Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

As long as he erases more of Obama's "legacy", I'm fine with whatever motive you attribute to him.
Obama is the best you've seen and doubt you'll see one better Trump on the other hand is the worst,,,,by far

He was a whiney twat.
Economically, he was just awful.
He didn't start at 3rd base like trump
Obama considering all the obstruction he couldn't pass anything after the stimulus, prove how strong our economy is all by itself without the Republicans screwing it up whenever they get the chance with deregulation and croney oversight regulators who are lobbyists now....

Obama considering all the obstruction he couldn't pass anything after the stimulus

Thank God the American people saw how useless Obama was when it came to the economy and handed
63 Dem congressmen (63, holy shit!!!) their walking papers in 2010, minimizing the damage that clueless community organizer could do going forward.

Imagine how much weaker Obama's economy would have been if he gotten Cap & Trade or outlawed fracking or any of the other moronic policies he'd have passed if he had a Dem House and Senate...…..
He did not want to outlaw fracking's. He just regulated it so it was safer. Super duper. Cap and trade was very controversial in the Democratic party also. You believe a lot of crap propaganda.
Obama is the best you've seen and doubt you'll see one better Trump on the other hand is the worst,,,,by far

He was a whiney twat.
Economically, he was just awful.
He didn't start at 3rd base like trump
Obama considering all the obstruction he couldn't pass anything after the stimulus, prove how strong our economy is all by itself without the Republicans screwing it up whenever they get the chance with deregulation and croney oversight regulators who are lobbyists now....

Obama considering all the obstruction he couldn't pass anything after the stimulus

Thank God the American people saw how useless Obama was when it came to the economy and handed
63 Dem congressmen (63, holy shit!!!) their walking papers in 2010, minimizing the damage that clueless community organizer could do going forward.

Imagine how much weaker Obama's economy would have been if he gotten Cap & Trade or outlawed fracking or any of the other moronic policies he'd have passed if he had a Dem House and Senate...…..
He did not want to outlaw fracking's. He just regulated it so it was safer. Super duper. Cap and trade was very controversial in the Democratic party also. You believe a lot of crap propaganda.

Yeah, he was clueless.
Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

Here, here, Can we have a "SO FUCKING WHAT" on aisle 3?

This was before Trump even rode his escalator down. Now, if all you dumb fucktards would just give back all that money you made since Trump took office, you dumbasses might make sense, until then, shut your fucking pie hole.
WTF did trump have to do with folks making money ? If the AH would have shut his trap we'd all have been better off Now all the moron can do is blame powell and obama He should KISS OBAMAS ASS for leaving him the economy he received
Remember, kids, Trump's economy sucks, and Obama deserves all the credit for Trump's great economy.
No not all the credit Trumps taxcut to the 1% gets some credit But Obama didn't play golf like the liar trump, said he did The golf player is the scumbag trump
Lol. No wonder O'Donnell apologized so fast. I have the scoop on this:

4Chan User Claims to Be Behind MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell Hoax

In a 4Chan post claiming credit for the hoax, an anonymous user wrote, “here to claim my prize. It’s easy to send an annoymous tip to a a trump hating new organization and watch them report it with no fact checking. I send the attached email to Lawrence O’Donnell yesterday and he reported it!!! I didn’t think it would work but the bait was too juicy. Now he is disgraced and discredited. All nbc email addresses are [email protected]. They are begging for tips so I sent one!!,” they added, “Hi Ben Collins! Hi Hilary!
Last edited:
Obama is the best you've seen and doubt you'll see one better Trump on the other hand is the worst,,,,by far

He was a whiney twat.
Economically, he was just awful.
He didn't start at 3rd base like trump
Obama considering all the obstruction he couldn't pass anything after the stimulus, prove how strong our economy is all by itself without the Republicans screwing it up whenever they get the chance with deregulation and croney oversight regulators who are lobbyists now....

Obama considering all the obstruction he couldn't pass anything after the stimulus

Thank God the American people saw how useless Obama was when it came to the economy and handed
63 Dem congressmen (63, holy shit!!!) their walking papers in 2010, minimizing the damage that clueless community organizer could do going forward.

Imagine how much weaker Obama's economy would have been if he gotten Cap & Trade or outlawed fracking or any of the other moronic policies he'd have passed if he had a Dem House and Senate...…..
He did not want to outlaw fracking's. He just regulated it so it was safer. Super duper. Cap and trade was very controversial in the Democratic party also. You believe a lot of crap propaganda.

What's pathetic is that you know better and continue to lie. You don't even feel a difference do you?

As you know, Obama made it impossible for Fracking on Federal it boomed on State and Private land.

As you know, one of failed former President Barack Hussein Obama goals was to cripple our economy by causing skyrocketing energy and gas prices. How is that good for our country? (That's a rhetorical question, I don't respond to your Troll answers)

Obama administration tightens federal rules on oil and gas fracking
By Joby Warrick
March 20, 2015

Not a conspiracy. Just irrational, hateful people looking to justify their hatred.

