Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News

Peanuts compared to the cost of keeping them here
Whatever case you are speaking of is not the one that matters. What, by chance, is it?

No case matters.
Forget it. Even I can't help out stupid at this level since you can't understand that the Supreme Court has the final say on what is constitutional. They say a baby born here is, nearly without exception, an American. And that is what matters, period.

That's your opinion....

It was never the meaning of the 14th

Again if I was younger and I broke in your mansion and my wife gave birth on your property you couldn't kick us out?

You are running with out common sense on this one.
He'll in your world we just cite the 14th paint my house we own your mansion now fix us some sandwichs bitch....
Whatever case you are speaking of is not the one that matters. What, by chance, is it?

No case matters. This is not a matter of court ruling. I've already shown you where the Constitution as well as the 14th give Congress plenary power on the issue of naturalization. The court cannot decide who is naturalized. --PERIOD! --END OF!

Yes they can. And they have.

And it is accepted and settled law.

If you don't like, get the Constitution amended.
Whatever case you are speaking of is not the one that matters. What, by chance, is it?

No case matters.
Forget it. Even I can't help out stupid at this level since you can't understand that the Supreme Court has the final say on what is constitutional. They say a baby born here is, nearly without exception, an American. And that is what matters, period.

That's your opinion....

It was never the meaning of the 14th

Again if I was younger and I broke in your mansion and my wife gave birth on your property you couldn't kick us out?

You are running with out common sense on this one.

That is exactly it. That people are here illegally means they have the right to demand citizenship based on birth is preposterous, just like a shiplifter demanding the rights of store customers would be
Whatever case you are speaking of is not the one that matters. What, by chance, is it?

No case matters.
Forget it. Even I can't help out stupid at this level since you can't understand that the Supreme Court has the final say on what is constitutional. They say a baby born here is, nearly without exception, an American. And that is what matters, period.
LOL. Why is that so hard for people to understand?
Whatever case you are speaking of is not the one that matters. What, by chance, is it?

No case matters.
Forget it. Even I can't help out stupid at this level since you can't understand that the Supreme Court has the final say on what is constitutional. They say a baby born here is, nearly without exception, an American. And that is what matters, period.

No, the Supreme Court has no jurisdiction over powers the Constitution specifically delegates to Congress. I'm sorry that you believe otherwise but you're a moron.

It may be policy to presume birthright citizenship but it is completely statutory and determinable by Congress and Congress alone. I've presented where the Constitution says this. Furthermore, Article 3 specifically leaves the question of the court's jurisdiction to Congress as well. So no... I reject very forcefully that the Constitution leaves final say with SCOTUS. It simply DOES NOT!
Spare me the crap of constipation and supreme crap. These kids are US citizens either you like it or not. Period.
NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News

Peanuts compared to the cost of keeping them here
So, why are we keeping them here with unnecessary and improper laws?
Have you forgotten something? How much do you think those products will cost to American consumers.?

The exact same. Prices are already set based on the maximum projected price consumers are willing to pay.
People are already struggling with existing cost of living. Are you willing to pay higher prices? Because some bullshiter didn't get his way?
Also how can we sell our products to other countries with our prices so high as it is?
Whatever case you are speaking of is not the one that matters. What, by chance, is it?

No case matters.
Forget it. Even I can't help out stupid at this level since you can't understand that the Supreme Court has the final say on what is constitutional. They say a baby born here is, nearly without exception, an American. And that is what matters, period.

That's your opinion....

It was never the meaning of the 14th

Again if I was younger and I broke in your mansion and my wife gave birth on your property you couldn't kick us out?

You are running with out common sense on this one.
I am running with American history and the ruling of the Supreme Court. You are running with a right-wing fantasy.
NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News

Peanuts compared to the cost of keeping them here
So, why are we keeping them here with unnecessary and improper laws?

Whatever case you are speaking of is not the one that matters. What, by chance, is it?

No case matters.
Forget it. Even I can't help out stupid at this level since you can't understand that the Supreme Court has the final say on what is constitutional. They say a baby born here is, nearly without exception, an American. And that is what matters, period.
LOL. Why is that so hard for people to understand?
I have no idea. Most likely because they don't wish to. They prefer ignorance to reality.
That is exactly it. That people are here illegally means they have the right to demand citizenship based on birth is preposterous, just like a shiplifter demanding the rights of store customers would be
They don't demand anything. It is granted, automatically, nearly without exception. That is our law.
Whatever case you are speaking of is not the one that matters. What, by chance, is it?

No case matters.
Forget it. Even I can't help out stupid at this level since you can't understand that the Supreme Court has the final say on what is constitutional. They say a baby born here is, nearly without exception, an American. And that is what matters, period.

That's your opinion....

It was never the meaning of the 14th

Again if I was younger and I broke in your mansion and my wife gave birth on your property you couldn't kick us out?

You are running with out common sense on this one.
Yes Bear I can kick you out. Using your analogy. don't you think there is a big difference between a mansion and the law of the land? But yes they are us citizens whether baby was born inside someone house or not.
Whatever case you are speaking of is not the one that matters. What, by chance, is it?

