Trump's Hero Bombs Humanitarian Workers

Yeah, cuz the U.S. never bombs and kills civilians. Man, most Americans really are such low-information sheep. They only obsess over American Government/Corporate Media Bullshite. The fact is, no other country on earth bombs and kills more innocents than the U.S. does. No American has the right to cast stones.

Dude there are other independent media, Russian media, middle eastern media...... Yet you cannot provide a single link to prove your bullshit.

Prove what? That the US doesn't bomb & kill Civilians? I could provide several examples of the US 'accidentally' bombing & killing people. It happens all the time. It's just that most Americans live in denial over it. They're only exposed to corrupt American Government/Corporate Media propaganda. It's Interesting how it's always just an innocent 'mistake' or 'accident' when the US slaughters innocents. But God forbid any other country does it. The US is the first one to hop up on its high horse to condemn.

The reality is, we shouldn't have interfered with Syria's Civil War. We shouldn't have funded, armed, and trained brutal Islamist groups like ISIS. The American People should be ashamed of what their Government has done to the Middle East. But they're not. They're actually proud of it. They're just brainwashed braindead cattle. Americans are the last folks on earth who should be casting stones on issues like this. They no longer have credibility.

When US accidentally bomb civilians. We ( not you) admitted and apologized. Putin and Assad never admitted any wrong doing.

I think I missed 60 minutes. Do you have link that US arm and train ISIS?

Assad senior and junior dictator has been murdering their own people for a long time. Support terrorism against American and Israel will h the help of Putin.
Somebody has to stand up against these murderers. Either we get involved or not the civil war is bound to happen and dictatorship doesn't last forever.
Yeah, cuz the U.S. never bombs and kills civilians. Man, most Americans really are such low-information sheep. They only obsess over American Government/Corporate Media Bullshite. The fact is, no other country on earth bombs and kills more innocents than the U.S. does. No American has the right to cast stones.

Dude there are other independent media, Russian media, middle eastern media...... Yet you cannot provide a single link to prove your bullshit.

Prove what? That the US doesn't bomb & kill Civilians? I could provide several examples of the US 'accidentally' bombing & killing people. It happens all the time. It's just that most Americans live in denial over it. They're only exposed to corrupt American Government/Corporate Media propaganda. It's Interesting how it's always just an innocent 'mistake' or 'accident' when the US slaughters innocents. But God forbid any other country does it. The US is the first one to hop up on its high horse to condemn.

The reality is, we shouldn't have interfered with Syria's Civil War. We shouldn't have funded, armed, and trained brutal Islamist groups like ISIS. The American People should be ashamed of what their Government has done to the Middle East. But they're not. They're actually proud of it. They're just brainwashed braindead cattle. Americans are the last folks on earth who should be casting stones on issues like this. They no longer have credibility.

When US accidentally bomb civilians. We ( not you) admitted and apologized. Putin and Assad never admitted any wrong doing.

I think I missed 60 minutes. Do you have link that US arm and train ISIS?

Assad senior and junior dictator has been murdering their own people for a long time. Support terrorism against American and Israel will h the help of Putin.
Somebody has to stand up against these murderers. Either we get involved or not the civil war is bound to happen and dictatorship doesn't last forever.

It's always 'ok', and just an innocent mistake' when the US slaughters innocents. Pretty convenient stance, no? The bottom line is, the US violated the Ceasefire that was negotiated in good faith by Russia and the Syrian Government. It bombed and massacred 80 Syrian Soldiers. The bombing allowed ISIS to gain more ground in the area. It was a cowardly criminal act. And that violation just confirmed what most around the world already knew. The US has been supporting ISIS all along. It's about 'Regime Change.'

Personally, i feel US and Saudi leaders especially, should be held accountable for that illegal policy. So many more innocents have been murdered in Syria, as a result of their meddling. We don't belong in Syria. It's shameful what we've done there, and in many other nations around the world. It's time for revolutionary change in our Foreign Policy. Time to end this Endless War.
When he's not busy deliberately bombing hospitals, Putin takes time out to bomb aid convoys in Syria.

Trump's Chumps translate this to, "Putin's kicking ISIS ass!"

US blames Russia after UN aid convoy in Syria targeted by air attack

The attack on the convoy, made up of Syrian Red Crescent trucks carrying UN-supplied food, was reported to have killed at least 12 people and destroyed 18 trucks laden with food intended for tens of thousands of people cut off by the war in a rural area west of Aleppo city.

Aid officials said it was hit from the air while unloading food at a warehouse in opposition controlled Urem al-Kubra. Early reports suggested most of the dead were Syrian Red Crescent drivers.

Stephen O’Brien, the UN’s emergency relief coordinator, said that the convoy had been clearly marked and its route had been provided to all parties to the conflict.
Just so Im clear.
You have a problem with this but you dont have a problem when your HNIC brings his friends over here to bomb citizens in New York or shoot up a mall ?

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