Trump's immorality and his support by Christians

Even in Texas one can get a perfectly legal abortion if one is quick enough to kill the little precious
This is where their morality goes out the window. If they believe life starts at conception, they're willing to kill babies as long as you do it fast. (first few weeks),
This is where their morality goes out the window. If they believe life starts at conception, they're willing to kill babies as long as you do it fast. (first few weeks),
Yup. They are letting all those innocent babies getting killed. Killers
Not just anti-abortion, but anti-democratic government, anti-civil rights, anti-voting rights, anti-gun control, anti-LGBTQ, anti-right to privacy.
With a goal of allowing discrimination based on religious or 1st amendment views.

Pure delusion.
Explain why these justices who told the senate they believed in stare decicis and legal precedent suddenly threw out the definition of standing, and issued a hypothetical decision in the 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis
Because conholes pack the courts with activists

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