Trump's Hero Bombs Humanitarian Workers

Govt crack in the streets
weapons and training to terrorists
Killing our own people
Corporatists fucking the average American
More fascism all the time
Yeah, America is great.
More old school hippie moral relativism.

Go and enjoy life under Putin.
State Department:
"Look, we reject outright the premise that the Turkish Government is in league with ISIL to smuggle oil across its borders, and we frankly see no evidence – none – to support such an accusation."

So much for the useful idiot's claim the State Department acknowledged his delusion.

Hillary was running the Foundation out of the State Department, she didn't even know (according to her) that her own Ambassador had been attacked twice, was denied additional security over 60 times, and had 14 members of his own security team stripped from him before 9/11/12...and you expect the State Dept reps to bring up to her the fact that ISIS oil was going to Turkish ports when they wouldn't even bring up the fact that their own Ambassador was in mortal danger?


Turkey was / is a critical ally. You want to move supplies to special locations you go through Turkey or you better come up with a helluva air bridge to bring it in. Looking the other was not a big thing.....

Maybe they 'didn't know' it was happening. (Hard not to) Doesn't change the fact that it was happening.
Govt crack in the streets
weapons and training to terrorists
Killing our own people
Corporatists fucking the average American
More fascism all the time
Yeah, America is great.
Move to Russia then, useful idiot.


A leftist squealing "love it or leave it"...I never thought I'd live long enough to see it.
You clearly have me confused with someone else.

Or are you suffering under a delusion as well?
There's that old school hippie moral relativism I was just talking about!

Syrian troops are the bad guys. Thought you ought to know.

I'm a Viet combat Vet...the only thing "hippie" I know about is the VD their chicks carried...I assume that's what happened to the brain you once had.
State Department:
"Look, we reject outright the premise that the Turkish Government is in league with ISIL to smuggle oil across its borders, and we frankly see no evidence – none – to support such an accusation."

So much for the useful idiot's claim the State Department acknowledged his delusion.

Hillary was running the Foundation out of the State Department, she didn't even know (according to her) that her own Ambassador had been attacked twice, was denied additional security over 60 times, and had 14 members of his own security team stripped from him before 9/11/12...and you expect the State Dept reps to bring up to her the fact that ISIS oil was going to Turkish ports when they wouldn't even bring up the fact that their own Ambassador was in mortal danger?

"B-b-b-b-but Hillary!" Need MOAR moral relativism!

Wow! You really stretched yourself pretty hard to bring Hillary AND Benghazi into this. That HAD to hurt both of your brain cells! :lol:

I've got a secret for you, dipshit. Clinton wasn't SecState in December 2015.

Shhh! Don't tell Dale Smith.
Yeah, cuz the U.S. never bombs and kills civilians.

The US does. The bombing of an allied convoy, especially if fratricide, was news. Finding out who was responsible for it was important. Finding out it was Russia only makes it a little intriguing considering how Turkey did shoot down a Russian plane. Was it an accident or retaliation? We may never know. What this does show, though, is the lack of communication or system to coordinate on the fly that should be in-place. This is what happens when yu have multiple forces sharing the same battle space while NOT talking.
I don't think this was a breakdown in communication. The Syrian government doesn't want the rebels being fed or treated. So they got their buddies to bomb the same convoys they agreed to allow into the area. Not their responsibility. No one dares retaliate against Russia, so let them be the bad guys. It's so simple.
B-b-b-b-but Hillary!

Wow! You really stretched yourself pretty hard to bring Hillary into this! :lol:

I've got a secret for you, dipshit. Clinton wasn't SecState in December 2015.

But her policy decisions are still front and center...."lead from behind", support the muslim brotherhood, Iran is just misunderstood, and ISIS is a jv team. Her stink will last for decades.
Smoke, logical fallacies, lies, moral relativism, Blame America First.

Putin's fellow travelers will use every tool in the Useful Idiot Kit to defend his war crimes.
I don't think this was a breakdown in communication. The Syrian government doesn't want the rebels being fed or treated. So they got their buddies to bomb the same convoys they agreed to allow into the area. Not their responsibility. No one dares retaliate against Russia, so let them be the bad guys. It's so simple.
Agreed...just giving the side of IF this was truly an 'accident'. I don't really buy it, either.
Yeah, cuz the U.S. never bombs and kills civilians.

The US does. The bombing of an allied convoy, especially if fratricide, was news. Finding out who was responsible for it was important. Finding out it was Russia only makes it a little intriguing considering how Turkey did shoot down a Russian plane. Was it an accident or retaliation? We may never know. What this does show, though, is the lack of communication or system to coordinate on the fly that should be in-place. This is what happens when yu have multiple forces sharing the same battle space while NOT talking.
I don't think this was a breakdown in communication. The Syrian government doesn't want the rebels being fed or treated. So they got their buddies to bomb the same convoys they agreed to allow into the area. Not their responsibility. No one dares retaliate against Russia, so let them be the bad guys. It's so simple.
It's all propaganda, until there is verifiable proof.
Govt crack in the streets
weapons and training to terrorists
Killing our own people
Corporatists fucking the average American
More fascism all the time
Yeah, America is great.
Move to Russia then, useful idiot.

Why would I do that? Luckily, all the corporatist war monger lovers like you are dying off.
Yet the Clintonbots like G ignore this:

On 6 March 2009 in Geneva, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a red button with the English word "reset" and the Roman alphabet transliteration of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet word "peregruzka". It was intended that this would be the Russian word for "reset". Clinton explained that she wanted to reset relations between Russia and the United States. However, Lavrov, who is fluent in English, explained to Clinton that "перегрузка" actually means "overcharge". The two pressed the button anyway. Clinton explained that the American side meant it; they wanted a new era of better ties.[1][2]
Govt crack in the streets
weapons and training to terrorists
Killing our own people
Corporatists fucking the average American
More fascism all the time
Yeah, America is great.
Move to Russia then, useful idiot.

Why would I do that? Luckily, all the corporatist war monger lovers like you are dying off.
"Corporatist war mongers".

I'm so glad I started this topic so we could see all your tie-dyed colors.
Govt crack in the streets
weapons and training to terrorists
Killing our own people
Corporatists fucking the average American
More fascism all the time
Yeah, America is great.
Move to Russia then, useful idiot.

Why would I do that? Luckily, all the corporatist war monger lovers like you are dying off.
"Corporatist war mongers".

I'm so glad I started this topic so we could see all your tie-dyed colors.
Go arm/train some more terrorists, dumbfuck
Yet the Clintonbots like G ignore this:

On 6 March 2009 in Geneva, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a red button with the English word "reset" and the Roman alphabet transliteration of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet word "peregruzka". It was intended that this would be the Russian word for "reset". Clinton explained that she wanted to reset relations between Russia and the United States. However, Lavrov, who is fluent in English, explained to Clinton that "перегрузка" actually means "overcharge". The two pressed the button anyway. Clinton explained that the American side meant it; they wanted a new era of better ties.[1][2]

Which is like saying "nice bear, good bear" just before it charges you. The Russians only respect superior strength...remember they have little in the way of a aircraft carrier and no foreign bases. Putin can basically defend his borders and intimidate his neighbors....hell, he stopped when he had Georgia in his grasp, didn't even dare invade Ukraine. The taliban threw them out of Afghanistan, and he has no officer corps that's seen combat.

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