Trump's Hero Bombs Humanitarian Workers

Putin's feelings were hurt when Turkey shot down a Russian plane. So Putin got useful idiots to spread a story that Turkey was buying oil from ISIS, and piss drinking rubes like TNHarley gargled and regurgitated it on behalf of Putin.
Dude, the State dept even admitted it. Get your head out of your ass
Another lie.

Daily Press Briefing - December 2, 2015

QUESTION: Russian – yeah. Russian minister of defense showed satellite images accusing Turkey that thousands of oil trucks have been heading towards Turkey; that Turkey buys, process, and transfer this ISIS oil. What’s your comment on that?

MR TONER: Sure. Aware of those reports. I haven’t actually seen the photos. Look, we reject outright the premise that the Turkish Government is in league with ISIL to smuggle oil across its borders, and we frankly see no evidence – none – to support such an accusation. Frankly, we believe Turkey has taken the necessary steps, and Secretary of State Kerry spoke about this earlier today in Brussels, to improve the security of its borders with Syria. Does more need to be done? Certainly.

Just as I said. Turkey shot down a Russian plane, and Putin invented this story about ISIS and the Turkish government.

Our government rejected this story.

So pull YOUR head out of YOUR ass, and stop drinking Putin's piss.
ISIS Bomb Paris, the worst attack on France since WWII.

Barry has been protecting the ISIS Black market Oil Production, which financed half of it's terrorist include the attack on Paris.

Instead of JOINING the French and Russians in attacking the ISIS Black market oil program in retaliation for the attack on Paris ,Obama instead orders the US military to treasonously drop pamphlets warning the terrorists that an attack is imminent.

Knowing our track record in Syria, it was probably us..
Remember, we like to help the enemy..

"Blame America First!"

You rubes constantly remind me of the 60s and 70s liberals.

You mean USA.INC that is owned by international bankers???? That one????
You mean international JEWISH bankers, amiright?

Nope, the Vatican jesuits/ mafia will make someone of Jewish origin to be the front person but all roads lead to Rome. Remember that movie "Casino" where they put a Jew in charge (Robert De'Niro's character) of the Tangiers but it was Italians that were skimming off the top the whole time? That's a pretty decent summation......
Guno5000 also thought it was all trump rhetoric turkey was buying oil from ISIS until I showed him an article from 2014.. That shut his damn mouth.
No, it didn't. You Pravda reading useful idiots were going along with Putin's attempt to undermine our friendship with a longtime, very loyal ally.

You've never shut me up, hippie.

And you never provided any evidence whatsoever the government of Turkey was buying oil from ISIS, liar.
I guess Obama was too when he went there to discuss it? Lol
That's some imagination you have there. A lie you told yourself so many times you have deluded yourself into bleeving it.
See post 41, you deluded idiot.
Yeah, cuz the U.S. never bombs and kills civilians. Man, most Americans really are such low-information sheep. They only obsess over American Government/Corporate Media Bullshite. The fact is, no other country on earth bombs and kills more innocents than the U.S. does. No American has the right to cast stones.
Just like a 60s liberal, the modern day pseudocon bleevs Russia first, and blames America first.

Exactly like them. They even whine about "The Establishment" like the hippies used to!
Turkey was accepting ISIS black market oil and helping sell it. I am sure Turkey got a cut, either in cash, oil, or both.

Barry, who sets the Rules of engagement, declared the ISIS Black Market oil Industry 'off-limits', protecting it. AGAIN, 'WTF'?! As mentioned and proved, it funded 50% of ISIS' terrorist activities, to include the attack on Paris.

And YES, Turkey did shoot down a Russian plane that entered it's airspace. That kind of thing makes nations testy.
Putin's feelings were hurt when Turkey shot down a Russian plane. So Putin got useful idiots to spread a story that Turkey was buying oil from ISIS, and piss drinking rubes like TNHarley gargled and regurgitated it on behalf of Putin.
Dude, the State dept even admitted it. Get your head out of your ass
Another lie.

Daily Press Briefing - December 2, 2015

QUESTION: Russian – yeah. Russian minister of defense showed satellite images accusing Turkey that thousands of oil trucks have been heading towards Turkey; that Turkey buys, process, and transfer this ISIS oil. What’s your comment on that?

MR TONER: Sure. Aware of those reports. I haven’t actually seen the photos. Look, we reject outright the premise that the Turkish Government is in league with ISIL to smuggle oil across its borders, and we frankly see no evidence – none – to support such an accusation. Frankly, we believe Turkey has taken the necessary steps, and Secretary of State Kerry spoke about this earlier today in Brussels, to improve the security of its borders with Syria. Does more need to be done? Certainly.

Just as I said. Turkey shot down a Russian plane, and Putin invented this story about ISIS and the Turkish government.

Our government rejected this story.

