Trump’s Education Secretary Pick Wants To Make Christianity A Bigger Part Of Schooling

Like all the other prostitutes hitting the up button in the Trump Tower elevators, Betsy BOUGHT this position. Trump is turning into Rod Blagojevich on steroids.
Christianity is a cult and has nothing to do with education. It is like religious schools in the middle east...It destroys knowledge and free thought.
And yet we allow muslims the freedom to practice, preach, and violently enforce their "religious" values on Western society?

We don't dictate "Western society", dickhead. And no one condones violence.
OK, pretty clear what type of dickhead you are. Name-calling is the resort of those who have nothing more to offer. Thanks for you input.

No problem, fuckface.
Religion plays a major role in the way Betsy DeVos thinks about education.

Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of education, Betsy DeVos, spoke at a 2001 conference with her husband, Dick, about using educational philanthropy to promote their conservative Christian worldview to children.

The conference was hosted by The Gathering, a group of elite Christian philanthropists. Researcher Bruce Wilson, co-founder of the website Talk To Action, unearthed the audio after going through archives on The Gathering’s website. The recordings have since become unavailable, but a cached version of the website lists the DeVoses as “general session speakers” at the conference, which carried a $1,200 per person registration fee.

This week, The Huffington Post had contacted spokespeople for DeVos, the Trump transition team and The Gathering to confirm that it was the president-elect’s education secretary pick speaking on the audio. No one responded. However, a summer 2001 newsletter that The Gathering published, and which Wilson obtained, also confirms that they were set to speak at the group’s upcoming conference.

During the question-and-answer portion of the recording, Dick DeVos can be heard lamenting that the “church, which ought to be, in our view, far more central to the life of the community, has been displaced by the public school as the center for activity,” Politico also reported on Friday.

He goes on to say that he hopes churches get more involved in education, whether through school voucher programs or other mechanisms. Churches, schools and families should become more tightly built around a “consistent worldview,” he adds.

During the panel, Betsy DeVos insists she and Dick aren’t enemies of traditional public schools, but are rather “for good education and for every child having an opportunity for a good education.” Yet the comments she and her husband appear to have made at the event suggest this could come at the price of blurring the separation of church and state.

Hear comments from the full panel here.

More: Trump’s Education Secretary Pick Wants To Make Christianity A Bigger Part Of Schooling

I firmly believe that the very first step in spreading "Christianity" should be to provide credible proof of what it's based on - other than mythical "faith". Our public schools should demand proof before allowing the subject to ever be discussed.

Yes, it's easy to see how such a faithful Muslim might be concerned. I might like to say I share your pain!

But, as a non-liberal, it's against my religion to lie.
People who come on this thread, which is about an obvious evangelical Christian who is ready to impose her religion on the country, and whine about Muslims is a troll and a dickhead. And not gallant nor a warrior. Just a bigoted dickhead.
Didn't hear objections when Islam was being taught and children were doing everything from making prayer rugs to learning the tenants of Islam. Some even wore burkas for a day. One teacher had them practice writing the vow to convert in calligraphy. It was much more extensive that what was being taught about any other religion. It should be a choice with parents and children. No one should force anyone to learn about any religion other than mentioning the different ones. Some went far too deep into Islam and many parents rightfully objected. The left would have bitched loudly had students been required to learn the ten commandments or text from the bible.

Christian students can't get together to pray openly yet Muslim students require numerous breaks daily to pray. All they have to do is claim their 'religion' demands it and cry discrimination if schools and businesses don't bow, or let them bow.

Muslims openly say the plan is to infiltrate, breed and keep going till they are the majority and the left thinks it's cute. Christians want to practice their religion, which sometimes means not participating in certain things and the left comes down on them like a ton of bricks.

We have separation of church and state so no religion will be imposed on anyone. That is how it should be.
As an atheist I don't give a crap.

I bet the Christian thing they want to teach is "don't steal". What a hard-core Christian thing to teach! Remove it immediately!
Instead of reading the bible I'd like to see our children learn how to program, do calculus and become doctors, innovators and the thinkers of tomorrow.

The bible is 2,000 years old and doesn't add anything.
People who come on this thread, which is about an obvious evangelical Christian who is ready to impose her religion on the country, and whine about Muslims is a troll and a dickhead. And not gallant nor a warrior. Just a bigoted dickhead.

I'm praying for you sinner.
I'd rather see our children looking up at the stars wanting to become rich off mining asteroids, or the first explorer of mars.

I'd rather see a future doctor studying hard to cure cancer.

I'd rather see so many things. Tell me what has religion done for humanity?
People who come on this thread, which is about an obvious evangelical Christian who is ready to impose her religion on the country, and whine about Muslims is a troll and a dickhead. And not gallant nor a warrior. Just a bigoted dickhead.

I'm praying for you sinner.

Just because you have faith in something doesn't prove somehow that you're better. Yet, you probably wouldn't help out a poor person and you'd probably be the first to call them a bum.
Instead of reading the bible I'd like to see our children learn how to program, do calculus and become doctors, innovators and the thinkers of tomorrow.

The bible is 2,000 years old and doesn't add anything.
I agree... so let's keep the burkas and hijabs out of schools too. Don't need religious dress in them either.
People who come on this thread, which is about an obvious evangelical Christian who is ready to impose her religion on the country, and whine about Muslims is a troll and a dickhead. And not gallant nor a warrior. Just a bigoted dickhead.

I'm praying for you sinner.

Just because you have faith in something doesn't prove somehow that you're better. Yet, you probably wouldn't help out a poor person and you'd probably be the first to call them a bum.

Amen! We also saw who Evangelicals supported for president.
I think is wonderful President elect Trump is willing to bring back a bit of decency and common sense into the classroom.

I am all for that.

edit to say the whole world would be better if they do the same.
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