Trump’s Favorite Pastor Claims Democrats Worship Pagan God Moloch

This is one of those stories that brings the US into ridicule.

How do you figger?/

Don't other nations have outspoken theologians, or people with religious ideas that others might consider extreme? What do they do in the Philippine Republic? India? Mexico? Haiti?

Are the crackpot factions in these countries whispering their primitive mumbo jumbo into the ears of the presidents and prime ministers of these countries?

Running around claiming that modern Americans who don't vote like he does worship an obscure Canaanite god whom nobody has ever heard of is a sure sign of mental illness.
Are the crackpot factions in these countries whispering their primitive mumbo jumbo into the ears of the presidents and prime ministers of these countries?

Running around claiming that modern Americans who don't vote like he does worship an obscure Canaanite god whom nobody has ever heard of is a sure sign of mental illness.
Is the charge that some people are literally worshiping an ancient pagan deity identified as Moloch?

Or is the claim that they are worshiping, unknowingly, the spirit of a God that specialized in child sacrifice?
Are the crackpot factions in these countries whispering their primitive mumbo jumbo into the ears of the presidents and prime ministers of these countries?

Running around claiming that modern Americans who don't vote like he does worship an obscure Canaanite god whom nobody has ever heard of is a sure sign of mental illness.
Is the charge that some people are literally worshiping an ancient pagan deity identified as Moloch?

Or is the claim that they are worshiping, unknowingly, the spirit of a God that specialized in child sacrifice?

Either way, it's a preposterous claim and he's a nutjob.

Actually, the use of the word "worship" in a political context is extravagant hyperbole.
Either way, it's a preposterous claim and he's a nutjob.

Actually, the use of the word "worship" in a political context is extravagant hyperbole.
It is but I wish I had a quarter for every time I saw a comment about Trump supporters "worshiping their orange god".
I could stop playing the lottery, probably.
This is one of those stories that brings the US into ridicule.

How do you figger?/

Don't other nations have outspoken theologians, or people with religious ideas that others might consider extreme? What do they do in the Philippine Republic? India? Mexico? Haiti?
Those countries never put a man on the moon.We have higher expectations of the US.

America is a very diverse place, we have places in our country where people shit right on the sidewalk and you need an app to avoid stepping in it.

Here let me help you out there.

The Amount of Poop on San Francisco's Streets Has Hit an All-Time High
This is one of those stories that brings the US into ridicule.

How do you figger?/

Don't other nations have outspoken theologians, or people with religious ideas that others might consider extreme? What do they do in the Philippine Republic? India? Mexico? Haiti?

Are the crackpot factions in these countries whispering their primitive mumbo jumbo into the ears of the presidents and prime ministers of these countries?

Running around claiming that modern Americans who don't vote like he does worship an obscure Canaanite god whom nobody has ever heard of is a sure sign of mental illness.
Just because a few of you have no clue what Moloch represents doesn't mean that others do not. 76% of the United States is still Christian whether you like that or not and most of those know Moloch and child sacrifice go hand in hand. Canaanites to most Christians are known as merchants who have several gods that they worshiped.
This is one of those stories that brings the US into ridicule.

How do you figger?/

Don't other nations have outspoken theologians, or people with religious ideas that others might consider extreme? What do they do in the Philippine Republic? India? Mexico? Haiti?

Are the crackpot factions in these countries whispering their primitive mumbo jumbo into the ears of the presidents and prime ministers of these countries?

Running around claiming that modern Americans who don't vote like he does worship an obscure Canaanite god whom nobody has ever heard of is a sure sign of mental illness.
Just because a few of you have no clue what Moloch represents doesn't mean that others do not. 76% of the United States is still Christian whether you like that or not and most of those know Moloch and child sacrifice go hand in hand. Canaanites to most Christians are known as merchants who have several gods that they worshiped.

What do you mean "whether are I that or not"? I have no problem with the percentage of the people in the U.S. who are Christians. I am, too. This depends on what group of Christians one is a member of, and there are all sorts of different varieties. All of our past presidents and vice-presidents have been Christian, and the current idiots in the White House claim that they are. I voted for Barack Obama (United Church of Christ) twice and Hilary Clinton (Methodist).

There is no reason to hang on the words and theories of this boob Jeffress. BTW: I think that he is a southern baptist, a group with a much less than stellar reputation.
This is one of those stories that brings the US into ridicule.

How do you figger?/

Don't other nations have outspoken theologians, or people with religious ideas that others might consider extreme? What do they do in the Philippine Republic? India? Mexico? Haiti?

Are the crackpot factions in these countries whispering their primitive mumbo jumbo into the ears of the presidents and prime ministers of these countries?

