Trump's Destruction of the White House Correspondents' Dinner Is Complete


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Choose the form of your destructor.

Still not tired of winning.
Trump's Destruction of the White House Correspondents' Dinner Is Complete
God Emperor didn't destroy it...The vitriolic, humorless, moonbat left destroyed it.
Trump's Destruction of the White House Correspondents' Dinner Is Complete

Which was necessary why?
Journalists do not deserve a feel good, pat themselves on the back awards dinner. They have abandoned their principles and wallow in the muck of political bias. They do not report news, they spew stupid baseless opinions about President Trump 24/7. Walter Cronkite would slap their faces.
Trumplethinskin is such an easy target. Dumbfuck is as dumbfuck. It's not the media's fault he makes it so easy.
Poor Trump . Did the little snowflake hide in his safe space during the dinner ?
Poor Trump . Did the little snowflake hide in his safe space during the dinner ?

Yep. Poor widdow cupcake got his widdow feewings hurt and he dosn't dare go anyplace unless everyone is RWNJ.

Not to mention that MAGAt coward jumps at any chance to continue to chip away at the First Amendment
Omg Democrats media reminds me of the news guy from die hard... “I know my rights” lol
Trump is such a thin-skinned twat. He really is. Joke of guy. But a bigger joke of a president.
Yep. Poor widdow cupcake got his widdow feewings hurt and he dosn't dare go anyplace unless everyone is RWNJ.

Not to mention that MAGAt coward jumps at any chance to continue to chip away at the First Amendment
Yeah, there's nothing more chilling to the 1st Amendment that just ignoring vainglorious media hacks and vicious, puerile, and totally un-funny "comics". :rolleyes:
They have abandoned their principles and wallow in the muck of political bias. They do not report news, they spew stupid baseless opinions about President Trump 24/7. Walter Cronkite would slap their faces.

When you are talking about the FOX tabloid, just stand up and say it !!!!

Can you believe it's only been a year since alleged comedian Michelle Wolf killed the White House Correspondents' Dinner? And I don't mean "killed" as in "performed really well, in a stand-up comedy sense." I mean "killed" as in "destroyed a decades-old tradition." Wolf stunk up the place so bad in 2018 that the White House Correspondents' Association decided not to have comedians host the event anymore. This year it was hosted by a guy named Ron Chernow, who is some sort of historian, apparently. Not even Jay Leno botched the job that badly. Take a bow, Michelle!*

And yet this year's event contained the only WHCD moment that has ever made me laugh. Nothing Wolf said last year can compare to this, from WHCA president Oliver Knox:

WHCA President Olivier Knox: My Crying Son Asked, Will Trump 'Put You in Prison?'

For all my problems with the Trump administration, I'm grateful that he has crippled this institution. First he refused to have anything to do with it, and now he's driven them so crazy that they can't even enjoy their own "nerd prom." The WHCD has been utterly insufferable for as long as I can remember, and if Trump can't make it go away, at least he's relegated it to an afterthought.

Trump's Destruction of the White House Correspondents' Dinner Is Complete

Mr. Trump did attend the WHCD back in 2011 you know.

Of course the journalists there never criticized B. Hussein O at all- instead they attacked Trump for poking a little fun at Obama.

At that point, he decided who the hell needs this shit, and instead he attends events where they like him. Much like Obama did, for the record. Obama never attended the March for Life or the NRA Convention, you know.
Trump is such a thin-skinned twat. He really is. Joke of guy. But a bigger joke of a president.

For a joke he's doing a pretty damned good job. The economy is doing great. UE is the lowest its been since 69 and we have jobs all across the country. Quite a change from Barry's first term.

If you want to call that a joke then have at it. I call it great.

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