Trump's Destruction of the White House Correspondents' Dinner Is Complete

The Media is largely the enemy of the American people and the pawn of Globalists who want to dismantle the sovereignty of the United States. Fundamental Transformation that Obama was installing, and Hillary was to complete.
Trump is such a thin-skinned twat. He really is. Joke of guy. But a bigger joke of a president.
If you want to see examples of thin skinned, take a look at the main stream media when it's pointed out that they've become nothing more than a mouthpiece for democrats. Or, in Trump parlance, "Fake News".

The arrogance of you tiny liberals is amazing. You whine because the object of your daily bullying won't come to your house so you can bully them in person. What asshats you are.

The Orange Virus and Cult45 are the biggest bullies on the block and deserve all they have coming, you idiot. You get no sympathy.
So....there is one thing that donnie can brag about? :71:

There are actually a lot of great things happening in America if you'll open your eyes.

BTW, I think that its not to late to make the White House Correspondents Dinner Great Again.

If I were running the outfit, I'd sign a 99 year contract with the Trump International in Washington DC to assure it will be at a first class , 5 star joint that people would want to go to.

Second, I'd give the conservative a chance to criticize the Left, put the so-called journalists in the hot seat and see if they can receive criticism as well as they can give it.
Trump has kicked in the teeth a long standing tradition where NORMAL people who were President could take a joke and even poke a little fun at themselves; just a lighthearted evening where the President and his historical adversaries, journalists, could put down the spear for an evening and just be friends.

Trump's ego is way too big for that.
The White House correspondents dinner speakers never made fun of people like Clinton and Obama, in fact they worshipped them... sucking their cocks all the way to hero worship....
Have you been infected by trumps lying?

What happened to you? When you were sworn in you looked like the guy from the Old Spice commercials, now you look like Louis Gossett Sr... I've never said this to anyone before, but maybe you should start smoking again. Is this the change you were talking about?... Mr. President, look at your hair. If your hair gets any whiter the Tea Party is going to endorse it.

In 2011, Seth Meyers Actually Made Fun Of Obama's Looks, And No One Cared
Na, not really
It has always been hero worship, just like on Saturday night live...
Hitler, Mussolini, Putin, Lil Kim, Trump, they all hated the press. Just like Republicans.

Actually Mr. Hitler was a big advocate of the German press. He was BFF to leading liberal German journalists including Julius Streicher.

Hitler's good friend and fellow Dictator Uncle Joe Stalin was a journalist too. He served as the editor of Pravda for years before getting into dictating.
Thanks for pointing that out. Just like Trump is a huge advocate of Fox News. See how that works?
why was the WHCD criticizing Donald J Trump when the man was just a private citizen?

Because he is who he is. He's always been a joke even before he usurped the WH.

President Trump is woke enough to realize that the Fake News Media thinks that he's a "joke", so you'd agree with his decision to stay away from the WHCD? Why go someplace where you aren't respected?

Winning? This is what he's winning at? He's the President of the United States and he's focused on giving a sad to the WHCD? What next, will he finally score a victory at two suit spider solitaire? Because that would be winning we can believe in!

President Trump's 2 biggest successes that everyone benefits from are Trumponomics and Pax Trumpiana, aka prosperity and peace.

The fact he is also draining the swamp and actually confronting the Fake News Media are bonuses.

Yes, America is returning to Greatness. Libs don't like it, and would really like to see the economy in the toilet and a war or two bust out. But I just don't see it.

When the American public is sealed in the Voting cubicles in November 2020, the libs should not be surprised if they are schlonged royally by Donald J. Trump.

As my signature line points out....

Democrats would rather rule over hell, than live in heaven.....

If you're the example, Heaven must be teeming with assholes.
It IS interesting how this has all been about how poor donnie got picked on by Former President Obama at a WHCD years ago.
Progressives are always mean spirited against those they disagree with... There is never any “fun kidding around” with them.
With progressives hatred always comes first... fact
why was the WHCD criticizing Donald J Trump when the man was just a private citizen?

Because he is who he is. He's always been a joke even before he usurped the WH.

President Trump is woke enough to realize that the Fake News Media thinks that he's a "joke", so you'd agree with his decision to stay away from the WHCD? Why go someplace where you aren't respected?

Why indeed. Maybe he can move to Siberia. Permanently.
Trump is such a thin-skinned twat. He really is. Joke of guy. But a bigger joke of a president.
If you want to see examples of thin skinned, take a look at the main stream media when it's pointed out that they've become nothing more than a mouthpiece for democrats. Or, in Trump parlance, "Fake News".

The arrogance of you tiny liberals is amazing. You whine because the object of your daily bullying won't come to your house so you can bully them in person. What asshats you are.

The Orange Virus and Cult45 are the biggest bullies on the block and deserve all they have coming, you idiot. You get no sympathy.

President Trump isn't a "bully" by any definition of the word. He's a counter-puncher. When someone tries to bully him or his friends, he hits back twice as hard.
So....there is one thing that donnie can brag about? :71:

There are actually a lot of great things happening in America if you'll open your eyes.

BTW, I think that its not to late to make the White House Correspondents Dinner Great Again.

If I were running the outfit, I'd sign a 99 year contract with the Trump International in Washington DC to assure it will be at a first class , 5 star joint that people would want to go to.

