Trump’s “Independence Day” Tweet

Is it no longer Trump’s responsibility to try and bring this country together
Oh please bitch.
It has been very clear from the start of his presidency that your portion of the population will never accept him as POTUS even if he gave you your full wish list of legislation.
Here is a hint.
Don't like his trolling on Twitter? Simply don't read it.
Don't like him as POTUS?
Maybe concentrate on a viable candidate other than the current career hack coughed up by the DNC machine. Maybe even concentrate on positive messaging that actually resonates with Americans rather than demonizing voters who were simply fed up with the status quo of both parties which led directly to Trumps victory. He doesn’t have to even try? Cool.
What do you all think of the tweet that the president sent out yesterday which shows his head superimposed over a fictional president’s head and giving an inspirational speech in a time of crisis?

Here it is.

Does it inspire you to join your fellow Americans and defeat our common enemy? Does it give you pause? Do you love it because it will surely “own da libs”?

Trump again did exactly what he wanted. Triggered you poor snowflakes. Now, being the know and see all you think you are, post any fucking thing a libtardo has done to try and bring this country together. Your clown eared buffoon railed at Trump last night in his Soros infomercial.

You created this backlash. You spent years with your Russia hoax. You tried to impeach Trump with feigned outrage. How'd that work out?

From now on out you got the war you wanted. Don't cry like a pajama boy when you get hit in the face with a shit pie.

The only person creating the Russian situation was Trump. The only person trying to use foreign aid as leverage to dig up dirt on your political opponent was Trump. BTW, Ukraine was what he was impeached over, not Russia. None of it was a hoax. All of it was Trump's making. But you go ahead and get your wood on over a liar and narcissist hack putting his face into a movie scene. Just reinforces the fact that your hero is a media packaged fraud.

Go repeat that line of horseshit in a mirror. Make that a two way mirror so we can all stand on the other side and laugh our asses off.

Don't bring me into your fantasies. You right wingers seem to be closeted enough with your constant denial that your hero and savior is some sort of stable genius.
It's why you get positively damp when the blusterer-in-chief puts out his propaganda like this.
Is it no longer Trump’s responsibility to try and bring this country together
Oh please bitch.
It has been very clear from the start of his presidency that your portion of the population will never accept him as POTUS even if he gave you your full wish list of legislation.
Here is a hint.
Don't like his trolling on Twitter? Simply don't read it.
Don't like him as POTUS?
Maybe concentrate on a viable candidate other than the current career hack coughed up by the DNC machine. Maybe even concentrate on positive messaging that actually resonates with Americans rather than demonizing voters who were simply fed up with the status quo of both parties which led directly to Trumps victory. He doesn’t have to even try? Cool.
Again. None of the leaders of the DFL are trying.
Demonize and divide, doom and gloom is the mantra.
There is no coming together with constant negativity.
Is it no longer Trump’s responsibility to try and bring this country together
Oh please bitch.
It has been very clear from the start of his presidency that your portion of the population will never accept him as POTUS even if he gave you your full wish list of legislation.
Here is a hint.
Don't like his trolling on Twitter? Simply don't read it.
Don't like him as POTUS?
Maybe concentrate on a viable candidate other than the current career hack coughed up by the DNC machine. Maybe even concentrate on positive messaging that actually resonates with Americans rather than demonizing voters who were simply fed up with the status quo of both parties which led directly to Trumps victory. He doesn’t have to even try? Cool.
Again. None of the leaders of the DFL are trying.
Demonize and divide, doom and gloom is the mantra.
There is no coming together with constant negativity.

I got you. You think he no longer has to try to bring Americans together. Cool.
Is it no longer Trump’s responsibility to try and bring this country together
Oh please bitch.
It has been very clear from the start of his presidency that your portion of the population will never accept him as POTUS even if he gave you your full wish list of legislation.
Here is a hint.
Don't like his trolling on Twitter? Simply don't read it.
Don't like him as POTUS?
Maybe concentrate on a viable candidate other than the current career hack coughed up by the DNC machine. Maybe even concentrate on positive messaging that actually resonates with Americans rather than demonizing voters who were simply fed up with the status quo of both parties which led directly to Trumps victory. He doesn’t have to even try? Cool.
Again. None of the leaders of the DFL are trying.
Demonize and divide, doom and gloom is the mantra.
There is no coming together with constant negativity.
Much negativity will be reduced if Trump would stop telling so many lies. No one can seriously expect non-brainwashed people to accept his lies and constant promotion of falsehoods.
What do you all think of the tweet that the president sent out yesterday which shows his head superimposed over a fictional president’s head and giving an inspirational speech in a time of crisis?