Running around claiming that modern Americans who don't vote like he does worship an obscure Canaanite god whom nobody has ever heard of is a sure sign of mental illness.
Just because a few of you have no clue what Moloch represents doesn't mean that others do not. 76% of the United States is still Christian whether you like that or not and most of those know Moloch and child sacrifice go hand in hand. Canaanites to most Christians are known as merchants who have several gods that they worshiped.

What do you mean "whether are I that or not"? I have no problem with the percentage of the people in the U.S. who are Christians. I am, too. This depends on what group of Christians one is a member of, and there are all sorts of different varieties. All of our past presidents and vice-presidents have been Christian, and the current idiots in the White House claim that they are. I voted for Barack Obama (United Church of Christ) twice and Hilary Clinton (Methodist).

There is no reason to hang on the words and theories of this boob Jeffress. BTW: I think that he is a southern baptist, a group with a much less than stellar reputation.
I already stated previously from the original OP that Jeffrees has a valid point.

If you are willing to sacrifice babes in the womb and have no issue with them then being used as surplus it is most likely that you have a spirit in you that worships Moloch.

BTW, I could care less what denomination he is. I also already stated I know nothing about him other than what the OP stated.
This is one of those stories that brings the US into ridicule.

How do you figger?/

Don't other nations have outspoken theologians, or people with religious ideas that others might consider extreme? What do they do in the Philippine Republic? India? Mexico? Haiti?

Are the crackpot factions in these countries whispering their primitive mumbo jumbo into the ears of the presidents and prime ministers of these countries?

Running around claiming that modern Americans who don't vote like he does worship an obscure Canaanite god whom nobody has ever heard of is a sure sign of mental illness.
Just because a few of you have no clue what Moloch represents doesn't mean that others do not. 76% of the United States is still Christian whether you like that or not and most of those know Moloch and child sacrifice go hand in hand. Canaanites to most Christians are known as merchants who have several gods that they worshiped.

What do you mean "whether are I that or not"? I have no problem with the percentage of the people in the U.S. who are Christians. I am, too. This depends on what group of Christians one is a member of, and there are all sorts of different varieties. All of our past presidents and vice-presidents have been Christian, and the current idiots in the White House claim that they are. I voted for Barack Obama (United Church of Christ) twice and Hilary Clinton (Methodist).

There is no reason to hang on the words and theories of this boob Jeffress. BTW: I think that he is a southern baptist, a group with a much less than stellar reputation.

Actually, Mr. Obama apostatized from the United Church of Christ in May 2008. According to Sharia Law, because his putative father was a Muslim, so is he. As you may or may not know, Obama worked tightly with America's premier muslim leader, Lou Farrakhan in the Million Man March.
This is one of those stories that brings the US into ridicule.

How do you figger?/

Don't other nations have outspoken theologians, or people with religious ideas that others might consider extreme? What do they do in the Philippine Republic? India? Mexico? Haiti?

Are the crackpot factions in these countries whispering their primitive mumbo jumbo into the ears of the presidents and prime ministers of these countries?

Running around claiming that modern Americans who don't vote like he does worship an obscure Canaanite god whom nobody has ever heard of is a sure sign of mental illness.
Just because a few of you have no clue what Moloch represents doesn't mean that others do not. 76% of the United States is still Christian whether you like that or not and most of those know Moloch and child sacrifice go hand in hand. Canaanites to most Christians are known as merchants who have several gods that they worshiped.

What do you mean "whether are I that or not"? I have no problem with the percentage of the people in the U.S. who are Christians. I am, too. This depends on what group of Christians one is a member of, and there are all sorts of different varieties. All of our past presidents and vice-presidents have been Christian, and the current idiots in the White House claim that they are. I voted for Barack Obama (United Church of Christ) twice and Hilary Clinton (Methodist).

There is no reason to hang on the words and theories of this boob Jeffress. BTW: I think that he is a southern baptist, a group with a much less than stellar reputation.

Actually, the Southern Baptist Convention has a superb reputation, they have been growing over the past 50 years while the Methodists, Presbyterians and Episcopalianists have been in numerical decline.

Just because you personally don't care for the belief that Almighty God put Adam and Eve(not Steve) into the Garden doesn't give them a bad reputation.
This is one of those stories that brings the US into ridicule.

How do you figger?/

Don't other nations have outspoken theologians, or people with religious ideas that others might consider extreme? What do they do in the Philippine Republic? India? Mexico? Haiti?

Are the crackpot factions in these countries whispering their primitive mumbo jumbo into the ears of the presidents and prime ministers of these countries?

Running around claiming that modern Americans who don't vote like he does worship an obscure Canaanite god whom nobody has ever heard of is a sure sign of mental illness.
Just because a few of you have no clue what Moloch represents doesn't mean that others do not. 76% of the United States is still Christian whether you like that or not and most of those know Moloch and child sacrifice go hand in hand. Canaanites to most Christians are known as merchants who have several gods that they worshiped.

