Trump's Hero Bombs Humanitarian Workers

Yet the Clintonbots like G...

Did I mention logical fallacies in the Useful Idiot Kit?

(looks back a couple posts)

Why, yes. Yes, I did!

Fallacy of the excluded middle. You assume I am a "Clintonbot" because I am criticizing Putin. Fascinating.

Boy, if that isn't an acknowledgement that Trump's Chumps support the KGB thug, I don't know what is!

Did I also mention lies in the Useful Idiot Kit?

(looks back a couple posts)

Why, yes. Yes, I did!

I have made my antipathy toward Clinton more than plain on this forum, idiot. You don't get to make up lies.

...ignore this:

On 6 March 2009 in Geneva, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a red button with the English word "reset" and the Roman alphabet transliteration of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet word "peregruzka". It was intended that this would be the Russian word for "reset". Clinton explained that she wanted to reset relations between Russia and the United States. However, Lavrov, who is fluent in English, explained to Clinton that "перегрузка" actually means "overcharge". The two pressed the button anyway. Clinton explained that the American side meant it; they wanted a new era of better ties.[1][2]
Another logical fallacy! You're on a roll!

Tu Quoque. Or, as I like to say, don't be a Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger kind of guy.
Govt crack in the streets
weapons and training to terrorists
Killing our own people
Corporatists fucking the average American
More fascism all the time
Yeah, America is great.
Move to Russia then, useful idiot.

Why would I do that? Luckily, all the corporatist war monger lovers like you are dying off.
"Corporatist war mongers".

I'm so glad I started this topic so we could see all your tie-dyed colors.
Go arm/train some more terrorists, dumbfuck
I prefer to kill them. Sorry, comrade!
Yet the Clintonbots like G...

Did I mention logical fallacies in the Useful Idiot Kit?

(looks back a couple posts)

Why, yes. Yes, I did!

Fallacy of the excluded middle. You assume I am a "Clintonbot" because I am criticizing Putin. Fascinating.

Boy, if that isn't an acknowledgement that Trump's Chumps support the KGB thug, I don't know what is!

Did I also mention lies in the Useful Idiot Kit?

(looks back a couple posts)

Why, yes. Yes, I did!

I have made my antipathy toward Clinton more than plain on this forum, idiot. You don't get to make up lies.

...ignore this:

On 6 March 2009 in Geneva, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a red button with the English word "reset" and the Roman alphabet transliteration of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet word "peregruzka". It was intended that this would be the Russian word for "reset". Clinton explained that she wanted to reset relations between Russia and the United States. However, Lavrov, who is fluent in English, explained to Clinton that "перегрузка" actually means "overcharge". The two pressed the button anyway. Clinton explained that the American side meant it; they wanted a new era of better ties.[1][2]
Another logical fallacy! You're on a roll!

Tu Quoque. Or, as I like to say, don't be a Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger kind of guy.
Lol you dumbass. You assume I liked putin because I think our government are a bunch of fuck ups.
Again, PLEASE, get your head out of your ass.
Yet the Clintonbots like G...

Did I mention logical fallacies in the Useful Idiot Kit?

(looks back a couple posts)

Why, yes. Yes, I did!

Fallacy of the excluded middle. You assume I am a "Clintonbot" because I am criticizing Putin. Fascinating.

Boy, if that isn't an acknowledgement that Trump's Chumps support the KGB thug, I don't know what is!

Did I also mention lies in the Useful Idiot Kit?

(looks back a couple posts)

Why, yes. Yes, I did!

I have made my antipathy toward Clinton more than plain on this forum, idiot. You don't get to make up lies.

...ignore this:

On 6 March 2009 in Geneva, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a red button with the English word "reset" and the Roman alphabet transliteration of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet word "peregruzka". It was intended that this would be the Russian word for "reset". Clinton explained that she wanted to reset relations between Russia and the United States. However, Lavrov, who is fluent in English, explained to Clinton that "перегрузка" actually means "overcharge". The two pressed the button anyway. Clinton explained that the American side meant it; they wanted a new era of better ties.[1][2]
Another logical fallacy! You're on a roll!

