Trump’s first major actions should he be elected…What are you hoping for?

He should build a wall and make Mexico pay for it
Put Hillary in jail
Replace Obamacare with something better
If Republicans win the House & Senate
1. Pass a new Remittance Tax on money sent out of the US to pay for the Wall, ICE, and CBP.
2. Hillary is an old hag.
3. Obamacare is not a major problem,

The $35T Debt is a major problem.
SS & Medicare going bankrupt is a major problem
The US dollar collapsing is a major problem
Crime and lawlessness is a major problem
Exactly, which is why Repubs were foolish for not talking the most comprehensive border bill in decades seriously.
Border policies need legislation, not presidential decree.
HR-2 is the Border Bill that will pass in January 2025. That is the better Bill.
Like Roe v. Wade, I really want to see him push the 14th / birthright citizenship issue to SCOTUS….
NOBODY sane can believe that our framers wanted illegal invaders to be able to steal American citizenships for their litters of taxpayer dependent silver tooth savages.
I hope to see a ruling against birthright citizenship that becomes retroactive…I hope to see tens of millions of anchor babies sent home with their criminal parents.
Your thoughts Unkotare ?

  1. The 14th Amendment will NOT be repealed
  2. There is no such thing as an "anchor baby"
  3. US citizens will NOT be deported
That's ^^^ the reality of the situation, no matter how frightened a cowardly weakling like brokeloser is.
The only thing - aside from "promises, promises, promises" the pathological fraudster is going to do, is to ensure that he can continue to commit crimes and financial fraud. - unopposed.
Everybody paying attention knows that no POTUS delivered on promises like Trump did…
the pathological fraudster is going to do, is to ensure that he can continue to commit crimes and financial fraud. - unopposed.
Like have his crackhead son work deals with foreign adversaries for millions of dollars?
  1. The 14th Amendment will NOT be repealed
  2. There is no such thing as an "anchor baby"
  3. US citizens will NOT be deported
That's ^^^ the reality of the situation, no matter how frightened a cowardly weakling like brokeloser is.
I remember when baby killers said….”Our federal government will always love baby killing”
What Trump has said about his first day on the job as president, would be that he would shut down the border and then "drill baby drill."
We could expect a stiff tax on products coming in from China and a possible banning of selling farmland to representatives of China and other adversary nations.
What he needs to also do is, dismantle the Department of Education and return education to the individual states. Our federal national security agencies need to be reduced to two or three, rather than the 17 that currently exist. Another thing that he needs to do is get us out of the United Nations and tell the organization to move out of the country.
Tossing out non-citizens that openly support any recognized "terrorist organizations" and adversarial Marxist nations, would be a good thing.
Shutting down the Department of Transportation would save money.
There's a glut of quasi-official agencies that need to be eliminated as well.
We need a "Grace Commission-2" to study and re-organize the Federal government to eliminate waste and cut spending.
I also think that all WELFARE should be passed down top the States instead of the Federal Budget. The states can tell people when Welfare is over and they need for find work, the state unemployment offices should be right next to the Welfare office.
1. Cheap Healthcare is Obamacare.

No. Trump has a plan that has better coverage for all and costs less.

He just didn't share it last presidency.

This time I'm sure he will if he wins.

2. agreed "e-verify" needs to be enforced

Whatever it takes.

3. HOW do you want the asylum and visa programs updated/fixed? No anchor babies, no asylum, no Fed $$$ for "asylum cities or states", list specifics.

I don't have all the answers. That is why we have legislators. But yes. No anchor babies. Asylum is fine as long as we have the recourses and limits to make it efficient.

Nothing you can do about sanctuary cities as that is protected by the constitution.

4. Love the "Universal Carry Permit"


5. The courts keep track of EOs that are unconstitutional, unless you make every EO inactive until it is approved by the court?

It's not about their constitutionality. It is about Congress getting nothing done and the president passing EOs in the vacuum. For example if we legislate border laws then the next president can't simply revoke it.

That is the way our government is supposed to work.

6. We need colleges lending half the student loans, so they have skin in the game and not taxpayers

Interesting idea. I could support that.

We should subsidize degrees that America needs as well. Engineers, doctors etc so we stop importing these fields from other countries.

Education is too important to America's future to keep it behind a to speak.

Good start!
  1. The 14th Amendment will NOT be repealed
  2. There is no such thing as an "anchor baby"
  3. US citizens will NOT be deported
That's ^^^ the reality of the situation, no matter how frightened a cowardly weakling like brokeloser is.
1. A new GOP Immigration Bill can be passed to handle "anchor babies". Two illegals can't make a US citizen, duh.
2. Yes there are "anchor babies", its a cottage industry in China and Russia.
3. Not US citizens, but illegals will be deported.
I’m guessing, atop the list, all good Americans are hoping he immediately takes extreme measures to shut the border down, fix the asylum scam, streamline deportations and rollout an effective seek and arrest program aimed at the 10 million Biden just shoved down our throats…..But what else do you want to see him go after in week one?
A. There are only about 15 million illegals in the country and there were over 10 million when Trump took office so…

B.The best thing he could do is resign
Exactly, which is why Repubs were foolish for not talking the most comprehensive border bill in decades seriously.

Border policies need legislation, not presidential decree.
You mean that turd bill hatched in the Senate that legalized the illegal invasion, hell no!
If he does do it, my guess is that it will come with some "Papers pleeze!" anti-liberty legislation or new digital ID technology.

Which seems to be the end goal or "solution" part of the usual Problem - Reaction - Solution tactic.

Let's hope that's not the case.

Good thinking. There's never a solution to major issues, without major liberty loses.
A. There are only about 15 million illegals in the country and there were over 10 million when Trump took office so…

B.The best thing he could do is resign
10-15 Illegals Refugees Visa Overstayers and Getaways have come in under Xiden’s Watch
No. Trump has a plan that has better coverage for all and costs less. He just didn't share it last presidency. This time I'm sure he will if he wins.
Whatever it takes.

I don't have all the answers. That is why we have legislators. But yes. No anchor babies. Asylum is fine as long as we have the resources and limits to make it efficient.

Nothing you can do about sanctuary cities as that is protected by the constitution.

It's not about their constitutionality. It is about Congress getting nothing done and the president passing EOs in the vacuum. For example if we legislate border laws then the next president can't simply revoke it. That is the way our government is supposed to work.

Interesting idea. I could support that. We should subsidize degrees that America needs as well. Engineers, doctors etc so we stop importing these fields from other countries. Education is too important to America's future to keep it behind a to speak.
1. Obamacare isn't on anyone's radar.
2. The new Immigration Bill can address anchor babies as well as "asylum claims".
3. Sanctuary cities are NOT protected by the Constitution. The new Immigration Bill can fix them as well as DAs who let criminals walk on zero bail.
4. As you say, EOs are fine until congress passes something, the courts referee in the meantime.
5. Education needs to be given to the States. The Fed Budget is broke.
1. A new GOP Immigration Bill can be passed to handle "anchor babies". Two illegals can't make a US citizen, duh.
2. Yes there are "anchor babies", its a cottage industry in China and Russia.
3. Not US citizens, but illegals will be deported.
Repealing a constitutional amendment requires another amendment. Good luck with that. What finger have you lifted so far toward that end?

No, there is no such thing as an "anchor baby." There are those who are US citizens and those who are not US citizens. Anyone born in the US is a US citizen. This does NOT change the parents immigration status.

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