Trump's Destruction of the White House Correspondents' Dinner Is Complete

The tradition was of a night of good-natured ribbing that relieved tension, but the hatred today’s ‘journalists’ feel for the President is anything but good natured. Combined with the media’s humorless self importance, the event could only be a train wreck.

Well, the media is the enemy of the people. Haven't you heard?
You think this is all about Wolf? Then why has Trump ignored it EVERY year?

Its partly about Ms. Wolf, she was definitely beyond the pale as far as her actual Hatred of President Trump.

Trump can deal with good natured ribbing, but that's not what she did. The hiring and performance of Ms. Wolf shows where the WHC's are coming from.
The fact that THEY decided Wolf had gone beyond the bounds and decided to not have a comedian this year shows where they are coming from. Trump still wouldn't take his fragile ego there, even without a standup comedian to tease him.
Care to quote a joke from any dinner taking a good jab at Obama? 8 dinners, must be one.

IN Truth, that problem started WAY before the WHCD.

It started in the campaign for the White House in 2016. When every Newspaper and every news source in the nation except one, the National Enquirer, all endorsed Hillary Clinton, when the entire establishment was in the tank for his opponent, and then subsequently did little to hide their bias?


It isn't just about not trying to be friendly with the press, the press NEVER even pretended to hold any objectivity toward the Trump administration. It always was carrying the water for the CFR think tank agenda.

There was never any credible non-partisan analysis, it was always just propaganda from day one.

Any excuse to make Trump look like an idiot? Well, that is a good excuse.

Not that he cares much for looking like a slick pol., but hell? :dunno:
Yes, ALMOST every Newspaper in the nation endorsed someone other than Trump (500 vs. 28) but I have a different question:
WHY do you think that was? Because Trump was unqualified? Because his political views were unsound? Because he is an immoral man? MAYBE there is a reason there was almost universal lack of support for the man. Why in HELL we ever put him in office still makes me shake my head. Too many citizens conditioned to think that politicians are nothing but entertainers. This ain't reality tv, folks. Wake up.

Newspaper endorsements in the 2016 United States presidential election - Wikipedia
If he went to the dinner today, some jackass ‘journalist’ would try to throw a shoe at him. No question.
There are actually a lot of great things happening in America if you'll open your eyes.

BTW, I think that its not to late to make the White House Correspondents Dinner Great Again.

If I were running the outfit, I'd sign a 99 year contract with the Trump International in Washington DC to assure it will be at a first class , 5 star joint that people would want to go to.

Second, I'd give the conservative a chance to criticize the Left, put the so-called journalists in the hot seat and see if they can receive criticism as well as they can give it.
Trump has kicked in the teeth a long standing tradition where NORMAL people who were President could take a joke and even poke a little fun at themselves; just a lighthearted evening where the President and his historical adversaries, journalists, could put down the spear for an evening and just be friends.

Trump's ego is way too big for that.

The Journalists didn't just "poke a little fun" at President Trump at all at the WHCD.

They may have done that with their friend , Obama, but not at Donald J Trump. Look at the transcripts of Michelle Wolf's 2018 commentary. Is fat-shaming Governor Huckabee's daughter really just "poking a little fun"? Mrs. Sanders is a good friend of President Trump.
You think this is all about Wolf? Then why has Trump ignored it EVERY year?

Its partly about Ms. Wolf, she was definitely beyond the pale as far as her actual Hatred of President Trump.

Trump can deal with good natured ribbing, but that's not what she did. The hiring and performance of Ms. Wolf shows where the WHC's are coming from.

Ms. Wolf nailed that performance. I thought it was hilarious.

So in your view fat-shaming the President's friend is hilarious? Fair enough, but you can understand why our President himself wouldn't want to be part of that?
Its partly about Ms. Wolf, she was definitely beyond the pale as far as her actual Hatred of President Trump.