Tu Quoque. Or, as I like to say, don't be a Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger kind of guy.

Clinton and the reset button. High comedy. Right up there with Dubya looking into Putin's eyes and getting a sense of his soul.

And now Trump and his new BEST friend:


When he's not busy deliberately bombing hospitals, Putin takes time out to bomb aid convoys in Syria.

Trump's Chumps translate this to, "Putin's kicking ISIS ass!"

US blames Russia after UN aid convoy in Syria targeted by air attack

The attack on the convoy, made up of Syrian Red Crescent trucks carrying UN-supplied food, was reported to have killed at least 12 people and destroyed 18 trucks laden with food intended for tens of thousands of people cut off by the war in a rural area west of Aleppo city.

Aid officials said it was hit from the air while unloading food at a warehouse in opposition controlled Urem al-Kubra. Early reports suggested most of the dead were Syrian Red Crescent drivers.

Stephen O’Brien, the UN’s emergency relief coordinator, said that the convoy had been clearly marked and its route had been provided to all parties to the conflict.

Is this the same "U.S" that blamed Assad for chemical attacks that were actually done by CIAl-qeada????
No this is the same "U.S." which hired extraterrestrial Jews to destroy the World Trade Center.

Nah, they did it "extras" were required......
I distinctly recall you announcing, with much drama and fanfare, you were leaving this forum because no one was buying your conspiracy theory bullshit.

No drama, no fanfare. I was simply trying to alert the masses to the shit storm that is heading towards us of Biblical proportions unless the masses pull their heads out of their asses. I was hit with a sudden case of "burn out" with the feeling of "why do I bother?" I got private e-mails every day from those that agree (and even those that don't ) to take a break from posting but that they like what I post. I know what I am posting about and I am trying to give people the benefit of the things I have spent thousands of hours looking into. I can honestly say that I don't have any dislike for any poster here except maybe Karla_Klunt...don't think I could ever warm up to her even if we were cremated together. BTW, did you look up "Operation Gladio"? Operation Northwoods? MK-Ultra? The radiation experiments on unaware US citizens? Please tell me again as to how "pristine" USA.INC really is......
Yet the Clintonbots like G...

Did I mention logical fallacies in the Useful Idiot Kit?

(looks back a couple posts)

Why, yes. Yes, I did!

Fallacy of the excluded middle. You assume I am a "Clintonbot" because I am criticizing Putin. Fascinating.

Boy, if that isn't an acknowledgement that Trump's Chumps support the KGB thug, I don't know what is!

Did I also mention lies in the Useful Idiot Kit?

(looks back a couple posts)

Why, yes. Yes, I did!

I have made my antipathy toward Clinton more than plain on this forum, idiot. You don't get to make up lies.

...ignore this:

On 6 March 2009 in Geneva, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a red button with the English word "reset" and the Roman alphabet transliteration of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet word "peregruzka". It was intended that this would be the Russian word for "reset". Clinton explained that she wanted to reset relations between Russia and the United States. However, Lavrov, who is fluent in English, explained to Clinton that "перегрузка" actually means "overcharge". The two pressed the button anyway. Clinton explained that the American side meant it; they wanted a new era of better ties.[1][2]
Another logical fallacy! You're on a roll!

Tu Quoque. Or, as I like to say, don't be a Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger kind of guy.
Lol you dumbass. You assume I liked putin because I think our government are a bunch of fuck ups.
Again, PLEASE, get your head out of your ass.
Putin commits a war crime, and your response was, in effect, "It was prolly America's corporatist war pigs."

You say you don't deny history. Well, you have shown us a history of always taking Putin's side and regurgitating his fairy tales.

We see what you are, hippie.

So...yeah. You should move there. You clearly belong.
I got private e-mails every day from those that agree..

Oh my god. How many times have I heard this fairy tale from losers?

I know what I am posting about and I am trying to give people the benefit of the things I have spent thousands of hours looking into. I can honestly say that I don't have any dislike for any poster here except maybe Karla_Klunt...don't think I could ever warm up to her even if we were cremated together. BTW, did you look up "Operation Gladio"? Operation Northwoods? MK-Ultra? The radiation experiments on unaware US citizens? Please tell me again as to how "pristine" USA.INC really is......
Where did I say America was pristine?