NOTE: I'm talking about leftists.
Yes we know you are brainwashed. nobody in the world agrees with you people in the entire world good because you are on another planet. None of your phony scandals ever get to law enforcement and no it is not a giant conspiracy.
If that's what lets you pretend liberal corruption doesn't exist, sure. I mean, it's not like you're ever going to question your programming. You're simply not bright enough.

Speak for yourself. I'll go with what is respected media around the world, not Rupert Murdoch's ridiculous propaganda machine or your demagogue High School grad ex Coke head DJ pundits. And no there is no conspiracy of law enforcement protecting liberals. Absolutely ridiculous. And treasonous really...
Treasonous? Disagreeing with liberals is not treason. I have no loyalty to your retarded belief system. And that's the problem with the left: You're more loyal to your ideology than to the United States.
making false accusations against our fine institutions and starting conspiracy theories is close to treasonous. When Democrats do it give me a call.
I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. I did not swear an oath to support and defend the ideology of the Soviet Socialist States of Amerika.

Eat shit, Comrade.
Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

Here, here, Can we have a "SO FUCKING WHAT" on aisle 3?

This was before Trump even rode his escalator down. Now, if all you dumb fucktards would just give back all that money you made since Trump took office, you dumbasses might make sense, until then, shut your fucking pie hole.
WTF did trump have to do with folks making money ? If the AH would have shut his trap we'd all have been better off Now all the moron can do is blame powell and obama He should KISS OBAMAS ASS for leaving him the economy he received
Remember, kids, Trump's economy sucks, and Obama deserves all the credit for Trump's great economy.

No not all the credit Trumps taxcut to the 1% gets some credit But Obama didn't play golf like the liar trump, said he did The golf player is the scumbag trump

Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

Here, here, Can we have a "SO FUCKING WHAT" on aisle 3?

This was before Trump even rode his escalator down. Now, if all you dumb fucktards would just give back all that money you made since Trump took office, you dumbasses might make sense, until then, shut your fucking pie hole.
WTF did trump have to do with folks making money ? If the AH would have shut his trap we'd all have been better off Now all the moron can do is blame powell and obama He should KISS OBAMAS ASS for leaving him the economy he received
Remember, kids, Trump's economy sucks, and Obama deserves all the credit for Trump's great economy.
Trump is going to ruin it with stupid trade Wars chaos and tariffs. The GOP thinks they're so wonderful at the economy and everything they start bubbles and busts....
Not really. But then, you're a stupid Communist. You don't know shit.
Trump just wants to get back at Obama for Obama making him look like a jackass Doesn't matter if good or bad for America Trump is a swine

As long as he erases more of Obama's "legacy", I'm fine with whatever motive you attribute to him.
Obama is the best you've seen and doubt you'll see one better Trump on the other hand is the worst,,,,by far

He was a whiney twat.
Economically, he was just awful.
He didn't start at 3rd base like trump
Obama considering all the obstruction he couldn't pass anything after the stimulus, prove how strong our economy is all by itself without the Republicans screwing it up whenever they get the chance with deregulation and croney oversight regulators who are lobbyists now....
Uh huh. So you believe the economy works great only when closely regulated by the government?

It never has before.
Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

Here, here, Can we have a "SO FUCKING WHAT" on aisle 3?

This was before Trump even rode his escalator down. Now, if all you dumb fucktards would just give back all that money you made since Trump took office, you dumbasses might make sense, until then, shut your fucking pie hole.
WTF did trump have to do with folks making money ? If the AH would have shut his trap we'd all have been better off Now all the moron can do is blame powell and obama He should KISS OBAMAS ASS for leaving him the economy he received
Remember, kids, Trump's economy sucks, and Obama deserves all the credit for Trump's great economy.
No not all the credit Trumps taxcut to the 1% gets some credit But Obama didn't play golf like the liar trump, said he did The golf player is the scumbag trump
I got a tax cut. I'm working class. If you had a job, you'd have gotten a tax cut, too.
Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

Here, here, Can we have a "SO FUCKING WHAT" on aisle 3?

This was before Trump even rode his escalator down. Now, if all you dumb fucktards would just give back all that money you made since Trump took office, you dumbasses might make sense, until then, shut your fucking pie hole.
WTF did trump have to do with folks making money ? If the AH would have shut his trap we'd all have been better off Now all the moron can do is blame powell and obama He should KISS OBAMAS ASS for leaving him the economy he received
Remember, kids, Trump's economy sucks, and Obama deserves all the credit for Trump's great economy.
No not all the credit Trumps taxcut to the 1% gets some credit But Obama didn't play golf like the liar trump, said he did The golf player is the scumbag trump
I got a tax cut. I'm working class. If you had a job, you'd have gotten a tax cut, too.
No job but i got a little cut too NBD
Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

Here, here, Can we have a "SO FUCKING WHAT" on aisle 3?

