Trump’s ”indignation & “demands” of the DOJ/FBI are only meant for his base

Is this why fast and furious contempt of Congress Eric holder is the one throwing the inky fit?

Bringing up the Obama administration by the 5th post???........Are you Trump ass lickers getting a bit lazy?........Yours should have been the SECOND posts to divert........You should be reported to Hannity for your laziness.
As usual, the bullshit “anger’ by Trump and his lackeys in congress about WHY the FBI had an informant in his campaign, is just meant as a lame attempt to forewarn his “loyal base” of cult members, that what is about to be revealed by the Mueller investigation should not be trusted.

The reality IS that Trump and his corrupt cohort (5 of whom have already pled guilty and a bunch of others, indicted) WERE warned that Russians would try to infiltrate both campaigns.

Yet, NO mention is made by the nitwit-in-chief that he was warned of such an infiltration and that, conveniently, he chose to do nothing…….Now, the orange buffoon acts like he is a “victim” of his own negligence (or convenient collusion.)

See below how Trump was warned:

FBI warned Trump in 2016 Russians would try to infiltrate his campaign

The FBI warned Trump that Russia would try to infiltrate his campaign ...

Trump received FBI warning that Russians would try to infiltrate ...

FBI warned Trump that Russia would try to infiltrate campaign

FBI warned Trump that Russia would try to spy on his campaign

Our rock-ribbed reactionary Republican mutual friend Jake would have already executed many of the sedition traitors in the last Administration
As usual, the bullshit “anger’ by Trump and his lackeys in congress about WHY the FBI had an informant in his campaign, is just meant as a lame attempt to forewarn his “loyal base” of cult members, that what is about to be revealed by the Mueller investigation should not be trusted.

The reality IS that Trump and his corrupt cohort (5 of whom have already pled guilty and a bunch of others, indicted) WERE warned that Russians would try to infiltrate both campaigns.

Yet, NO mention is made by the nitwit-in-chief that he was warned of such an infiltration and that, conveniently, he chose to do nothing…….Now, the orange buffoon acts like he is a “victim” of his own negligence (or convenient collusion.)

See below how Trump was warned:

FBI warned Trump in 2016 Russians would try to infiltrate his campaign

The FBI warned Trump that Russia would try to infiltrate his campaign ...

Trump received FBI warning that Russians would try to infiltrate ...

FBI warned Trump that Russia would try to infiltrate campaign

FBI warned Trump that Russia would try to spy on his campaign

The question that MUST be asked of Trump is a simple one (but the idiot is scared to have news conferences or be interviewed by Mueller):

If you were warned of possible Russian infiltration of your campaign, WHY are you indignant that the fulfilling its role, investigated WHO within your campaign may have been collaborating with Russians?
Agree with Charles P Pierce and hope like hell that he's correct - Rod is playing Donald like a nickel violin :)

Every day that Robert Mueller and his tunnel rats continue to labor under the foul mire that is this administration* is a day when the White House loses. Every day in which Mueller goes home at night still in the same job is a day when the president* is one day closer to possibly losing his.

So it’s easy to read too much into the meeting late Monday afternoon when deputy AG Rod Rosenstein and FBI director Chris Wray dropped by the White House to talk to the president* in response to the latest administration* fever dream about how the previous administration had gone all Gordon Liddy on the Trump campaign—and just because that campaign was lousy with crooks, mountebanks, and influence-pedding in a dozen different languages.

So, Rosenstein and Wray dropped by and, when the meeting was over, the three principals issued a very curious statement. It stated that the DOJ’s inspector-general will expand his ongoing investigation to include “tactics” employed by the FBI in its investigation of the Trump campaign. Further:

"It was also agreed that White House Chief of Staff Kelly will immediately set up a meeting with the FBI, DOJ, and DNI together with congressional leaders to review highly classified and other information they have requested."​

Nobody seems to know what that second part means. The intelligence community would be out of its mind to hand over material vitally important to its investigation to the leakiest White House since before they put the roof on the joint. At the same time, it seems that Rosenstein have agreed to give to the administration* material that the FBI has fought tooth-and-claw to keep from the congressional Republicans.

For the moment, I’m going to give Rosenstein credit for being a gifted bureaucratic infighter and survivor who has played the president* like a five-cent violin. (There are precedents supporting this view to be found just this morning.) There are a dozen ways for Rosenstein to slow-play the review of any classified documents. I think the president* got played on behalf of all of us.​

Rod Rosenstein, Christopher Wray Agree to Some of Trump's Demands in Meeting - Department of Justice, FBI
Every day in which Mueller goes home at night still in the same job is a day when the president* is one day closer to possibly losing his.

I would just add to the above, that "every day that Rosenstein is still at his job, is a day closer to trump losing his."
Every day in which Mueller goes home at night still in the same job is a day when the president* is one day closer to possibly losing his.

I would just add to the above, that "every day that Rosenstein is still at his job, is a day closer to trump losing his."

Yep - it was the one omission I might have corrected too!
he's doing this solely for his base...

he KNOWS he has broken the law and committed impeachable offenses....

He KNOWS he's going to be impeached for them by the House.

He's preparing his minions for the Senate Impeachment TRIAL, where public opinion can influence the Republican Senator's vote, that removes him from office....

All he needs is 1/3 + 1, (which could be Pence), of them to vote against his impeachment removal/charges.....

2/3's vote is needed by the Senate to impeach him from office....

This is all about convincing his supporters thru a con artist's persuasion and lies...that it's a witch hunt, so they will do his dirty work, to convince Republican Senators, just a few handfuls, not to impeach his sorry ass!

And it could work! :( Especially knowing his blind supporters would support him even if he shot and killed someone in cold blood, on 5th avenue!
The longer they investigate and find nothing, the more guilt he is to you dingbats

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