Trump's legal liability for misusing campaign finance funds just got a whole lot bigger

Forget illegal payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen Mcdougal, and not reporting that money.

Trump is in even bigger criminal financial trouble for using $2.823 million dollars of Trump foundation charity money, that wasn't his, and funneled into his campaign to pay off various law suits and campaign expenses. Oops!

A lawsuit was filed a few months back by Barbara Underwood in New York, and unbeknownst to us all, we had no idea how big of a deal this was going to be.

Trump had used that money to pay off various laws suits to hide the embarrassment of being sued, during his campaign.

And guess who blew the whistle on Trump? Michael Cohen. And guess who blew the whistle on Michael Cohen? Gene Freidman! The taxi man! That's right, Michael Cohen, because of the taxi man showed up in Albany today at the tax department to give the tax department the heads up about Trump as it relates to taxes and Trump's foundation, because Freidman had flipped for the prosecutors, who blew the whistle on Cohen, which now explains why Cohen was so eager to cooperate.

It looks like our Commander in thief has been stealing money from his own charitable foundation, using it towards his campaign, while Ivanka, Don Jr., and Eric were also in on the theft.

And from documents that were revealed, it looks like the payments to Stormy Daniels, that Cohen originally paid for, were paid back to Cohen through the Foundation. Oops! That's not good.

Everything is piecing together now, where we have a much better understanding how this criminal operation had worked, and probably is still working? Trump, his family, and his fixer, are all in on the heist, while they went and used charity money. You talk about a bunch of total scumbags. No wonder Trump wouldn't let us see his taxes.

So here we are people, with more illegal campaign finance contributions, that were stolen from a charitable foundation. We are talking about millions of dollars stolen, possibly not reported, and Trump's family are all in on the heist. The foundation was used as an ATM to hide affairs and law suits.

This just keeps getting worse by the day for Trump, his family, and his complicit supporters, who could care less what crimes he committed, or if this is an illegal election.

Cohen’s admission doesn’t mean Trump is guilty, legal experts say
Eat shit.

This isn't just about Cohen's admission. This is about a very concrete case by Underwood for Trump stealing money from his own foundation to pay off his law suits, and possibly the Kremlin.

You didn’t read the article.

"Might" is worth shit. Trump might not be guilty even if his lawyer is. Your article is foraging. It doesn't mention anything about not reporting the money or the incriminating audio by Trump. This legal expert of yours is throwing spaghetti up against the wall. Ask the expert about the audio and not reporting the money.

Forget illegal payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen Mcdougal, and not reporting that money.

Trump is in even bigger criminal financial trouble for using $2.823 million dollars of Trump foundation charity money, that wasn't his, and funneled into his campaign to pay off various law suits and campaign expenses. Oops!

A lawsuit was filed a few months back by Barbara Underwood in New York, and unbeknownst to us all, we had no idea how big of a deal this was going to be.

Trump had used that money to pay off various laws suits to hide the embarrassment of being sued, during his campaign.

And guess who blew the whistle on Trump? Michael Cohen. And guess who blew the whistle on Michael Cohen? Gene Freidman! The taxi man! That's right, Michael Cohen, because of the taxi man showed up in Albany today at the tax department to give the tax department the heads up about Trump as it relates to taxes and Trump's foundation, because Freidman had flipped for the prosecutors, who blew the whistle on Cohen, which now explains why Cohen was so eager to cooperate.

It looks like our Commander in thief has been stealing money from his own charitable foundation, using it towards his campaign, while Ivanka, Don Jr., and Eric were also in on the theft.

And from documents that were revealed, it looks like the payments to Stormy Daniels, that Cohen originally paid for, were paid back to Cohen through the Foundation. Oops! That's not good.

Everything is piecing together now, where we have a much better understanding how this criminal operation had worked, and probably is still working? Trump, his family, and his fixer, are all in on the heist, while they went and used charity money. You talk about a bunch of total scumbags. No wonder Trump wouldn't let us see his taxes.

So here we are people, with more illegal campaign finance contributions, that were stolen from a charitable foundation. We are talking about millions of dollars stolen, possibly not reported, and Trump's family are all in on the heist. The foundation was used as an ATM to hide affairs and law suits.