Tell me what country is better or greater. And then move there, loser.
Yet the Clintonbots like G...

Did I mention logical fallacies in the Useful Idiot Kit?

(looks back a couple posts)

Why, yes. Yes, I did!

Fallacy of the excluded middle. You assume I am a "Clintonbot" because I am criticizing Putin. Fascinating.

Boy, if that isn't an acknowledgement that Trump's Chumps support the KGB thug, I don't know what is!

Did I also mention lies in the Useful Idiot Kit?

(looks back a couple posts)

Why, yes. Yes, I did!

I have made my antipathy toward Clinton more than plain on this forum, idiot. You don't get to make up lies.

...ignore this:

On 6 March 2009 in Geneva, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a red button with the English word "reset" and the Roman alphabet transliteration of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet word "peregruzka". It was intended that this would be the Russian word for "reset". Clinton explained that she wanted to reset relations between Russia and the United States. However, Lavrov, who is fluent in English, explained to Clinton that "перегрузка" actually means "overcharge". The two pressed the button anyway. Clinton explained that the American side meant it; they wanted a new era of better ties.[1][2]
Another logical fallacy! You're on a roll!

Tu Quoque. Or, as I like to say, don't be a Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger kind of guy.
Lol you dumbass. You assume I liked putin because I think our government are a bunch of fuck ups.
Again, PLEASE, get your head out of your ass.
Putin commits a war crime, and your response was, in effect, "It was prolly America's corporatist war pigs."

You say you don't deny history. Well, you have shown us a history of always taking Putin's side and regurgitating his fairy tales.

We see what you are, hippie.

So...yeah. You should move there. You clearly belong.
LMAO you wouldn't know self awareness if it penetrated your vagina
When he's not busy deliberately bombing hospitals, Putin takes time out to bomb aid convoys in Syria.

Trump's Chumps translate this to, "Putin's kicking ISIS ass!"

US blames Russia after UN aid convoy in Syria targeted by air attack

Is this the same "U.S" that blamed Assad for chemical attacks that were actually done by CIAl-qeada????
No this is the same "U.S." which hired extraterrestrial Jews to destroy the World Trade Center.

Nah, they did it "extras" were required......
I distinctly recall you announcing, with much drama and fanfare, you were leaving this forum because no one was buying your conspiracy theory bullshit.

No drama, no fanfare. I was simply trying to alert the masses to the shit storm that is heading towards us of Biblical proportions unless the masses pull their heads out of their asses. I was hit with a sudden case of "burn out" with the feeling of "why do I bother?" I got private e-mails every day from those that agree (and even those that don't ) to take a break from posting but that they like what I post. I know what I am posting about and I am trying to give people the benefit of the things I have spent thousands of hours looking into. I can honestly say that I don't have any dislike for any poster here except maybe Karla_Klunt...don't think I could ever warm up to her even if we were cremated together. BTW, did you look up "Operation Gladio"? Operation Northwoods? MK-Ultra? The radiation experiments on unaware US citizens? Please tell me again as to how "pristine" USA.INC really is......

"don't think I could ever warm up to her even if we were cremated together"....
You EXPECT the Democrats to kowtow to thugs. It's what they do.

What you don't expect is the Republicans to nominate someone who swallows more yards of commie cock than anyone else in history.

This is why I hate Trump more than I hate Clinton. If Clinton shits all over the Democratic party, that's GOOD for Republicans.

But Trump and his Chumps are shitting all over MY party, and so I hate them MUCH more.
You EXPECT the Democrats to kowtow to thugs. It's what they do.

What you don't expect is the Republicans to nominate someone who swallows more yards of commie cock than anyone else in history.

This is why I hate Trump more than I hate Clinton. If Clinton shits all over the Democratic party, that's GOOD for Republicans.

But Trump is shitting all over MY party, and so I hate him MUCH more.

So you're a Bill Kristol republican? Do you curl your little finger when you raise your martini glass?
I got private e-mails every day from those that agree..

