Trumps' LIES

Not unexpected. A hack like With.Progs? hasn't any evidence to prove "leftists" are evil. His opinions are both ridiculous and ludicrous, expected by someone who is totally brainwashed and/or a damn liar.

Only the dumbest really believe the election last was stolen. It is an ego of Trumpism which comes back to the ideology of hate, dishonesty and corruption.
"Only the dumbest really believe the election last was stolen"

Fraud in Pima County — Democrat Whistleblower sent letter to DOJ detailing scheme to add 35,000 fake mail-in ballots for Joe Biden…​

“In a meeting I was invited to by the Democrat party in Pima County, Arizona on September 10, 2020, no phones or recording devices were allowed. A presentation was given including detailed plans to embed 35,000 votes in a spread configured distribution to each Democrat candidate’s vote totals






One video is worth a million stills:

I wonder why Biden's kids are in and out of rehab, and why Hunter is perverted like his dad on cocaine?

Could it be their dad is a creep and would sell his soul and theirs for votes? Nah, couldn't be that.

This is the level of which Xiden is a liar, but more than that how he'd sell his own family out. How low is that? Don't ask a leftist, they're a fucked up bunch.

This also demonstrates how "FACT-CHECKS" are a fraud operated my Democrats. When they claim mostly false for example, you can bet your ass it's mostly true. This Democrat check leaves out tons of context, BECAUSE IT MATTERS. For example, Biden's late wife pulled out into an intersection in front of this guy. As Democrack's do they wanted to displace blame, so they came up with the story the guy must have been drunk, for which there's NO EVIDENCE, and even if there was the unfortunate accident was his late-wife's fault.

If there's a victim role to play Biden plays that hand, even if it means selling out his own family.

80+ million votes?

Hunter Biden is a private citizen, so what business is it of yours what he does, jerkoff?
One video is worth a million stills:

So where were you when Obama told these lies?

Obama's Book of Lies: A Legacy of Taqiyya and Fake News Paperback – September 13, 2017​

