Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared

rigidly standing or casually standing. The issue is standing, not kneeling like a fricken asshole who just sat on a cactus. If you, or anyone else, doesn't like this country and the way it operates, you and they are free to leave. The USA is not obligated to change to suit your perverted beliefs.

The USA isn't obligated to force people to stand for anthems either. If you think patriotism is measured by how tall you stand for a fucking song, then you're the one who isn't a patriot.
A "song" ? :rolleyes: What makes liberals so blatantly assinine ?


Ironic that a Nazi would post anything that had Patton in it.
rigidly standing or casually standing. The issue is standing, not kneeling like a fricken asshole who just sat on a cactus. If you, or anyone else, doesn't like this country and the way it operates, you and they are free to leave. The USA is not obligated to change to suit your perverted beliefs.

The USA isn't obligated to force people to stand for anthems either. If you think patriotism is measured by how tall you stand for a fucking song, then you're the one who isn't a patriot.
A "song" ? :rolleyes: What makes liberals so blatantly assinine ?


Patton: The original antifa. Killed more Nazis than anyone.
1. I didn't say they were "the same" I said ISIS partially grew out of Al Qaeda in Iraq (fact, not opinion)

Al Qaeda in Iraq...which was created after Bush invaded it based on lies and bullshit. Ansar-al-Islam is the Al Qaeda-linked group made up of Kurds in the Northern part of Iraq. But I don't think that's who you were talking about. So you created Al Qaeda in Iraq, which "partially" (whatever that means) gave way to ISIS. So you created ISIS.

2. The great majority of ISIS TRAVELED into Iraq, from Syria, in long convoys on open, desert roads, where they would have been sitting ducks for airstrikes. Airstrikes were few or none, withheld by jihadist, Baghdadi-colluder Obama.

1. You all didn't want Obama to bomb Syria, REMEMBER?
2. You all were the ones who said the New Iraqi Army, with their American weapons and American training, would defend Iraq.
3. Obama dropped 24,000 bombs on ISIS in Iraq and Syria, which is more than Bush dropped during the invasion + 2 years after.

3. The Iraqis who dropped their weapons and ran, did so because of the Obama supported Shiite govt in Iraq, under Malaki. The Iraqi soldiers were Sunnis (as was ISIS) Get it ? No you don't, apparently. Guess you've been listening to a lot of liberal BS media. That's why liberals are so information-deprived. Wanna try taking my Islamization Quiz, Mr Know Nothing ? Or are you going to ask me (as many liberals do) >. :"Islamization. What's that ?"

NO YOU FUCKING IDIOT. The New Iraqi Army was not Sunni, it was predominantly Shi'ite because the government in Iraq was Shi'ite. Sunnis were resisting that government, which is why we had to bribe them in Anbar. This shit didn't happen that long ago, so why the fuck are you getting so many details wrong?!?!?!?!

4. Iraq was never stabilized. It was LIBERATED after the surges of the Bush administration, with Fallujah, Ramadi, et al liberated. What on earth have you been reading ? New York Times ? Washington Post ? Well, that would explain it.

Liberated from whom? From the terrorists you created when you invaded. So we're supposed to celebrate that you had to spend billions of dollars and thousands of lives to liberate Iraq twice in 5 years?!? Unbelievable. What a fucking idiot.

5. Sorry but no, I did NOT invade Iraq to being democracy to the middle east.

So the Bush Doctrine is completely and utterly forgotten, then. Part of that attempt to revise history so you don't end up looking dumb on an internet message board.


6. "Obama's ISIS plan" ? Are you nuts ? Only plan Obama had with ISIS was complete support of them, as I've been posting. Trump totally changed Obama's collusion with ISIS. And it shows.

No, that wasn't Obama's plan. In fact, Trump's been using Obama's ISIS playbook this entire time.

...the operation of reducing ISIS’s influence by targeting local terror leaders and influential members of the group—a strategy developed by the Obama administration over his two terms in office—reportedly remains exactly the same.
The anthem represents every soldier, sailor, marine, airman, and Coast Guard troop who has ever served in the US military

No it doesn't.

Look at the lyrics of the song...where does it mention any soldier, sailor, marine, airman, or Coast Guardsman in what's sung? The song isn't about the shit you say it is literally about a piece of cloth.

including millions who have fought and died in combat. You are a useless, information-deprived, pitifully programmed, brainwashed, liberal imbecile.