This was before Trump even rode his escalator down. Now, if all you dumb fucktards would just give back all that money you made since Trump took office, you dumbasses might make sense, until then, shut your fucking pie hole.
WTF did trump have to do with folks making money ? If the AH would have shut his trap we'd all have been better off Now all the moron can do is blame powell and obama He should KISS OBAMAS ASS for leaving him the economy he received
Remember, kids, Trump's economy sucks, and Obama deserves all the credit for Trump's great economy.
Trump is going to ruin it with stupid trade Wars chaos and tariffs. The GOP thinks they're so wonderful at the economy and everything they start bubbles and busts....
Not really. But then, you're a stupid Communist. You don't know shit.
Daveman just to let you know what an asshole you are ,,you're talking to a self made millionaire A dem that despises crud like you
As long as he erases more of Obama's "legacy", I'm fine with whatever motive you attribute to him.
Obama is the best you've seen and doubt you'll see one better Trump on the other hand is the worst,,,,by far

He was a whiney twat.
Economically, he was just awful.
He didn't start at 3rd base like trump
Obama considering all the obstruction he couldn't pass anything after the stimulus, prove how strong our economy is all by itself without the Republicans screwing it up whenever they get the chance with deregulation and croney oversight regulators who are lobbyists now....
Uh huh. So you believe the economy works great only when closely regulated by the government?

It never has before.
Seems like the moron Trump is trying to regulate it
Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

Here, here, Can we have a "SO FUCKING WHAT" on aisle 3?

This was before Trump even rode his escalator down. Now, if all you dumb fucktards would just give back all that money you made since Trump took office, you dumbasses might make sense, until then, shut your fucking pie hole.
WTF did trump have to do with folks making money ? If the AH would have shut his trap we'd all have been better off Now all the moron can do is blame powell and obama He should KISS OBAMAS ASS for leaving him the economy he received
Remember, kids, Trump's economy sucks, and Obama deserves all the credit for Trump's great economy.
Trump is going to ruin it with stupid trade Wars chaos and tariffs. The GOP thinks they're so wonderful at the economy and everything they start bubbles and busts....
Not really. But then, you're a stupid Communist. You don't know shit.
I know Jack Shit ,,,You don't
edward37'' made the claim that President Donald Trump had eliminated 83 environmental laws.
And the toddinator made the claim that is was great that all 83 were eliminated.

This recap of two simple posts brought to you by Distraction, Inc.

Yup. Hopefully he finds 83 more to erase.
Yes Todd, we know. You're not complicated. 83 anonymous environmental regs. That's all the toddster needs to know!
Yes we know you are brainwashed. nobody in the world agrees with you people in the entire world good because you are on another planet. None of your phony scandals ever get to law enforcement and no it is not a giant conspiracy.
If that's what lets you pretend liberal corruption doesn't exist, sure. I mean, it's not like you're ever going to question your programming. You're simply not bright enough.

Speak for yourself. I'll go with what is respected media around the world, not Rupert Murdoch's ridiculous propaganda machine or your demagogue High School grad ex Coke head DJ pundits. And no there is no conspiracy of law enforcement protecting liberals. Absolutely ridiculous. And treasonous really...
Treasonous? Disagreeing with liberals is not treason. I have no loyalty to your retarded belief system. And that's the problem with the left: You're more loyal to your ideology than to the United States.
making false accusations against our fine institutions and starting conspiracy theories is close to treasonous. When Democrats do it give me a call.
I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. I did not swear an oath to support and defend the ideology of the Soviet Socialist States of Amerika.

Eat shit, Comrade.
Then WTF did you support trump for?
Here, here, Can we have a "SO FUCKING WHAT" on aisle 3?

This was before Trump even rode his escalator down. Now, if all you dumb fucktards would just give back all that money you made since Trump took office, you dumbasses might make sense, until then, shut your fucking pie hole.
WTF did trump have to do with folks making money ? If the AH would have shut his trap we'd all have been better off Now all the moron can do is blame powell and obama He should KISS OBAMAS ASS for leaving him the economy he received
Remember, kids, Trump's economy sucks, and Obama deserves all the credit for Trump's great economy.
No not all the credit Trumps taxcut to the 1% gets some credit But Obama didn't play golf like the liar trump, said he did The golf player is the scumbag trump
I got a tax cut. I'm working class. If you had a job, you'd have gotten a tax cut, too.
No job but i got a little cut too NBD
It's not like Democrats would have allowed you to keep more of your money. They think it all belongs to them.
Here, here, Can we have a "SO FUCKING WHAT" on aisle 3?

This was before Trump even rode his escalator down. Now, if all you dumb fucktards would just give back all that money you made since Trump took office, you dumbasses might make sense, until then, shut your fucking pie hole.
WTF did trump have to do with folks making money ? If the AH would have shut his trap we'd all have been better off Now all the moron can do is blame powell and obama He should KISS OBAMAS ASS for leaving him the economy he received
Remember, kids, Trump's economy sucks, and Obama deserves all the credit for Trump's great economy.
Trump is going to ruin it with stupid trade Wars chaos and tariffs. The GOP thinks they're so wonderful at the economy and everything they start bubbles and busts....
Not really. But then, you're a stupid Communist. You don't know shit.
Daveman just to let you know what an asshole you are ,,you're talking to a self made millionaire A dem that despises crud like you
Frankie's a millionaire, or are you?

Doesn't matter; you're both Democrats, and you're on record as hating the working class.

Remind me again why I should vote Democrat.

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