Trump's immorality and his support by Christians

Beginning with the creation of The Moral Majority in 1979 Christian conservatives have tried to restore the moral ethos of the 1950's. However, they have tried to use government force to do that. That is why they have failed.

If Christian conservatives are to popularize their value system they will need to do it by the examples of their lives. They do not enhance their image by supporting a dishonest, foul mouthed adulterous pagan like Donald Trump.
They do not enhance their image by supporting a dishonest, foul mouthed adulterous pagan like Donald Trump.

I may have already voiced my sentiment in this long thread (I didn't go back to check).....but if there is a prevailing sentiment I will take from this 'Trump Era' is the compromised, the hypocrisy, of the Christian Right.

I was born and raised in a very observant Christian household and family (both sides of my grandparents were the same as my parents --- Devouts).

But the Christian Right's embrace --be they Evangelicals or Catholics or whatever ---of a serial adulterer (against 3 wives), a court declared sexual assaulter, and 'businessman' with a widespread reputation for cheating vendors and suppliers, his corporation's criminal fraud in their accounting, not to mention the multiple bankruptcies, forces me to view those so-called 'Christians' with the most intense skepticism.

It all crystallized for me, when Tony Perkins, the president of the influential evangelical organization, 'The Family Research Council'.....when Perkins publicly responded to the Stormy Daniels adultery issue by stating that "We gave Don Trump a mulligan" on that adultery.

A "mulligan". A friggin' mulligan?

A mulligan without any expression of acknowledgement, of remorse, of vow to change and be better, no atonement. That ain't the flavor or the reality of Christian forgiveness I was raised in. If you sin. And we all do to one degree or another. And if you wish for forgiveness.....then you admit your wrongdoing, you state your regret, you vow to improve, you atone...and you ask for forgiveness. The Trump Christian Evangelicals neither expected or required any of that. They became a door-mat ...a welcoming portal....for Trump's brand of immorality.

That is not what Jesus would do. No forgiveness from Jesus for the defiant unrepentants. No porn-star hotsheet motels for Jesus.

So a pox on their house. They have made 'Christianity' look bad. They have compromised it. In fact, they have made it be an enabler of immorality.
Other than that, I'm pretty neutral on those fake and phony "Christians".

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I may have already voiced my sentiment in this long thread (I didn't go back to check).....but if there is a prevailing sentiment I will take from this 'Trump Era' is the compromised, the hypocrisy, of the Christian Right.

I was born and raised in a very observant Christian household and family (both sides of my grandparents were the same as my parents --- Devouts).

But the Christian Right's embrace --be they Evangelicals or Catholics or whatever ---of a serial adulterer (against 3 wives), a court declared sexual assaulter, and 'businessman' with a widespread reputation for cheating vendors and suppliers, his corporation's criminal fraud in their accounting, not to mention the multiple bankruptcies, forces me to view those so-called 'Christians' with the most intense skepticism.

It all crystallized for me, when Tony Perkins, the president of the influential evangelical organization, 'The Family Research Council'.....when Perkins publicly responded to the Stormy Daniels adultery issue by stating that "We gave Don Trump a mulligan" on that adultery.

A "mulligan". A friggin' mulligan?

A mulligan without any expression of acknowledgement, of remorse, of vow to change and be better, no atonement. That ain't the flavor or the reality of Christian forgiveness I was raised in. If you sin. And we all do to one degree or another. And if you wish for forgiveness.....then you admit your wrongdoing, you state your regret, you vow to improve, you atone...and you ask for forgiveness. The Trump Christian Evangelicals neither expected or required any of that. They became a door-mat ...a welcoming portal....for Trump's brand of immorality.

That is not what Jesus would do. No forgiveness from Jesus for the defiant unrepentants. No porn-star hotsheet motels for Jesus.

So a pox on their house. They have made 'Christianity' look bad. They have compromised it. In fact, they have made it be an enabler of immorality.
Other than that, I'm pretty neutral on those fake and phony "Christians".