Here it is.

Does it inspire you to join your fellow Americans and defeat our common enemy? Does it give you pause? Do you love it because it will surely “own da libs”?
Something you’d expect from your lunatic brother in law. Not POTUS.
Is it no longer Trump’s responsibility to try and bring this country together
Oh please bitch.
It has been very clear from the start of his presidency that your portion of the population will never accept him as POTUS even if he gave you your full wish list of legislation.
Here is a hint.
Don't like his trolling on Twitter? Simply don't read it.
Don't like him as POTUS?
Maybe concentrate on a viable candidate other than the current career hack coughed up by the DNC machine. Maybe even concentrate on positive messaging that actually resonates with Americans rather than demonizing voters who were simply fed up with the status quo of both parties which led directly to Trumps victory. He doesn’t have to even try? Cool.
Again. None of the leaders of the DFL are trying.
Demonize and divide, doom and gloom is the mantra.
There is no coming together with constant negativity.
Much negativity will be reduced if Trump would stop telling so many lies. No one can seriously expect non-brainwashed people to accept his lies and constant promotion of falsehoods.
Why won't you just admit that regardless of what Trump does, you will still attack him. You started attacking him when he announced for the Presidency and you will attack him regardless of whatever falsehood you want to promote is stopped. You clowns do it to every Republican.

That is why I hate the GOP. They continue to try and do as you say. Stop being offensive to YOU GUYS and if they do, everyone will love them.

They are fucking idiots for believing anything from the left.

You claim Trump lies, but the left has been lying every single hour of every single day since the Carter Administration.
No one can seriously expect non-brainwashed people
This shit right here, is exactly what I am talking about.
No. There is no coming together with this mentality.
Why should I or anyone else trust and believe a man who is a proven beyond doubt pathological serial liar? Why do you believe you have a right to demanding I believe or ignore his lies? Keep in mind, bearing false witness is a religious Commandment. What gives you the authority for overruling people's religious convictions?
What do you all think of the tweet that the president sent out yesterday which shows his head superimposed over a fictional president’s head and giving an inspirational speech in a time of crisis?

Here it is.

Does it inspire you to join your fellow Americans and defeat our common enemy? Does it give you pause? Do you love it because it will surely “own da libs”?

Trump again did exactly what he wanted. Triggered you poor snowflakes. Now, being the know and see all you think you are, post any fucking thing a libtardo has done to try and bring this country together. Your clown eared buffoon railed at Trump last night in his Soros infomercial.

You created this backlash. You spent years with your Russia hoax. You tried to impeach Trump with feigned outrage. How'd that work out?

From now on out you got the war you wanted. Don't cry like a pajama boy when you get hit in the face with a shit pie.

Is it no longer Trump’s responsibility to try and bring this country together?

Trump could cure Kung Flu, cancer, land on Mars, bring back 5 million jobs, control inflation, and balance the budget and you'd still rail he's a Putin puppet. You screwed the pooch, now suffer the consequences PETA dishes out.

But he hasn't done any of those things, and he's still a Putin Puppet.
What do you all think of the tweet that the president sent out yesterday which shows his head superimposed over a fictional president’s head and giving an inspirational speech in a time of crisis?

Here it is.

Does it inspire you to join your fellow Americans and defeat our common enemy? Does it give you pause? Do you love it because it will surely “own da libs”?

Trump again did exactly what he wanted. Triggered you poor snowflakes. Now, being the know and see all you think you are, post any fucking thing a libtardo has done to try and bring this country together. Your clown eared buffoon railed at Trump last night in his Soros infomercial.

You created this backlash. You spent years with your Russia hoax. You tried to impeach Trump with feigned outrage. How'd that work out?

From now on out you got the war you wanted. Don't cry like a pajama boy when you get hit in the face with a shit pie.

Is it no longer Trump’s responsibility to try and bring this country together?

Trump could cure Kung Flu, cancer, land on Mars, bring back 5 million jobs, control inflation, and balance the budget and you'd still rail he's a Putin puppet. You screwed the pooch, now suffer the consequences PETA dishes out.

