Trump’s ”indignation & “demands” of the DOJ/FBI are only meant for his base

As for Professional Impropriety...what do you call all the firings, demotions
and reassignments at the FBI/DOJ?

You sure you want to go THERE?????.......LOL

View attachment 195066

As usual, the bullshit “anger’ by Trump and his lackeys in congress about WHY the FBI had an informant in his campaign, is just meant as a lame attempt to forewarn his “loyal base” of cult members, that what is about to be revealed by the Mueller investigation should not be trusted.

The reality IS that Trump and his corrupt cohort (5 of whom have already pled guilty and a bunch of others, indicted) WERE warned that Russians would try to infiltrate both campaigns.

Yet, NO mention is made by the nitwit-in-chief that he was warned of such an infiltration and that, conveniently, he chose to do nothing…….Now, the orange buffoon acts like he is a “victim” of his own negligence (or convenient collusion.)

See below how Trump was warned:

FBI warned Trump in 2016 Russians would try to infiltrate his campaign

The FBI warned Trump that Russia would try to infiltrate his campaign ...

Trump received FBI warning that Russians would try to infiltrate ...

FBI warned Trump that Russia would try to infiltrate campaign

FBI warned Trump that Russia would try to spy on his campaign

Quite a race...isn't it?

5 members of the campaign have pled guilty, while 10 members of
the combined FBI/DOJ, have been fired, forced to resign or demoted
for improper actions. Recommendations have already been received
from the IG for criminal charges against many of them.

I'm betting the DOJ/FBI are going to win this race. They will far outnumber
any Trump folks that get nailed. Trump firing Comey and pushing out people surrounding him is "DOJ/FBI" winning the race....STUPID MUCH?

For all the bullshit Trumpsters are trying to push to date there has not been established even a SINGLE act of professional impropriety by DOJ/FBI with respect to Trump and his campaign.

Only stupid when I read your post.

As for Professional Impropriety...what do you call all the firings, demotions
and reassignments at the FBI/DOJ?

Well lets take the top firing: Comey.

Trump officially fired Comey for the the way he improperly screwed HILLARY (as outline in Rosestein's recommendation).

Though later publicly admitted that he fired him over "Russia thing", not any specific professional impropriety.

Second one from the top: McCabe

Fired a week from retirement for not telling the truth about a leak to the press ABOUT HILLARY INVESTIGATION.

Do you get the picture yet?

Yep. The top folks at the FBI are crooked.
Most are. They know that the elections of marxist democrats are the keys to future employment.
And you say this based on WHAT? Some special access to Mueller and his brain no one else has?
dead, finito, finished, over, done, stick a fork in it.

Moron, the investigation on ongoing and there is not a single indication that it has halted in any shape or form.

Flynn's guilty plea and Manafort's indictments are not disappearing.
Russians that committed illegal hacking and electioneering are not off the hook.
And investigation into Trump's Obstruction of Justice is not dropping.
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MORON.........IF the FBI was trying to "derail" the orange charlatan's campaign, would they NOT have leaked that he was under surveillance and investigation???......Fucking YES or NO ???
The fuck they wouldn't. They already had their hidden spy in place - dummass. It's called "Look, we're your friends!"

Yep, according to rightwingers FBI publicly T-boning Hillary 7 days out from election and concealing investigation into Trump campaign was an elaborate deep state plan to screw Trump and help Democrats.


Thousands of government emails some so classified only a few are authorized to view them, found on Anthony Wiener's laptop, explain how that's the FBI's fault?

Comey screwed Hillary in the way he has gone about it. His letter to congress (which was immediately leaked by Republicans as expected because it wasn't classified) did not make it clear that they obtained new materials but do not yet see any evidence of wrongdoing by Hillary.
But did the letter make it clear that Hillary was/is a bus stop rat bag old hag windbag lyin' skank? this a serious question or some sort of Trumpster brain fart?
Moron the investigation on ongoing and there is not a single indication that it has halted in any shape or form.
nice try genius, but claiming a dead investigation is still going because the investigator has found the target has a former employee whose inlaw has a friend who has an unpaid parking ticket only fools those who demand to be fooled...a dead investigation by any other name or definition is still a dead investigation, understand...dead...done...over...finito...stick a fork in it!
nice try genius, but claiming a dead investigation is still going because the investigator has found the target has a former employee whose inlaw has a friend who has an unpaid parking ticket only fools those who demand to be fooled...a dead investigation by any other name or definition is still a dead investigation, understand...dead...done...over...finito...stick a fork in it!

NO, no, Mr.'re 100% correct......Its all over........Please do go back to playing bingo with your other somewhat senile cohort......and, have a cookie and some juice.


how do you not get that?

Link to the indictment? :auiqs.jpg:

Dumbass, President cannot be indicted before impeachment.

Mueller's investigation is looking into this and will make the final recommendations available to congress to act on.

Link to the impeachment? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

...did you just seriously repeat the very same dumb shit I just demolished?

You don't even have the brain cells to know when it's time to cut the losses, put that tail between your legs and run off to some other thread to spread your ignorance.

Breaking News: Trump is still the president. :auiqs.jpg:
MORON.........IF the FBI was trying to "derail" the orange charlatan's campaign, would they NOT have leaked that he was under surveillance and investigation???......Fucking YES or NO ???
The fuck they wouldn't. They already had their hidden spy in place - dummass. It's called "Look, we're your friends!"

Yep, according to rightwingers FBI publicly T-boning Hillary 7 days out from election and concealing investigation into Trump campaign was an elaborate deep state plan to screw Trump and help Democrats.


Thousands of government emails some so classified only a few are authorized to view them, found on Anthony Wiener's laptop, explain how that's the FBI's fault?

Comey screwed Hillary in the way he has gone about it. His letter to congress (which was immediately leaked by Republicans as expected because it wasn't classified) did not make it clear that they obtained new materials but do not yet see any evidence of wrongdoing by Hillary.
But did the letter make it clear that Hillary was/is a bus stop rat bag old hag windbag lyin' skank?

Lying skank I'm stealing that :auiqs.jpg:
NO, no, Mr.'re 100% correct......Its all over........Please do go back to playing bingo with your other somewhat senile cohort......and, have a cookie and some juice.
I play bingo with mueller, have to make sure he knows what numbers were called, he likes his cookies with milk of magnesia

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