So pull YOUR head out of YOUR ass, and stop drinking Putin's piss.
Yes, Turkey IS Buying Oil from ISIS
Yea, turkey was innocent. Why would they know millions of barrels of oil was being smuggled into the country?
An eyewitness in Syria was on the radio this morning. He was there, and said it was a Russian plane which bombed the convoy. He had just said hello to his friend who was a humanitarian worker a few minutes before, and now his friend is dead.

But you pukes just go right ahead and blame America for this war crime. It's what you useful idiots were born to do.
Except there are reports that a US drone was in the areas and could be the guilty party
Putin's feelings were hurt when Turkey shot down a Russian plane. So Putin got useful idiots to spread a story that Turkey was buying oil from ISIS, and piss drinking rubes like TNHarley gargled and regurgitated it on behalf of Putin.
Dude, the State dept even admitted it. Get your head out of your ass
Another lie.

Daily Press Briefing - December 2, 2015

QUESTION: Russian – yeah. Russian minister of defense showed satellite images accusing Turkey that thousands of oil trucks have been heading towards Turkey; that Turkey buys, process, and transfer this ISIS oil. What’s your comment on that?

MR TONER: Sure. Aware of those reports. I haven’t actually seen the photos. Look, we reject outright the premise that the Turkish Government is in league with ISIL to smuggle oil across its borders, and we frankly see no evidence – none – to support such an accusation. Frankly, we believe Turkey has taken the necessary steps, and Secretary of State Kerry spoke about this earlier today in Brussels, to improve the security of its borders with Syria. Does more need to be done? Certainly.

Just as I said. Turkey shot down a Russian plane, and Putin invented this story about ISIS and the Turkish government.

Our government rejected this story.

So pull YOUR head out of YOUR ass, and stop drinking Putin's piss.
Yes, Turkey IS Buying Oil from ISIS
Yea, turkey was innocent. Why would they know millions of barrels of oil was being smuggled into the country?
Just as I said, retard. Did you even read your own link?

Smugglers in Turkey were buying the oil. Not the government of Turkey.

Now go back and read post 38, useful idiot.
An eyewitness in Syria was on the radio this morning. He was there, and said it was a Russian plane which bombed the convoy. He had just said hello to his friend who was a humanitarian worker a few minutes before, and now his friend is dead.

But you pukes just go right ahead and blame America for this war crime. It's what you useful idiots were born to do.
"eyewitness in Syria" LMAO
I I try not to deny history

You are denying the SHIT out of Russia's history, and blaming America first.
Lol I did no such thing
You most certainly did. You have the incredible, twisted idea in your head the US is more likely to have committed this war crime because you think the US has a history of committing more war crimes than Russia.

Only someone who is seriously ignorant and stupid would hold that belief. Like, say, a 60s liberal.

"Blame America First!"

Operation Gladio....look it up. USA.INC always has been the biggest terrorist threat on the planet. Any other country is a mere piker compared to USA.INC and they even do it to their own serfs. How many terrorist acts has USA.INC committed against us? Like purposely exposing us to toxins like radiation, STDs, illicit drugs like lab grade LSD, MK-Ultar, the whooping cough, etc, etc....right now they are bombing the shit out of us with chem-trails that contain strontium, barium and nano-particulates of aluminum that lands in our food and water while we breath it in. We have orchestrated black/psy-ops like the OK bombing and 9/11/01. False flag "made for TV" events like Sandy Hoax, Aurora, Charleston, Orlando, San Bernardino, etc, etc..... Spare me the indignant outrage because I know more than you....infinitely more. USA.INC has been used as the hammer while every weaker country that had resources these multi-national corporations coveted were "the nail". Wake up and join this thing we call reality.
QUESTION: Russian – yeah. Russian minister of defense showed satellite images accusing Turkey that thousands of oil trucks have been heading towards Turkey; that Turkey buys, process, and transfer this ISIS oil. What’s your comment on that?

MR TONER: Sure. Aware of those reports. I haven’t actually seen the photos. Look, we reject outright the premise that the Turkish Government is in league with ISIL to smuggle oil across its borders, and we frankly see no evidence – none – to support such an accusation. Frankly, we believe Turkey has taken the necessary steps, and Secretary of State Kerry spoke about this earlier today in Brussels, to improve the security of its borders with Syria. Does more need to be done? Certainly.


MR TONER: But let me finish. But in cooperation with international partners, these efforts will continue in the coming months and weeks. Talking more broadly about oil smuggling, it is a challenge what ISIL is doing. It certainly remains – or is necessary, I think, to shut this down. It’s a decades-old practice, frankly, that predates ISIL, of illicit trade in this region, and frankly, it’s a challenge that’s stymied ISIL’s own ability to generate revenue.

What we have seen, in fact, is that ISIL relinquishes ownership and sells its oil at the wellhead in Syria and Iraq, and that oil is sold to smugglers, middlemen, truckers. We talked a little while – a couple weeks ago about one of our airstrikes against one of these convoys of trucks. And ISIL gains revenue by extorting tolls, oil transportation within its own territory. And frankly, what we’ve talked about before as well is the fact that we believe that Assad himself is also one of the purchasers of ISIL’s oil.

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