You're just some fucking Russian troll whose job it is to spread bullshit and sow discontent on message boards. We know this because your profile was created ion the exact middle of Putin's troll ramp-up. That's no coincidence.

The notion that right-wing Christian terrorists are killing more Americans than Muslim jihadists is idiotic nonsense. Anyone believing this poppycock, needs to wear a dunce cap. Most Americans couldn't even cite a single right-wing Christian terrorist attack, but they can sure mention a lot of Muslim jihadist ones. (starting with the 1993 World Trade Center attack)

Since 9/11, white, Christian, Conservatives have killed more people than radicalized muslims in the US. AND IT'S NOT EVEN CLOSE.

BTW - 9/11 happened on your watch, and you didn't even catch the guy responsible. Obama had to do that. You're welcome.
Yea flipping burgers, not in manufacturing or much of any other job you piss ass illegal Mexican .

So Seth Rogen and James Franco flip burgers? Neil DeGrasse-Tyson works the drive-thru?

Your Russia is showing.
1. I didn't say they were "the same" I said ISIS partially grew out of Al Qaeda in Iraq (fact, not opinion)

Al Qaeda in Iraq...which was created after Bush invaded it based on lies and bullshit. Ansar-al-Islam is the Al Qaeda-linked group made up of Kurds in the Northern part of Iraq. But I don't think that's who you were talking about. So you created Al Qaeda in Iraq, which "partially" (whatever that means) gave way to ISIS. So you created ISIS.

2. The great majority of ISIS TRAVELED into Iraq, from Syria, in long convoys on open, desert roads, where they would have been sitting ducks for airstrikes. Airstrikes were few or none, withheld by jihadist, Baghdadi-colluder Obama.

1. You all didn't want Obama to bomb Syria, REMEMBER?
2. You all were the ones who said the New Iraqi Army, with their American weapons and American training, would defend Iraq.
3. Obama dropped 24,000 bombs on ISIS in Iraq and Syria, which is more than Bush dropped during the invasion + 2 years after.

3. The Iraqis who dropped their weapons and ran, did so because of the Obama supported Shiite govt in Iraq, under Malaki. The Iraqi soldiers were Sunnis (as was ISIS) Get it ? No you don't, apparently. Guess you've been listening to a lot of liberal BS media. That's why liberals are so information-deprived. Wanna try taking my Islamization Quiz, Mr Know Nothing ? Or are you going to ask me (as many liberals do) >. :"Islamization. What's that ?"

NO YOU FUCKING IDIOT. The New Iraqi Army was not Sunni, it was predominantly Shi'ite because the government in Iraq was Shi'ite. Sunnis were resisting that government, which is why we had to bribe them in Anbar. This shit didn't happen that long ago, so why the fuck are you getting so many details wrong?!?!?!?!

4. Iraq was never stabilized. It was LIBERATED after the surges of the Bush administration, with Fallujah, Ramadi, et al liberated. What on earth have you been reading ? New York Times ? Washington Post ? Well, that would explain it.

Liberated from whom? From the terrorists you created when you invaded. So we're supposed to celebrate that you had to spend billions of dollars and thousands of lives to liberate Iraq twice in 5 years?!? Unbelievable. What a fucking idiot.

5. Sorry but no, I did NOT invade Iraq to being democracy to the middle east.

So the Bush Doctrine is completely and utterly forgotten, then. Part of that attempt to revise history so you don't end up looking dumb on an internet message board.

6. "Obama's ISIS plan" ? Are you nuts ? Only plan Obama had with ISIS was complete support of them, as I've been posting. Trump totally changed Obama's collusion with ISIS. And it shows.

No, that wasn't Obama's plan. In fact, Trump's been using Obama's ISIS playbook this entire time.

...the operation of reducing ISIS’s influence by targeting local terror leaders and influential members of the group—a strategy developed by the Obama administration over his two terms in office—reportedly remains exactly the same.
1. Obama created ISIS, I explained how.

