Trump's First Tweet Post Mueller Report: "Good Morning, Have A Great Day!"

<snip> I got a twitter account just to follow the POTUS. I do not see anyone going berserk
Follows Trump on Twitter.
Creates account just for him.
Can't stand the guy.
Joins threads he has no interest in for no reason other than to say no one is going berserk.

Yep. Trump hooked himself another guppy.

Twitter is Trump's main form of communication, so I could either get an account or I could rely on others to tell me what he said.

I choose to see things for myself, which is why I am not a mindless partisan sheep like you.

Right. Seeing every one of Trump's tweets 24/7 on CNN, MSNBC, the NYT, or here certainly wouldn't be enough.

as I said...I choose to see things for myself, which is why I am not a mindless partisan sheep like you.

you are happy to be spoon fed information by your masters, but I am not like you.

Sorry, knock yourself out. I have far better things to worry about with my time than Trump's tweets, especially when they are published, copied and reprinted in many places almost every day!

A guy needs something to do when he is taking a shit.
Well, I'm having a Great Day, carefree and happy... :)

Hell yeah, the driving range was open today for the first time this is great!

Cool ..

Alas, I don't take golf as seriously as I used to.

funny cartoon of husband and wife(1).jpg

Well, I'm having a Great Day, carefree and happy... :)

Hell yeah, the driving range was open today for the first time this is great!

Cool ..

Alas, I don't take golf as seriously as I used to.

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Golf is my diversion.

I work 8 hour days, my wife works 13 hour days. So on the days we both work I have plenty of time for a quick 9 before dinner time even!

Then when she works the season! been known to put in 36 on a nice day!
When Pres.Trump tweets several times a day the liberals stay in a perpetual crazed frenzy.

Then when he doesn't tweet for a day or two, the looney liberals become paralyzed with fear and start having panic attacks. ... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:

Only because they are not only 'control freaks', they also suffer from extreme paranoia.

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