Trump’s first major actions should he be elected…What are you hoping for?

I'm not a republican, I'm an independent.

If Trump wins, I simply want the plan he said he had last election, but then coveted for himself.

I'm sure a lot of people did. But for a Republican to want a national healthcare plan makes him part of the left. But you'll never convince the current crop of republicans of that.
Like the Kentucky redneck Trump supporter said "They need to get rid of Obamacare. But keep the ACA. It's great."
You have proven your ignorance and disdain for my great nation too many times to pretend otherwise; you anti-American, racist douche.
Do good Americans earn their living assisting invaders? Do they detest our right to sovereignty?
I would like to see a better healthcare plan for all that is way cheaper then we have now.

I want to see employers of illegals fined heavily enough that it is more expensive to employ illegals then Americans.

I want the asylum and VISA programs updated and fixed.

I want to see concealed weapons permits be US wide. You get a permit in one state it is good for all states.

I want more legislation and less presidential edicts.

I want to see college tuition prices become affordable. (Not tuition forgiveness)

Hmm, that's all I got off the top of my head. Other things will probably pop up right after I post this.
All good. Except guns are everywhere 😞 More guns than people....
HR-2 is the Border Bill that will pass in January 2025. That is the better Bill.
Why? Why, oh why oh why?

Why is HR2 a better border bill to you than the Senate bill, and worth waiting a year, and more likely never, to pass....?
I’m guessing, atop the list, all good Americans are hoping he immediately takes extreme measures to shut the border down, fix the asylum scam, streamline deportations and rollout an effective seek and arrest program aimed at the 10 million Biden just shoved down our throats…..But what else do you want to see him go after in week one?
Fix the fuel supply again, secure the border, lean out the government.
Reopen the Alaskan ANWR for drilling and tell the whiney greentard crybabies to go butt a rubber stump.
ANWR was open.

Sale of Drilling Leases in Arctic Refuge Fails to Yield a ...​

The New York Times › 2021/01/06 › climate › arcti...

May 27, 2021 — Just half of the 22 available tracts of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge got bids, and big oil companies stayed away.

Only oil company that bid for ANWR tract gives up its lease​

KTOO › 2022/06/03 › only-oil-company...

Jun 3, 2022 — Regenerate Alaska, a unit of Australia-based 88 Energy Ltd., relinquished the tract it acquired for over $770000, federal officials said.

Poor teabaggers, put all their faith in ANWR, just like their dear leader.
As usual, it turned to shit.
Except mine if Trump has a plan that covers more people with better care for less money. Don't you want that plan?

It did to an extent but was rejected.

Yes they are. SCOTUS has ruled that the federal government cannot compel state agencies to enforce federal law. Printz vs US.
The late justice Scalia's majority opinion.
We held in New York that Congress cannot compel the States to enact or enforce a federal regulatory program. Today we hold that Congress cannot circumvent that prohibition by conscripting the State's officers directly. The Federal Government may neither issue directives requiring the States to address particular problems, nor command the States' officers, or those of their political subdivisions, to administer or enforce a federal regulatory program. It matters not whether policy-making is involved, and no case by case weighing of the burdens or benefits is necessary; such commands are fundamentally incompatible with our constitutional system of dual sovereignty. [4]

Congress never passes anything because a small group refuses to compromise.

Not sure I agree with that. Education is to important to America's future to leave it to the states. Of course this is about post high school. Pre high school should be local government.
1. No one will push for a new healthcare plan.
2. The senate immigration Bill is DOA. The GOP will do a new one next year.
3. Printz v US is about State's Rights. The Feds can withhold money that supports bankrupt cities/states.
4. I generally like when congress is "deadlocked". The less they do the better we are.
5. Education funding is not in the Constitution, it should be a State item.
Why? Why, oh why oh why?
Why is HR2 a better border bill to you than the Senate bill, and worth waiting a year, and more likely never, to pass....?
1. HR2 seals the border. Deports illegals to remain in Mexico.
2. The senate Bill does not seal the border, and processes migrants faster.
1. No one will push for a new healthcare plan.

They don't have to push for it. Trump already has a healthcare plan. If he wins he will release it, right?

2. The senate immigration Bill is DOA. The GOP will do a new one next year.

They will try.

3. Printz v US is about State's Rights. The Feds can withhold money that supports bankrupt cities/states.

They can withhold funds for any reason they want I think (not positive) but I can't support punishing a state for working within the constitution.

That would be very Un-American. That would be like Biden withholding funds from states who didn't have enough gun control laws.

4. I generally like when congress is "deadlocked". The less they do the better we are.

Horrible viewpoint.

Issues need to be addressed by legislation. A feckless Congress that doesn't pass legislation is a recipe for an authoritarian president because people expect one person to do what Congress isn't.

5. Education funding is not in the Constitution, it should be a State item.
I guess we just disagree on that.
HR-2 is the Border Bill that will pass in January 2025. That is the better Bill.

It will never pass in my opinion.

Why? Why, oh why oh why?

Why is HR2 a better border bill to you than the Senate bill, and worth waiting a year, and more likely never, to pass....?
The border/immigration problem is so obscene that no Bill will solve it…we need full-blown commie level actions implemented. We need martial law, the military and “show me your papers” at minimum.
We can worry about legislation later…get this shit done by any means necessary.…NOW!!

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