This just keeps getting worse by the day for Trump, his family, and his complicit supporters, who could care less what crimes he committed, or if this is an illegal election.

Cohen’s admission doesn’t mean Trump is guilty, legal experts say
Eat shit.

LMAO Come on now. He's only trying to verify his Russian collusion and Trump FACTS.

Give the poor guy a break. He's taking anything he can get as gospel. Even Madcow who's record is far from pristine.

Your silly non-argument tells us you have surrendered. Next!

Forget illegal payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen Mcdougal, and not reporting that money.

Trump is in even bigger criminal financial trouble for using $2.823 million dollars of Trump foundation charity money, that wasn't his, and funneled into his campaign to pay off various law suits and campaign expenses. Oops!

A lawsuit was filed a few months back by Barbara Underwood in New York, and unbeknownst to us all, we had no idea how big of a deal this was going to be.

Trump had used that money to pay off various laws suits to hide the embarrassment of being sued, during his campaign.

And guess who blew the whistle on Trump? Michael Cohen. And guess who blew the whistle on Michael Cohen? Gene Freidman! The taxi man! That's right, Michael Cohen, because of the taxi man showed up in Albany today at the tax department to give the tax department the heads up about Trump as it relates to taxes and Trump's foundation, because Freidman had flipped for the prosecutors, who blew the whistle on Cohen, which now explains why Cohen was so eager to cooperate.

It looks like our Commander in thief has been stealing money from his own charitable foundation, using it towards his campaign, while Ivanka, Don Jr., and Eric were also in on the theft.

And from documents that were revealed, it looks like the payments to Stormy Daniels, that Cohen originally paid for, were paid back to Cohen through the Foundation. Oops! That's not good.

Everything is piecing together now, where we have a much better understanding how this criminal operation had worked, and probably is still working? Trump, his family, and his fixer, are all in on the heist, while they went and used charity money. You talk about a bunch of total scumbags. No wonder Trump wouldn't let us see his taxes.

So here we are people, with more illegal campaign finance contributions, that were stolen from a charitable foundation. We are talking about millions of dollars stolen, possibly not reported, and Trump's family are all in on the heist. The foundation was used as an ATM to hide affairs and law suits.

This just keeps getting worse by the day for Trump, his family, and his complicit supporters, who could care less what crimes he committed, or if this is an illegal election.

Cohen’s admission doesn’t mean Trump is guilty, legal experts say
Eat shit.

LMAO Come on now. He's only trying to verify his Russian collusion and Trump FACTS.

Give the poor guy a break. He's taking anything he can get as gospel. Even Madcow who's record is far from pristine.

Your silly non-argument tells us you have surrendered. Next!

LMAO Oh blow it out your ass. Your tin foil hat is on to tight.

I'm still waiting for proof of collusion between Trump and Russia.

Get back to all of us when the proof is revealed.

Forget illegal payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen Mcdougal, and not reporting that money.

Trump is in even bigger criminal financial trouble for using $2.823 million dollars of Trump foundation charity money, that wasn't his, and funneled into his campaign to pay off various law suits and campaign expenses. Oops!

A lawsuit was filed a few months back by Barbara Underwood in New York, and unbeknownst to us all, we had no idea how big of a deal this was going to be.

Trump had used that money to pay off various laws suits to hide the embarrassment of being sued, during his campaign.

And guess who blew the whistle on Trump? Michael Cohen. And guess who blew the whistle on Michael Cohen? Gene Freidman! The taxi man! That's right, Michael Cohen, because of the taxi man showed up in Albany today at the tax department to give the tax department the heads up about Trump as it relates to taxes and Trump's foundation, because Freidman had flipped for the prosecutors, who blew the whistle on Cohen, which now explains why Cohen was so eager to cooperate.

It looks like our Commander in thief has been stealing money from his own charitable foundation, using it towards his campaign, while Ivanka, Don Jr., and Eric were also in on the theft.

And from documents that were revealed, it looks like the payments to Stormy Daniels, that Cohen originally paid for, were paid back to Cohen through the Foundation. Oops! That's not good.

Everything is piecing together now, where we have a much better understanding how this criminal operation had worked, and probably is still working? Trump, his family, and his fixer, are all in on the heist, while they went and used charity money. You talk about a bunch of total scumbags. No wonder Trump wouldn't let us see his taxes.

