Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared

How can you get people who sit around to get a job if they don't want to work...

By offering higher wages.

Well we did get rid of the 99 weekers and they managed to get a job , so I guess we could cut welfare...

Then that means red states will have to raise taxes because they all use welfare to paper over their deficits.

Coal mining deaths double in 2017
01/02/18 10:39 AM EST

Workplace deaths in the coal mining industry increased last year to their highest point in three years. A total of 15 miners died on the job in 2017, Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) data show, compared with eight in 2016.


And how many of those deaths were contributed to Trump relaxing regulations?


dark side of the wind industry that many media outlets have failed to report on is the thousands of documented cases of serious accidents. These include numerous documented cases of turbines falling over, blades flying off, injuries to workers and the public, and at least 99 reported fatality accidents.

Of the deaths, 67 were wind industry and direct supporters workers or small turbine operators and 32 were public fatalities.xbb
How can you get people who sit around to get a job if they don't want to work...

By offering higher wages.

Well we did get rid of the 99 weekers and they managed to get a job , so I guess we could cut welfare...

Then that means red states will have to raise taxes because they all use welfare to paper over their deficits.

And how do you propose higher wage?

Why would red States raise taxes for what to runaway jobs?

No jobs = no wages= more on welfare, you don't think this out much do you?
“To understand how deviant the Trump administration is, consider this: Since its founding, the nation has treasured civilian control of the military as a restraint on adventurism. Now we must rely on three generals — Trump's chief of staff, his national security adviser and his secretary of defense — to keep this rash and erratic president from careering off the rails.”

Only president that has need multiple babysitters to keep him from starting WWIII or ruining the country more than he has already.

Trump has all but ceded his role as Commander-in-Chief to his generals. We know this because of the botched mission in Niger where four American Marines were killed and Trump acted like he didn't know about the mission at all. We found out about it in the press. Something that a Commander-in-Chief should know first. Either Trump ordered that mission and didn't know the consequences (in which case, he wasn't listening to his generals) or he didn't order the mission (in which case, he's not Commander-in-Chief).

The four dead Marines in Niger deserve no less than 7 different investigations to find out what the hell happened.

That sounds familiar. Obama was famous for finding out stuff for the first time in the press.
And how many of those deaths were contributed to Trump relaxing regulations?

All 15

dark side of the wind industry that many media outlets have failed to report on is the thousands of documented cases of serious accidents. These include numerous documented cases of turbines falling over, blades flying off, injuries to workers and the public, and at least 99 reported fatality accidents.Of the deaths, 67 were wind industry and direct supporters workers or small turbine operators and 32 were public fatalities.xbb

Conspicuously absent is the period of time those 99 fatalities occurred. Was it one year? Was it five years? Was it ten years? Was it twenty years? Your "link" doesn't say.
And how many of those deaths were contributed to Trump relaxing regulations?

All 15

dark side of the wind industry that many media outlets have failed to report on is the thousands of documented cases of serious accidents. These include numerous documented cases of turbines falling over, blades flying off, injuries to workers and the public, and at least 99 reported fatality accidents.Of the deaths, 67 were wind industry and direct supporters workers or small turbine operators and 32 were public fatalities.xbb

Conspicuously absent is the period of time those 99 fatalities occurred. Was it one year? Was it five years? Was it ten years? Was it twenty years? Your "link" doesn't say.

I don't know it could be 2,000 years when that antique technology was invented it was just an a example btw you didn't tell us which trumps lax regulations caused it?

Btw your stats of coal mine jobs deaths don't mean crap, who was president in 2015?

Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect, 2017 | AFL-CIO

The construction, transportation and agriculture industries (private sector) remain very dangerous:

  • 937 construction workers were killed in 2015, the highest number in any sector. The number and rate of construction deaths increased for the second year in a row.
  • 765 transportation and warehousing workers were killed in 2015. The fatality rate was 13.8 per 100,000 workers, the second highest of any major industry sector.
  • Agriculture, fishing and forestry was the most dangerous industry sector, with a fatality rate of 22.8 per 100,000 workers. 570 workers were killed in these industries.
The mining and extraction industries remain dangerous, but safety and health has improved:

  • There were 26 deaths in coal, metal and nonmetal mines in 2016, and 29 deaths in 2015, both record low numbers. The fatality rate in these industries also was at record low.
  • There were 89 deaths in oil and gas extraction in 2015, a decrease from 144 deaths in 2014.
  • The fatality rate for the overall mining sector, including oil and gas extraction, was 11.4 per 100,000 workers, more than three times the national average.
  • Oil and gas extraction industries accounted for 74% of the fatal work injuries in the mining sector.
And how many of those deaths were contributed to Trump relaxing regulations?

