Trump’s Favorite Pastor Claims Democrats Worship Pagan God Moloch

Another bizarre rant from the pastor who predicted civil war if Trump is impeached.

Progressive Secular Humanist -

Demons for Democrats: Robert Jeffress, Texas megachurch pastor and one of Trump’s closest spiritual advisors, claims Democrats worship Moloch, the demon god of the Old Testament.

Who?? Moloch? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

This Democrat for one never heard of Moloch and I'm sure that most have not.

Jeffress is a dangerous idiot. The attempt to literally demonize Democrats is childish and unAmerican, as is the assumption that everyone must worship some god.

And while Jeffress may be an idiot, he manages to influence the thinking of President Donald Trump, the Idiot-in-chief.

Folks, this is the type of person who has Trumps ear. Republicans: Please explain how that is not downright scary ? :icon_cry::icon_cry::icon_cry:

These crazy primitive cults that have been crawling around here for a few decades seem to have produced a bumper crop of nutjobs, including this jeffress. It is scary. The idiot in the Oval Office was also yammering about graham-cracker the other day. Our foreign and domestic policies should not be determined by people who are addicted to fairy tales and sci-fi.
If you want religious tests for public office, this isn't the right country for you.
Why they advocate rape

Fr. Frank Pavone


Planned Parenthood Protester wishing that a young Pro-Life Warrior get raped for standing up for unborn babies and being pro-life!

The Evil is on Full Display!

The video is horrific. A pro-abortionist wishes rape upon an anti-abortionist. ("I hope some [bleep] guy holds you down and rapes you.")
Inappropriate. What does she think she is? A donnie sound-a-like?
No normal human being wishes that.

But this is a typical argument among women liberals in the 21st century. The press acts as if there is nothing wrong with advocating the rape of conservative women.

Don Surber@donsurber

Sandra Bernhard (top) and Sarah Palin.

In the middle of the 2008 presidential campaign on September 21, 2008, Tracy Miller of the New York Daily News wrote, "Sandra Bernhard issued a blistering warning to Sarah Palin during a performance of her new one-woman show.

"The Republican V.P. nom would be 'gang-raped by my big black brothers' if she enters Manhattan, Bernhard said. Palin is said to be making a campaign stop in New York next week.

"'[The gang rape comment] is part of a much larger, nuanced, and yes, provocative (that's what I do) piece from my show about racism, freedom, women's rights and the extreme views of Governor Sarah Palin, a woman who doesn't believe that other women should have the right to choose,' Bernhard told the Daily News today."

Ho hum. Nothing to see here. No calls for an apology. Bernhard is just being provocative.

And racist.

A few years later, David Letterman called for the rape of Governor Palin's 14-year-old daughter in a monologue. He could not see the problem. He issued one of those come-on-my-show apologies as if he were just feuding with her like Jack Benny and Fred Allen. He later offered a closer to sincere apology after sponsors started feeling heat.

Liberals advocate raping conservative women because they see conservatives as subhuman, particularly our women. So of course Bernhard would believe that it is OK for her to send "my big black brothers" to gang-rape Governor Palin.

This is the mindset of liberals.

They are OK with calling Ivanka Trump the C-word. Never mind that she has done more than any liberal for women worldwide by getting the World Bank to make a billion bucks available in small business loans to women.

Time-Warner (now part of AT&T) allowed Samantha Bee in a scripted and taped monologue to call her the C-word.

Liberals say evil things because many liberals are evil.

They also say evil things because they have no argument to make. They have no argument because they are seldom challenged. Conservatives have to defend our beliefs every day, which hones our arguments.

When a conservative points out that a baby's right to life is greater than the mother's right to kill the baby, the liberal gets hysterical and loses it.

"I hope some [bleep] guy holds you down and rapes you" is an insane argument from an insane person.
^ Thats exactly the kind of thing Moloch would say. Ill be keeping my eye on you.
Good to see you don't deny gods.
I gotta be honest, im not familiar with Moloch, but he sounds like a bad guy.
Well, he's not happy with Trump!

Breitbart News reported, "The Trump administration has redirected $34 million in federal family planning funds from Planned Parenthood to other providers that do not perform or refer for abortions.

