Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared

there is no unemployment only underpayment.

Well, you are getting paid $0 for your unemployment......
Just the right wing fixing a Bad moral precedent regarding bearing True Witness to our own laws.

Just the right wing, not paying an unemployed doper.
Why complain about less fortunate illegals?

You're a doper and an illegal alien?
Nothing but fallacy? You are a "drugless wonder" and worse than any illegal.

You think illegals are bad? Interesting.
Just the right wing fixing a Bad moral precedent regarding bearing True Witness to our own laws.

Just the right wing, not paying an unemployed doper.
Why complain about less fortunate illegals?

You're a doper and an illegal alien?
Nothing but fallacy? You are a "drugless wonder" and worse than any illegal.

You think illegals are bad? Interesting.
They cost us money on alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; only the rich get to profit from, for-profit prisons.
Start with the Air Force One flyover of the Statue of Liberty.

???? Digging pretty deep there. He found out about it in the press, how?

Fast and Furious shipping guns to cartels..

He found out about that in the press? Huh?

The IRS targeting conservative groups.

They weren't and he found out about in the press? How so?

The seizure of the AP reporter's phone records..

You say he found out about it in the press? How so?

The IG's report on the NSA spying on foreign leaders..

How do you know he found out about it in the press? And why isn't any of this stuff sourced?

The VA scandal.

Same as above.

Hillary's private email server..

Same as above.

I mean, seriously?

If you're just gonna make shit up, at least have the common courtesy to provide bullshit links.

Okay, so you're going to claim ignorance. Color me surprised.

Start here. Of course, you can pretend to be all outraged at the source, but go ahead and pretend the quotes were never said.
Just the right wing, not paying an unemployed doper.
Why complain about less fortunate illegals?

You're a doper and an illegal alien?
Nothing but fallacy? You are a "drugless wonder" and worse than any illegal.

You think illegals are bad? Interesting.
They cost us money on alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; only the rich get to profit from, for-profit prisons.

Don't understand anything of which you keep spewing, I told you a long time ago end the drug war, make them legal, tax the hell out of them and then put the money into rehab centers to get people off artificial coping mechanisms and get them to work where they will find success and satisfaction in their lives. Do you ever think more than 2 seconds about any issue?
Don't understand anything of which you keep spewing, I told you a long time ago end the drug war, make them legal, tax the hell out of them and then put the money into rehab centers to get people off artificial coping mechanisms and get them to work where they will find success and satisfaction in their lives. Do you ever think more than 2 seconds about any issue?

Do you think that everyone who smokes pot doesn't work?
Why complain about less fortunate illegals?

You're a doper and an illegal alien?
Nothing but fallacy? You are a "drugless wonder" and worse than any illegal.

You think illegals are bad? Interesting.
They cost us money on alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; only the rich get to profit from, for-profit prisons.

Don't understand anything of which you keep spewing, I told you a long time ago end the drug war, make them legal, tax the hell out of them and then put the money into rehab centers to get people off artificial coping mechanisms and get them to work where they will find success and satisfaction in their lives. Do you ever think more than 2 seconds about any issue?
Want to give your guy in the attorney generalship, the memo?
Don't understand anything of which you keep spewing, I told you a long time ago end the drug war, make them legal, tax the hell out of them and then put the money into rehab centers to get people off artificial coping mechanisms and get them to work where they will find success and satisfaction in their lives. Do you ever think more than 2 seconds about any issue?

Do you think that everyone who smokes pot doesn't work?
Don't understand anything of which you keep spewing, I told you a long time ago end the drug war, make them legal, tax the hell out of them and then put the money into rehab centers to get people off artificial coping mechanisms and get them to work where they will find success and satisfaction in their lives. Do you ever think more than 2 seconds about any issue?

Do you think that everyone who smokes pot doesn't work?

Do you think that everyone that is on drugs, smokes pot?
Do you think that everyone that is on drugs, smokes pot?

I think there are plenty of high-functioning professionals who also partake in controlled substances, and that it's a lazy argument to say that people who use drugs don't work and need rehab.
You're a doper and an illegal alien?
Nothing but fallacy? You are a "drugless wonder" and worse than any illegal.

You think illegals are bad? Interesting.
They cost us money on alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; only the rich get to profit from, for-profit prisons.

Don't understand anything of which you keep spewing, I told you a long time ago end the drug war, make them legal, tax the hell out of them and then put the money into rehab centers to get people off artificial coping mechanisms and get them to work where they will find success and satisfaction in their lives. Do you ever think more than 2 seconds about any issue?
Want to give your guy in the attorney generalship, the memo?

"Your guy?" I didn't vote for this administration and furthermore I see some big issues looming ahead that this administration isn't fixing just like the last administration didn't fix them. We have gone over this many times and you still don't seem to comprehend what is written. Why don't you send "your guy" the memo, it will work just as well.
rigidly standing or casually standing. The issue is standing, not kneeling like a fricken asshole who just sat on a cactus. If you, or anyone else, doesn't like this country and the way it operates, you and they are free to leave. The USA is not obligated to change to suit your perverted beliefs.

The USA isn't obligated to force people to stand for anthems either. If you think patriotism is measured by how tall you stand for a fucking song, then you're the one who isn't a patriot.
A "song" ? :rolleyes: What makes liberals so blatantly assinine ?