Oh my god. How many times have I heard this fairy tale from losers?

I know what I am posting about and I am trying to give people the benefit of the things I have spent thousands of hours looking into. I can honestly say that I don't have any dislike for any poster here except maybe Karla_Klunt...don't think I could ever warm up to her even if we were cremated together. BTW, did you look up "Operation Gladio"? Operation Northwoods? MK-Ultra? The radiation experiments on unaware US citizens? Please tell me again as to how "pristine" USA.INC really is......
Where did I say America was pristine?

Tell me what country is better or greater. And then move there, loser.

It is the people that make a country great...not a corporate entity that attempts to pass itself off as a legitimate governmental body that does horrific things in the name of us all. That is where I have the problem and why I expose it. Waving the corporate banner/ flag and singing the national anthem to the "successor to contract" to provide the 19 enumerated/essential "gubermint" services in a for profit venture via the bankruptcy of 1950 that took USA.INC into receivership by the IMF doesn't make one a "patriot". You are a debt slave that was made surety on the debt via the Bankruptcy of 1933 and your sweat equity was put up as collateral. I don't know about you, but that doesn't make me beam with pride or feel loyalty to the headquarters of USA.INC that is the District of Columbia.....
Yet the Clintonbots like G...

Did I mention logical fallacies in the Useful Idiot Kit?

(looks back a couple posts)

Why, yes. Yes, I did!

Fallacy of the excluded middle. You assume I am a "Clintonbot" because I am criticizing Putin. Fascinating.

Boy, if that isn't an acknowledgement that Trump's Chumps support the KGB thug, I don't know what is!

Did I also mention lies in the Useful Idiot Kit?

(looks back a couple posts)

Why, yes. Yes, I did!

I have made my antipathy toward Clinton more than plain on this forum, idiot. You don't get to make up lies.

...ignore this:

On 6 March 2009 in Geneva, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a red button with the English word "reset" and the Roman alphabet transliteration of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet word "peregruzka". It was intended that this would be the Russian word for "reset". Clinton explained that she wanted to reset relations between Russia and the United States. However, Lavrov, who is fluent in English, explained to Clinton that "перегрузка" actually means "overcharge". The two pressed the button anyway. Clinton explained that the American side meant it; they wanted a new era of better ties.[1][2]
Another logical fallacy! You're on a roll!

Tu Quoque. Or, as I like to say, don't be a Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger kind of guy.
Lol you dumbass. You assume I liked putin because I think our government are a bunch of fuck ups.
Again, PLEASE, get your head out of your ass.
Putin commits a war crime, and your response was, in effect, "It was prolly America's corporatist war pigs."

You say you don't deny history. Well, you have shown us a history of always taking Putin's side and regurgitating his fairy tales.

We see what you are, hippie.

So...yeah. You should move there. You clearly belong.
I never thought I'd see the day when people on the Right would A, blame the US first and B, support Russia (particularly over the US).
I believe in the freedom of speech, but this anti-Americanism is is unpatriotic.
I am neither "left" or "right"...what I am is a student of the real history of this country because if you don't know where you have been and how you reached the place that you are? How can you know where you are headed? Our media is nothing but a talking head for this corporate entity you refer to as your beloved "gubermint". I will fight to my death to protect the lives of my fellow countrymen and do so willingly but I know what this foreign owned corporate government is all about and what their end game is. Here's a hint for ya...they don't give a shit about us or our welfare....not at all.
Yet the Clintonbots like G...

Did I mention logical fallacies in the Useful Idiot Kit?

(looks back a couple posts)

Why, yes. Yes, I did!

Fallacy of the excluded middle. You assume I am a "Clintonbot" because I am criticizing Putin. Fascinating.

Boy, if that isn't an acknowledgement that Trump's Chumps support the KGB thug, I don't know what is!

Did I also mention lies in the Useful Idiot Kit?

(looks back a couple posts)

Why, yes. Yes, I did!

I have made my antipathy toward Clinton more than plain on this forum, idiot. You don't get to make up lies.

