Trump's legacy: Last year's American economy shrank the most since 1946


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Donald Trump's atrocious handling of the pandemic, encouraging people not to wear masks, making the consequences worse, took its toll. What a bad President we had.
For 2020 as a whole, GDP decreased by 3.5% from the prior year. That was the worst decline since 1946.
It was the first time US GDP declined since 2009, when it fell 2.5% during the the financial crisis.
Donald Trump's atrocious handling of the pandemic, encouraging people not to wear masks, making the consequences worse, took its toll. What a bad President we had.
For 2020 as a whole, GDP decreased by 3.5% from the prior year. That was the worst decline since 1946.
It was the first time US GDP declined since 2009, when it fell 2.5% during the the financial crisis.
another day another TDS thread,,

you my friend need help,,,
Donald Trump's atrocious handling of the pandemic, encouraging people not to wear masks, making the consequences worse, took its toll. What a bad President we had.
For 2020 as a whole, GDP decreased by 3.5% from the prior year. That was the worst decline since 1946.
It was the first time US GDP declined since 2009, when it fell 2.5% during the the financial crisis.

Thanks, Obama!

Thank to Obama and Fauci for funding the Wuhan Flu!
Donald Trump's atrocious handling of the pandemic, encouraging people not to wear masks, making the consequences worse, took its toll. What a bad President we had.
For 2020 as a whole, GDP decreased by 3.5% from the prior year. That was the worst decline since 1946.
It was the first time US GDP declined since 2009, when it fell 2.5% during the the financial crisis.
Progs did this. Progs politicized the virus and promoted all the riots. Trump won. that will never change. Somehow you will get yours someday.
The Trump economy was the best in US history until the China virus hit and caused a worldwide pandemic, that was NOT Trump's fault, it was China's.
2. As post #2 pointed out, US governors shutdown their economies very unevenly. Red states were more open, and blue states were more shutdown. Now after Trump leaves the blue state governors are re-opening their economies.
3. The OP cannot point to any Trump policies that caused the US economy to contract, it was all because of the pandemic.
4. We'll see in 2022 and 2024 who the voters prefer to get the US economy back up to normal.
The Trump economy was the best in US history
Dude couldn’t even get GDP growth over 3%. How could that possibly be the best economy ever? That was called pathetic when it was Obama.
Donald Trump's atrocious handling of the pandemic, encouraging people not to wear masks, making the consequences worse, took its toll. What a bad President we had.
For 2020 as a whole, GDP decreased by 3.5% from the prior year. That was the worst decline since 1946.
It was the first time US GDP declined since 2009, when it fell 2.5% during the the financial crisis.

It was not Trump who used the fake “pandemic” as an excuse to sabotage the economies of several states and large cities. It was Democrapic Governors and Mayors who did that.

The same ones who gave violent, destructive, subhuman filth free reign to riot and loot.
The Trump economy was the best in US history
Dude couldn’t even get GDP growth over 3%. How could that possibly be the best economy ever? That was called pathetic when it was Obama.
Trump's economy was on track to be the the best ever until China released the Covid-19 pandemic. The info below is from CNN, believe it or not?!
It shows the stock-market performance by president per days in office.
Look at Trump's performance until the pandemic dip happened, and then look at the quick recovery.
Trump did a good job with the stock market, no matter what democrats say.
Trump's economy was on track to be the the best ever until China released the Covid-19 pandemic.
What does that even mean? The stock market is not the economy. No serious economist uses that as a proper surrogate for economic activity because, get this, it’s been prone to bubbles.

If it was the greatest economy, why couldn’t he even get GDP growth above 3%?
Trump's economy was on track to be the the best ever until China released the Covid-19 pandemic.
What does that even mean? The stock market is not the economy. No serious economist uses that as a proper surrogate for economic activity because, get this, it’s been prone to bubbles.