No case matters.
Forget it. Even I can't help out stupid at this level since you can't understand that the Supreme Court has the final say on what is constitutional. They say a baby born here is, nearly without exception, an American. And that is what matters, period.

That's your opinion....

It was never the meaning of the 14th

Again if I was younger and I broke in your mansion and my wife gave birth on your property you couldn't kick us out?

You are running with out common sense on this one.
I am running with American history and the ruling of the Supreme Court. You are running with a right-wing fantasy.

No fantasy, it took 10 years plus for a lawyer to say "wait a second about Chicago's anti gun law"

It was ruled against the law.

Again if it goes up to SCOTUS citizens would not be stripped of citizenship, they would be grandfather in.

It would stop criminals from squatting on US soil.

What are you so afraid of?
Whatever case you are speaking of is not the one that matters. What, by chance, is it?

No case matters.
Forget it. Even I can't help out stupid at this level since you can't understand that the Supreme Court has the final say on what is constitutional. They say a baby born here is, nearly without exception, an American. And that is what matters, period.

That's your opinion....

It was never the meaning of the 14th

Again if I was younger and I broke in your mansion and my wife gave birth on your property you couldn't kick us out?

You are running with out common sense on this one.
Yes Bear I can kick you out. Using your analogy. don't you think there is a big difference between a mansion and the law of the land? But yes they are us citizens whether baby was born inside someone house or not.

Show me the SCOTUS ruling on criminals entering this country and squatting?

No one challenged it.

Its the same thing as squatting.
Well, that is not what your beer buddies here are telling to the internet. Fuck Mexican govt. we don't need them. We only do very small business in Mexico etc. etc. we can built then cheaper.
You want to alternate the existing trade agreement because it's no to your advantage? Let me make it simpler. We Americans need specific how to get this done. Not just blanked saying I will renegotiate.

I can't speak for beer drinking buddies of the poster you are addressing but I've not said "fuck mexico we don't need them." I certainly haven't claimed we could build things cheaper... that is insane... we can't. Not unless you want to eliminate labor unions and the minimum wage... THEN we might be able to build things cheaper. We can't compete with the cost of labor anywhere, that is what has happened to all our decent-paying jobs.

Now... We have a problem with "free trade" because it's not fair to us right now... we can't compete because we're not on a level field. It's not because "free trade" is bad... it's not bad as long as it's fair.... when it's unfair, it's very bad. So why is it unfair? Because we've had our trade agreements negotiated by idiots, political hacks or "nice guys and gals" instead of 'killers' in negotiation. So we now have a collection of "deals" that have been made, which screw us. And... someone comes along and says the way we have to fix this is to renegotiate our deals... and you think that is "crazy talk!"

So what do you propose we do? I mean... I guess we can elect Hillary who is bought and paid for by lobbyists and corporatists who are making a fortune off our trade deals? Ignore the problem some more and pretend it's all the fault of those "evil rich people" and we need to tax them more and put more socialist burden on capitalism... is that your plan?
As you agreed we can't compete with other countries because of cheaper labor.
However re-negotiate a current agreement because we didn't like it or not to our advantage. Is a lot easier to say than done.
1. All 11 to 40 millions of illegals should be deported.
2. I will re-negotiate the trade agreement if they don't. I will penalized them.
The biggest problem for people like me or many others that rely on facts is. HOW, WHAT and WHERE are the specifics in accomplishing these kind of wet dreams? Not just saying. I will do this and that. He might as well say, I will stop the Niagara Falls using a bucket.
The very sad and very shocking but lots of people are buying into this like you.

Okay... so here is the thing... A GOOD negotiator is not going to tell you exactly how everything is going to happen. The very people who he would have to work with are listening... you understand this, right? So why does he want to tell them what and how he is going to do this? Does it give him some advantage to let them have a heads-up on what he has in mind? I don't think it does, it's kind of a bonehead strategy if you ask me.

He has explained to you in as much detail as you need to know, how he IS going to do this and how it CAN be done. And I think his supporters 100% believe he means it.
Not good enough. He is talking about tariffs there are no secret about tariffs negotiations. We are not talking a used car here.
What are you so afraid of?
I'm not, and the court has already seen and ignored this issue. It's in the damn ruling, which none of you bother to read.

I read the entire transcript of the Wong case last night (was bored as hell at work only one machine running out of 32)

No where did SCOTUS say in that case about illegals
Read the ruling, the dissent, which acknowledges that with the majority opinion anyone, with very few restrictions, who had a baby here would have given birth to an American, automatically. That is the history since that ruling, they knew it would be, and they, like you, weren't happy about it.
NOt including the fence, that Mexico does not have the money to pay for, and would not pay for, even if they did, especially since a large % of illegals are from other countries.

"Back in 2011, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deputy director Kumar Kibble said it costs $12,500 to deport an individual undocumented immigrant.

So when you multiply that cost for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., that comes to $137.5 billion."

Donald Trump s Deportation Plan Would Cost 100-200 Billion - NBC News

Peanuts compared to the cost of keeping them here
So, why are we keeping them here with unnecessary and improper laws?


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