Trump can deal with good natured ribbing, but that's not what she did. The hiring and performance of Ms. Wolf shows where the WHC's are coming from.
The fact that THEY decided Wolf had gone beyond the bounds and decided to not have a comedian this year shows where they are coming from. Trump still wouldn't take his fragile ego there, even without a standup comedian to tease him.
Care to quote a joke from any dinner taking a good jab at Obama? 8 dinners, must be one.

IN Truth, that problem started WAY before the WHCD.

It started in the campaign for the White House in 2016. When every Newspaper and every news source in the nation except one, the National Enquirer, all endorsed Hillary Clinton, when the entire establishment was in the tank for his opponent, and then subsequently did little to hide their bias?


It isn't just about not trying to be friendly with the press, the press NEVER even pretended to hold any objectivity toward the Trump administration. It always was carrying the water for the CFR think tank agenda.

There was never any credible non-partisan analysis, it was always just propaganda from day one.

Any excuse to make Trump look like an idiot? Well, that is a good excuse.

Not that he cares much for looking like a slick pol., but hell? :dunno:
Yes, ALMOST every Newspaper in the nation endorsed someone other than Trump (500 vs. 28) but I have a different question:
WHY do you think that was? Because Trump was unqualified? Because his political views were unsound? Because he is an immoral man? MAYBE there is a reason there was almost universal lack of support for the man. Why in HELL we ever put him in office still makes me shake my head. Too many citizens conditioned to think that politicians are nothing but entertainers. This ain't reality tv, folks. Wake up.

Newspaper endorsements in the 2016 United States presidential election - Wikipedia
Go for it, Mr. Beale.
If he went to the dinner today, some jackass ‘journalist’ would try to throw a shoe at him. No question.

that dinner is sort of a roast - Trumps fragile ego cant handle anything short of getting his fat ass kissed.
If he went to the dinner today, some jackass ‘journalist’ would try to throw a shoe at him. No question.

that dinner is sort of a roast - Trumps fragile ego cant handle anything short of getting his fat ass kissed.

Fair enough. But why wasn't Obama ever roasted? Or Clinton?

Its purely a roast of conservatives where the lib media looks to pile on, and where the conservative is expected to sit there and take it.

BTW, this year, President Trump had an important speech to give in Green Bay that evening. Further, I think he's pissed that the WHCD is boycotting his property in Washington as the venue for the event. What's wrong with the Trump International?
I wonder what medal donnie will award himself for winning the WHCD war.
Trump has kicked in the teeth a long standing tradition where NORMAL people who were President could take a joke and even poke a little fun at themselves; just a lighthearted evening where the President and his historical adversaries, journalists, could put down the spear for an evening and just be friends.

Trump's ego is way too big for that.

The Journalists didn't just "poke a little fun" at President Trump at all at the WHCD.

They may have done that with their friend , Obama, but not at Donald J Trump. Look at the transcripts of Michelle Wolf's 2018 commentary. Is fat-shaming Governor Huckabee's daughter really just "poking a little fun"? Mrs. Sanders is a good friend of President Trump.
You think this is all about Wolf? Then why has Trump ignored it EVERY year?

Its partly about Ms. Wolf, she was definitely beyond the pale as far as her actual Hatred of President Trump.

Trump can deal with good natured ribbing, but that's not what she did. The hiring and performance of Ms. Wolf shows where the WHC's are coming from.

Ms. Wolf nailed that performance. I thought it was hilarious.

So in your view fat-shaming the President's friend is hilarious? Fair enough, but you can understand why our President himself wouldn't want to be part of that?

Oh, yeah. Trump has delicate sensibilities.
It occurs to me that this is why Republicans don’t want Americans to have Internet access in rural areas. Because they can just go look up Republican lies. And once people start talking about how much Republicans lie Republicans will be backed into a corner.
My family's compound in the north woods is about as rural and remote as you can get, and we have high speed internet.

You really don't get out much, do you?
I’m still waiting for a quote where the press made fun of Obama at any of his 8 dinners.
I’m still waiting for a quote where the press made fun of Obama at any of his 8 dinners.

Try holding your breath. Obama took his turn in the barrel, which also gave him a turn at the podium.

