Trump’s ”indignation & “demands” of the DOJ/FBI are only meant for his base

The longer they investigate and find nothing


No. It only hurts when I laugh reading your bullshit.

By all means, laugh away like the insane Trump cult member that you surely

Do you always troll???
Flaming your own thread

He always does that and gets burned when he does.

He knows what question he hasn't asked, which should have been the
first thing he should have typed in his rebuttal to my remarks. He's not
going to ask it because he knows I'll burn him.
The longer they investigate and find nothing, the more guilt he is to you dingbats

No, the more deranged he becomes over the investigation - the guiltier he looks.

If there's nothing to find, then why the drama? :)
The majority of America knows the President's "demands" are based on lying alt facts.
I worry, though, that this may be the issue he hangs his hat on and fires Rosenstein over. I don't know why I think that; I just do.
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You may be right, Old Lady. Trump orders Rosenstein to fire Trump, Rosenstein delays 24 hours, and Mueller releases the report to "protect the interests of the American People."
The longer they investigate and find nothing, the more guilt he is to you dingbats

No, the more deranged he becomes over the investigation - the guiltier he looks.

If there's nothing to find, then why the drama? :)
NEWS FLASH: The FBI investigates crimes. They heard from a diplomat that Papadopoulos was bragging he was getting dirt from the Russians on Clinton. So they investigated.

If Obama had some political motive for it, as a way to help the Dems, why didn't he use it? No one even knew about the Russian investigation involving the Trump campaign until after he was elected. It seems to me if the Dems were sneaking around trying to get dirt on Trump, the least they would have done is leak the investigation. Yet they didn't.
Pretty silly waste of a good "spy," if you ask me.
LOL Trump supporters are losing their minds.
Most criminals are outraged that they are being investigated
NEWS FLASH: The FBI investigates crimes. They heard from a diplomat that Papadopoulos was bragging he was getting dirt from the Russians on Clinton. So they investigated.

If Obama had some political motive for it, as a way to help the Dems, why didn't he use it? No one even knew about the Russian investigation involving the Trump campaign until after he was elected. It seems to me if the Dems were sneaking around trying to get dirt on Trump, the least they would have done is leak the investigation. Yet they didn't.
Pretty silly waste of a good "spy," if you ask me.
LOL Trump supporters are losing their minds.

The more deranged their Orange God becomes, the more deranged his obedient flock become.

It's a cause and effect kinda thing and you can count on it like the sun rising in the east.
kaz is attacking the posters now, not the facts of the matter.

Why all the drama if there is nothing on the President, on Cohen, now on Friedman the Taxi King, on Manafort, on all of the others?
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As usual, the bullshit “anger’ by Trump and his lackeys in congress about WHY the FBI had an informant in his campaign, is just meant as a lame attempt to forewarn his “loyal base” of cult members, that what is about to be revealed by the Mueller investigation should not be trusted.

The reality IS that Trump and his corrupt cohort (5 of whom have already pled guilty and a bunch of others, indicted) WERE warned that Russians would try to infiltrate both campaigns.

Yet, NO mention is made by the nitwit-in-chief that he was warned of such an infiltration and that, conveniently, he chose to do nothing…….Now, the orange buffoon acts like he is a “victim” of his own negligence (or convenient collusion.)

See below how Trump was warned:

FBI warned Trump in 2016 Russians would try to infiltrate his campaign

The FBI warned Trump that Russia would try to infiltrate his campaign ...

Trump received FBI warning that Russians would try to infiltrate ...

FBI warned Trump that Russia would try to infiltrate campaign

FBI warned Trump that Russia would try to spy on his campaign
When was trumped warned?
By who, what was his name
This being denied every where
kaz is attacking the posters now, not the facts of the matter.

Why all the drama if there is nothing on the President, on Cohen, now on Friedman the Taxi King, on Manafort, on all of the others?
Jake the reactionary, rock-ribbed Republican once again stands with the Seditious Progressives
NEWS FLASH: The FBI investigates crimes. They heard from a diplomat that Papadopoulos was bragging he was getting dirt from the Russians on Clinton. So they investigated.

If Obama had some political motive for it, as a way to help the Dems, why didn't he use it? No one even knew about the Russian investigation involving the Trump campaign until after he was elected. It seems to me if the Dems were sneaking around trying to get dirt on Trump, the least they would have done is leak the investigation. Yet they didn't.
Pretty silly waste of a good "spy," if you ask me.
LOL Trump supporters are losing their minds.

The more deranged their Orange God becomes, the more deranged his obedient flock become.

It's a cause and effect kinda thing and you can count on it like the sun rising in the east.
I caught about 10 seconds on the news this a.m. that the Republicans in Congress (but no Democrats) are going to be looking at Classified information from the FBI about how this investigation proceeded. I thought it was the President who asked for this information. How are Congress Republicans only getting it?
WTF is going on? I mean that--I can't understand what this is about.
As usual, the bullshit “anger’ by Trump and his lackeys in congress about WHY the FBI had an informant in his campaign, is just meant as a lame attempt to forewarn his “loyal base” of cult members, that what is about to be revealed by the Mueller investigation should not be trusted.

The reality IS that Trump and his corrupt cohort (5 of whom have already pled guilty and a bunch of others, indicted) WERE warned that Russians would try to infiltrate both campaigns.

Yet, NO mention is made by the nitwit-in-chief that he was warned of such an infiltration and that, conveniently, he chose to do nothing…….Now, the orange buffoon acts like he is a “victim” of his own negligence (or convenient collusion.)

See below how Trump was warned:

FBI warned Trump in 2016 Russians would try to infiltrate his campaign

The FBI warned Trump that Russia would try to infiltrate his campaign ...

Trump received FBI warning that Russians would try to infiltrate ...

FBI warned Trump that Russia would try to infiltrate campaign

FBI warned Trump that Russia would try to spy on his campaign

NEWS FLASH: The FBI investigates crimes. They heard from a diplomat that Papadopoulos was bragging he was getting dirt from the Russians on Clinton. So they investigated.

If Obama had some political motive for it, as a way to help the Dems, why didn't he use it? No one even knew about the Russian investigation involving the Trump campaign until after he was elected. It seems to me if the Dems were sneaking around trying to get dirt on Trump, the least they would have done is leak the investigation. Yet they didn't.
Pretty silly waste of a good "spy," if you ask me.
LOL Trump supporters are losing their minds.

The more deranged their Orange God becomes, the more deranged his obedient flock become.

It's a cause and effect kinda thing and you can count on it like the sun rising in the east.
I caught about 10 seconds on the news this a.m. that the Republicans in Congress (but no Democrats) are going to be looking at Classified information from the FBI about how this investigation proceeded. I thought it was the President who asked for this information. How are Congress Republicans only getting it?
WTF is going on? I mean that--I can't understand what this is about.

Because they're in charge of the oversight. Expect corrupt govt appointees to be going to prison.

This cannot continue in America if it is to be healthy.

Bureaus formed on the basis of law cannot be perverted into political weapons. IMO, those that pushed things that way should be hanged.

Obama is one of them, Eric Holder another.
I caught about 10 seconds on the news this a.m. that the Republicans in Congress (but no Democrats) are going to be looking at Classified information from the FBI about how this investigation proceeded. I thought it was the President who asked for this information. How are Congress Republicans only getting it?
WTF is going on? I mean that--I can't understand what this is about.

I saw the same thing - doubt if they'll share much of anything that Donald could use in his own defense (which is what Little Devin the Interference Elf will seek) .. But it's a damn outrage that needs to be remedied immediately.

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