Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

IF you ever lived with and AROUND Mexicans, legal or not, you wouldn't ask such stupid questions.
I guess that what really shakes my world is that there are people who vote Republican who are on record on this board of being in favor of giving the government the authority to plant land mines in our own country in order to kill people committing misdemeanors. As recently as the year 2000 I would have said that was impossible.
Just the American Taliban at work, hatin' on those darkies...

I grew up in the segregated South, and I thought that OUR racist rednecks were out of their tree, but at least they didn't talk about putting land mines on the NE side of Ponce de Leon Ave. in Atlanta to keep blacks in their own neighborhood!
Not any of my business, where do you live? With poor Mexicans or blacks? I do. DO I get a gold star? I have a handle on this. A worm's eye view. YOU? Condescend to me like all the others, please, DO.
I guess that what really shakes my world is that there are people who vote Republican who are on record on this board of being in favor of giving the government the authority to plant land mines in our own country in order to kill people committing misdemeanors. As recently as the year 2000 I would have said that was impossible.
Just the American Taliban at work, hatin' on those darkies...

I grew up in the segregated South, and I thought that OUR racist rednecks were out of their tree, but at least they didn't talk about putting land mines on the NE side of Ponce de Leon Ave. in Atlanta to keep blacks in their own neighborhood!
Not any of my business, where do you live? With poor Mexicans or blacks? I do. DO I get a gold star? I have a handle on this. A worm's eye view. YOU? Condescend to me like all the others, please, DO.

Well, as long as you asked, I live 35 miles away from the Mexican border. I have all my dental work done there. Before that, I lived in New Orleans, which is 74% black. When I lived in McAllen, Texas, I lived 9 miles away from the Mexican border.
I live like a thousand miles from the mexican border. Yet these illegals totally have come to dominate the place. I know immigrants from Europe, they don't play these games. Mexicans, Mexicans, Mexicans...Why the special treatment for Hispanics? Something isn't adding up here, boyo.
I live like a thousand miles from the mexican border. Yet these illegals totally have come to dominate the place. I know immigrants from Europe, they don't play these games. Mexicans, Mexicans, Mexicans...Why the special treatment for Hispanics? Something isn't adding up here, boyo.

Sounds like you would be well served to order the Rosetta Stone language course. Of course, that all depends on what you mean by "dominate the place".
I live like a thousand miles from the mexican border. Yet these illegals totally have come to dominate the place.....

Yeah, yeah, and you peek out from behind the curtains muttering to yourself about how 'justified' your racist bullshit is.

Go learn some new tricks...
I live like a thousand miles from the mexican border. Yet these illegals totally have come to dominate the place.....

Yeah, yeah, and you peek out from behind the curtains muttering to yourself about how 'justified' your racist bullshit is.

Go learn some new tricks...
Said the queen
I live like a thousand miles from the mexican border. Yet these illegals totally have come to dominate the place.....

Yeah, yeah, and you peek out from behind the curtains muttering to yourself about how 'justified' your racist bullshit is.

Said the sexles freak. How is that workin for ya?
Bub, you and some of your cohorts, have no idea just how bad Mexicans can be, none. I dare your sorry ass to live with "illegal" Mexicans for a year or two, then come back here and earn some wisdom. Right how you just sound a like a self righteous prick.
Nope, they are nothing of the kind.

Sanctuary cities do not restrict themselves to not asking. City officials tell their law enforcement personnel not to enforce the laws. They are violating federal law, and you endorse it.

You're a lawless thug, and you claim to be so concerned about the law.

What a lying asshole.
Immigration law belongs to the Feds, not the locals. Even holding an illegal after their incarceration is illegal at the moment, so they don't.

It's not illegal. It's mandatory.
No, it isn't, and it's illegal at the moment. It's been ruled unconstitutional: Mandatory immigration detainers are unconstitutional: Guest opinion

Do you know what the word "opinion" means?
I absolutely do. When the opinion is that of a Federal judge don't fuck with it.
From a more practical consideration, is the general government going to pay the debts of the several United States for establishing federal Standards in any State?
Bub, you and some of your cohorts, have no idea just how bad Mexicans can be, none. I dare your sorry ass to live with "illegal" Mexicans for a year or two, then come back here and earn some wisdom. Right how you just sound a like a self righteous prick.

I'm not sure who, "Bub" is, but I am very grateful that illegal immigrants rebuilt my house in New Orleans after Katrina. There were no legal workers to be found anywhere. All of the working class people had their homes wiped out, and moved to other cities. The illegals came and slept in the parks.
Bub, you and some of your cohorts, have no idea just how bad Mexicans can be, none. I dare your sorry ass to live with "illegal" Mexicans for a year or two, then come back here and earn some wisdom. Right how you just sound a like a self righteous prick.

