Trump’s Hostile Takeover of ‘Very Liberal’ Ninth Circuit Is Almost Accomplished

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
When Trump took office, the Ninth Circuit had 19 Democratic appointees, only 6 Republican appointees, and four vacancies. In the last ten days, the U.S. Senate confirmed two Trump nominees, Kenneth Lee and Daniel Collins, with a third, Daniel Bress, awaiting a hearing Wednesday morning. If he is confirmed as expected by the Judiciary committee, Trump will have appointed seven judges to the Ninth Circuit, bringing the circuit close to a tipping point if, as Trump has often said, each judge rules in line with the views of the party that nominated them. There is one remaining vacancy, with eight of the Democratic-appointed judges eligible for senior status, which they are unlikely to take given the political stakes and as the odds of a panel of judges now skewing Republican keep going up.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...Eleanor Clift

“Hostile takeover”? He is doing what the constitution says, along with the senate. Anyway, I thought Eleanor Clift
was dead. Evidently all that has passed is her mind.
There should not be an adherent to regressive politics allowed to hold a Bar Certification. There should be not one single liberal judge, or lawyer in the US. Marxist philosophy is by it's very founding anti-constitutional.

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