All 15

dark side of the wind industry that many media outlets have failed to report on is the thousands of documented cases of serious accidents. These include numerous documented cases of turbines falling over, blades flying off, injuries to workers and the public, and at least 99 reported fatality accidents.Of the deaths, 67 were wind industry and direct supporters workers or small turbine operators and 32 were public fatalities.xbb

Conspicuously absent is the period of time those 99 fatalities occurred. Was it one year? Was it five years? Was it ten years? Was it twenty years? Your "link" doesn't say.

Btw Prove it clown that all 15 was caused by Trump
And how do you propose higher wage?

Raise the minimum wage.

Why would red States raise taxes for what to runaway jobs?

No because they have balanced budget amendments that force them to raid welfare block grants to paper over the deficits. If you cut welfare, then you cut the welfare states like Georgia use to close their deficit gaps. Which means they have to increase taxes and/or user fees. There is not one single red state that doesn't use part of the welfare block grant to close their tax cut-induced deficits.

No jobs = no wages= more on welfare, you don't think this out much do you

The tax rate isn't what kills jobs...what kills jobs is a lack of demand. If people have no money to spend, because they get paid so little, then demand drops. When demand drops, layoffs occur.
Btw Prove it clown that all 15 was caused by Trump

Is he not President? Did he not "deregulate"?

BTW - Trump's deregulation led to the fewest jobs created since 2012, possibly since 2010 depending on December's jobs numbers.
And how do you propose higher wage?

Raise the minimum wage.

Why would red States raise taxes for what to runaway jobs?

No because they have balanced budget amendments that force them to raid welfare block grants to paper over the deficits. If you cut welfare, then you cut the welfare states like Georgia use to close their deficit gaps. Which means they have to increase taxes and/or user fees. There is not one single red state that doesn't use part of the welfare block grant to close their tax cut-induced deficits.

No jobs = no wages= more on welfare, you don't think this out much do you

The tax rate isn't what kills jobs...what kills jobs is a lack of demand. If people have no money to spend, because they get paid so little, then demand drops. When demand drops, layoffs occur.

How does raising the national minimum wage do anything?

It's just trickle up poor and you know it so stop the bullshit.

You could sell ice to an Eskimo, once again we have credit cards and a billion dollar advertising once again that doesn't fly .

So how come blue states don't become fiscal responsible and don't cut their taxes and spending on 80 grand a year dog catchers..people in blue states don't pay their fair share to the feds they itemize..

Fewest jobs created since 2012. Depending on December jobs numbers, could end up being the fewest jobs created since 2010.

How can you get people who sit around to get a job if they don't want to work..

Well we did get rid of the 99 weekers and they managed to get a job , so I guess we could cut welfare...
nothing but socialism from the right wing; a fifteen dollar an hour minimum helps grow our economy, not shrink our economy so the rich can keep wages lower.
Btw Prove it clown that all 15 was caused by Trump

Is he not President? Did he not "deregulate"?

BTW - Trump's deregulation led to the fewest jobs created since 2012, possibly since 2010 depending on December's jobs numbers.

Becoming a circle jerk? How can Trump when people can make off of welfare, once again we are at full employment,..
How can you get people who sit around to get a job if they don't want to work...

By offering higher wages.

Well we did get rid of the 99 weekers and they managed to get a job , so I guess we could cut welfare...

Then that means red states will have to raise taxes because they all use welfare to paper over their deficits.

And how do you propose higher wage?

Why would red States raise taxes for what to runaway jobs?

No jobs = no wages= more on welfare, you don't think this out much do you?
there is no unemployment only underpayment.

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