Trump’s first major actions should he be elected…What are you hoping for?

"Entirely"? So you want to cut off all trade with our second largest trading partner? Just write $780 billion off? Never mind all of the thousands and thousands of Americans whose jobs you would destroy. Never mind the families (families in complete compliance with the law) you would divide. And all for NOT preventing illegal crossing anyway. Ensuring those who do cross illegally would be MORE likely to be a criminal element in other ways.

Emotions are emotions, but you haven't thought this through.
I'm tired of your goddamn excuses.

=> I <= foot the bill for the "asylum seekers".

Tell ya what - let's let all the people with those wonderful jobs you claim, foot the bill. How about YOU foot it.
The border/immigration problem is so obscene that no Bill will solve it…we need full-blown commie level actions implemented. We need martial law, the military and “show me your papers” at minimum.
We can worry about legislation later…get this shit done by any means necessary.…NOW!!
You will need legislation to accomplish this.

Legislation can't be put off. Its legislation that authorizes asylum in the first place.
The border/immigration problem is so obscene that no Bill will solve it…we need full-blown commie level actions implemented. We need martial law, the military and “show me your papers” at minimum.
We can worry about legislation later…get this shit done by any means necessary.…NOW!!
All unconstitutional!!! :eek:

We need both houses of Congress to legislate!

Immigration law so loose as a goose...

is allowing the Executive Order roller coasters between each president's desires, by the stroke of a pen, by one single man, is what our immigration and border problems arise from!
If Republicans win the House & Senate
1. Pass a new Remittance Tax on money sent out of the US to pay for the Wall, ICE, and CBP.
2. Hillary is an old hag.
3. Obamacare is not a major problem,

The $35T Debt is a major problem.
SS & Medicare going bankrupt is a major problem
The US dollar collapsing is a major problem
Crime and lawlessness is a major problem
How about, shut down remittances entirely.

Maybe that'll put a dent in the "asylum seekers".
All unconstitutional!!! :eek:
Executive orders/actions are not unconstitutional.
If the Kenyan can create his own type of citizenship in DACA then certainly everything is in play.
We need both houses of Congress to legislate!
They won’t…Democrats own Mexifornia, NM, NV, AZ, CO and much of Texas all thanks to illegals…why would they want to fix what has empowered them?
Immigration law so loose as a goose...
Just the way Democrats want it…why wouldn’t they? The Democrat Party would be 100% irrelevant if it not for illegals.
is allowing the Executive Order roller coasters between each president's desires, by the stroke of a pen, by one single man, is what our immigration and border problems arise from!
Sadly, that’s what we’ve become. There can be no bipartisanship in Congress on this issue. We have a Party far more concerned with the interests of Mexico’s people…they can’t give two-shits about Americans and Laken Riley…they just want power.
I’m guessing, atop the list, all good Americans are hoping he immediately takes extreme measures to shut the border down, fix the asylum scam, streamline deportations and rollout an effective seek and arrest program aimed at the 10 million Biden just shoved down our throats…..But what else do you want to see him go after in week one?
He never closed it before because of millions of dollars a day would be lost
Executive orders/actions are not unconstitutional.
If the Kenyan can create his own type of citizenship in DACA then certainly everything is in play.

They won’t…Democrats own Mexifornia, NM, NV, AZ, CO and much of Texas all thanks to illegals…why would they want to fix what has empowered them?

Just the way Democrats want it…why wouldn’t they? The Democrat Party would be 100% irrelevant if it not for illegals.

Sadly, that’s what we’ve become. There can be no bipartisanship in Congress on this issue. We have a Party far more concerned with the interests of Mexico’s people…they can’t give two-shits about Americans and Laken Riley…they just want power.
DACA was ruled unconstitutional.
They don't have to push for it. Trump already has a healthcare plan. If he wins he will release it, right?

They will try.

They can withhold funds for any reason they want I think (not positive) but I can't support punishing a state for working within the constitution.
That would be very Un-American. That would be like Biden withholding funds from states who didn't have enough gun control laws.

Horrible viewpoint.

Issues need to be addressed by legislation. A feckless Congress that doesn't pass legislation is a recipe for an authoritarian president because people expect one person to do what Congress isn't.

I guess we just disagree on that.
1. I don't think Trump has a new plan.
2. If the GOP takes the House, Senate, and WH they will pass HR2.
3. If sanctuary cities/states can fund migrants fine, but there will be no Fed aid.
4. Practical viewpoint. Everything congress passes turns to dung. Just look at the past Budgets.
5. A divided House and Senate means that nothing generally gets passed, look at the Immigration Bill as an example.
6. The Fed Budget needs to be cut, Education, Welfare, Medicaid, the size of government are where I'd cut first.
1. I don't think Trump has a new plan.

He said he did.

2. If the GOP takes the House, Senate, and WH they will pass HR2.

Highly unlikely. Their will be "RINO" holdouts.

Would it require 60 percent? Not sure how that works.

3. If sanctuary cities/states can fund migrants fine, but there will be no Fed aid.

Again, I can't support punishing a state for exercising their constitutional rights.

You really support that?

4. Practical viewpoint. Everything congress passes turns to dung. Just look at the past Budgets.

So you want the president to pretty much be the legislative and executive branch with EOs being replaced with each new president, nothing getting done because EOa are locked up in judicial reviews?

That sucks in my opinion.

5. A divided House and Senate means that nothing generally gets passed, look at the Immigration Bill as an example.

Yeah but that was because our shadow president told them not to support it.

6. The Fed Budget needs to be cut, Education, Welfare, Medicaid, the size of government are where I'd cut first.
A combo of cuts and and it increased taxes until the deficit/debt is restrained.

Those things you want cut are too important. Medicaid? Really?
He never closed it before because of millions of dollars a day would be lost
How many millions are saved daily?
What are the lives of Mollie Tibbetts and Laken Riley worth?
I'm tired of your goddamn excuses.

=> I <= foot the bill for the "asylum seekers".

Tell ya what - let's let all the people with those wonderful jobs you claim, foot the bill. How about YOU foot it.
What the hell are you talking about? What "excuses"? And I was referring to AMERICAN jobs held by AMERICANS. You don't care if Americans lose their jobs/businesses/homes/etc.? And do you think you are the only person who pays taxes? Your emotions are getting the better of you.
Executive orders/actions are not unconstitutional.
If the Kenyan can create his own type of citizenship in DACA then certainly everything is in play.

They won’t…Democrats own Mexifornia, NM, NV, AZ, CO and much of Texas all thanks to illegals…why would they want to fix what has empowered them?

Just the way Democrats want it…why wouldn’t they? The Democrat Party would be 100% irrelevant if it not for illegals.

Sadly, that’s what we’ve become. There can be no bipartisanship in Congress on this issue. We have a Party far more concerned with the interests of Mexico’s people…they can’t give two-shits about Americans and Laken Riley…they just want power.

All immigrants aren't from Mexico, Humberto.
I’m guessing, atop the list, all good Americans are hoping he immediately takes extreme measures to shut the border down, fix the asylum scam, streamline deportations and rollout an effective seek and arrest program aimed at the 10 million Biden just shoved down our throats…..But what else do you want to see him go after in week one?
Too many top priority matters to deal with to worry about which one gets top billing.

But, very early on, I do hope he directs the DOJ to investigate Hunter and Potato. Wouldn’t it be entertaining and societally educational to witness Senile Joe being subjected to multiple prosecutions in multiple districts and maybe even State courts?

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