Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared

Should the players form their own "Justice League" and hire their own attorneys, to voice their grievances in writing?

As long as it's better than that abortion Warner Brothers released in November in the theaters...
It is our National Anthem.

Protest is the American way.

peaceful protest, as taught by MLK. somehow those lessons have been lost.
How is kneeling during the pledge, not peaceful?
Who said it wasn’t? Just disrespectful and ungrateful and not worth our money anymore
Peaceful protest is covered under our First Amendment.

Good for them, they can protest peacefully all they want and people under the First Amendment have a right to peacefully protest the protest which is what many are doing by believing the protesters are unAmerican, disrespectful and ungrateful and not worth supporting anymore. The First Amendment covers more than your opinion, it covers others as well.
Ironic that a Nazi would post anything that had Patton in it.
Nazi - the left's latest slur name........... Ho hum. Yawn****

Ironic that a national anthem kneel supporter would even KNOW who Patton was, (much less that 19,000 American soldiers died in one month, during the Battle of the Bulge)
No it doesn't.

Look at the lyrics of the song...where does it mention any soldier, sailor, marine, airman, or Coast Guardsman in what's sung? The song isn't about the shit you say it is literally about a piece of cloth.

Wrong, information-deprived, misguided one.

Many of the anthem's lyrics refer to the BATTLE that US sailors were fighting, and thus refers to those sailors >>>

"through the perilous fight"......"the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air"
Patton didn't always like his orders, but he did obey them. He didn't make up his own rules (unlike antifa nutjobs)

Wait, are you saying Patton didn't want to kill Nazis?

And yes, he made up his own rules all the fucking time.
"through the perilous fight"......"the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air"

Yeah, Key is describing the scene, not the players.

Fucking moron.

I bet you think Space Cowboy is about an actual cowboy in outer space.

The song is literally called The Star Spangled Banner. A piece of cloth.
Should the players form their own "Justice League" and hire their own attorneys, to voice their grievances in writing?

For what? To forbid others from using their First Amendment rights?
to actually address their grievances, not just right wing frivolocity.

That is your First Amendment right to believe that and my First Amendment right to think you are full of it. See, it works all the way around and you have nothing more than I do, just an opinion.

Not sure why you would think you need an attorney for that.
You're just some fucking Russian troll whose job it is to spread bullshit and sow discontent on message boards. We know this because your profile was created ion the exact middle of Putin's troll ramp-up. That's no coincidence.

HA HA. Liberals are really on a heavy Russia trip, aren't they ? Too funny.

Should the players form their own "Justice League" and hire their own attorneys, to voice their grievances in writing?

For what? To forbid others from using their First Amendment rights?
to actually address their grievances, not just right wing frivolocity.

That is your First Amendment right to believe that and my First Amendment right to think you are full of it. See, it works all the way around and you have nothing more than I do, just an opinion.

Not sure why you would think you need an attorney for that.
it works both ways.

some on the left don't take the right wing seriously, for just that reason.
Grit your teeth. Persevere. Just a few more days and this awful, rotten, no-good, ridiculous, rancorous, sordid, disgraceful year in the civic life of our nation will be over. Here's hoping that we all — particularly special counsel Robert S. Mueller III — have a better 2018.

Many of us began 2017 with the consoling thought that the Donald Trump presidency couldn't possibly be as bad as we feared. It turned out to be worse.

Did you ever think you would hear a president use the words "very fine people" to describe participants in a torch-lit rally organized by white supremacists, neo- Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan? Did you ever think you would hear a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations thuggishly threaten that she would be "taking names" of countries that did not vote on a General Assembly resolution the way she wanted? Did you ever think the government of the world's biggest military and economic power would reject not just science but also empiricism itself, preferring to use made-up "alternative facts" as the basis for major decisions?

We knew that Trump was narcissistic and shallow, but on Inauguration Day it was possible to at least hope he was self-aware enough to understand the weight that now rested on his shoulders, and perhaps grow into the job. He did not. If anything, he has gotten worse.

Here are the reasons why:

Opinion | Trump’s first year was even worse than feared

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