So here we are people, with more illegal campaign finance contributions, that were stolen from a charitable foundation. We are talking about millions of dollars stolen, possibly not reported, and Trump's family are all in on the heist. The foundation was used as an ATM to hide affairs and law suits.

This just keeps getting worse by the day for Trump, his family, and his complicit supporters, who could care less what crimes he committed, or if this is an illegal election.

Cohen’s admission doesn’t mean Trump is guilty, legal experts say
Eat shit.

LMAO Come on now. He's only trying to verify his Russian collusion and Trump FACTS.

Give the poor guy a break. He's taking anything he can get as gospel. Even Madcow who's record is far from pristine.

Your silly non-argument tells us you have surrendered. Next!

LMAO Oh blow it out your ass.

I blew it out yours, with your help. Thanks!

Forget illegal payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen Mcdougal, and not reporting that money.

Trump is in even bigger criminal financial trouble for using $2.823 million dollars of Trump foundation charity money, that wasn't his, and funneled into his campaign to pay off various law suits and campaign expenses. Oops!

A lawsuit was filed a few months back by Barbara Underwood in New York, and unbeknownst to us all, we had no idea how big of a deal this was going to be.

Trump had used that money to pay off various laws suits to hide the embarrassment of being sued, during his campaign.

And guess who blew the whistle on Trump? Michael Cohen. And guess who blew the whistle on Michael Cohen? Gene Freidman! The taxi man! That's right, Michael Cohen, because of the taxi man showed up in Albany today at the tax department to give the tax department the heads up about Trump as it relates to taxes and Trump's foundation, because Freidman had flipped for the prosecutors, who blew the whistle on Cohen, which now explains why Cohen was so eager to cooperate.

It looks like our Commander in thief has been stealing money from his own charitable foundation, using it towards his campaign, while Ivanka, Don Jr., and Eric were also in on the theft.

And from documents that were revealed, it looks like the payments to Stormy Daniels, that Cohen originally paid for, were paid back to Cohen through the Foundation. Oops! That's not good.

Everything is piecing together now, where we have a much better understanding how this criminal operation had worked, and probably is still working? Trump, his family, and his fixer, are all in on the heist, while they went and used charity money. You talk about a bunch of total scumbags. No wonder Trump wouldn't let us see his taxes.

So here we are people, with more illegal campaign finance contributions, that were stolen from a charitable foundation. We are talking about millions of dollars stolen, possibly not reported, and Trump's family are all in on the heist. The foundation was used as an ATM to hide affairs and law suits.

This just keeps getting worse by the day for Trump, his family, and his complicit supporters, who could care less what crimes he committed, or if this is an illegal election.

Cohen’s admission doesn’t mean Trump is guilty, legal experts say
Eat shit.

LMAO Come on now. He's only trying to verify his Russian collusion and Trump FACTS.

Give the poor guy a break. He's taking anything he can get as gospel. Even Madcow who's record is far from pristine.

Your silly non-argument tells us you have surrendered. Next!

LMAO Oh blow it out your ass. Your tin foil hat is on to tight.

I'm still waiting for proof of collusion between Trump and Russia.

Get back to all of us when the proof is revealed.

That was proven months ago. Trump Tower meeting and Cambridge Analytica is all that was ever needed to prove conspiracy to defraud the U.S. with foreign nationals. New Cambridge Analytica revelations connect Trump Russia dots
If that

Forget illegal payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen Mcdougal, and not reporting that money.

Trump is in even bigger criminal financial trouble for using $2.823 million dollars of Trump foundation charity money, that wasn't his, and funneled into his campaign to pay off various law suits and campaign expenses. Oops!

A lawsuit was filed a few months back by Barbara Underwood in New York, and unbeknownst to us all, we had no idea how big of a deal this was going to be.

Trump had used that money to pay off various laws suits to hide the embarrassment of being sued, during his campaign.

And guess who blew the whistle on Trump? Michael Cohen. And guess who blew the whistle on Michael Cohen? Gene Freidman! The taxi man! That's right, Michael Cohen, because of the taxi man showed up in Albany today at the tax department to give the tax department the heads up about Trump as it relates to taxes and Trump's foundation, because Freidman had flipped for the prosecutors, who blew the whistle on Cohen, which now explains why Cohen was so eager to cooperate.

