Trumps Executive order Fu+ks People with Pre-Existing Conditions

Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?.

Separately, the order would allow consumers to buy short-term policies, which don't have to comply with Obamacare's protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Also, it looks to broaden the ability of employers to give workers money to buy their own coverage through health reimbursement arrangements, known as HRAs.

Trump begins Obamacare dismantling with executive order - CNNPolitics

They can still buy Obamacare, so how are they being screwed?

there is no such insurance policy as "Obamacare".... but diminishing the coverage and creating higher prices screws people who who need coverage most.

you just aren't smart enough to understand that.... or decent enough to cared.


So what are they selling on the ACA websites?

How would Trump's EO cause higher prices? It seems to me it will cause lower prices.
Dude. Don't even....they have no interest in facts. They just want to shame everyone. The best thing we can do is not give a rat fuck about worthless people and let them fucking die.
project their morals and beliefs. fk I'm tired of it.
It doesn't prove anything but that you are a right wing hack who has no understanding of insurance. These companies knew this was coming, they could have created a policy that met the new requirements and replaced the old one with those 10 million customers.
No they couldn’t, you ignorant left-wing partisan hack. They couldn’t increase service as the same cost. Life all wing-nuts, you’re not only ignorant of legislation, you’re ignorant of business (especially insurance).

Barack Insane Obama adamantly promised over and over “if you like your policy, you can keep your policy”. If the insurance company had to cancel an existing policy and create a new one like you keep crowing about, then that was an egregious lie.

If you like your keep your doctor.. And it was your state government who screwed you over not Obamacare..

It was Obamacare, you stupid cockroach.
WTF is wrong with these clefts?
Why would he do this to millions of sick people getting treatments for survival , including young children?

Insurance companies aren't in the business of covering pre-existing conditions any more than you are. Do you even know what the word "insurance" means?

LOL.. Do you want to know how many drunks are covered by auto-insurance after getting into a wreak.. That is a pre-existing condition.


That's like saying stabbing yourself in the stomach is a pre-existing condition.

You obviously lack the capacity to commit logic.

A drunk driver has shown to be a liability ...what is the difference.. ? Nothing we pay more for people who have shown to cause accident or be reckless..

It doesn't prove anything but that you are a right wing hack who has no understanding of insurance. These companies knew this was coming, they could have created a policy that met the new requirements and replaced the old one with those 10 million customers.
No they couldn’t, you ignorant left-wing partisan hack. They couldn’t increase service as the same cost. Life all wing-nuts, you’re not only ignorant of legislation, you’re ignorant of business (especially insurance).

Barack Insane Obama adamantly promised over and over “if you like your policy, you can keep your policy”. If the insurance company had to cancel an existing policy and create a new one like you keep crowing about, then that was an egregious lie.

The insurance companies DID NOT have to cancel grandfathered plans some chose to do so. Don't blame that one on obama. Put the credit where it belongs.
The blame is on any type of forced/mandatory insurance. The federal government has absolutely no idea what’s best for the country. People need to take responsibility for their own shit and not expect others to...
It doesn't prove anything but that you are a right wing hack who has no understanding of insurance. These companies knew this was coming, they could have created a policy that met the new requirements and replaced the old one with those 10 million customers.
No they couldn’t, you ignorant left-wing partisan hack. They couldn’t increase service as the same cost. Life all wing-nuts, you’re not only ignorant of legislation, you’re ignorant of business (especially insurance).

Barack Insane Obama adamantly promised over and over “if you like your policy, you can keep your policy”. If the insurance company had to cancel an existing policy and create a new one like you keep crowing about, then that was an egregious lie.

If you like your keep your doctor.. And it was your state government who screwed you over not Obamacare..

It was Obamacare, you stupid cockroach.
WTF is wrong with these clefts?

Eat your spinach Popeye.. anything that goes into your medical record can be used against you...better not get old either..