If it was the greatest economy, why couldn’t he even get GDP growth above 3%?
1. No one ever gets the GDP growth over 3%, duh. GDP is not necessarily the only metric for an economy.
2. The US stock market is the economic arbiter for economic power, startups, company growth, sales, cash flow, EBIDA, dividends, etc. A healthy stock market typically means a healthy economy. In 1929 the stock market crash stopped the economy cold. Recessions mean the economy is contracting. The Fed has a 2% target for inflation, and has been printing money. Everything is interrelated, so GDP isn't the only indicator for a good economy, there are many types of cycles.
3. A rising stock market means everyone's 401k's are rising, people keep investing, unemployment keeps going down, its a good thing.
Trump's economy was on track to be the the best ever until China released the Covid-19 pandemic.
What does that even mean? The stock market is not the economy. No serious economist uses that as a proper surrogate for economic activity because, get this, it’s been prone to bubbles.

If it was the greatest economy, why couldn’t he even get GDP growth above 3%?
1. No one ever gets the GDP growth over 3%, duh. GDP is not necessarily the only metric for an economy.
2. The US stock market is the economic arbiter for economic power, startups, company growth, sales, cash flow, EBIDA, dividends, etc. A healthy stock market typically means a healthy economy. In 1929 the stock market crash stopped the economy cold. Recessions mean the economy is contracting. The Fed has a 2% target for inflation, and has been printing money. Everything is interrelated, so GDP isn't the only indicator for a good economy, there are many types of cycles.
3. A rising stock market means everyone's 401k's are rising, people keep investing, unemployment keeps going down, its a good thing.
Remember in 2016 how Republicans were criticizing Obama for never getting annual GDP growth above 3%?

I do. I guess you don’t.

A healthy stock market does not mean a healthy economy. Look no further than the many bubbles in the last 100 years. The stock market his record highs before the subprime mortgage crisis demonstrated that the economy was built on unsustainable debt. The economy was not good but people were so obsessed with their 401k to notice.

Only about half the country owns any stock. Stock market does not translate to employment. You know what does? GDP growth.
Trump's economy was on track to be the the best ever until China released the Covid-19 pandemic.
What does that even mean? The stock market is not the economy. No serious economist uses that as a proper surrogate for economic activity because, get this, it’s been prone to bubbles.

If it was the greatest economy, why couldn’t he even get GDP growth above 3%?
1. No one ever gets the GDP growth over 3%, duh. GDP is not necessarily the only metric for an economy.
2. The US stock market is the economic arbiter for economic power, startups, company growth, sales, cash flow, EBIDA, dividends, etc. A healthy stock market typically means a healthy economy. In 1929 the stock market crash stopped the economy cold. Recessions mean the economy is contracting. The Fed has a 2% target for inflation, and has been printing money. Everything is interrelated, so GDP isn't the only indicator for a good economy, there are many types of cycles.
3. A rising stock market means everyone's 401k's are rising, people keep investing, unemployment keeps going down, its a good thing.
Remember in 2016 how Republicans were criticizing Obama for never getting annual GDP growth above 3%?

I do. I guess you don’t.

A healthy stock market does not mean a healthy economy. Look no further than the many bubbles in the last 100 years. The stock market his record highs before the subprime mortgage crisis demonstrated that the economy was built on unsustainable debt. The economy was not good but people were so obsessed with their 401k to notice.

Only about half the country owns any stock. Stock market does not translate to employment. You know what does? GDP growth.
1. Yes I remember the painfully slow Obama "recovery" from "the great" recession. Terrible performance.
2. We're in a bubble now, the stock-market is "overbought", expect a correction sooner rather than later. The stock market is "self-correcting" as long as the SEC does its job to keep manipulation to a minimum. China Joe is doing his best to create a recession.
3. The graph below shows US GDP, not GDP growth. It almost doubled since Obama's first term. 1% for Trump is not the same as 1% for Obama.


The graph below shows US population growth, projected to be about 0.3%, not many new consumers to jack up GDP growth, or pay for entitlements.
Donald Trump's atrocious handling of the pandemic, encouraging people not to wear masks, making the consequences worse, took its toll. What a bad President we had.
For 2020 as a whole, GDP decreased by 3.5% from the prior year. That was the worst decline since 1946.
It was the first time US GDP declined since 2009, when it fell 2.5% during the the financial crisis.

You're a partisan hack. When liberal states lock their populace down based on nothing, businesses go bankrupt, millions lose their jobs. This is on the libs. Own it.

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