, but plenty of legal scholars disagree, and the Senator who wrote the 14th Amendment disagrees.
You can fuck the senators if you want but that is the law of the land. Either you like it or not. If the senators that wrote this law didn't agree so why in the world they made that law to begin with.
Bripat From your post #1012.
Thousands of illegals deported each year is correct. However most or all are illegals caught crossing the borders. We are talking 11 millions or more that you are trying to eliminate.
All kids born in this country are US citizens. Maybe you are not aware that all kids born in this country are us citizens.
Not all, just very, very close to all...
Can you tell me which are not?
US-Mexico trade BTW, a bit over half a trillion, a year.
Largely favoring Mexico..........
Most of our trade south for stuff like auto parts to build and assemble for sale in the United States.......
It would be their main loss and not ours.

It would pressure them to help secure the dang border.
You are the one with a border issue, not them.
They would be the ones with an economic issue not us if we hit them with high tariffs and pulled our funding and aid to them...........
pawn to knights four bitch.
How lucky for them then, that you can't hit them with tariffs.
Well we could just do it via other means the way your side does it all the time.................pen and a phone...........your product violates the EPA regulations..........
With 90000 pages of regulations you guys love we could tie it up in court for years while we refuse entry of products from their country and PLAY BY YOUR RULES.......................

Or just ignore it and say fuck it and do it............and piss everyone off..........................It's what you guys do all the time..........maybe it's time for a dose of your own medicine.
Trade agreements actually matter, but not to you. That's alright, you guys aren't known for keeping your word, or a deal...
Has to go to the NAFTA courts for the increased tariffs...

I disagree, I don't think it does.

Now... I presume that Donald J. Trump likely has access to any documentation you have or I have, or anyone else may have, regarding NAFTA and what can or can't be done.... don't you guess? So why would he say, very confidently, that Mexico will pay or we'll tack a nice little trade tariff on their products and collect it that way? Do you think he would make such a bold statement... KNOWING he couldn't do it? :dunno:

You can bet your sweet ass, Trump has gone through NAFTA with his finest-toothed comb.... (no jokes please)... and he knows precisely how to exploit the 'contract' to his advantage. He knows where he can hold their feet to the fire... What stipulations can be made... How to get around various aspects... etc. This is what the man does.... it's his thing... he does it very well. If he is saying it's 100%... believe it.
Bripat From your post #1012.
Thousands of illegals deported each year is correct. However most or all are illegals caught crossing the borders. We are talking 11 millions or more that you are trying to eliminate.
All kids born in this country are US citizens. Maybe you are not aware that all kids born in this country are us citizens.
Not all, just very, very close to all...
Can you tell me which are not?
The children of those with Diplomatic Immunity for example. They are not under our jurisdiction. The children of those made during armed combat on American soil wouldn't be either. Same reason.
Largely favoring Mexico..........
Most of our trade south for stuff like auto parts to build and assemble for sale in the United States.......
It would be their main loss and not ours.

It would pressure them to help secure the dang border.
You are the one with a border issue, not them.
They would be the ones with an economic issue not us if we hit them with high tariffs and pulled our funding and aid to them...........
pawn to knights four bitch.
How lucky for them then, that you can't hit them with tariffs.
Well we could just do it via other means the way your side does it all the time.................pen and a phone...........your product violates the EPA regulations..........
With 90000 pages of regulations you guys love we could tie it up in court for years while we refuse entry of products from their country and PLAY BY YOUR RULES.......................

Or just ignore it and say fuck it and do it............and piss everyone off..........................It's what you guys do all the time..........maybe it's time for a dose of your own medicine.
Trade agreements actually matter, but not to you. That's alright, you guys aren't known for keeping your word, or a deal...

From the Obama Troll who defends his lawlessness all the time.
It is too bad that Trump is not running for office in the legislative branch...especially since everything he has come up with requires congressional action, and is not under the authority of the Executive branch.
"Employers would be fined heavily for hiring illegals. When illegals show up to the welfare offices, an ICE officer would be there to help show them to the nearest police station. A great many would self deport as they did during Operation Wetback."

And, we are already doing that, Jackson:
Agree with your post and link Vandal. The only reason they raid this facility because of criminal activities like under age workers etc. in 2008.
US-Mexico trade BTW, a bit over half a trillion, a year.
Largely favoring Mexico..........
Most of our trade south for stuff like auto parts to build and assemble for sale in the United States.......
It would be their main loss and not ours.

It would pressure them to help secure the dang border.
You are the one with a border issue, not them.
I don't think these people understand that.
US-Mexico trade BTW, a bit over half a trillion, a year.
Largely favoring Mexico..........
Most of our trade south for stuff like auto parts to build and assemble for sale in the United States.......
It would be their main loss and not ours.

It would pressure them to help secure the dang border.
You are the one with a border issue, not them.
I don't think these people understand that.
These people.............


He's basically saying that Mexico doesn't give a damn that the people are leaving to the United States. Of course they don't because many come here and send the money home which helps the Mexican economy.................

So, we could tariff them to make them understand that it's now their problem as well.
It is too bad that Trump is not running for office in the legislative branch...especially since everything he has come up with requires congressional action, and is not under the authority of the Executive branch.

If Trump wins the presidency on the promise to build the wall, there will be legislation passed in Congress to build the wall. Remember...elections have consequences? In fact... should Trump win by what could be defined as a "mandate" amount, there will not be many in Congress who will oppose the wall. Politicians are not all stupid... some of them understand how to survive. By the time we get to this point, even the pinheads on this board will be concocting some kind of way to backtrack and claim you've always been in favor of the wall.

But I have to say, it is monumentally hilarious to me how libtards are suddenly discovering separation of powers and the limitations of the executive branch... that's just really funny to me for some reason. :rofl:

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