Trump’s first major actions should he be elected…What are you hoping for?

You mean that turd bill hatched in the Senate that legalized the illegal invasion, hell no!
That isn't what it did and again, it is the most comprehensive border bill in decades, rejected by the shadow president to help his campaign.

We will not get better even if Trump wins.

Are you just dying inside to type 5000?

Let's just get it out of the way...

Migrants would not be able to just cross the border illegally under the new bill. It would end the practice of "catch and release," in which Border Patrol agents release migrants into the U.S. while they await immigration hearings.

Instead, migrants who tried to cross the border illegally would be detained immediately, with their asylum claims decided while they were in detention. People would be removed immediately within 15 days if they failed their asylum claim interviews.

The bipartisan deal does include provisions that would shut down the border entirely if a certain threshold is hit, but those are border encounters, not crossings. As noted above, no migrants trying to enter the U.S. illegally would be allowed into the country unless they passed asylum interviews or were being held under government supervision.
That isn't what it did and again, it is the most comprehensive border bill in decades, rejected by the shadow president to help his campaign.

We will not get better even if Trump wins.

Are you just dying inside to type 5000?

Let's just get it out of the way...

Migrants would not be able to just cross the border illegally under the new bill. It would end the practice of "catch and release," in which Border Patrol agents release migrants into the U.S. while they await immigration hearings.

Instead, migrants who tried to cross the border illegally would be detained immediately, with their asylum claims decided while they were in detention. People would be removed immediately within 15 days if they failed their asylum claim interviews.

The bipartisan deal does include provisions that would shut down the border entirely if a certain threshold is hit, but those are border encounters, not crossings. As noted above, no migrants trying to enter the U.S. illegally would be allowed into the country unless they passed asylum interviews or were being held under government supervision.
Fool I read it, enough! :eusa_hand:
1. I'm active in the Convention of States, care to help?

2. Anchor babies = green cards
google "anchor baby", its in wiki too.

Having a US citizen baby does NOT grant a parent permanent resident status. IT DOES NOT

For the 20,000000th time, I have personally known more than a few families separated in just this way.

IF the parents are willing to wait 21 years to BEGIN applying, and IF they had never been in the country illegally at any point, they MIGHT get the chance to come here. That is NOT an "anchor."
It was surprising right, how the Republican rats suddenly threw in with the Democrats on a bill that was designed to both make this invasion of illegals legal, and also tie Trump's hands should he win in 2024. At least with the Dems you know where you stand. Those Republicans that voted for that bill I assume are all RINO's out to stab us in the back.
Judas Republicans, selling out the Nation and Constitution they swore to uphold

Matthew 27:3-5
No I want Mexico carpet bombed back to the stone age. Those assholes have killed over 200,000 Americans with their drug trafficking into the US. That's not counting all the Americans RAPED, killed, assaulted, robbed, crippled for life by these illegal MF'ers. Bloody hell lets find a different country to trade with who's not killing our people.
Annex Mexico
1. Obamacare isn't on anyone's radar.

Except mine if Trump has a plan that covers more people with better care for less money.

Don't you want that plan?

2. The new Immigration Bill can address anchor babies as well as "asylum claims".

It did to an extent but was rejected.

3. Sanctuary cities are NOT protected by the Constitution. The new Immigration Bill can fix them as well as DAs who let criminals walk on zero bail.

Yes they are.

SCOTUS has ruled that the federal government cannot compel state agencies to enforce federal law.

Printz vs US.

The late justice Scalia's majority opinion.

We held in New York that Congress cannot compel the States to enact or enforce a federal regulatory program. Today we hold that Congress cannot circumvent that prohibition by conscripting the State's officers directly. The Federal Government may neither issue directives requiring the States to address particular problems, nor command the States' officers, or those of their political subdivisions, to administer or enforce a federal regulatory program. It matters not whether policymaking is involved, and no case by case weighing of the burdens or benefits is necessary; such commands are fundamentally incompatible with our constitutional system of dual sovereignty. [4]

4. As you say, EOs are fine until congress passes something, the courts referee in the meantime.

Congress never passes anything because a small group refuses to compromise.

5. Education needs to be given to the States. The Fed Budget is broke.
Not sure I agree with that. Education is to important to America's future to leave it to the states. Of course this is about post high school. Pre high school should be local govenrment.
If you valued an American citizenship and didn’t make your living assisting the invaders would you see it the same way?

YOU don't understand, appreciate, or respect my great nation and the principles upon which it was founded. You don't deserve to set one foot in my country.
YOU don't understand, appreciate, or respect my great nation and the principles upon which it was founded. You don't deserve to set one foot in my country.
hahaha…you are sadly mistaken….Wasn’t it “founded” on this?
1. Obamacare isn't on anyone's radar.
2. The new Immigration Bill can address anchor babies as well as "asylum claims".
3. Sanctuary cities are NOT protected by the Constitution. The new Immigration Bill can fix them as well as DAs who let criminals walk on zero bail.
4. As you say, EOs are fine until congress passes something, the courts referee in the meantime.
5. Education needs to be given to the States. The Fed Budget is broke.
1. It sure as shit is if you try to kill it AGAIN.

2. The Senate Bill deals with asylum claims and no… without a Constitutional amendment the issue of “anchor babies “ remains
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I’m guessing, atop the list, all good Americans are hoping he immediately takes extreme measures to shut the border down, fix the asylum scam, streamline deportations and rollout an effective seek and arrest program aimed at the 10 million Biden just shoved down our throats…..But what else do you want to see him go after in week one?
I’m guessing, atop the list, all good Americans are hoping he immediately takes extreme measures to shut the border down, fix the asylum scam, streamline deportations and rollout an effective seek and arrest program aimed at the 10 million Biden just shoved down our throats…..But what else do you want to see him go after in week one?
dont know if this has been mentioned but free the j 6 prisoners and open up a REAL independent investigation into the jfk assassination,not no con job one where a fired cia director gets to oversee the investigation,talk about the fox guarding the henhouse.I’m afraid if rfk never gets elected there NEVER will be a real investigation,trump was a big dissapointment for me in that area.looks like he is afraid to take a bullet.

Man if I were potus I wouldn’t give a shit about risking my life,the truth has been covered up far too long,that would be my first priority after becoming potus.just once I would like a president that has the balls to risk his life to open up a real independent investigation into it.
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