What do you mean "whether are I that or not"? I have no problem with the percentage of the people in the U.S. who are Christians. I am, too. This depends on what group of Christians one is a member of, and there are all sorts of different varieties. All of our past presidents and vice-presidents have been Christian, and the current idiots in the White House claim that they are. I voted for Barack Obama (United Church of Christ) twice and Hilary Clinton (Methodist).

There is no reason to hang on the words and theories of this boob Jeffress. BTW: I think that he is a southern baptist, a group with a much less than stellar reputation.
I already stated previously from the original OP that Jeffrees has a valid point.

If you are willing to sacrifice babes in the womb and have no issue with them then being used as surplus it is most likely that you have a spirit in you that worships Moloch.

BTW, I could care less what denomination he is. I also already stated I know nothing about him other than what the OP stated.

Abortion is not "sacrific[ing] babies in the womb."
Now explain why you folks are against using contraception to prevent the fertilization of an egg and its attachment to the uterine wall in the first place? Less unwanted pregnancies, less abortions. We have had the technology for decades. Ever hear of technology? You folks complain about abortion while trying to increase the incidence of it. What's going on here? Do you have some grievance against heterosexuals? This sounds like a cult thing.
^ Thats exactly the kind of thing Moloch would say. Ill be keeping my eye on you.
Good to see you don't deny gods.
I gotta be honest, im not familiar with Moloch, but he sounds like a bad guy.
Well, he's not happy with Trump!

Breitbart News reported, "The Trump administration has redirected $34 million in federal family planning funds from Planned Parenthood to other providers that do not perform or refer for abortions.

"Planned Parenthood chose not to comply with the administration’s enforcement of a rule that states Title X federal funds cannot be used for abortion providers.

"The rule does not cut back family planning funds, however. Instead, it redirects them to non-abortion providers — federally qualified health care centers, which outnumber Planned Parenthood clinics 20 to one."

Bu-bu-but the National Review told me he was pro-abortion.

He has done something everyone promised: De-funded Planned Parenthood.

In fact, they de-funded themselves.

Why was there ever a "rule" that states that Title X funds cannot be used by organizations that also provide abortions or provide references for them?
Good questions. We rule ourselves in a nation of laws. All ruling authority resides in The People, who grant a bit of our authority to our representatives in Congress to write the laws we agree to live under and one of our rules is that OUR money can not be taxed from us and handed to abortion providers.
Why are there "gag rules" that are in obvious violation of the First Amendment?
Heaven Forfend! They have every right to speak and perform this procedure. All that is happening here is that they are no longer receiving federal funding to do so.
...Why are millions of dollars of federal money spent on "abstinence-only" education"? Who are these "other providers that do not perform or refer for abortions"?
They provide health services to women that do not include abortion.
How do we know that they are legitimate and not fronts for religious proselytizing and indoctrination, like the "pregnancy crisis centers" that some states have demanded women seeking abortions visit have been?
Pregnancy crisis centers are "fronts" for proselytizing and indoctrination?
...this is a reply to someone straying from the topic of some bizarre theories of some "pastor"/politician (who knows) about the religious practices of supporters of a political party that he does not support and who is trying to align religious belief with a particular U.S. political party.
Is this "bizarre" pastor powered by federal funding or simply communicating beliefs you disagree with? Because as Americans we are dedicated to tolerating the latter, while not obligated to fund the former.

In our system, we have no Official Government Church, so, I'm not sure about your "align with a particular US political party" comment.
Dr. Jeffress is one of America's greatest theologians.

So he's a mythology expert. Big damn deal.

I think he's more qualified to make this theological assessment of liberalism than 99%+ of the people out there.

Who cares what you think. You're not an expert on anything.

Jeffress has a Doctor of Divinity degree.

Which is an honorary degree. Whoopee.

That doesn't mean he can't be wrong. But I think the libs need to address the issue and prove their case.

Why would the Democrats need to 'prove their case' against the rantings of a crazy person? Televangelists are cut from the same scum bag cloth as the scum bag *pResident. No one cares what either think or believe.
Dr. Jeffress is one of America's greatest theologians.

So he's a mythology expert. Big damn deal.

I think he's more qualified to make this theological assessment of liberalism than 99%+ of the people out there.

Who cares what you think. You're not an expert on anything.

Jeffress has a Doctor of Divinity degree.

Which is an honorary degree. Whoopee.

That doesn't mean he can't be wrong. But I think the libs need to address the issue and prove their case.

Why would the Democrats need to 'prove their case' against the rantings of a crazy person? Televangelists are cut from the same scum bag cloth as the scum bag *pResident. No one cares what either think or believe.
You're such a JOKER!
Why would the Democrats need to 'prove their case' against the rantings of a crazy person? Televangelists are cut from the same scum bag cloth as the scum bag *pResident. No one cares what either think or believe.