It doesn't prove anything but that you are a right wing hack who has no understanding of insurance. These companies knew this was coming, they could have created a policy that met the new requirements and replaced the old one with those 10 million customers.
No they couldn’t, you ignorant left-wing partisan hack. They couldn’t increase service as the same cost. Life all wing-nuts, you’re not only ignorant of legislation, you’re ignorant of business (especially insurance).

Barack Insane Obama adamantly promised over and over “if you like your policy, you can keep your policy”. If the insurance company had to cancel an existing policy and create a new one like you keep crowing about, then that was an egregious lie.

The insurance companies DID NOT have to cancel grandfathered plans some chose to do so. Don't blame that one on obama. Put the credit where it belongs.
too funny. you don't even understand the ACA program. there was no way to comply with existing policies you stupid fk. go read up or shut up.
If you thought your insurance premiums were high before? The government just decided not to pay the insurance subsidies. So a shit ton of people will now not be able to afford their insurance.

Insurance is the problem, not the solution.

So what you are driving without car insurance? Or own a home without home insurance...?

I pay about $16 a month for liability insurance for my vehicles, Which I should not have to pay. But it is state law. Unfortunately. I don’t have insurance on my home because my home is paid for and has been for 20 years… I would not expect insurance to pay for shit anyways because the insurance companies will find a way out of it… That’s their job
It doesn't prove anything but that you are a right wing hack who has no understanding of insurance. These companies knew this was coming, they could have created a policy that met the new requirements and replaced the old one with those 10 million customers.
No they couldn’t, you ignorant left-wing partisan hack. They couldn’t increase service as the same cost. Life all wing-nuts, you’re not only ignorant of legislation, you’re ignorant of business (especially insurance).

Barack Insane Obama adamantly promised over and over “if you like your policy, you can keep your policy”. If the insurance company had to cancel an existing policy and create a new one like you keep crowing about, then that was an egregious lie.

If you like your keep your doctor.. And it was your state government who screwed you over not Obamacare..

It was Obamacare, you stupid cockroach.
WTF is wrong with these clefts?

Eat your spinach Popeye.. anything that goes into your medical record can be used against you...better not get old either..

all you are doing with this OP is spouting nonsense. prove your thread. prove existing conditions will be lost. prove it. Can you?
And your son can keep his plan what are you bitching about?

My other son is in college and is a type 1 Juvenile diabetic insulin dependent ... We are screwing over our younger generation so bad.

Do you know what a pre-existing illness is? I will get the list for you..


I don't think you know how Obamacare is funded. Young healthy people who don't have a lot of money this early in their careers are paying for your son's pre-existing condition how is that fair?

No, you don't understand how it works, young people not making much money if they have insurance are enjoying a pretty decent subsidy.

I'm not talking about moochers, I'm talking about young professionals paying through the nose for bloated coverage they don't need to subsidize the moochers subsidies.

Drinking the Koolaide I see.. No one is a moocher on Obamacare, everyone pays a lot. The reason for Obamacare is for illnesses that take your life savings.. not a cold..
Now that’s funny, Obama care is a fucking joke. It rips young healthy people off… Fact
This coming from a dolt who defends Obamacare. Does it work?

It works, but like anything else, it needs tweaking to make it better. Think of it like a ferrari. It doesn't run right, unless you keep it tuned up.
It doesn't work, dumbass. It's worse than what we had before. Premiums are far higher. Deductibles are far higher. Prescriptions and doctor visits aren't covered. It's virtually worthless.

You don't buy insurance to get free buy it for accidents . Medicare prescription coverage doesn't even pay for your prescriptions 100% when you are old.


The Obamacare policy I had paid 0% of my prescriptions, dumbass. Promising a bunch of free shit is exactly what the supporters of Obamacare did. Unfornutely only a select bunch of moochers got the free shit. The rest of us have to pay for it with dramatically higher premiums and worse coverage.

The issue here is whether Obamacare is better than what was available previously. For that vast majority of Americans, it's far worse.