Amazon product ASIN 1546669183
OBAMA LIES,he repeat these lies?
(***not a comprehensive list)
1. "I will have the most transparent administration."
President Obama ‘shovel-ready projects.' Those were moving right away ... ‘Jackson,
3. "The IRS is not targeting anyone."
4. "If four Americans get killed…uh…. it is not optimal." (Benghazi)
5. "ObamaCare will be good for America."
6. "If you like your doctor, you can keep him, period."
7. "Premiums will be lowered by $2500"
8. If you like your health insurance, you can keep it, period.
9. "I did not show I did)
10. "No one making less than $250,000 will see their taxes raised one dime."
11. "Benghazi was because of a youtube video."
12. "If I had a son…"
13. "I am not a dictator."
14. "and cynicism".
15. "You didn't build that."
16. "I will restore trust in Government."
17. "The Cambridge police acted stupidly."
18. "I am not after your guns."
19 is a sign of leadership failure." (Senator BO of 2006)
20. "Olympics."
21. "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
22. "The Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk"
23. "It's not my red line it is the worlds red line."
24. "Whistleblowers will be protected."
25. "We got back every dime we used to rescue the banks, with interest."
26. "I will close Gitmo." (Guantanamo)
27. "The She doesn't, -- but she is a typical white person."
28. "I am not spying on American citizens."
30. Nelson Mandela funeral smart-phone "selfies"
31. Goverment shutdown is all the GOP's fault begin
31. "ObamaCare will lower costs for everyone."
32. "More Americans will be insured under obamacare"
33(then he bows to the muslim leaders)
35. "my father served in WW2"
36. 2011 Arab spring FAIL
37. America's 2010 Summer of recovery FAIL
38. Hiring a known palestiniane-verify
39. “I promise 100% transparency in my administration.”
40. "Buying health care insurance will be like using Amazon."
41. “I will end Income Tax for seniors making less than $50K a year.”
42. "I will bring ALL of our troops home within ONE year."
43is at the table!”
44. “I’ll have no lobbyists in my administration."
45. DOJ spying on the free press telephone calls
46. Blocking veterans from seeing their own WWII memorials during shutdown
47. Allowing illegals to protest on mall during the same govt shutdown
48. Shutting down white house (people's house)tours
49. Solyndra bankruptcy cost to taxpayer's
50. "Obamacare will not be used to fund abortions."
51. Eric Holder -- tooooo much to list with this liar-incompetent
52. Millions losing health care coverage
53. RECORD welfare rolls
54. RECORD hollywood parties on the taxpayer's dime
55. RECORD campaign tours on the taxpayer's dime
56. RECORD exorbitant vacations on the taxpayer's dime
57. RECORD number of golf games of any president, on taxpayer's dime
59. Unconstitutional obama recess appointment
60. Taking all credit for SEAL Team 6 success
61. Forcing businesses to violate their abortion religious beliefs with obamacare
62. Obamacare website NEVER worked), cost < $50M to build taxpayer's dime
64. NSA acting as Obama Gestapo, spying in ALL AMERICAN telephone calls.
65. Proposed amnesty for illegal law breakers
66. Spying on Americans, on American soil, with drones
67. NEVER having a balanced budget
68. CONSTANTLY contracting economy under Obama
69. The Russians invaded Ukraine, (and obama does NOTHING)
70. 6 million people losing their healthcare thanks to obamacare.
71. "The United States maintains a 'rock-solid' commitment to Israel"
of money from the companies she regulates) (and obama does NOTHING)
74. ex-IRS official Lerner takes 5th
75. Failed to fund our Nation’s military
76. Higher Spending and No Balanced Budget—EVER
77. $1.2 Trillion in Higher Taxes
78. known obama supporter appointed to investigate IRS targeting scandal
79 signature pads"
80. former Soviet union laughs at Obama's ukraine sanctions.
81. obamacare in the first place!! BECAUSE OF Obamacare!!
83 and he and the LIBERALS are silent on the matter.
genocide in that “we always have a choice . . . we must never be indifferent.”
86. "We're focused like lasers on job creation!!!"
87. "Jobs are our number one priority!!!!"
88. USA under the "obama recovery." working."
90. "that’s working, that’s their business."
91. are being ordered to report in the Ukraine.
92. Syriathe matter.
93. 04/21/2014 Obama delays the keystone pipeline for the 45th time.
94. China has become the #1 economy with "ObamaNomics."
95. Iran WILL have a nuclear bomb under Obama.
96. including retirees
98. incompetence for deception.
99.on the significance
that could and faked evidence to make it seem as if waiting times were under control.
101 U6 unemployment rate: 17.8%
102. May 17th 2014: Greater labor department, and Obama pushes immigration plan.
104. King Barry's "executive actions"
at its the Islamic state.
106. New Record: Price of Gas Above $3 Gallon for 1,245 Days…
107 Taliban BERGDAHL detained illegally in Mexico, less than 1 mile away.
109. But as I've pointed out contributory to the hospital games is this LAW...
One video is worth a million stills:

Screen Shot 2021-12-15 at 10.23.20 PM.png

That would be 21 lies per day...right?
Who was around when 21 lies per day were recorded? Where is the proof that Trump told 21 distinct and unique lies every day for 1,455 consecutive days?
OH by the way... who made that claim? CNN right.. For sure the most honest news network around!

Now I've put up the proof that Obama lied numerous times but am not so stupid has to make a claim that
Obama lied 50,000 times over 8 years!
For years we had faux journalists whining about Trump's "lies," compiling lists of THOUSANDS of statements, impressions, innuendos, etc., that they termed factual statements that were in fact LIES.

And yet the entire Demomocrat universe universe publishes these WHOPPERS daily, and the Lie Patrol remains silent.

Nothing Trump even supposedly lied about in the past five years comes anywhere near this.

Leftists are evil. There is no other explanation.
Whatever the leftists accuse the conservatives of doing is what they themselves are doing.

It’s called “projection.“

The reason the left pitched Trump lied so much was because the objective couldn't support the hatred the establishment sought.

They recognize their following have brains like cattle, so they pitched the theme and their people soaked it up as expected.

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