But he hasn't done any of those things, and he's still a Putin Puppet.

It's all going to be OK, cupcake. Your TDS will start to fade in about 5 more years.
What do you all think of the tweet that the president sent out yesterday which shows his head superimposed over a fictional president’s head and giving an inspirational speech in a time of crisis?

Here it is.

Does it inspire you to join your fellow Americans and defeat our common enemy? Does it give you pause? Do you love it because it will surely “own da libs”?

Trump again did exactly what he wanted. Triggered you poor snowflakes. Now, being the know and see all you think you are, post any fucking thing a libtardo has done to try and bring this country together. Your clown eared buffoon railed at Trump last night in his Soros infomercial.

You created this backlash. You spent years with your Russia hoax. You tried to impeach Trump with feigned outrage. How'd that work out?

From now on out you got the war you wanted. Don't cry like a pajama boy when you get hit in the face with a shit pie.

Is it no longer Trump’s responsibility to try and bring this country together?

Trump could cure Kung Flu, cancer, land on Mars, bring back 5 million jobs, control inflation, and balance the budget and you'd still rail he's a Putin puppet. You screwed the pooch, now suffer the consequences PETA dishes out.

But he hasn't done any of those things, and he's still a Putin Puppet.
Never has and never will.
Why should I or anyone else trust and believe a man who is a proven beyond doubt pathological serial liar? Why do you believe you have a right to demanding I believe or ignore his lies?
Your obsession with "this man" has blinded you to the lies told by your own party.
Why should I believe a shill?
Why should I or anyone else trust and believe a man who is a proven beyond doubt pathological serial liar? Why do you believe you have a right to demanding I believe or ignore his lies?
Your obsession with "this man" has blinded you to the lies told by your own party.
Why should I believe a shill?
You are deflecting. Why should I trust or believe Donald Trump when I know beyond any doubt he is a proven pathological serial liar? You are accusing me of believing people of my own party when I do not and never have belonged to any party and implying I would be foolish to believe liars. So, why are you not foolish for believing your chosen liar? What makes me a shill and you not?
Why should I or anyone else trust and believe a man who is a proven beyond doubt pathological serial liar? Why do you believe you have a right to demanding I believe or ignore his lies?
Your obsession with "this man" has blinded you to the lies told by your own party.
Why should I believe a shill?
You are deflecting. Why should I trust or believe Donald Trump when I know beyond any doubt he is a proven pathological serial liar? You are accusing me of believing people of my own party when I do not and never have belonged to any party and implying I would be foolish to believe liars. So, why are you not foolish for believing your chosen liar? What makes me a shill and you not?
Just more negativity and accusations.
Sorry, based upon your typical responses filled with bile, I simply don't take you seriously.
There is no deflection as all political figures have been lying for years. If you only focus on one man, while ignoring the rest, that makes you a shill.

Again, the focus on Trump and supporters and not on the glass house of the DFL will lead to another term for Trump. That is reality, which many of you have failed to grasp.

I don't blindly support every Trump measure, but because of the hypocrisy of Both parties, my support for him is a rejection of the status quo.

Face it, the choice of slimy Biden is the DFL doubling down on stupid, and continuation of the status quo. There is a bigger picture, and focusing on what he says off the cuff on Twitter isn't my concern. Never have even been on the stupid site.
As already correctly noted: this is yet another example of Trump trying to divide the American people, trying to vilify those engaged in perfectly appropriate, warranted, and justified opposition to Trump.
Is it no longer Trump’s responsibility to try and bring this country together
Oh please bitch.
It has been very clear from the start of his presidency that your portion of the population will never accept him as POTUS even if he gave you your full wish list of legislation.
Here is a hint.
Don't like his trolling on Twitter? Simply don't read it.
Don't like him as POTUS?
Maybe concentrate on a viable candidate other than the current career hack coughed up by the DNC machine. Maybe even concentrate on positive messaging that actually resonates with Americans rather than demonizing voters who were simply fed up with the status quo of both parties which led directly to Trumps victory. He doesn’t have to even try? Cool.
Again. None of the leaders of the DFL are trying.
Demonize and divide, doom and gloom is the mantra.
There is no coming together with constant negativity.

I got you. You think he no longer has to try to bring Americans together. Cool.
He has tried, but you refuse to stop hating.

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