2. Trump bombed Syria.

3. US Army defended Iraq (before Obama pulled it out)

4. Obama did "pinpricks" - allowed ISIS convoys to proceed (Baghdadi collusion is what special counsel should be investigating)

5. You're simply wrong. Iraqis who dropped weapons and ran, were Sunnis, who didn;'t support Shiite govt of Malaki. Some people need to be told twice (or is it 3 now ?)

6. Liberated from JIhadists, you clutz. (Al Zarqawi, al Qaeda in Iraq, etc)

7. Nobody created jihad in Iraq other than Mohammed. Get real.

8. Obama playbook was to SUPPORT ISIS, which he did. Trump's playbood whas to :knocj the hell out of ISIS - which he did. :biggrin:
they are fellow Americans. We have a First Amendment, not monoculturalism. Why compete with North Korea, on that front?
We have a first amendment AND monoculturalism, and the Constitution is a major part of that monoculture.
We have a First Amendment. What happened to Individualism, right wingers; no guns involved.
Why complain about less fortunate illegals?
Here's why >>

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($133 Billion/year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

17. Influx of terrorists.
Lousy public policies. How much of a problem do amusement parks have with tourism? Even illegals can get in to an amusement park.

Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics.
His Admin destroyed coal industry jobs, bub.

The number of deaths from coal mining nearly doubled in 2017.

That's directly because of Trump removing regulations.

The only ones "killing coal" are those pretending to save it.

Well, that's a statistic that pins the bogometer. It's hard to have coal mining deaths when there is little coal mining being done due to Obabble killing coal mines.
His Admin destroyed coal industry jobs, bub.

The number of deaths from coal mining nearly doubled in 2017.

That's directly because of Trump removing regulations.

The only ones "killing coal" are those pretending to save it.


Again, the stat is so bogus.

In 2017, there were 15 coal mining death, up from 8 in 2016.

More people were killed by lightening strikes in 2017 than died in coal mines. But that won't stop the Energy Deniers from trying to destroy our access to cheap and plentiful fossil fuels.

US coal mining deaths surge in 2017 after hitting record low
Well, that's a statistic that pins the bogometer. It's hard to have coal mining deaths when there is little coal mining being done due to Obabble killing coal mines.

How did he do that? Through regulations that Trump removed, right? That's why coal deaths shot up last year.
Well, that's a statistic that pins the bogometer. It's hard to have coal mining deaths when there is little coal mining being done due to Obabble killing coal mines.

How did he do that? Through regulations that Trump removed, right? That's why coal deaths shot up last year.

Scuze moi, but seven deaths are hardly statistically significant.
Well, that's a statistic that pins the bogometer. It's hard to have coal mining deaths when there is little coal mining being done due to Obabble killing coal mines.

How did he do that? Through regulations that Trump removed, right? That's why coal deaths shot up last year.

Scuze moi, but seven deaths are hardly statistically significant.

Oh, so now you suddenly determine scale and degree? Where was that nuance before?
Well, that's a statistic that pins the bogometer. It's hard to have coal mining deaths when there is little coal mining being done due to Obabble killing coal mines.

How did he do that? Through regulations that Trump removed, right? That's why coal deaths shot up last year.

Scuze moi, but seven deaths are hardly statistically significant.

Oh, so now you suddenly determine scale and degree? Where was that nuance before?

Your reading comprehension and LOGICALMENT sKillZ are incredibly inferior.
Kneeling for the pledge.

If you say so, why you’d say that?
It is our National Anthem.

Protest is the American way.

peaceful protest, as taught by MLK. somehow those lessons have been lost.
How is kneeling during the pledge, not peaceful?
Who said it wasn’t? Just disrespectful and ungrateful and not worth our money anymore
If you say so, why you’d say that?
It is our National Anthem.

Protest is the American way.

peaceful protest, as taught by MLK. somehow those lessons have been lost.
How is kneeling during the pledge, not peaceful?
Who said it wasn’t? Just disrespectful and ungrateful and not worth our money anymore
Peaceful protest is covered under our First Amendment.
It is our National Anthem.

Protest is the American way.

peaceful protest, as taught by MLK. somehow those lessons have been lost.
How is kneeling during the pledge, not peaceful?
Who said it wasn’t? Just disrespectful and ungrateful and not worth our money anymore
Peaceful protest is covered under our First Amendment.
Yes it is. Where we spend our time and money is also legal. And those fools are fools

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