Trump's Destruction of the White House Correspondents' Dinner Is Complete

Trump is such a thin-skinned twat. He really is. Joke of guy. But a bigger joke of a president.
If you want to see examples of thin skinned, take a look at the main stream media when it's pointed out that they've become nothing more than a mouthpiece for democrats. Or, in Trump parlance, "Fake News".

The arrogance of you tiny liberals is amazing. You whine because the object of your daily bullying won't come to your house so you can bully them in person. What asshats you are.

Winning? This is what he's winning at? He's the President of the United States and he's focused on giving a sad to the WHCD? What next, will he finally score a victory at two suit spider solitaire? Because that would be winning we can believe in!
In this case, he's winning by doing what most people advise to others when confronted by bullies. Walk away and ignore them as they are attention seeking babies that only thrive when they have an audience.

Winning? This is what he's winning at? He's the President of the United States and he's focused on giving a sad to the WHCD? What next, will he finally score a victory at two suit spider solitaire? Because that would be winning we can believe in!

President Trump's 2 biggest successes that everyone benefits from are Trumponomics and Pax Trumpiana, aka prosperity and peace.

The fact he is also draining the swamp and actually confronting the Fake News Media are bonuses.

Yes, America is returning to Greatness. Libs don't like it, and would really like to see the economy in the toilet and a war or two bust out. But I just don't see it.

When the American public is sealed in the Voting cubicles in November 2020, the libs should not be surprised if they are schlonged royally by Donald J. Trump.

Winning? This is what he's winning at? He's the President of the United States and he's focused on giving a sad to the WHCD? What next, will he finally score a victory at two suit spider solitaire? Because that would be winning we can believe in!

Maybe you’d be happier if he focused on what Democrats are doing like focusing on straws and soda sizes?

Winning? This is what he's winning at? He's the President of the United States and he's focused on giving a sad to the WHCD? What next, will he finally score a victory at two suit spider solitaire? Because that would be winning we can believe in!

President Trump's 2 biggest successes that everyone benefits from are Trumponomics and Pax Trumpiana, aka prosperity and peace.

The fact he is also draining the swamp and actually confronting the Fake News Media are bonuses.

Yes, America is returning to Greatness. Libs don't like it, and would really like to see the economy in the toilet and a war or two bust out. But I just don't see it.

When the American public is sealed in the Voting cubicles in November 2020, the libs should not be surprised if they are schlonged royally by Donald J. Trump.

As my signature line points out....

Democrats would rather rule over hell, than live in heaven.....
Poor Trump . Did the little snowflake hide in his safe space during the dinner ?

No, he held a rally for 10s of thousands of people..........more in that one stadium than surfed past that dinner by accident....
So....there is one thing that donnie can brag about? :71:

There are actually a lot of great things happening in America if you'll open your eyes.

BTW, I think that its not to late to make the White House Correspondents Dinner Great Again.

If I were running the outfit, I'd sign a 99 year contract with the Trump International in Washington DC to assure it will be at a first class , 5 star joint that people would want to go to.

Second, I'd give the conservative a chance to criticize the Left, put the so-called journalists in the hot seat and see if they can receive criticism as well as they can give it.
So....there is one thing that donnie can brag about? :71:
Besides creating a great economy and exposing you Commies to the public.

Libs also hate the idea of the Great Trump Peace, Pax Trumpiana.

Dubai got criticized severely for waging war against evil. Trump has a different MO, to actually reach out to our friends like Uncle Pooty and Kim Jong Un to try and find common ground. Not to capitulate, but instead to encourage our friends to adopt freedom and make capitalistic deals that will help both of our countries.
So....there is one thing that donnie can brag about? :71:

There are actually a lot of great things happening in America if you'll open your eyes.

BTW, I think that its not to late to make the White House Correspondents Dinner Great Again.

If I were running the outfit, I'd sign a 99 year contract with the Trump International in Washington DC to assure it will be at a first class , 5 star joint that people would want to go to.

Second, I'd give the conservative a chance to criticize the Left, put the so-called journalists in the hot seat and see if they can receive criticism as well as they can give it.
Trump has kicked in the teeth a long standing tradition where NORMAL people who were President could take a joke and even poke a little fun at themselves; just a lighthearted evening where the President and his historical adversaries, journalists, could put down the spear for an evening and just be friends.

Trump's ego is way too big for that.
So....there is one thing that donnie can brag about? :71:

There are actually a lot of great things happening in America if you'll open your eyes.

BTW, I think that its not to late to make the White House Correspondents Dinner Great Again.

If I were running the outfit, I'd sign a 99 year contract with the Trump International in Washington DC to assure it will be at a first class , 5 star joint that people would want to go to.

Second, I'd give the conservative a chance to criticize the Left, put the so-called journalists in the hot seat and see if they can receive criticism as well as they can give it.
Trump has kicked in the teeth a long standing tradition where NORMAL people who were President could take a joke and even poke a little fun at themselves; just a lighthearted evening where the President and his historical adversaries, journalists, could put down the spear for an evening and just be friends.