So now the real truth comes out, IT PAID 0% OF YOUR DRUGS, in it for yourself? It's all about patty cakes whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Cry you baby.
It doesn't prove anything but that you are a right wing hack who has no understanding of insurance. These companies knew this was coming, they could have created a policy that met the new requirements and replaced the old one with those 10 million customers.
No they couldn’t, you ignorant left-wing partisan hack. They couldn’t increase service as the same cost. Life all wing-nuts, you’re not only ignorant of legislation, you’re ignorant of business (especially insurance).

Barack Insane Obama adamantly promised over and over “if you like your policy, you can keep your policy”. If the insurance company had to cancel an existing policy and create a new one like you keep crowing about, then that was an egregious lie.

The insurance companies DID NOT have to cancel grandfathered plans some chose to do so. Don't blame that one on obama. Put the credit where it belongs.
Yes they did have to cancel existing plans. Obamacare regulations forced them to.

NO they didn't.
If you thought your insurance premiums were high before? The government just decided not to pay the insurance subsidies. So a shit ton of people will now not be able to afford their insurance.

Insurance is the problem, not the solution.

So what you are driving without car insurance? Or own a home without home insurance...?

I pay about $16 a month for liability insurance for my vehicles, Which I should not have to pay. But it is state law. Unfortunately. I don’t have insurance on my home because my home is paid for and has been for 20 years… I would not expect insurance to pay for shit anyways because the insurance companies will find a way out of it… That’s their job

Dude... why would you not have fire or water damage insurance? I had a stupid ice machine slowly leak into the back of my 1 year old kitchen and hardwood floors and it turned into mold.. We had to rip everything out..I was almost as expensive as it was to build in the first place..

You may want to reconsider that..

It doesn't prove anything but that you are a right wing hack who has no understanding of insurance. These companies knew this was coming, they could have created a policy that met the new requirements and replaced the old one with those 10 million customers.
No they couldn’t, you ignorant left-wing partisan hack. They couldn’t increase service as the same cost. Life all wing-nuts, you’re not only ignorant of legislation, you’re ignorant of business (especially insurance).

Barack Insane Obama adamantly promised over and over “if you like your policy, you can keep your policy”. If the insurance company had to cancel an existing policy and create a new one like you keep crowing about, then that was an egregious lie.

If you like your keep your doctor.. And it was your state government who screwed you over not Obamacare..

Na, Obamacare fucked everybody over except for deadbeats...
Young people can not afford unnecessary things like insurance, They should have to save their money for more important things. And healthy people should not be burdened other peoples shit...

Yeah. No one seems to get that. Insurance isn't a way to get things you can't afford.

Insurance is a luxury for wealthy people who want to avoid bankruptcy. It doesn't make much sense for anyone else. If you have 100k in the bank and you want to make sure it will be there when you retire, it might make sense to pay for an insurance policy. If you have no savings and make $500/wk, you shouldn't be wasting money on insurance.
And your son can keep his plan what are you bitching about?

My other son is in college and is a type 1 Juvenile diabetic insulin dependent ... We are screwing over our younger generation so bad.

Do you know what a pre-existing illness is? I will get the list for you..


I don't think you know how Obamacare is funded. Young healthy people who don't have a lot of money this early in their careers are paying for your son's pre-existing condition how is that fair?

No, you don't understand how it works, young people not making much money if they have insurance are enjoying a pretty decent subsidy.
No, Young healthy people should not be burdened with the unhealthy...

Didn't they already take the mandate off for young folks..

Also my son got emergency coverage a year ago for a good price...Everyone should have insurance , being young doesn't keep you from getting cancer ect..

Only thing keeping people from getting cancer is not living healthy, cancer cannot exist in a non-acidic body… fact
My other son is in college and is a type 1 Juvenile diabetic insulin dependent ... We are screwing over our younger generation so bad.

Do you know what a pre-existing illness is? I will get the list for you..


I don't think you know how Obamacare is funded. Young healthy people who don't have a lot of money this early in their careers are paying for your son's pre-existing condition how is that fair?

No, you don't understand how it works, young people not making much money if they have insurance are enjoying a pretty decent subsidy.

I'm not talking about moochers, I'm talking about young professionals paying through the nose for bloated coverage they don't need to subsidize the moochers subsidies.