I'm not sure who, "Bub" is, but I am very grateful that illegal immigrants rebuilt my house in New Orleans after Katrina. There were no legal workers to be found anywhere. All of the working class people had their homes wiped out, and moved to other cities. The illegals came and slept in the parks.
I believe a lot of individuals came from all over to donate their time to rebuild New Orleans.
Illegals have no place in the United States. A person who applies for a work visa and is given one is not illegal. And it is ridiculous for anyone to imagine that police would go door to door. They would simply wait until an illegal did something wrong and then deport him and any illegal family members.

A child born to an illegal in the US, should also be deported with the family unit. A child belongs with his parents but should be able to re-enter the US when he reaches 21.

Anyone who is not willing to see the logic in what I've stated, is likely only seeking votes for the Democratic party ---- or they wish to keep their household staff. My ancestors certainly needed to go through Ellis Island protocol. I cannot imagine why selected races should receive preferential treatment.
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US-Mexico trade BTW, a bit over half a trillion, a year.
Largely favoring Mexico..........
Most of our trade south for stuff like auto parts to build and assemble for sale in the United States.......
It would be their main loss and not ours.

It would pressure them to help secure the dang border.
You are the one with a border issue, not them.
They would be the ones with an economic issue not us if we hit them with high tariffs and pulled our funding and aid to them...........
pawn to knights four bitch.
What made you think they will not retaliate by hitting us with higher tariffs. This will hurt both countries.
Let me make it simpler. If I sell you (US) a cow and I (Mexico) buy your steak. You increase my tariffs of selling you the cow I will also increase my tariffs to compensate for the lost.
tariffs have always...........I repeat ALWAYS BEEN A TWO WAY STREET...............
And for jobs in the United States it's BEEN A ONE WAY STREET..................

Trade wars can occur...............if you go too high........and/or it can cause prices to rise in either country.

Bottom line..........we can't keep allowing companies to leave for greener CHEAPER PASTURES and allowing them to sell here without tariffs to level the playing field.................Mexican cheap labor, no regs, low taxes aka bribes to the gov't, not having to pay for health care, and etc..............favors Mexico over the United States..........In other areas, such as agriculture we could get hit harder over the tariffs..................

This occurred in 2009 in the argument over allowing Mexican Truckers to deliver products in the United States instead of having to swap to American Truck Drivers in the United States..................Mexico retaliated with agriculture tariffs........................

I'd have to dig deeper for the final outcome............but it gets decided in the NAFTA courts....................

We can't keep letting the jobs leave the country without lowering the standard of living and wages in this country. That brings down our workers for the benefit `of Mexico.....................

Look at the Trade deals..............They openly state they are anti poverty measures to raise the standards of poor countries while lowering the standards of Developed countries..................Which is why we have the TPA battles over displaced workers.....................
The contempt and disrespect Hispanic illegals have for America. It will leave you speechless. These are the people we HAVE to let in and respect? WHY?
Illegals have no place in the United States. A person who applies for a work visa and is given one is not illegal. And it is ridiculous for anyone to imagine that police would go door to door. They would simply wait until an illegal did something wrong and then deport him and any illegal family members.

A child born to an illegal in the US, should also be deported with the family unit. A child belongs with his parents but should be able to re-enter the US when he reaches 21.

Anyone who is not willing to see the logic in what I've stated, is likely only seeking votes for the Democratic party ---- or they wish to keep their household staff. My ancestors certainly needed to go through Ellis Island protocol. I cannot imagine why selected races should receive preferential treatment.
What about people who only want to work in the US, make some money, and go home?
You proud of yourself? You are complicit in hiring illegal aliens and you don' t have to live with these creeps. So you don't have a vested interest covering damage they do, do you? Good for you , you are a saint. They are just total jerks and wastrels to me, but I have to deal with them. They don't benefit anyone but chaps like YOU.
You proud of yourself? You are complicit in hiring illegal aliens and you don' t have to live with these creeps. So you don't have a vested interest covering damage they do, do you? Good for you , you are a saint. They are just total jerks and wastrels to me, but I have to deal with them. They don't benefit anyone but chaps like YOU.
showing your free morals, free chic? is it any wonder some on the left don't mind paying for it.

I am not sure what you mean; we have a Commerce Clause. Why are You being infidel, protestant, and renegade to our supreme law of the land?

What about people who only want to work in the US, make some money, and go home.

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