It looks like our Commander in thief has been stealing money from his own charitable foundation, using it towards his campaign, while Ivanka, Don Jr., and Eric were also in on the theft.

And from documents that were revealed, it looks like the payments to Stormy Daniels, that Cohen originally paid for, were paid back to Cohen through the Foundation. Oops! That's not good.

Everything is piecing together now, where we have a much better understanding how this criminal operation had worked, and probably is still working? Trump, his family, and his fixer, are all in on the heist, while they went and used charity money. You talk about a bunch of total scumbags. No wonder Trump wouldn't let us see his taxes.

So here we are people, with more illegal campaign finance contributions, that were stolen from a charitable foundation. We are talking about millions of dollars stolen, possibly not reported, and Trump's family are all in on the heist. The foundation was used as an ATM to hide affairs and law suits.

This just keeps getting worse by the day for Trump, his family, and his complicit supporters, who could care less what crimes he committed, or if this is an illegal election.

Didn’t read a word of your OP. As soon as I saw that dude Rachel Maddow I knew it was a bunch of crap. Remember this little gem from him......

Just one more non-debating Trump coward on here, who is scared of his own shadow, and has been reduced to chicken shit excuses.

What do you expect when all you know how to do is post lying media posts? All CNN does is lie and twist stories about Trump. It's been proven over and over.
If that
were true you would have identified the story that has proven that over and over. You didn't, so you are the liar, not CNN.
You need new material. What you have is getting old especially when you keep repeating yourself every day.

Buck up. Keep hoping and don't hold your breath.
The old mat
You need new material. What you have is getting old especially when you keep repeating yourself every day.

Buck up. Keep hoping and don't hold your breath.
You're either a liar or you are not. Old or new will always apply in this case. And, the strategy always works, because when you put one in a corner long enough, they mysteriously disappear. You don't see them coming back to corroborate their story do you? Lol! The only thing they may come back for is to change the topic, or not answer. Been doing this for years, and the Right wing cowards are the one's who keep it old, by using the same old cowardly strategy. They use theirs and I use mine. Guess who's the last one on this board waiting for them to back up what we all know are lies? It certainly isn't these Trump apologists. The truth at this point for the Left has never been stronger. All anyone has to do is pay attention to the thread, and see that the right are dropping like flies, only to escape to another one.

Most do the same old lame crap you are doing, saying nothing. This being prime example; You need new material. What you have is getting old especially when you keep repeating yourself every day.
An accusation made is not an accusation proven. Why with such bombshell accusation is Cohen still going to jail? Cohen is a notorious liar.

Forget illegal payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen Mcdougal, and not reporting that money.

Trump is in even bigger criminal financial trouble for using $2.823 million dollars of Trump foundation charity money, that wasn't his, and funneled into his campaign to pay off various law suits and campaign expenses. Oops!

A lawsuit was filed a few months back by Barbara Underwood in New York, and unbeknownst to us all, we had no idea how big of a deal this was going to be.

Trump had used that money to pay off various laws suits to hide the embarrassment of being sued, during his campaign.

And guess who blew the whistle on Trump? Michael Cohen. And guess who blew the whistle on Michael Cohen? Gene Freidman! The taxi man! That's right, Michael Cohen, because of the taxi man showed up in Albany today at the tax department to give the tax department the heads up about Trump as it relates to taxes and Trump's foundation, because Freidman had flipped for the prosecutors, who blew the whistle on Cohen, which now explains why Cohen was so eager to cooperate.

It looks like our Commander in thief has been stealing money from his own charitable foundation, using it towards his campaign, while Ivanka, Don Jr., and Eric were also in on the theft.

And from documents that were revealed, it looks like the payments to Stormy Daniels, that Cohen originally paid for, were paid back to Cohen through the Foundation. Oops! That's not good.

Everything is piecing together now, where we have a much better understanding how this criminal operation had worked, and probably is still working? Trump, his family, and his fixer, are all in on the heist, while they went and used charity money. You talk about a bunch of total scumbags. No wonder Trump wouldn't let us see his taxes.

So here we are people, with more illegal campaign finance contributions, that were stolen from a charitable foundation. We are talking about millions of dollars stolen, possibly not reported, and Trump's family are all in on the heist. The foundation was used as an ATM to hide affairs and law suits.