...ignore this:

On 6 March 2009 in Geneva, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a red button with the English word "reset" and the Roman alphabet transliteration of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet word "peregruzka". It was intended that this would be the Russian word for "reset". Clinton explained that she wanted to reset relations between Russia and the United States. However, Lavrov, who is fluent in English, explained to Clinton that "перегрузка" actually means "overcharge". The two pressed the button anyway. Clinton explained that the American side meant it; they wanted a new era of better ties.[1][2]
Another logical fallacy! You're on a roll!

Tu Quoque. Or, as I like to say, don't be a Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger kind of guy.

Dude, everyone here knows who you are... and spare us your fucking retarded lines. You sound like some college freshman that just learned a new word or read a book his professor instructed him to read. Bottom line is the left cheered when Clinton sought to firm up ties with Russia. Now that Trump has expressed a few sentiments about Putin, you and your fellow Hillary supporters are soiling yourselves. Calm down Nancy... nobody's buying your bullshit.
You EXPECT the Democrats to kowtow to thugs. It's what they do.

What you don't expect is the Republicans to nominate someone who swallows more yards of commie cock than anyone else in history.

This is why I hate Trump more than I hate Clinton. If Clinton shits all over the Democratic party, that's GOOD for Republicans.

But Trump and his Chumps are shitting all over MY party, and so I hate them MUCH more.

Why? The GOP has done as much damage as the Democrats. This i why you're full-of-shit. If you support the GOP in its current state, you might as well support the Democrats, oh, wait.. never mind.
Yet the Clintonbots like G...

Did I mention logical fallacies in the Useful Idiot Kit?

(looks back a couple posts)

Why, yes. Yes, I did!

Fallacy of the excluded middle. You assume I am a "Clintonbot" because I am criticizing Putin. Fascinating.

Boy, if that isn't an acknowledgement that Trump's Chumps support the KGB thug, I don't know what is!

Did I also mention lies in the Useful Idiot Kit?

(looks back a couple posts)

Why, yes. Yes, I did!

I have made my antipathy toward Clinton more than plain on this forum, idiot. You don't get to make up lies.

...ignore this:

On 6 March 2009 in Geneva, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a red button with the English word "reset" and the Roman alphabet transliteration of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet word "peregruzka". It was intended that this would be the Russian word for "reset". Clinton explained that she wanted to reset relations between Russia and the United States. However, Lavrov, who is fluent in English, explained to Clinton that "перегрузка" actually means "overcharge". The two pressed the button anyway. Clinton explained that the American side meant it; they wanted a new era of better ties.[1][2]
Another logical fallacy! You're on a roll!

Tu Quoque. Or, as I like to say, don't be a Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger kind of guy.

Dude, everyone here knows who you are... and spare us your fucking retarded lines. You sound like some college freshman that just learned a new word or read a book his professor instructed him to read.

I've been pointing out the logical fallacies of you tards for years, dipshit.

Bottom line is the left cheered when Clinton sought to firm up ties with Russia.

Which has NOTHING to do with me, tu quoque boi.

Now that Trump has expressed a few sentiments about Putin, you and your fellow Hillary supporters are soiling yourselves. Calm down Nancy... nobody's buying your bullshit.
Here's another logical fallacy for you, tard: Argument from inertia. The mistaken bleef that the more you repeat a lie, the truer it becomes. I am not a Hillary supporter, no matter how many times you play at being Goebbels.
You EXPECT the Democrats to kowtow to thugs. It's what they do.

What you don't expect is the Republicans to nominate someone who swallows more yards of commie cock than anyone else in history.

This is why I hate Trump more than I hate Clinton. If Clinton shits all over the Democratic party, that's GOOD for Republicans.

But Trump and his Chumps are shitting all over MY party, and so I hate them MUCH more.

Why? The GOP has done as much damage as the Democrats. This i why you're full-of-shit. If you support the GOP in its current state, you might as well support the Democrats, oh, wait.. never mind.
What makes you think I support the GOP in its current state? That's an AMAZING assumption on your part, especially considering how often I have lambasted the GOP for allowing themselves to be hijacked by retards, liars, bigots, hypocrites, racists, and psychopaths.

Any more stupid mistakes you care to make today?

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