Trump’s Favorite Pastor Claims Democrats Worship Pagan God Moloch

Another "bizarre" anti-Trump and anti-Christian post.
How is it anti Christian? I would think that invoking Pagan gods is anti Christian. Do you think that Jeffress represents Christianity? For that matter does T-Rump ?
Its very simple to figure the basic roots of all answers spewed by leftists on any thing pertaining to Christians or the faith of Christ Jesus; 1. Leftists strongly believe that any all believers in Christ Jesus are incapable of any thought what-so-ever (thus a reference to 'molech' is some verbal clanking of puritanical nonsense)
2. Leftists believe strongly that no Christian has ever contributed any useful or good thing into the earth and comparable to believers in Christ Jesus, leftists believe that they hold all virtue and any or all thoughts and ideas ever conceived (therefore, the word 'molech' is a complete product of verbal jibber jabber of believers in Christ)
Another "bizarre" anti-Trump and anti-Christian post.
How is it anti Christian? I would think that invoking Pagan gods is anti Christian. Do you think that Jeffress represents Christianity? For that matter does T-Rump ?
Its very simple to figure the basic roots of all answers spewed by leftists on any thing pertaining to Christians or the faith of Christ Jesus; 1. Leftists strongly believe that any all believers in Christ Jesus are incapable of any thought what-so-ever (thus a reference to 'molech' is some verbal clanking of puritanical nonsense)
2. Leftists believe strongly that no Christian has ever contributed any useful or good thing into the earth and comparable to believers in Christ Jesus, leftists believe that they hold all virtue and any or all thoughts and ideas ever conceived (therefore, the word 'molech' is a complete product of verbal jibber jabber of believers in Christ)

You cannot identify Christians, those who believe in the faith of Jesus, with any political party. There are millions of Christians who are what you would call "leftists," whatever this term happens to mean.

There are Christians who support every side of today's political and social issues.
Get over the idea that the republican party somehow represents Jesus. It's false.

In the last two presidential elections, I voted for a member of the United Church of Christ, who won, and the Methodist, who lost to the candidate who identifies as Presbyterian.
Another bizarre rant from the pastor who predicted civil war if Trump is impeached.

Progressive Secular Humanist -

Demons for Democrats: Robert Jeffress, Texas megachurch pastor and one of Trump’s closest spiritual advisors, claims Democrats worship Moloch, the demon god of the Old Testament.

Who?? Moloch? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

This Democrat for one never heard of Moloch and I'm sure that most have not.

Jeffress is a dangerous idiot. The attempt to literally demonize Democrats is childish and unAmerican, as is the assumption that everyone must worship some god.

And while Jeffress may be an idiot, he manages to influence the thinking of President Donald Trump, the Idiot-in-chief.