This just keeps getting worse by the day for Trump, his family, and his complicit supporters, who could care less what crimes he committed, or if this is an illegal election.

LMAO you just keep drooling and hoping.

Forget illegal payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen Mcdougal, and not reporting that money.

Trump is in even bigger criminal financial trouble for using $2.823 million dollars of Trump foundation charity money, that wasn't his, and funneled into his campaign to pay off various law suits and campaign expenses. Oops!

A lawsuit was filed a few months back by Barbara Underwood in New York, and unbeknownst to us all, we had no idea how big of a deal this was going to be.

Trump had used that money to pay off various laws suits to hide the embarrassment of being sued, during his campaign.

And guess who blew the whistle on Trump? Michael Cohen. And guess who blew the whistle on Michael Cohen? Gene Freidman! The taxi man! That's right, Michael Cohen, because of the taxi man showed up in Albany today at the tax department to give the tax department the heads up about Trump as it relates to taxes and Trump's foundation, because Freidman had flipped for the prosecutors, who blew the whistle on Cohen, which now explains why Cohen was so eager to cooperate.

It looks like our Commander in thief has been stealing money from his own charitable foundation, using it towards his campaign, while Ivanka, Don Jr., and Eric were also in on the theft.

And from documents that were revealed, it looks like the payments to Stormy Daniels, that Cohen originally paid for, were paid back to Cohen through the Foundation. Oops! That's not good.

Everything is piecing together now, where we have a much better understanding how this criminal operation had worked, and probably is still working? Trump, his family, and his fixer, are all in on the heist, while they went and used charity money. You talk about a bunch of total scumbags. No wonder Trump wouldn't let us see his taxes.

So here we are people, with more illegal campaign finance contributions, that were stolen from a charitable foundation. We are talking about millions of dollars stolen, possibly not reported, and Trump's family are all in on the heist. The foundation was used as an ATM to hide affairs and law suits.

This just keeps getting worse by the day for Trump, his family, and his complicit supporters, who could care less what crimes he committed, or if this is an illegal election.

WE GOT HIM NOW! #747,023,712
An accusation made is not an accusation proven. Why with such bombshell accusation is Cohen still going to jail? Cohen is a notorious liar.
Yes Cohen is going to jail. He plead guilty.

Forget illegal payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen Mcdougal, and not reporting that money.

Trump is in even bigger criminal financial trouble for using $2.823 million dollars of Trump foundation charity money, that wasn't his, and funneled into his campaign to pay off various law suits and campaign expenses. Oops!

A lawsuit was filed a few months back by Barbara Underwood in New York, and unbeknownst to us all, we had no idea how big of a deal this was going to be.

Trump had used that money to pay off various laws suits to hide the embarrassment of being sued, during his campaign.

And guess who blew the whistle on Trump? Michael Cohen. And guess who blew the whistle on Michael Cohen? Gene Freidman! The taxi man! That's right, Michael Cohen, because of the taxi man showed up in Albany today at the tax department to give the tax department the heads up about Trump as it relates to taxes and Trump's foundation, because Freidman had flipped for the prosecutors, who blew the whistle on Cohen, which now explains why Cohen was so eager to cooperate.

It looks like our Commander in thief has been stealing money from his own charitable foundation, using it towards his campaign, while Ivanka, Don Jr., and Eric were also in on the theft.

And from documents that were revealed, it looks like the payments to Stormy Daniels, that Cohen originally paid for, were paid back to Cohen through the Foundation. Oops! That's not good.

Everything is piecing together now, where we have a much better understanding how this criminal operation had worked, and probably is still working? Trump, his family, and his fixer, are all in on the heist, while they went and used charity money. You talk about a bunch of total scumbags. No wonder Trump wouldn't let us see his taxes.

So here we are people, with more illegal campaign finance contributions, that were stolen from a charitable foundation. We are talking about millions of dollars stolen, possibly not reported, and Trump's family are all in on the heist. The foundation was used as an ATM to hide affairs and law suits.

This just keeps getting worse by the day for Trump, his family, and his complicit supporters, who could care less what crimes he committed, or if this is an illegal election.

WE GOT HIM NOW! #747,023,712

Yep! Probably so.

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