I'm still waiting for the White House to resume 'Daily' Press Briefings. So far, there have been three in the past 119 days.
The fact that THEY decided Wolf had gone beyond the bounds and decided to not have a comedian this year shows where they are coming from. Trump still wouldn't take his fragile ego there, even without a standup comedian to tease him.
Care to quote a joke from any dinner taking a good jab at Obama? 8 dinners, must be one.

IN Truth, that problem started WAY before the WHCD.

It started in the campaign for the White House in 2016. When every Newspaper and every news source in the nation except one, the National Enquirer, all endorsed Hillary Clinton, when the entire establishment was in the tank for his opponent, and then subsequently did little to hide their bias?


It isn't just about not trying to be friendly with the press, the press NEVER even pretended to hold any objectivity toward the Trump administration. It always was carrying the water for the CFR think tank agenda.

There was never any credible non-partisan analysis, it was always just propaganda from day one.

Any excuse to make Trump look like an idiot? Well, that is a good excuse.

Not that he cares much for looking like a slick pol., but hell? :dunno:
Yes, ALMOST every Newspaper in the nation endorsed someone other than Trump (500 vs. 28) but I have a different question:
WHY do you think that was? Because Trump was unqualified? Because his political views were unsound? Because he is an immoral man? MAYBE there is a reason there was almost universal lack of support for the man. Why in HELL we ever put him in office still makes me shake my head. Too many citizens conditioned to think that politicians are nothing but entertainers. This ain't reality tv, folks. Wake up.

Newspaper endorsements in the 2016 United States presidential election - Wikipedia
Go for it, Mr. Beale.


It's not worth it.

You have been thoroughly conditioned by your government schooling, CFR professional media, and have an illusion that is simply NOT true.

Nothing I could write would ever disabuse you of that notion.

You don't believe that "politicians are nothing but entertainers," but this is the truth. Given that we have had a president already that was a Hollywood actor, and now we have a TEE VEE reality star, it is quite obvious the Deep State regularly likes to hire professional entertainers to make Americans swallow the agenda of the elites.

This is not something we will not agree on.

The simple truth is, YES, that is the number ONE most important quality, that the person that holds that office must convince the public that they are NOT who they seem to be. They must LIE about who they actually support, whose interests they are promoting, etc.

If anyone distracted the public by being an "entertainer," while behind the scenes carrying out death and destruction, as the ultimate act of hypocrisy? It was the previous resident of the oval office. With Trump, at least you know what you are getting.

While drone killing innocent civilians in the Middle East, here he is, entertaining the masses;

Trump doesn't do that shit as much. That is why the ruling class journalists are offended. How can Americans be so stupid? He blatantly carries out the agenda of the elites, and Americans don't seem to care? :dunno:
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I’m still waiting for a quote where the press made fun of Obama at any of his 8 dinners.

Try holding your breath. Obama took his turn in the barrel, which also gave him a turn at the podium.

I'm still waiting for the White House to resume 'Daily' Press Briefings. So far, there have been three in the past 119 days.

Daily Press Briefings are hardly necessary during the Trump Administration. He answers questions all the time out on the lawn going to the Presidential helicopter or limo. Mr. Trump also tweets multiple times a day. He's already the most transparent president in human history.

I really don't see the point of Ms. Sanders coming out more than every month or so for a briefing.
I’m still waiting for a quote where the press made fun of Obama at any of his 8 dinners.

Try holding your breath. Obama took his turn in the barrel, which also gave him a turn at the podium.

I'm still waiting for the White House to resume 'Daily' Press Briefings. So far, there have been three in the past 119 days.

Daily Press Briefings are hardly necessary during the Trump Administration. He answers questions all the time out on the lawn going to the Presidential helicopter or limo. Mr. Trump also tweets multiple times a day. He's already the most transparent president in human history.

I really don't see the point of Ms. Sanders coming out more than every month or so for a briefing.

"He's already the most transparent president in human history." Okay, cultist, that's a good one.

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