Folks, this is the type of person who has Trumps ear. Republicans: Please explain how that is not downright scary ? :icon_cry::icon_cry::icon_cry:
If Moloch was a known homo you wouldn’t have started this thread. You’d become a trump supporter.
Another "bizarre" anti-Trump and anti-Christian post.
How is it anti Christian? I would think that invoking Pagan gods is anti Christian. Do you think that Jeffress represents Christianity? For that matter does T-Rump ?
Its very simple to figure the basic roots of all answers spewed by leftists on any thing pertaining to Christians or the faith of Christ Jesus; 1. Leftists strongly believe that any all believers in Christ Jesus are incapable of any thought what-so-ever (thus a reference to 'molech' is some verbal clanking of puritanical nonsense)
2. Leftists believe strongly that no Christian has ever contributed any useful or good thing into the earth and comparable to believers in Christ Jesus, leftists believe that they hold all virtue and any or all thoughts and ideas ever conceived (therefore, the word 'molech' is a complete product of verbal jibber jabber of believers in Christ)
Where are you getting that inane equine excrement from? I am a leftist and an agnostic. I don't relate to Christ as God. BUT, I also consider myself a philosophical Christian. I believing in healing the sick, feeding the poor, and that all human being have value. Who the fuck do you think that you are to presume that you know what I believe- or what all "leftists" believe -as though we are all the same? I fully recognize that many Christians-those who do believe in Christ as God have contributed much to society and have done a great deal of good in the world-unlike the phony evangelicals and right wing religious nut jobs who wield religion as a weapon against those who don't measure up to their brand of morality and who turn their backs on those in need. Now shut the fuck up!
Another "bizarre" anti-Trump and anti-Christian post.
How is it anti Christian? I would think that invoking Pagan gods is anti Christian. Do you think that Jeffress represents Christianity? For that matter does T-Rump ?
Its very simple to figure the basic roots of all answers spewed by leftists on any thing pertaining to Christians or the faith of Christ Jesus; 1. Leftists strongly believe that any all believers in Christ Jesus are incapable of any thought what-so-ever (thus a reference to 'molech' is some verbal clanking of puritanical nonsense)
2. Leftists believe strongly that no Christian has ever contributed any useful or good thing into the earth and comparable to believers in Christ Jesus, leftists believe that they hold all virtue and any or all thoughts and ideas ever conceived (therefore, the word 'molech' is a complete product of verbal jibber jabber of believers in Christ)
How much do we care about the opinion folks who sacrifice their babies have of us?
Another "bizarre" anti-Trump and anti-Christian post.
How is it anti Christian? I would think that invoking Pagan gods is anti Christian. Do you think that Jeffress represents Christianity? For that matter does T-Rump ?
Its very simple to figure the basic roots of all answers spewed by leftists on any thing pertaining to Christians or the faith of Christ Jesus; 1. Leftists strongly believe that any all believers in Christ Jesus are incapable of any thought what-so-ever (thus a reference to 'molech' is some verbal clanking of puritanical nonsense)
2. Leftists believe strongly that no Christian has ever contributed any useful or good thing into the earth and comparable to believers in Christ Jesus, leftists believe that they hold all virtue and any or all thoughts and ideas ever conceived (therefore, the word 'molech' is a complete product of verbal jibber jabber of believers in Christ)
How much do we care about the opinion folks who sacrifice their babies have of us?
How much do we care about the opinion folks who sacrafice whole famikies by depriving them of access to health care, nutrition, and a roof over their heads. When conservatives begin to recognise the need for universal health care, and economic justice, you might have some moral standing to talk about abortion.
Where are you getting that inane equine excrement from? I am a leftist and an agnostic. I don't relate to Christ as God. BUT, I also consider myself a philosophical Christian. I believing in healing the sick, feeding the poor, and that all human being have value.

And yet you strongly support and defend the “right” to brutally murder the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings in cold blood.

Nobody could even think of defending the savage practice of abortion, who truly believes that all human beings have value.

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Another "bizarre" anti-Trump and anti-Christian post.
How is it anti Christian? I would think that invoking Pagan gods is anti Christian. Do you think that Jeffress represents Christianity? For that matter does T-Rump ?
I actually feel sorry for pal. You are so fucking screwed up b/c you're gay.
I believe God made gays to enjoy sucking each other's cocks and getting fucked in the ass.
That was his decision.
So relax. Go buy your partner, if you have one, a nice big rubber dick and a set of buttplugs and STOP attempting to make excuses for your lifestyle.
How much do we care about the opinion folks who sacrafice [sic] whole famikies [sic] by depriving them of access to health care, nutrition, and a roof over their heads. When conservatives begin to recognise the need for universal health care, and economic justice, you might have some moral standing to talk about abortion.

As usual, those of you on the left wrong want to claim charitable virtue, not based on giving what is rightfully yours to give, but on getting government to take from someone else. You want to take from me and my family the nutrition, shelter, medical care, “economic justice” and so on, that I have worked very hard to earn, and give it to someone else. And somehow, you delusionally imagine that this gives you some moral standing to defend the cold-blooded murder of innocent children.

As you always do, you prove that modern LIbEralism is not only a mental disease, but a moral disease as well.
Another "bizarre" anti-Trump and anti-Christian post.
How is it anti Christian? I would think that invoking Pagan gods is anti Christian. Do you think that Jeffress represents Christianity? For that matter does T-Rump ?
I actually feel sorry for pal. You are so fucking screwed up b/c you're gay.
I believe God made gays to enjoy sucking each other's cocks and getting fucked in the ass.
That was his decision.
So relax. Go buy your partner, if you have one, a nice big rubber dick and a set of buttplugs and STOP attempting to make excuses for your lifestyle.
I think that you and Blaulock should hook up the fact that you both fantasize so much about gay sex
Where are you getting that inane equine excrement from? I am a leftist and an agnostic. I don't relate to Christ as God. BUT, I also consider myself a philosophical Christian. I believing in healing the sick, feeding the poor, and that all human being have value.

And yet you strongly support and defend the “right” to brutally murder the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings in cold blood.

Nobody could even think of defending the savage practice of abortion, who truly believes that all human beings have value.


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