Drinking the Koolaide I see.. No one is a moocher on Obamacare, everyone pays a lot. The reason for Obamacare is for illnesses that take your life savings.. not a cold..
Now that’s funny, Obama care is a fucking joke. It rips young healthy people off… Fact

Yep, it sure did. It ripped off the 22 year old who had an insulin pump that could not get insurance before it sure ripped the kid off born with hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy, not to mention all the childhood cancers. WTF do we care, right?

I guess in these instances it would be ok by your standards to abort.
If you thought your insurance premiums were high before? The government just decided not to pay the insurance subsidies. So a shit ton of people will now not be able to afford their insurance.

Insurance is the problem, not the solution.

So what you are driving without car insurance? Or own a home without home insurance...?

I pay about $16 a month for liability insurance for my vehicles, Which I should not have to pay. But it is state law. Unfortunately. I don’t have insurance on my home because my home is paid for and has been for 20 years… I would not expect insurance to pay for shit anyways because the insurance companies will find a way out of it… That’s their job

Dude... why would you not have fire or water damage insurance? I had a stupid ice machine slowly leak into the back of my 1 year old kitchen and hardwood floors and it turned into mold.. We had to rip everything out..I was almost as expensive as it was to build in the first place..

You may want to reconsider that..

did you have to pay a deductible? Did your rate go up afterward?
If you thought your insurance premiums were high before? The government just decided not to pay the insurance subsidies. So a shit ton of people will now not be able to afford their insurance.

Insurance is the problem, not the solution.

So what you are driving without car insurance? Or own a home without home insurance...?

I pay about $16 a month for liability insurance for my vehicles, Which I should not have to pay. But it is state law. Unfortunately. I don’t have insurance on my home because my home is paid for and has been for 20 years… I would not expect insurance to pay for shit anyways because the insurance companies will find a way out of it… That’s their job

Dude... why would you not have fire or water damage insurance? I had a stupid ice machine slowly leak into the back of my 1 year old kitchen and hardwood floors and it turned into mold.. We had to rip everything out..I was almost as expensive as it was to build in the first place..

You may want to reconsider that..

I don’t like to pay for things that “might” happen...
No they couldn’t, you ignorant left-wing partisan hack. They couldn’t increase service as the same cost. Life all wing-nuts, you’re not only ignorant of legislation, you’re ignorant of business (especially insurance).

Barack Insane Obama adamantly promised over and over “if you like your policy, you can keep your policy”. If the insurance company had to cancel an existing policy and create a new one like you keep crowing about, then that was an egregious lie.

If you like your keep your doctor.. And it was your state government who screwed you over not Obamacare..

It was Obamacare, you stupid cockroach.
WTF is wrong with these clefts?

Eat your spinach Popeye.. anything that goes into your medical record can be used against you...better not get old either..

all you are doing with this OP is spouting nonsense. prove your thread. prove existing conditions will be lost. prove it. Can you?

Go back and do a thing called reading the OP link... I made it easy for you so you don't even need to click the link but just read the paragraph..

I don't think you know how Obamacare is funded. Young healthy people who don't have a lot of money this early in their careers are paying for your son's pre-existing condition how is that fair?

No, you don't understand how it works, young people not making much money if they have insurance are enjoying a pretty decent subsidy.

I'm not talking about moochers, I'm talking about young professionals paying through the nose for bloated coverage they don't need to subsidize the moochers subsidies.

Drinking the Koolaide I see.. No one is a moocher on Obamacare, everyone pays a lot. The reason for Obamacare is for illnesses that take your life savings.. not a cold..
Now that’s funny, Obama care is a fucking joke. It rips young healthy people off… Fact

Yep, it sure did. It ripped off the 22 year old who had an insulin pump that could not get insurance before it sure ripped the kid off born with hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy, not to mention all the childhood cancers. WTF do we care, right?
what I want is your fking stories to be accurate. first tell us what the 22 year old was paying for the pump prior to paying for insurance and what her total costs were before and after insurance. I don't want to hear your rants. I want evidence. or is this just a DNC bumper sticker.

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