Second, I'd give the conservative a chance to criticize the Left, put the so-called journalists in the hot seat and see if they can receive criticism as well as they can give it.
Trump has kicked in the teeth a long standing tradition where NORMAL people who were President could take a joke and even poke a little fun at themselves; just a lighthearted evening where the President and his historical adversaries, journalists, could put down the spear for an evening and just be friends.

Trump's ego is way too big for that.

Yep. Nailed it.
So....there is one thing that donnie can brag about? :71:

There are actually a lot of great things happening in America if you'll open your eyes.

BTW, I think that its not to late to make the White House Correspondents Dinner Great Again.

If I were running the outfit, I'd sign a 99 year contract with the Trump International in Washington DC to assure it will be at a first class , 5 star joint that people would want to go to.

Second, I'd give the conservative a chance to criticize the Left, put the so-called journalists in the hot seat and see if they can receive criticism as well as they can give it.
Trump has kicked in the teeth a long standing tradition where NORMAL people who were President could take a joke and even poke a little fun at themselves; just a lighthearted evening where the President and his historical adversaries, journalists, could put down the spear for an evening and just be friends.

Trump's ego is way too big for that.

The Journalists didn't just "poke a little fun" at President Trump at all at the WHCD.

They may have done that with their friend , Obama, but not at Donald J Trump. Look at the transcripts of Michelle Wolf's 2018 commentary. Is fat-shaming Governor Huckabee's daughter really just "poking a little fun"? Mrs. Sanders is a good friend of President Trump.
You think this is all about Wolf? Then why has Trump ignored it EVERY year?

Its partly about Ms. Wolf, she was definitely beyond the pale as far as her actual Hatred of President Trump.

Trump can deal with good natured ribbing, but that's not what she did. The hiring and performance of Ms. Wolf shows where the WHC's are coming from.

Ms. Wolf nailed that performance. I thought it was hilarious.
The tradition was of a night of good-natured ribbing that relieved tension, but the hatred today’s ‘journalists’ feel for the President is anything but good natured. Combined with the media’s humorless self importance, the event could only be a train wreck.
Actually, the lowest point of the correspondents dinner was a few years back when so called comedian Larry Wilmore called President Obungo "my nigga".
Trump loved coming to the dinner when he was still the beloved Birther-in-Chief. When it's his turn in the barrel, he quits.

Maybe it's bone spurs again.
Mr Divide America - reject anything American.

Trump is such a thin-skinned twat. He really is. Joke of guy. But a bigger joke of a president.
If you want to see examples of thin skinned, take a look at the main stream media when it's pointed out that they've become nothing more than a mouthpiece for democrats. Or, in Trump parlance, "Fake News".

The arrogance of you tiny liberals is amazing. You whine because the object of your daily bullying won't come to your house so you can bully them in person. What asshats you are.

The Orange Virus and Cult45 are the biggest bullies on the block and deserve all they have coming, you idiot. You get no sympathy.

President Trump isn't a "bully" by any definition of the word. He's a counter-puncher. When someone tries to bully him or his friends, he hits back twice as hard.

He's displayed none of those things to me. I think he's a stupid, weak, basic entitled pussy with a silver spoon up his ass. I have about as much use for him as I do cancer.
The Journalists didn't just "poke a little fun" at President Trump at all at the WHCD.

They may have done that with their friend , Obama, but not at Donald J Trump. Look at the transcripts of Michelle Wolf's 2018 commentary. Is fat-shaming Governor Huckabee's daughter really just "poking a little fun"? Mrs. Sanders is a good friend of President Trump.
You think this is all about Wolf? Then why has Trump ignored it EVERY year?

Its partly about Ms. Wolf, she was definitely beyond the pale as far as her actual Hatred of President Trump.

Trump can deal with good natured ribbing, but that's not what she did. The hiring and performance of Ms. Wolf shows where the WHC's are coming from.
The fact that THEY decided Wolf had gone beyond the bounds and decided to not have a comedian this year shows where they are coming from. Trump still wouldn't take his fragile ego there, even without a standup comedian to tease him.
Care to quote a joke from any dinner taking a good jab at Obama? 8 dinners, must be one.

IN Truth, that problem started WAY before the WHCD.

It started in the campaign for the White House in 2016. When every Newspaper and every news source in the nation except one, the National Enquirer, all endorsed Hillary Clinton, when the entire establishment was in the tank for his opponent, and then subsequently did little to hide their bias?


It isn't just about not trying to be friendly with the press, the press NEVER even pretended to hold any objectivity toward the Trump administration. It always was carrying the water for the CFR think tank agenda.

There was never any credible non-partisan analysis, it was always just propaganda from day one.

Any excuse to make Trump look like an idiot? Well, that is a good excuse.

Not that he cares much for looking like a slick pol., but hell? :dunno:
Yes, ALMOST every Newspaper in the nation endorsed someone other than Trump (500 vs. 28) but I have a different question:
WHY do you think that was? Because Trump was unqualified? Because his political views were unsound? Because he is an immoral man? MAYBE there is a reason there was almost universal lack of support for the man. Why in HELL we ever put him in office still makes me shake my head. Too many citizens conditioned to think that politicians are nothing but entertainers. This ain't reality tv, folks. Wake up.

Newspaper endorsements in the 2016 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

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