Trumps "immunity" defence is punctured by the first question

A 5 second blurp in a 3600 second fire driven inciting speech, obviously meant nothing, to the people there...

Obviously meant nothing to Trump who did not care that his “peaceful protest” had turned violent
Even when one of his followers was shot, Trump did not care
Even when his own Vice President was under attack, Trump did not care
I recommend you not rely on McConnell as your reference for how Trump is defending his cases, then.

Trump relied on McConnells interpretation that you can’t impeach after someone left office……It got him off

Now, his lawyers are claiming impeachment is the solution any time after a President has left office
Trump relied on McConnells interpretation that you can’t impeach after someone left office……It got him off

Now, his lawyers are claiming impeachment is the solution any time after a President has left office
Yes, yes. You Democrats are so proud of yourselves for tumbling to the fact that lawyers and advocates make multiple arguments in defending against multiple attacks.
Judge Florence Pan started off her questioning of Trump lawyer John Sauer by offering a novel scenario.

“Could a president who ordered SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival and was not impeached, could he be subjected to criminal prosecution?” Pan asked.

After some back and forth, Sauer said, “Qualified yes, if he’s impeached and convicted first.

This is not how democracies run. It is how imperial dictators run things. The US fought against this but perhaps the founders had not considered a trump when forming the constitution.
The answer is... YES.

...but thats why we have the 14th Amendment, just in case any president goes too far. You impeach him and then he is no longer immune from prosecution.

If presidents DONT have immunity, then we will bring Obama up on murder charges for executing a US citizen without a trial or jury. Obama murdered a 16 year old US citizen. I personally want him to have immunity for it, but democrats seem to think he should be fair game for the GOP to go after. :dunno:
The answer is... YES.

...but thats why we have the 14th Amendment, just in case any president goes too far. You impeach him and then he is no longer immune from prosecution.

If presidents DONT have immunity, then we will bring Obama up on murder charges for executing a US citizen without a trial or jury. Obama murdered a 16 year old US citizen. I personally want him to have immunity for it, but democrats seem to think he should be fair game. :dunno:

If you can convince a Grand Jury that Obama or Bush committed criminal acts rather than acting in their role as President, you are welcome to do so. They are not above the law…..neither is Trump
The answer is... YES.

...but thats why we have the 14th Amendment, just in case any president goes too far. You impeach him and then he is no longer immune from prosecution.

If presidents DONT have immunity, then we will bring Obama up on murder charges for executing a US citizen without a trial or jury. Obama murdered a 16 year old US citizen. I personally want him to have immunity for it, but democrats seem to think he should be fair game for the GOP to go after. :dunno:
And ?
If you can convince a Grand Jury that Obama or Bush committed criminal acts rather than acting in their role as President, you are welcome to do so. They are not above the law…..neither is Trump
That IS what will happen if Trump isnt immune. I mean, why WOULDNT we send him to prison for murder?
That IS what will happen if Trump isnt immune. I mean, why WOULDNT we send him to prison for murder?

Again, if you can prove a criminal act against Obama, you are welcome to try. I don’t claim Obama is above the law

Meanwhile, it is Trump facing 91 felony charges
Whats to prove? Its not like he is denying it. :dunno:

If you think Obama performed a criminal act, you are welcome to prove it in court.
Prosecutors are providing proof of Trumps criminal acts.

Was banging a Porn Star and paying her off part of Trumps Presidential Duties?
Was illegally taking Top Secret Documents and sharing them with uncleared people part of his Presidential Duties?
Was interfering with a legal election part of his Presidential Duties?
Because dimocrap scum are stupid, I will explain it to you...... Assassinating a Political Rival is outside the scope of "Official Duties". So is walking up to a stranger and shooting him in the head.

So, no. There is no immunity.

It was a stupid question from a stupid dimocrap scumbag anyway. Figures other stupid dimocrap scum would seize on it.

When Presidents assassinate people, and yes, Virginia, they do. They almost always consult with Congress first. Unless it's during a time of conflict in which Congress has given POTUS an AUMF (authorization to use military force).

Such a stupid question from a stupid Judge that I knew stupid people would seize on.

We live in an Idiocracy. Scary that so many people are so stupid...... And we give them the right to vote. frightening

its Trump's lawyers clamoring for trump's immunity.

its Trump's lawyers clamoring for trump's immunity.
Don't know for sure which one it will be, but a Republican WILL be POTUS in one year and 10 days.

Then watch all the crying, pulling of hair and gnashing of teeth when we come after you and your sacred cows.

I just hope that whoever it is has the balls to follow through. Eradicate dimocrap scum wherever they are found, by whatever means are necessary.

Then we wont be hearing cries for 'Immunity' we will hear pleas for mercy. And they should fall on deaf ears.

After what dimocrap FILTH have done to our Country, they deserve the worst of any possible futures.

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