Trumps "immunity" defence is punctured by the first question

The judges appeared skeptical of this line of reasoning.

“You’re saying a president could sell pardons, could sell military secrets, could order SEAL Team 6 to assassinate a political rival” with impunity, said Judge Florence Pan, who was appointed by President Joe Biden.

“I think it’s paradoxical to say that [Trump’s] constitutional duty to ‘take care that the laws be faithfully executed’ allows him to violate criminal law,” said Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson, quoting from the Constitution. LeCraft Henderson was appointed by Republican President George H.W. Bush.

The outcome of the arguments will have major implications, not only for Trump’s legal battles — and his 2024 presidential bid — but the power of the presidency itself.

Isn't she the one that backed John Kerry for President. If so, that is stupidity writ large for any thinking person
Are we saying that it is ok if Joe Biden assassinates Trump with seal team six as long as enough democrats in the congress dont impeach him?
I recommend you not rely on McConnell as your reference for how Trump is defending his cases, then.
The president is not immune from prosecution for crimes he commits while in office. McConnell just stated the obvious. It's a phony argument whose only purpose it to try and delay Benedicts upcoming trial for his attempted coup.
The president is not immune from prosecution for crimes he commits while in office. McConnell just stated the obvious. It's a phony argument whose only purpose it to try and delay Benedicts upcoming trial for his attempted coup.
What 'crimes' can a President be prosecuted for, scumbag?

Jay-Walking? Bombing a hospital during wartime? Not paying his taxes?

What? You're so fucking smart, douche, tell us what a President can and can't be prosecuted for?

fucking idiots. All dimocrap scum are not just stupid, you are FUCKING STOOPID
Don't know for sure which one it will be, but a Republican WILL be POTUS in one year and 10 days.

Then watch all the crying, pulling of hair and gnashing of teeth when we come after you and your sacred cows.

I just hope that whoever it is has the balls to follow through. Eradicate dimocrap scum wherever they are found, by whatever means are necessary.

Then we wont be hearing cries for 'Immunity' we will hear pleas for mercy. And they should fall on deaf ears.

After what dimocrap FILTH have done to our Country, they deserve the worst of any possible futures.

Thank you for showing us the real meaning of Fascism and Totaliritian government. Your buddy Mussolini and Putin would be proud.
What 'crimes' can a President be prosecuted for, scumbag?
Any crime (regardless of the severity) that each and every one of us common citizens can be prosecuted. No one is above the law.

Jay-Walking? Bombing a hospital during wartime? Not paying his taxes?

What? You're so fucking smart, douche, tell us what a President can and can't be prosecuted for?

fucking idiots. All dimocrap scum are not just stupid, you are FUCKING STOOPID

The last round of defense is about the dumbest defense I have seen EVER. Even fiction could not be as dumb.
The president is not immune from prosecution for crimes he commits while in office. McConnell just stated the obvious. It's a phony argument whose only purpose it to try and delay Benedicts upcoming trial for his attempted coup.
Obama murdered an American citizen with a drone strike. Let's prosecute him. Right?
Which has never been a crime for any other American. How are you the legal scholar that can analyse Trump's lawyers' legal strategy?

Lawyers try everything. It's how they get maximum fees, and avoid being sued for leaving something out.

Let me guess: You think Trump commits a crime if his lawyers don't put on a minimalist defense?
I’m saying that if they had an actual defense they wouldn’t be throwing out ludicrous hail mary garbage.
Trump knows the score. He knows they’ve got him dead to rights.
The president is not immune from prosecution for crimes he commits while in office. McConnell just stated the obvious. It's a phony argument whose only purpose it to try and delay Benedicts upcoming trial for his attempted coup.
So why bring up McConell?

It seems you’re just looking for a way to make a false argument true.

I’ve said before that the immunity argument is weak. Maybe you think it’s a crime for Trump’s lawyers to make it?

Trump did not commit a crime by making a speech and telling the listeners to be peaceful. Nor did he commit a series of crimes by filing legal cases in court to contest the election.

Nor did any subsequent action by anyone else, besides Trump, somehow render his previous legal actions into crimes. That’s what is so obvious and that you are desperately trying to avoid.
Obama murdered an American citizen with a drone strike. Let's prosecute him. Right?
You mean a citizen who had taken up arms against America by joining Bin Laden and the Al Qaeda terrorists who killed nearly 3,000 on 9-11? Who was actively plotting terrorist attacks intended to kill US citizens here at home? Yeah, you do that.
So why bring up McConell?

It seems you’re just looking for a way to make a false argument true.
McConnell's speech was not a false argument. It was a spot on summation of Benedict Donald crimes the Senator left unpunished. Probably felt guilty as hell, well if he had a soul that is......
You mean a citizen who had taken up arms against America by joining Bin Laden and the Al Qaeda terrorists who killed nearly 3,000 on 9-11? Who was actively plotting terrorist attacks intended to kill US citizens here at home? Yeah, you do that.
How about murdering doctors?

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