"Planned Parenthood chose not to comply with the administration’s enforcement of a rule that states Title X federal funds cannot be used for abortion providers.

"The rule does not cut back family planning funds, however. Instead, it redirects them to non-abortion providers — federally qualified health care centers, which outnumber Planned Parenthood clinics 20 to one."

Bu-bu-but the National Review told me he was pro-abortion.

He has done something everyone promised: De-funded Planned Parenthood.

In fact, they de-funded themselves.

Why was there ever a "rule" that states that Title X funds cannot be used by organizations that also provide abortions or provide references for them? Why are there "gag rules" that are in obvious violation of the First Amendment? Why are millions of dollars of federal money spent on "abstinence-only" education"? Who are these "other providers that do not perform or refer for abortions"? How do we know that they are legitimate and not fronts for religious proselytizing and indoctrination, like the "pregnancy crisis centers" that some states have demanded women seeking abortions visit have been?

NOTE: this is a reply to someone straying from the topic of some bizarre theories of some "pastor"/politician (who knows) about the religious practices of supporters of a political party that he does not support and who is trying to align religious belief with a particular U.S. political party.
More gems from this fake Christian Pastor Jeffress...

"God Will Curse Jews Who Vote For Democrats"

Trump’s Pastor Robert Jeffress: God Will Curse Jews Who Vote For Democrats

"Hitler was part of God’s plan to return Jews to Israel"

“Islam is wrong. It is a heresy from the pit of hell... Mormonism is wrong. It is a heresy from the pit of hell.”

‘You can’t be saved being a Jew’ <<-- In other words, Jews are going to hell.....but its not Anti-Semitic if you are white and Christian.

Robert Jeffress, Pastor Who Said Jews Are Going to Hell, Led Prayer at Jerusalem Embassy
Use of Aborted Fetal Tissue in Vaccines and Medical Research Obscures the Value of All Human Life. - PubMed - NCBI

Senomyx - Wikipedia › wiki › Senomyx

Senomyx is an American biotechnology company working toward developing additives to ... HEK293 cells are a cell line widely used in biological and medical research, immortalised through a genetic modification ... We also expect expanded commercialization of food products containing our savory flavor ingredients and ...
Thank you. I stand corrected. But the fact is, as you have documented that even the Catholic Church permits it and I don't have a problem with it either. This does not in any way negate the fact that Jeffress is a sick fuck and so is Trump , which , after all is the subject of this thread,

Perspective. Anyone who approves of the abomination of using aborted fetal cells anything is carrying around and enabling that wretched host with the "abomination of desolation" and to use your own words a "sick fuck" too.
Isn't donnie part of that group? Bohemian Grove....all the rich guys.

Sort of , I guess.

This is one of the great mysteries of 2016. A man whose photo is in the dictionary under the word "City Slicker" related to small town, ordinary Christian folks better than a broad who served for a decade as First Lady of the Great State of Arkansas.

But it really isn't a mystery. Donald J. Trump treats others as he would want to be treated. Further, he's the Real McCoy. He doesn't shy away from what he is, he's Real. That's why he was one of the truly great figures of Reality TV. In addition, being real is critical in the WWE Universe where he has been a respected member for decades.
Another bizarre rant from the pastor who predicted civil war if Trump is impeached.

Progressive Secular Humanist -

Demons for Democrats: Robert Jeffress, Texas megachurch pastor and one of Trump’s closest spiritual advisors, claims Democrats worship Moloch, the demon god of the Old Testament.

Who?? Moloch? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

This Democrat for one never heard of Moloch and I'm sure that most have not.

Jeffress is a dangerous idiot. The attempt to literally demonize Democrats is childish and unAmerican, as is the assumption that everyone must worship some god.

And while Jeffress may be an idiot, he manages to influence the thinking of President Donald Trump, the Idiot-in-chief.

Folks, this is the type of person who has Trumps ear. Republicans: Please explain how that is not downright scary ? :icon_cry::icon_cry::icon_cry:

You've never heard of this guy ?

This is one of those stories that brings the US into ridicule.

