Trump's Israel remarks today are the first things he said that I can sorta "get with"


Gold Member
Jan 1, 2017
Today, Trump expressed indifference about whether Israelis and Palestinians settle on a one-state or two-state solution. Okay....I can get with that, somewhat, largely because I don't care which one they settle on so long as they can settle on something and both be content. I don't live over there, so why do I need to take a strong position about which solution is best. The Palestinians and Israelis need to agree on what's best and then the U.S. can help them move forward and achieving it.

Yes, Trump's remarks were non-committal. No, his remarks didn't show leadership. Those're generally things I find unacceptable in a POTUS or any other executive. In this instance, however, I'm willing to see how it plays out to leave the two key groups to decide for themselves which they prefer.
Trump is somewhat an idiot, but he's very smart, capable, and his perception of things are keen. He means what he says most of the time. It's one reason he's unpopular with the left.
Until I see otherwise, I think we made the right decision. He's a wild card with potential to be one of the best. Crazy I know, but it's possible. Some of the best leaders were eccentric. For example, Patton, Churchill, perhaps Lincoln.
You know, I reckon he's right about saying that. Middle Easterners LIKE living that way. So let them. :)
I don't know, i would advise him to steer clear of that quagmire. Neither side really wants peace. When they really do want peace, they'll achieve it. Trump shouldn't get sucked in. It won't likely end well.
Trump just followed the zionist script that all American politician's and president's must adhere.

To pledge unwavering allegiance, protection, and support for Israel. ...... :cool:
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Trump followed the zionist script that all American politician's and president's must adhere.

To pledge unwavering allegiance, protection, and support for Israel. ...... :cool:

I would advise him to steer clear of that quagmire. Neither side really wants peace. I would just allow the Palestinians and Israelis to work it out themselves. The US shouldn't be in the middle of it anymore. When the two sides really want peace, they'll achieve it. The US can't force it on them.
The U.S. trying to be the middleman broker in a Palestinian / Israeli peace deal is a total joke, and the whole world knows it.

It's like a referee in a sporting event, stating he is 100% on the side of one the competitors. You will never have a fair game. ...... :cool:
Today, Trump expressed indifference about whether Israelis and Palestinians settle on a one-state or two-state solution. Okay....I can get with that, somewhat, largely because I don't care which one they settle on so long as they can settle on something and both be content. I don't live over there, so why do I need to take a strong position about which solution is best. The Palestinians and Israelis need to agree on what's best and then the U.S. can help them move forward and achieving it.

Yes, Trump's remarks were non-committal. No, his remarks didn't show leadership. Those're generally things I find unacceptable in a POTUS or any other executive. In this instance, however, I'm willing to see how it plays out to leave the two key groups to decide for themselves which they prefer.
There can be no final status agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians because there is no political entity among the Palestinians that can credibly offer peace to Israel. That being the case, a Palestinian state in the West Bank would quickly become another Hamastan that would have to be reconquered. Polls show one state is unacceptable to nearly all Israelis and Palestinians. Some people claim a Palestinian state would lead to peace, but the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza shows that there is no basis in fact or logic for believing that. Just the opposite is true, that peace would likely lead to a Palestinian state.

Trump seems to understand that the disputes between Israel and the Palestinians is only an instance, perhaps only a residue, of the larger conflict between Israel and the Arab nations and that the disputes between Israel and the Palestinians can only be resolved as a result of improved relations between Israel and the Arab nations. This was, in fact, the US position before Oslo. Trump seems to believe that the Arab conflict with Iran and its allies will make peace with Israel, by far the regional super power, more important to them than backing Palestinian violence and intransigence and lead the Arab nations to pressure the Palestinian leadership to get their shit together so that they can credibly offer peace to Israel.
The U.S. trying to be the middleman broker in a Palestinian / Israeli peace deal is a total joke, and the whole world knows it.