You know, God admired David, and David did some bad things. He was a good leader for his country, though.
Beginning with the creation of The Moral Majority in 1979 Christian conservatives have tried to restore the moral ethos of the 1950's. However, they have tried to use government force to do that. That is why they have failed.

If Christian conservatives are to popularize their value system they will need to do it by the examples of their lives. They do not enhance their image by supporting a dishonest, foul mouthed adulterous pagan like Donald Trump.
Dissecting your last paragraph:
1. True, Christian conservatives should lead by example, as well as opposing deviant and immoral behaviors. Such as opposing:
...partial birth abortions, and late term abortions.
...the promoting of deviant behaviors in elementary and high schools, drag shows, gay books, etc.
...the schools opposing parental rights regarding sexuality and "woke" materials
...pedophiles, the drug culture, etc.



2. Trump is the alternative to #1 above. Your description of Trump is not factual, it actually describes democrats. Choose wisely.
Trump lies.
He tells Christians what they want to hear......
If you vote for Trump
you ain't black.

Biden used to lie but now they've got them so strung out on something so he can't remember anything he can't put two sentences together.

How much worse will it get with the cackler in chief at the helm ?

True Christians are praying FS.
Dissecting your last paragraph:
1. True, Christian conservatives should lead by example, as well as opposing deviant and immoral behaviors. Such as opposing:
...partial birth abortions, and late term abortions.
...the promoting of deviant behaviors in elementary and high schools, drag shows, gay books, etc.
...the schools opposing parental rights regarding sexuality and "woke" materials
...pedophiles, the drug culture, etc.

View attachment 827053
View attachment 827052

2. Trump is the alternative to #1 above. Your description of Trump is not factual, it actually describes democrats. Choose wisely.
No one forces Christian conservatives to engage in these activities.
If you vote for Trump
you ain't black.

Biden used to lie but now they've got them so strung out on something so he can't remember anything he can't put two sentences together.

How much worse will it get with the cackler in chief at the helm ?

True Christians are praying FS.
Trump claims he won the 2020 election

No bigger lie from any President in History
Beginning with the creation of The Moral Majority in 1979 Christian conservatives have tried to restore the moral ethos of the 1950's. However, they have tried to use government force to do that. That is why they have failed.

If Christian conservatives are to popularize their value system they will need to do it by the examples of their lives. They do not enhance their image by supporting a dishonest, foul mouthed adulterous pagan like Donald Trump.
Alexis de Tocqueville explained why we separated church and state. He provided the example of what happened in Europe, and now we see it happening here today.

The unbelievers of Europe attack the Christians as their political opponents rather than as their religious adversaries; they hate the Christian religion as the opinion of a party much more than as an error of belief; and they reject the clergy less because they are the representatives of the Deity than because they are the allies of government.

In Europe, Christianity has been intimately united to the powers of the earth. Those powers are now in decay, and it is, as it were, buried under their ruins. The living body of religion has been bound down to the dead corpse of superannuated polity; cut but the bonds that restrain it, and it will rise once more. I do not know what could restore the Christian church of Europe to the energy of its earlier days; that power belongs to God alone; but it may be for human policy to leave to faith the full exercise of the strength which it still retains.

Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 17
No one has yet to prove it or follow anything. Because there is nothing to follow.
It's a hoax to distract from Trump's very real crimes.
So you say. Wilful ignorance is not a legal defense. Watch the Impeachment Trial and see the evidence.
Trump doesn't read anything. He's severely dyslexic.
According to this report Trump doesn’t read books but does read newspapers.


President Trump’s media diet is heavy on New York newspapers and morning political TV shows and light on books and mobile news, Axios reported reported Tuesday.

At Trump Tower, the president received copies of The New York Times and New York Post to read in the mornings. A friend reportedly said the Post is the “paper of record for him.”

Trump also “skims The Wall Street Journal.” He doesn’t get The Washington Post, although a friend predicted that would change soon.

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