"televangelist" is just a theologian who has a TV program. I think if the Roman Empire had opened a TV station, Augustine would have had a show.
This is one of those stories that brings the US into ridicule.

How do you figger?/

Don't other nations have outspoken theologians, or people with religious ideas that others might consider extreme? What do they do in the Philippine Republic? India? Mexico? Haiti?

Are the crackpot factions in these countries whispering their primitive mumbo jumbo into the ears of the presidents and prime ministers of these countries?

Running around claiming that modern Americans who don't vote like he does worship an obscure Canaanite god whom nobody has ever heard of is a sure sign of mental illness.
Just because a few of you have no clue what Moloch represents doesn't mean that others do not. 76% of the United States is still Christian whether you like that or not and most of those know Moloch and child sacrifice go hand in hand. Canaanites to most Christians are known as merchants who have several gods that they worshiped.

What do you mean "whether are I that or not"? I have no problem with the percentage of the people in the U.S. who are Christians. I am, too. This depends on what group of Christians one is a member of, and there are all sorts of different varieties. All of our past presidents and vice-presidents have been Christian, and the current idiots in the White House claim that they are. I voted for Barack Obama (United Church of Christ) twice and Hilary Clinton (Methodist).

There is no reason to hang on the words and theories of this boob Jeffress. BTW: I think that he is a southern baptist, a group with a much less than stellar reputation.

Actually, the Southern Baptist Convention has a superb reputation, they have been growing over the past 50 years while the Methodists, Presbyterians and Episcopalianists have been in numerical decline.

Just because you personally don't care for the belief that Almighty God put Adam and Eve(not Steve) into the Garden doesn't give them a bad reputation.

They have got a horrible reputation, racism, woman-hatred, hatred of other religions, hatred of LGBTs, dick-wagging, sexual domination and subservience. You name it. It's a sexually-obsessed garbage group that is so ignorant that they don't understand that their ideas as to what is a "sin" don't count because each individual is accountable only to the Creator, not to a passle of human twits. I would no more follow them than I would follow Louis Farrakhan or Jim Jones.

You know that graham-cracker is running around overseas saying that Islam is not a religion and spouting "end times" malarky. What's that about?

And no. Barack Obama is not a Muslim.
How do you figger?/

Don't other nations have outspoken theologians, or people with religious ideas that others might consider extreme? What do they do in the Philippine Republic? India? Mexico? Haiti?

Are the crackpot factions in these countries whispering their primitive mumbo jumbo into the ears of the presidents and prime ministers of these countries?

Running around claiming that modern Americans who don't vote like he does worship an obscure Canaanite god whom nobody has ever heard of is a sure sign of mental illness.
Just because a few of you have no clue what Moloch represents doesn't mean that others do not. 76% of the United States is still Christian whether you like that or not and most of those know Moloch and child sacrifice go hand in hand. Canaanites to most Christians are known as merchants who have several gods that they worshiped.

What do you mean "whether are I that or not"? I have no problem with the percentage of the people in the U.S. who are Christians. I am, too. This depends on what group of Christians one is a member of, and there are all sorts of different varieties. All of our past presidents and vice-presidents have been Christian, and the current idiots in the White House claim that they are. I voted for Barack Obama (United Church of Christ) twice and Hilary Clinton (Methodist).

There is no reason to hang on the words and theories of this boob Jeffress. BTW: I think that he is a southern baptist, a group with a much less than stellar reputation.
I already stated previously from the original OP that Jeffrees has a valid point.

If you are willing to sacrifice babes in the womb and have no issue with them then being used as surplus it is most likely that you have a spirit in you that worships Moloch.

BTW, I could care less what denomination he is. I also already stated I know nothing about him other than what the OP stated.

Abortion is not "sacrific[ing] babies in the womb."
Now explain why you folks are against using contraception to prevent the fertilization of an egg and its attachment to the uterine wall in the first place? Less unwanted pregnancies, less abortions. We have had the technology for decades. Ever hear of technology? You folks complain about abortion while trying to increase the incidence of it. What's going on here? Do you have some grievance against heterosexuals? This sounds like a cult thing.
You sure are throwing out accusations there. Use contraceptive that is your prerogative but when when kill a child in the womb it is murdering another living being. Abortions being slaughtered sold as human flesh is child sacrifice.
Why would the Democrats need to 'prove their case' against the rantings of a crazy person? Televangelists are cut from the same scum bag cloth as the scum bag *pResident. No one cares what either think or believe.

"televangelist" is just a theologian who has a TV program. I think if the Roman Empire had opened a TV station, Augustine would have had a show.

Once again, no one cares.

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