It's like a referee in a sporting event, stating he is 100% on the side of one the competitors. You will never have a fair game. ...... :cool:

You are right, they'll just figure it out on their own...anyday now :rolleyes:
I don't know, i would advise him to steer clear of that quagmire. Neither side really wants peace. When they really do want peace, they'll achieve it. Trump shouldn't get sucked in. It won't likely end well.
They already have both de jure and de facto peace.
Today, Trump expressed indifference about whether Israelis and Palestinians settle on a one-state or two-state solution. Okay....I can get with that, somewhat, largely because I don't care which one they settle on so long as they can settle on something and both be content. I don't live over there, so why do I need to take a strong position about which solution is best. The Palestinians and Israelis need to agree on what's best and then the U.S. can help them move forward and achieving it.

Yes, Trump's remarks were non-committal. No, his remarks didn't show leadership. Those're generally things I find unacceptable in a POTUS or any other executive. In this instance, however, I'm willing to see how it plays out to leave the two key groups to decide for themselves which they prefer.

Here is what Trump is really saying:

I now realize I've got too much on my hands to worry about this shit too, figure it out on your own.
Today, Trump expressed indifference about whether Israelis and Palestinians settle on a one-state or two-state solution. Okay....I can get with that, somewhat, largely because I don't care which one they settle on so long as they can settle on something and both be content. I don't live over there, so why do I need to take a strong position about which solution is best. The Palestinians and Israelis need to agree on what's best and then the U.S. can help them move forward and achieving it.

Yes, Trump's remarks were non-committal. No, his remarks didn't show leadership. Those're generally things I find unacceptable in a POTUS or any other executive. In this instance, however, I'm willing to see how it plays out to leave the two key groups to decide for themselves which they prefer.

Here is what Trump is really saying:

I now realize I've got too much on my hands to worry about this shit too, figure it out on your own.

Wise move. Let them work it out themselves. The US should stop getting in the middle of it. It's a Catch 22 quagmire. I would advise Trump to steer way clear of it. The US can't force peace on folks who don't want peace.
Today, Trump expressed indifference about whether Israelis and Palestinians settle on a one-state or two-state solution. Okay....I can get with that, somewhat, largely because I don't care which one they settle on so long as they can settle on something and both be content. I don't live over there, so why do I need to take a strong position about which solution is best. The Palestinians and Israelis need to agree on what's best and then the U.S. can help them move forward and achieving it.

Yes, Trump's remarks were non-committal. No, his remarks didn't show leadership. Those're generally things I find unacceptable in a POTUS or any other executive. In this instance, however, I'm willing to see how it plays out to leave the two key groups to decide for themselves which they prefer.

Here is what Trump is really saying:

I now realize I've got too much on my hands to worry about this shit too, figure it out on your own.

Wise move. Let them work it out themselves. The US should stop getting in the middle of it. It's a Catch 22 quagmire. I would advise Trump to steer way clear of it. The US can't force peace on folks who don't want peace.

Yea, after 5 un-wise ones.
Problem is, the U.S. gives Israel 3 billion dollars of tax payer's money annually. Plus, untold hundreds of millions in military weapons and munitions. Which Israel uses to terrorize and bomb its neighboring countries at will. ..... :cool:
Problem is, the U.S. gives Israel 3 billion dollars of tax payer's money annually. Plus, untold hundreds of millions in military weapons and munitions. Which Israel uses to terrorize and bomb its neighboring countries at will. ..... :cool:

Israel needs right about ZERO 'merican giving to wipe Palestine off the map. It has no relevance.
Problem is, the U.S. gives Israel 3 billion dollars of tax payer's money annually. Plus, untold hundreds of millions in military weapons and munitions. Which Israel uses to terrorize and bomb its neighboring countries at will. ..... :cool:

Yeah, we're way too involved with the Middle East. I've been calling for Disengagement for years. But the powers-that-be are thriving off the horrific chaos over there. Mucho cash is being made.

But average American Citizens see no benefit from all the carnage. Only the few Globalist Elites do. When will Americans figure that out?

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