Trump's ego is way too big for that.

The Journalists didn't just "poke a little fun" at President Trump at all at the WHCD.

They may have done that with their friend , Obama, but not at Donald J Trump. Look at the transcripts of Michelle Wolf's 2018 commentary. Is fat-shaming Governor Huckabee's daughter really just "poking a little fun"? Mrs. Sanders is a good friend of President Trump.
So....there is one thing that donnie can brag about? :71:

There are actually a lot of great things happening in America if you'll open your eyes.

BTW, I think that its not to late to make the White House Correspondents Dinner Great Again.

If I were running the outfit, I'd sign a 99 year contract with the Trump International in Washington DC to assure it will be at a first class , 5 star joint that people would want to go to.

Second, I'd give the conservative a chance to criticize the Left, put the so-called journalists in the hot seat and see if they can receive criticism as well as they can give it.
Trump has kicked in the teeth a long standing tradition where NORMAL people who were President could take a joke and even poke a little fun at themselves; just a lighthearted evening where the President and his historical adversaries, journalists, could put down the spear for an evening and just be friends.

Trump's ego is way too big for that.

The Journalists didn't just "poke a little fun" at President Trump at all at the WHCD.

They may have done that with their friend , Obama, but not at Donald J Trump. Look at the transcripts of Michelle Wolf's 2018 commentary. Is fat-shaming Governor Huckabee's daughter really just "poking a little fun"? Mrs. Sanders is a good friend of President Trump.
You think this is all about Wolf? Then why has Trump ignored it EVERY year?
So....there is one thing that donnie can brag about? :71:

There are actually a lot of great things happening in America if you'll open your eyes.

BTW, I think that its not to late to make the White House Correspondents Dinner Great Again.

If I were running the outfit, I'd sign a 99 year contract with the Trump International in Washington DC to assure it will be at a first class , 5 star joint that people would want to go to.

Second, I'd give the conservative a chance to criticize the Left, put the so-called journalists in the hot seat and see if they can receive criticism as well as they can give it.
Trump has kicked in the teeth a long standing tradition where NORMAL people who were President could take a joke and even poke a little fun at themselves; just a lighthearted evening where the President and his historical adversaries, journalists, could put down the spear for an evening and just be friends.

Trump's ego is way too big for that.

The Journalists didn't just "poke a little fun" at President Trump at all at the WHCD.

They may have done that with their friend , Obama, but not at Donald J Trump. Look at the transcripts of Michelle Wolf's 2018 commentary. Is fat-shaming Governor Huckabee's daughter really just "poking a little fun"? Mrs. Sanders is a good friend of President Trump.
You think this is all about Wolf? Then why has Trump ignored it EVERY year?

Its partly about Ms. Wolf, she was definitely beyond the pale as far as her actual Hatred of President Trump.

Trump can deal with good natured ribbing, but that's not what she did. The hiring and performance of Ms. Wolf shows where the WHC's are coming from.
Thrumplthinskin hasn't destroyed it. When we actually have an adult in the White House again it will regenerate.

Do you really think that if the Media were to poke fun at Obama's press secretary for being a 'tard or Mrs. Obama for having a penis, that he would have taken it in good spirits? How about if it went downhill from there?
So....there is one thing that donnie can brag about? :71:

There are actually a lot of great things happening in America if you'll open your eyes.

BTW, I think that its not to late to make the White House Correspondents Dinner Great Again.

If I were running the outfit, I'd sign a 99 year contract with the Trump International in Washington DC to assure it will be at a first class , 5 star joint that people would want to go to.

Second, I'd give the conservative a chance to criticize the Left, put the so-called journalists in the hot seat and see if they can receive criticism as well as they can give it.
Trump has kicked in the teeth a long standing tradition where NORMAL people who were President could take a joke and even poke a little fun at themselves; just a lighthearted evening where the President and his historical adversaries, journalists, could put down the spear for an evening and just be friends.

Trump's ego is way too big for that.

The Journalists didn't just "poke a little fun" at President Trump at all at the WHCD.

They may have done that with their friend , Obama, but not at Donald J Trump. Look at the transcripts of Michelle Wolf's 2018 commentary. Is fat-shaming Governor Huckabee's daughter really just "poking a little fun"? Mrs. Sanders is a good friend of President Trump.
You think this is all about Wolf? Then why has Trump ignored it EVERY year?

Its partly about Ms. Wolf, she was definitely beyond the pale as far as her actual Hatred of President Trump.

Trump can deal with good natured ribbing, but that's not what she did. The hiring and performance of Ms. Wolf shows where the WHC's are coming from.
The fact that THEY decided Wolf had gone beyond the bounds and decided to not have a comedian this year shows where they are coming from. Trump still wouldn't take his fragile ego there, even without a standup comedian to tease him.
White House Correspondents Diner destroyed? We (well I at least) hardly knew thee.

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