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All those countries force their people to stand for anthems, just like you're demanding we do here.

So fuck you, troll.
Those countries also require their people to wear clothes in public. Stop talking stupid. (and go wash your mouth out with soap)

ISIS and AL Qaeda were not and are not allies. They are fundamentally opposed to one another because their ideologies are wildly different. So whoever told you they were the same lied to you because they knew you'd be dumb enough to buy it.

ISIS came about because you shitheads kicked the ba'athists out of Iraq and ethnically cleansed Sunnis from Baghdad. To where do you think they went? Syria. Then, while in Syria, they hooked up with rich Saudis, building up their army against Assad, and then invading Iraq to reclaim their Caliphate.

NO YOU FUCKING IDIOT KNOW-NOTHING, the New Iraqi Army was made up of Shi'ites because there was a shi'ite Prime Minister. We were training shi'ites because the Sunnis refused to go along with the Shi'ite government in Baghdad. That's why we had to bribe all those Sunni tribes in Anbar during "the Surge".

Iraq was never stabilized, where are you getting this shit!? The jihadis of Al Qaeda were fighting us, not ISIS. Al Qaeda =/= ISIS, they were enemies.

For fuck's sake, the entire reason you fucking clowns invaded Iraq was to being democracy to the middle east. So now you're saying pre-emptive war doesn't lead to democratization? Gee, could've used that wonderful insight before you fucking invaded Iraq.

Well hold on, the New Iraqi Army you spent $30B and 5 years arming and training was supposed to stop ISIS from even entering the country. So that was just a waste, then.

Trump hasn't changed Obama's ISIS plan at all.
1. I didn't say they were "the same" I said ISIS partially grew out of Al Qaeda in Iraq (fact, not opinion)

2. The great majority of ISIS TRAVELED into Iraq, from Syria, in long convoys on open, desert roads, where they would have been sitting ducks for airstrikes. Airstrikes were few or none, withheld by jihadist, Baghdadi-colluder Obama.

3. The Iraqis who dropped their weapons and ran, did so because of the Obama supported Shiite govt in Iraq, under Malaki. The Iraqi soldiers were Sunnis (as was ISIS) Get it ? No you don't, apparently. Guess you've been listening to a lot of liberal BS media. That's why liberals are so information-deprived. Wanna try taking my Islamization Quiz, Mr Know Nothing ? Or are you going to ask me (as many liberals do) >. :"Islamization. What's that ?"

4. Iraq was never stabilized. It was LIBERATED after the surges of the Bush administration, with Fallujah, Ramadi, et al liberated. What on earth have you been reading ? New York Times ? Washington Post ? Well, that would explain it.
5. Sorry but no, I did NOT invade Iraq to being democracy to the middle east.

6. "Obama's ISIS plan" ? Are you nuts ? Only plan Obama had with ISIS was complete support of them, as I've been posting. Trump totally changed Obama's collusion with ISIS. And it shows.
Gotta love it when a Russian troll trollsplains patriotism to an American. No, the anthem doesn't represent anything other than being a song. So take your Russian trollishness, and fuck off.

It's more likely I will be murdered by a right-wing Christian terrorist in the USA than a muslim.
The anthem represents every soldier, sailor, marine, airman, and Coast Guard troop who has ever served in the US military, including millions who have fought and died in combat. You are a useless, information-deprived, pitifully programmed, brainwashed, liberal imbecile. :slap:

The notion that right-wing Christian terrorists are killing more Americans than Muslim jihadists is idiotic nonsense. Anyone believing this poppycock, needs to wear a dunce cap. Most Americans couldn't even cite a single right-wing Christian terrorist attack, but they can sure mention a lot of Muslim jihadist ones. (starting with the 1993 World Trade Center attack)
Don't understand anything of which you keep spewing, I told you a long time ago end the drug war, make them legal, tax the hell out of them and then put the money into rehab centers to get people off artificial coping mechanisms and get them to work where they will find success and satisfaction in their lives. Do you ever think more than 2 seconds about any issue?

Do you think that everyone who smokes pot doesn't work?

I think everyone who smokes pot is impaired. $10,000 fine if you drive high and loss of drivers license for 6 months.
As always, no charge for the tutoring, Mr information-deprived liberal. :biggrin:
Tell us once again how Islam is not a religion?:biggrin:

Or that Obama was not born in Hawaii? :biggrin:
Tell you again ? Why ? You can't get it the first time ? Maybe you;re not ready for this forum.
they are fellow Americans. We have a First Amendment, not monoculturalism. Why compete with North Korea, on that front?
We have a first amendment AND monoculturalism, and the Constitution is a major part of that monoculture.
Why complain about less fortunate illegals?
Here's why >>

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($133 Billion/year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

17. Influx of terrorists.
Don't understand anything of which you keep spewing, I told you a long time ago end the drug war, make them legal, tax the hell out of them and then put the money into rehab centers to get people off artificial coping mechanisms and get them to work where they will find success and satisfaction in their lives. Do you ever think more than 2 seconds about any issue?

Do you think that everyone who smokes pot doesn't work?

Yea flipping burgers, not in manufacturing or much of any other job you piss ass illegal Mexican .

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