How do you figger?/

Don't other nations have outspoken theologians, or people with religious ideas that others might consider extreme? What do they do in the Philippine Republic? India? Mexico? Haiti?
This is one of those stories that brings the US into ridicule.

How do you figger?/

Don't other nations have outspoken theologians, or people with religious ideas that others might consider extreme? What do they do in the Philippine Republic? India? Mexico? Haiti?
Those countries never put a man on the moon.We have higher expectations of the US.
This is one of those stories that brings the US into ridicule.

How do you figger?/

Don't other nations have outspoken theologians, or people with religious ideas that others might consider extreme? What do they do in the Philippine Republic? India? Mexico? Haiti?
Those countries never put a man on the moon.We have higher expectations of the US.

America is a very diverse place, we have places in our country where people shit right on the sidewalk and you need an app to avoid stepping in it.
Another "bizarre" anti-Trump and anti-Christian post.

Yeah, there must not be anything worth pissing and moaning about in the sexual deviant world, so RegressiveParasite is stuck cutting and pasting shit out of general moonbat websites. I'm sure it wasn't worth reading.

Another "bizarre" anti-Trump and anti-Christian post.
How is it anti Christian? I would think that invoking Pagan gods is anti Christian. Do you think that Jeffress represents Christianity? For that matter does T-Rump ?
President Trump is the President of the United States. He says he is a Christian. It makes no difference what I think concerning his religious type choice. Many are Christians yet they have not lived their lives in perfection and that is because they are still a work in progress. I do think for the time he is and was the best choice for president given to the people which is not a reflection of his beliefs or faith as God rules the hearts of men. Per Jeffress, I do not know him but per Democrats worshiping Moloch as you say in your post he may have a very good point there when babes in the wombs are sacrificed and the cells are used in everything from vaccines to soda pop and Stars Bucks Coffee.
That is quite an unhinged ridiculous rant Bubba. !! Baby parts in vaccines and soda pop??:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg: Yup. I can see how you would be a Trump supporter:1peleas::1peleas:
What the hell give you the right to spout of that? The stuff that people do in certain groups is about as demonic as you can get. As soon as humans look away or shamed for voicing concerns, the drumbeat of insanity takes hold. If agendas stopped and gains accrued were built on foundation then it would help. But it does not. It continues. The price of freedoms is vigilance. And we the people have failed. We have let the edge take over as the drumbeat of discourse grows.
The first amendment give me the right Bubba. The same thing that give you the right to spout your bizarre bovine excrement
Another bizarre rant from the pastor who predicted civil war if Trump is impeached.

Progressive Secular Humanist -

Demons for Democrats: Robert Jeffress, Texas megachurch pastor and one of Trump’s closest spiritual advisors, claims Democrats worship Moloch, the demon god of the Old Testament.

Who?? Moloch? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

This Democrat for one never heard of Moloch and I'm sure that most have not.

Jeffress is a dangerous idiot. The attempt to literally demonize Democrats is childish and unAmerican, as is the assumption that everyone must worship some god.

And while Jeffress may be an idiot, he manages to influence the thinking of President Donald Trump, the Idiot-in-chief.

Folks, this is the type of person who has Trumps ear. Republicans: Please explain how that is not downright scary ? :icon_cry::icon_cry::icon_cry:

Dr. Jeffress is one of America's greatest theologians. I think he's more qualified to make this theological assessment of liberalism than 99%+ of the people out there. Jeffress has a Doctor of Divinity degree.

That doesn't mean he can't be wrong. But I think the libs need to address the issue and prove their case.
:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:We have to prove that we don't worship Moloch??!!!:banana:
This is one of those stories that brings the US into ridicule.

How do you figger?/

Don't other nations have outspoken theologians, or people with religious ideas that others might consider extreme? What do they do in the Philippine Republic? India? Mexico? Haiti?
Those countries never put a man on the moon.We have higher expectations of the US.

America is a very diverse place, we have places in our country where people shit right on the sidewalk and you need an app to avoid stepping in it.
Moloch is a Canaanite ancient pagan God of child sacrifice. Judging from the left's love of Planned Parenthood and how much they value and protect abortion as a major base of their party I would say, not knowing anything specifically about
the issue beyond this, they do indeed worship Moloch through their love of abortion.

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